Viser treff 81-100 av 244

    • Perspectives of Policing: An Analysis of the Discursive Constructions of Policing, Race, and Criminal Justice in the United States 

      Burian, Matthew Stephen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      This thesis is an analysis of the competing discursive constructions of policing, race, and criminal justice in the United States. I identify two main competing discourses active in this field, a Liberal Individualist Discourse, and a Social Collectivist Discourse. I explore the way these two discourses construct the three areas in focus and argue that the Liberal Individualist Discourse has led ...
    • Reintegration of Maoists Ex-combatants in Nepal 

      Kandel, Kamal (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-11-15)
      Reintegration of ex-combatants is one of the major processes after the end of armed conflict. This study revolved around the question of social, political and economic challenges and opportunities that ex-combatants in Nepal come across while they remained in cantonment and after their voluntary retirement. The idea of integration has been analyzed along three dimensions; social, political and ...
    • When are you going home? Voluntary repatriation of Liberian refugees in Ghana 

      Yeboah, Justice (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-06-02)
      The study examines voluntary repatriation in the context of Liberian refugees living in Ghana. The aim of the study is to throw more light on why some Liberian refugees living in Ghana are unwilling to participate in the voluntary repatriation exercise to Liberia. The study hopes to provide better understanding of why the top – down approach to voluntary repatriation that is employed by UNHCR does ...
    • Effects of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act on Gender: Influence of Social Ecology on Psychological well-being of Women in Nagaland 

      Iralu, Khriezomeno (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      The study examines the effects of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) on gender in Nagaland. The AFSPA is an extra judicial legislation enforced in 1958 to fight insurgency in several states in India including Nagaland. From its initiation, the Act has invited great controversy because it authorized the military, paramilitary and police to arrest, detain and shoot to death any person who is ...
    • Intra State Conflict and Violence Against Civilians. A Study of the Syrian Civil War and the Violence Committed by the Assad Regime Against the Syrian People 

      Rosseland, Jo Myhren (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      Understanding the causes of violence and inquiring the knowledge is an absolute necessity when a peace-like situation or genuine peace is the ultimate concern, thus providing insights into the nature and causes of conflicts, as well as efforts at building peace and restoring confidence in institutions in conflict-affected societies Exploring motivation and reasons for engaging and perpetuating ...
    • China and European Union in Africa. Comparison of China and EU Development Cooperation in Africa 

      Tomic, Slobodan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      This thesis presents development strategies of the European Union and China inside the African continent. The European long presence in the African continent was challenged by China, the new actor on the international scene. Western system guided by the OECD regulations and demands was confronted by China, the biggest developing country demanding ‘win-win’ cooperation policy based on mutual benefit ...
    • Conflict reporting in the High North. Signs of peace journalism in Norwegian media representations of Russians? Case study. The Elektron incident 

      Lundberg, Lene (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-08-12)
      The case study of this thesis is the incident with the Russian trawler Elektron in 2005. The trawler was fishing illegally in the Barents Sea, and escaped from Norwegian authorities with two Norwegian fisheries inspectors on board. The event stirred up the military, governments and the news media. The aim of this analysis is to look at how Russian actors are framed in the Norwegian media. The concept ...
    • Youth unemployment in Uganda. Challenges and survival strategies of women in Kampala 

      Pettersen, Anne-Marit (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-11-01)
      Uganda has one of the youngest and fastest growing populations in the world. Youth are often described as a group of people with high potential for increasing productivity and hence can be a good basis for economic growth. However, a large young and fast-growing population also poses immense challenges in the form of widespread youth unemployment. Statistics shows that youth faces a higher ...
    • Experiences of immigrant Nepalese women workers in South Korea. A study 

      Kafle, Ranju Sharma (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-11-14)
      The present study examines the experiences of of the Emigrant Nepalese women workers in South Korea. While in a foreign employment, most of them have achieved their empowerment despite the gender issues and violence. Back home the traditional patriarchal society posed them hurdles and they were economically dependent on their families and husbands. But, after their foreign employment, they have ...
    • A Decade of national infrastructure for peace. Assessing the role of The National Peace Council in Ghanaian elections 

      Owusu, Kelvin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      This study focuses on national infrastructure for peace and elections. The study assesses the role played by the National Peace Council (NPC) in promoting peace during elections in Ghana. The main aim of the study is to research into how well the activities and mechanisms of the NPC promoted peace in the recent election. It also shows the challenges that affect the NPC’s promo-tion of peace during ...
    • Integration from the bottom-up. Using recognition to understand the relations between Norwegians and refugees 

      Jacques, Miguel (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      The relationship between Norwegian citizens and refugees is ambiguous, were some argue that refugees should adopt the mainstream culture in Norway. Other advocate the refugees’ right to hold their cultures and beliefs, and stress the importance of a tolerant state of affairs. This leads to the debate about integration and how to best facilitate the inclusion of newly arrived refugees. Certain groups ...
    • Leverage in international mediation. The approach of faith-based mediation by the Community of Sant’Egidio 

      Seppälä, Saara Elina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      The topic of this master thesis is leverage in international mediation and it focuses on the empirical study of the faith-based mediation by the Catholic Lay NGO called the Community of Sant’Egidio. The religious aspects shaping their mediation approach are studied through three empirical case studies in the context of peace processes in Mozambique, Liberia, and Casamance in Senegal to find out the ...
    • Bridging the gap between science and animal ethics. The morality of industrial animal farming with regards to animal welfare 

      Thubron, Sarah (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-20)
      Current debates regarding animal rights and ethics tend to remain separated from the relevant science and scientific evidence. The aim of this thesis is to therefore help fill this gap by bringing together moral philosophy and the scientific study of animal welfare in the context of industrial animal farming. Although the facts and research exist, they have so far mostly remained independent of the ...
    • Maternal care of undocumented pregnant women under the Fees Act (Medical) for Foreigners 1951. Perspectives of health and non-health actors 

      Loo, Pei Shan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      With the unprecedented international migration around the world, policies that restrict immigrants' health care access have become prevailing. In 2014, the amendment to The Fees Act (Medical) for Foreigners 1951 had further hindered the health care access of undocumented pregnant women. This qualitative study aimed to obtain perspectives of health and non-health actors regarding the implications of ...
    • Playing Soviet soldiers. Virtual communicative memory in Kyrgyzstan 

      Shakhnazarov, Mikhail (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      The thesis explores the fields of memory studies and video game studies. As a result, it proposes the concept of virtual communicative memory to encapsulate the special form of memory that can be produced by player interaction with video games. As an instance of modern media, video games bring the added dimensions of player agency, engagement of personal values and ethical sensibilities of the ...
    • Visions of integration. How immigrants make sense of a new landscape 

      Stein, Barbara Sophia (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      People from all over the world and manifold backgrounds come to Germany to live there. When they come they need to make sense of what they are experiencing in that new landscape in order to become part of society with ideally equal rights and opportunities. Integration is one way to frame the arrival and settling of immigrants in a new society. This is in particular the case when moving across borders ...
    • Inequality, perceptions of identity and conflict. Inferences from the Black Cat Track, Papua New Guinea 

      Vandestadt, Simon Robert (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      This thesis considers how violent conflict can be explained and studied, the type of evidence that suggests causes of conflict, who is gets involved and why. Interest is in what causes the cleavages between adversaries and the extent to which differences might be real or perceived. A case study, from the Black Cat Track in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea (PNG) and involving a violent attack on ...
    • International development and West African pastoralism. Analysing conceptions of livestock ownership 

      Hukill, Jacob Paul (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-06)
      Pastoralists make up an important segment of the population of West Africa and inhabit large swathes of the Sahel that are unusable for crop-based agriculture for much of the year. This study aims to identify and understand how cultural, social, and economic implications of livestock ownership and care affect the implementation and outcomes of agricultural development projects targeting pastoralists ...
    • NRK TV-aksjonen. The Norwegian self-perception and world image 

      Furuli, Andrea Indrehus (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-11-01)
      TV-aksjonen is an annual telethon hosted by the Norwegian state-channel NRK. Since 1974, the telethon ́s aim has been to fundraised money for humanitarian purposes, and enlighten the Norwegian people about world issues. This thesis examines the role TV-aksjonen plays in the Norwegian self-perception. Further, the aim of this project has also been to identify the possible consequences for how the ...
    • Exploring people’s motives for participating in the post 2011-election protest in Arkhangelsk, Russia 

      Kolykhaev, Rostislav (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-16)
      The thesis examines the motives of people in Arkhangelsk (Russia) to take part in the 10 December 2011 protest which emerged after the Duma elections. The objective of the research is to find out what motivated people in Arkhangelsk to take part in the protest (i.e. what kind of drivers triggered them to participate). The study draws on theory of spatial analyses of protest under the Russia’s hybrid ...