Now showing items 101-120 of 244

    • Post-conflict peacebuilding. Youth participation in Sierra Leone 

      Aladeokin, Temilade Ayo (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-11-01)
      In the post-conflict population, youth constitute a reservoir brimming with potential energy, ready to be channelled for good or ill. What causes some young people to return to the life of a fighter while others choose to work for a better future? And what can domestic and international actors do to help youth move toward an education, work to support their families, and become active contributors ...
    • Breaking the occupation of the mind. The Freedom Theatre and Palestinian youth empowerment 

      Steinmoen, Sara Karoline (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-18)
      This study seeks to bring focus to the youth`s of The Freedom Theatre and their perspectives on theatre, in particular The Freedom Theatre, vis – a – vis cultural resistance and its impacts on their life. In order to do so, this thesis draws on reflection given by previous students who work at the Theatre. In this way, by tapping into the previous students’ reflections who now work at the theatre, ...
    • Understanding ideologies of “radical” Islamic movements in contemporary Kyrgyzstan 

      Aitkulova, Meerim (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-18)
      This thesis examines violence potential of such Islamic movements like Tablighi Jamaat, Salafi and Hizb ut-Tahrir based on the study of the connection between religion and violence in their ideologies. In order to understand this connection, the study focuses on 17 qualitative interviews with the members of the above-mentioned movements as well as with the experts representing different areas. The ...
    • The utopian myth. Unleashing violence in the name of peace 

      Pop, Ioan-Adrian (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-18)
      The following paper will try to capture and to understand one of the most haunting and one of the most obsessive human endeavors undertaken by mankind: the pursuit for happiness! The goal of this study is that of trying to understand the ever recurring dream of Utopias! The only dream that made, and continues to make history. My goal is to investigate the phenomena of utopias, and to analyze all ...
    • Cihu Memorial Sculpture Park. Iconoclasm, memory and the importance of space 

      Skillingstad, Torhild Larsen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-14)
      The Cihu Memorial Sculpture Park is located in rural Taiwan and features over 200 statues of the former authoritarian leader, Chiang Kai-shek (1893-1975). Taiwan had been ruled by Chiang and his son for 38 years of martial law, which ended in 1987. Since then, democracy has developed and the past has been put under scrutiny. Statues of Chiang decorated all official buildings and schools, but once ...
    • Music, youth and post-election peace initiatives. A study of the Musicians Union of Ghana 

      Tekpor, Sonia Delali (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-16)
      This study examines the role of civil society organizations in post-election peacebuilding in Ghana. The main objective of the study is to demonstrate how musicians in Ghana contribute to peacebuilding through their music. It highlights the specific activities that were organized by MUSIGA to help promote peace before, during and after the 2012 elections in Ghana. Moreover, it ascertains the motivations ...
    • The Impact of Al-Shabab terrorist attacks in Kenya 

      Momanyi, Simeon Mokaya (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-12-04)
      As the world becomes more technologically advanced, terrorism has risen as a major setback to the advancement of the human race. Kenya, specifically, has been hard hit by terrorist attacks during the past twenty years or so. In 1998, Kenya experienced its first major terrorist hit when the US Embassy was bombed, resulting in hundreds of deaths and injuries. The next significant attack took place in ...
    • “Like you entered you left, with nothing!” Empowerment amongst female ex-combatants in Nicaragua 

      Dahl, Maia Marie Reibo (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-11-16)
      The massive participation of women in the Nicaraguan revolution stands in contrast with the widespread idea of Latin American women’s subordinate status in society. By virtue of their new roles as guerilla soldiers and common conspirators, these women experienced a higher level of gender equality within the guerilla than in society at large. However, the new won freedom of movement, admiration and ...
    • Dialogue as a tool in peacebuilding. Theoretical and empirical perspectives. 

      Incerti-Théry, Irene (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-18)
      The thesis discusses dialogue as a tool in peacebuilding. The problem statement raises the need for knowledge of what dialogue is, competence in how to employ dialogue and adherence to the use of dialogue, for it to be a tool in peacebuilding. Through the ontological position of constructivism, I argue for a reconstruction of the term dialogue. The thesis aims to develop on a theoretical framework ...
    • Living by the Day: A Study of the Badjaos in Tawi-Tawi, Southwest Philippines 

      Navarro, Erwin Rapiz (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-11-19)
      Abstract This study examines the impacts of sedentarization processes to the Badjaos in Tawi-Tawi, southwest of the Philippines. The study focuses on the means of sedentarizing the Badjaos, which are; the housing program and conditional cash transfer fund system. This study looks into the conditionalities, perceptions and experiences of the Badjaos who are beneficiaries of the mentioned programs. ...
    • Ethnic boundaries in Kyrgyzstan- the place for preserving identity, sharing memories and initiating conflicts. Case study: Kurd and Dungan ethnic groups. 

      Takutdinova, Diana (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-15)
      This thesis examines the lives of two ethnicities in Kyrgyzstan, their history of evolvement, territorial conditions and possibilities for inter-ethnic conflicts with the Kyrgyz majority, from the perspective of living within ethnic boundaries. For the comparative analysis I have chosen two minority groups: Kurds and Dungans. My main reason for choosing these ethnic groups in particular is their ...
    • Secular Nepal: Understanding the Dynamics of Religious Nationalism and Secularism 

      Dahal, Keshab (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-20)
      This study has examined the process how Nepal became a secular state. Revolution for democracy in 2006 dethroned the King; Maoists waging decade long armed conflict signed a peace agreement and joined mainstream politics. Soon after the peace agreement Nepal “the only Hindu Kingdom in the world” with some 80% following inhabitants was officially declared a secular state. The case of Nepal is ...
    • Female livelihoods in conflict situations: Case from Bawku - Ghana 

      Mumuni, Victoria Sharon-Lisa (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-18)
      This thesis focuses on women’s resilience in maintaining their livelihood in conflict situations, in the Bawku municipality of Northern Ghana. It is about women meeting their welfare needs and also sustaining their families in civil conflict situations. To meet this objective, the study draws upon multiple qualitative interviews, focus group discussions and observations from female household traders ...
    • 'Who do You Think this School is For?' Moralities and Ethical Practices on a New Orleans Urban Farm 

      Kristiansen, Øystein (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-06-01)
      This thesis makes use of anthropological theories of morality and ethics to make sense of the work on an urban farm in a troubled neighbourhood in New Orleans, Louisiana.
    • Microfinance and Women’s Empowerment: A Study of ‘VDRC-Nepal’ in Jamuniya, Nepal. 

      Kafle, Surya Prasad (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-11-23)
      The present study has examined the impact of micro loans on women‟s economic activities. It has specifically highlighted how women‟s income generating activities through small loans help to improve their status in household and local communities. This study is based on eleven semi-structure interviews, two focus group discussions and field observation. The term „empowerment‟ including its three ...
    • Struggling Against the Caste-based Inequalities: A Study of Dalits in Devisthan VDC, Baglung, Nepal 

      Thapa, Debendra Bahadur (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-11-23)
      This thesis attempts to examine the struggle of Dalit (untouchable) people against the caste-based inequalities in post-conflict Nepal. The objective of this research is to bring forth the Dalits’ voice against the caste-based inequality and their subtle experiences on the way to struggle. It analyses the ongoing efforts of Dalit Movement and its impact on achieving equality, freedom and social ...
    • Broken Dreams in “Land of Gold and Honey”? The case of cross-cultural marriages of Ukrainian women in Norway 

      Vasylyeva, Yulya (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-11-19)
      The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate “What are the crucial factors for self-realization for Ukrainian women in Norway?” This is a qualitative, case-study research, based on the method of Narrative Inquiry. The fairy tale of Cinderella who waits for her charming prince is still the most popular story among the majority of women in Ukraine. Contemporary Ukrainian reality cannot satisfy ...
    • Georgian – South Ossetian Dialogue: A case study of “Youth Peace Express” project 

      Batsiashvili, Davit (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-11-16)
      Georgian-Ossetian conflict has a long history; the last armed conflict happened between Georgian and Ossetian ethnic groups occurred in August, 2008. After that 5-days’ war in Tskhinvali region Tbilisi has no diplomatic relations with Moscow. Russian troops entered Tskhinvali on August, 8 and expelled Georgian military. Later, Russia recognized the independence of both South Ossetia and Abkhazia. ...
    • Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) in the context of a total victory: elimination or evolution of the concept. The case of Sri Lanka 

      Antonovskaya, Vasilina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-11-16)
      Several years ago a devastating civil war that raged in Sri Lanka for 3 decades between the state army and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), finally ended. One of the immediate issues that the country had to face in the aftermath of the war was dealing with the remnants of the LTTE combatants. For that purpose, the state launched the program of Demobilization, Disarmament and Reintegration ...
    • Decolonizing the Drug War: Bolivia's Movement to Transform Coca Control 

      Murano, Andrew J. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-11-23)
      Coca has been a controversial concept entangled in a complex web of conflicting political rhetoric; existing simultaneously as a sacred icon to unite the Andean nations, and as a serious scourge on humanity, fraught with social and economic danger to be exterminated for the good of mankind. Labeled by the United Nations as a narcotic, it has been a principal target of the hegemonic ideology of ...