Now showing items 121-140 of 153

    • Personhood and companionship among Evenki and their reindeer in Eastern Siberia 

      Landerer, Evelyn (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-08-08)
      This thesis aims to contribute to our understanding of human-reindeer relations among nomadic hunters and reindeer keepers and is based on a discussion of manifestations of personhood in Siberia. I then relate these to contemporary theories in human-animal relations and argue that in the case of this research setting, these relations exceed notions of symbiotic domestication and social contracts. I ...
    • Encroachments as a problem for Sami reindeer husbandry 

      Rørholt, Anne Cathrine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-06-08)
      This thesis is about the loss of pastures as a problem for the Sami reindeer husbandry. The aim is to describe measures that may contribute to a new policy of dealing with the problem of the further loss of pastures perceived for the Sami reindeer areas. Whereas the Sami reindeer husbandry has managed to deal with the development so far, there are voices that claim: "Our land is taken bit by bit: ...
    • Stories of origin of the Sotho people of QwaQwa : the construction and maintenance of society through narratives 

      Pitso, Mantsi Teboho (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-05-15)
      This thesis studies the role of narratives, particularly stories that describe the origins of people, in the construction, maintenance and restructuring of society. The focus of this thesis is on the ‘stories of origin’ of the Basotho of QwaQwa, a small town in the Free State province of South Africa. The narratives told are diverse in their content and context however they play a similar role in ...
    • "A fishery zone in Finnmark?" 

      Lyngra, Aslaug Kleppe (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-12-01)
      The focus of this thesis includes the different arguments concerning a fishery zone in Finnmark based on the reports by the Sámi Fishery Commission and the Coast- and Fishery Commission. The International Conventions, article 27 of the ICCPR and the ILO convention no.169 are of special relevance for the topic of this thesis.The issue of whether the Sami, as an indigenous people and as a minority, ...
    • "Let’s go back to go forward" : history and practice of schooling in the indigenous communities in Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh 

      Kabir, Mohammed Mahbubul (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-06-15)
      This research deals with the history of education for the indigenous peoples in Chittagong Hills Tracts (CHT) Bangladesh who, like many places under postcolonial nation states, have no constitutional recognition, nor do their languages have a place in the state education system. Comprising data from literature and empirical study in CHT and underpinned on a conceptual framework on indigenous peoples’ ...
    • Resettlement and local livelihoods in Nechsar National Park, Southern Ethiopia 

      Biressu, Abiyot Negera (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-05-15)
      This thesis deals with resettlement and local livelihoods in Nechsar National Park, in Southern Ethiopia. It asks three main questions: Why is resettlement of the Guji out of Nechsar National Park emphasized? What are the arguments? What is the relation between the park and its natural resources and the Guji livelihoods? What is the place and right of local communities in natural resource management ...
    • Davvi Šuvva 1979 : being Sámi, becoming indigenous : vocal and musical manifestation of Sámi and indigenous movement 

      Angell, Synnøve (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-05-20)
      This thesis focuses on the significance of Sámi and indigenous vocal and musical expression in ethno and indigenous political mobilizing in the 1970s and particularly in June 1979. My point of departure is the Davvi Šuvva festival; the first Sámi and international indigenous culture and music festival after the establishing of the World Council of Indigenous Peoples. It took place on a hill in a ...
    • Riddu Riđđu, joik or rock-n-roll? : A study of Riddu Riđđu Festivála and its role as a cultural tool for ethnic revitalization 

      Leonenko, Anastasia (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-04-04)
      The International Indigenous Riddu Riđđu Festivála has taken place every year since 1991 in Manndalen, a Coastal Saami hamlet, in the municipality of Kåfjord in the county of Troms in the North of Norway. The festival represents by itself an independent event that through indigenous management and developed ethno-relations inside the country, promoting the idea of cultural awareness and sensitivity ...
    • The changing Garo Adivasi culture of Bangladesh : a case study of marriage rituals 

      Islam, Md.Rafiqul (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-06-09)
      This thesis work is mainly focused on the Garos’ cultural changes related to their marriage rituals and comparative situations. From a comparative perspective the study compared between a plain land Garo village, which is to some extent with some urban facilities, and a forest surrounded remote Garo village. The leading research questions are: ‘Why is the Garo culture changing?’ and ‘What are ...
    • Social identity management and integration amongst indigenous African refugee minorities in Norway : the case of Kvæfjord kommune 

      Marambanyika, Ocean (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-06-06)
      This thesis principally deals with issues of social identity management and integration amongst African refugee minorities in Norway. Employing an analytical strategy, the thesis explores varying complex and inter-related situations faced by indigenous African refugees in Norway and how these situations presents challenges in social identity management by the refugees. This piece of work specifically ...
    • The role of radio and TV in the life of ethnic minorities in Vietnam : case study: the H'mong people in Lao Cai and Lai Chau province 

      Nguyen, Thuy Thi Thu (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-06-24)
      In this thesis, we will follow the discourse on the role of radio and TV in the life of minorities in Vietnam. Before going in depth to answer the research questions, I am going to give an introduction to the situation of ethnic minorities and media for ethnic minorities in Vietnam. My research focused on the roles of radio and TV regarding the fields of education and identity preservation for ethnic ...
    • Justice administration based on indigenous law in the Miskito community of Karata, North Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua 

      Rojas Hooker, Sandra Carolina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-05-30)
      This thesis discusses the Justice Administration System in Karata and the influence of Positive Law over the Indigenous Law or vice versa. The research was based primarily on participatory observation, focus group discussion, interviews with key person and literature review regarding Indigenous law, legal pluralism and conflict resolution. The conclusions reached was that Justice Administration ...
    • The socio-cultural and economic impact of refugees on the host indigenous communities in West Africa : a case study of Liberian refugees at Buduburam community in Ghana 

      Boamah-Gyau, Kwame (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-06-19)
      This thesis is concerned with refugees and their impact on the host community. Throughout the World, the UNHCR is not only concerned with the hosting, feeding, sheltering, clothing and educating the refugees. It is also addressing their impact on the host communities that face the consequences of their presence. In the effort to host protracted refugees, many developing host communities face various ...
    • Education and girl-child empowerment : the case of Bunkpurugu/Yunyoo district in Northern Ghana 

      Fant, Elijah Kombian (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-06-13)
      Education is a human right. It is guaranteed under the United Nations Convention on the rights of the child. This convention is the most widely ratified international treaty in the world today. Ghana has ratified the Convention on the Rights of a child and makes education a Constitutional right. The 1992 Constitution of Ghana guarantees Free and Compulsory Basic Education to every child of school ...
    • Blaming Jhum, denying Jhumia : challenges of indigenous peoples land rights in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) of Bangladesh : a case study on Chakma and Tripura 

      Tripura, Sontosh Bikash (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-06)
      The special focus in this thesis is about the challenges of the indigenous peoples land rights in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) in Bangladesh. Traditionally, indigenous peoples practiced jhum cultivation. The notion of the ownership of the land for the practices of jhum cultivation is distinct from wet-rice cultivation. The jhum cultivator must every year change the places to plant from one ...
    • Liability of transnational corporations for indigenous peoples human rights violations 

      Bekele, Workabeba Woldemelekot (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-05-30)
      It was around the beginning of November 2006. I was reading a book by Prof. Koen De Feyter World Development Law where I first see the term ‘indigenous peoples’. Two of the cases summarized in the book had taken my attention, i.e., the case of Mayagna (Sumo) Awas Tingni indigenous community of Nicaragua, and Ogoni people of Nigeria. The cases were brought at different regional human right courts ...
    • Fishing under the consent of the Kingdom : from local requests to indigenous claims in a coastal Sami fjord 

      Brattland, Camilla (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2005)
      In the thesis, we follow the development of a discourse on coastal Sami rights on the local level and in public discourses from the 1970s up until today. In Norwegian fisheries management, fishing is only to a certain extent protected from regulations that threaten culture, livelihoods and settlement in coastal Sami areas. Resource use in coastal Sami areas has previously not been a subject of ...
    • Indigenous water rights : a case study of the Quechua people from Chinchero, Peru. 

      Cárdenas, Rosa Inquiltupa (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007-12-07)
      In this thesis I discuss and show how the unequal distribution of water rights results in a deprivation of economic, social, and cultural prospects for the indigenous peoples in Chinchero. I attempt to illustrate that Peruvian water legislation does not belong to the same context as the indigenous people’s cultural perception. Firstly, the Peruvian legal context based on the national Constitution ...
    • On the future of indigenous traditions : the case of Adivasis of Jharkhand, India 

      Mundu, Bineet J. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2006-11)
      This thesis, ‘On the Future of Indigenous Traditions: The Case of Adivasis of Jharkhand, India’ on the whole by making it a case study brings a focus on the Adivasis as the indigenous peoples of India. It touches upon a few important historical facts of the groups of Adivasis now located in the central-east part of country. Additionally it goes on into the sources that determine their traditional ...
    • A comparison between Japan and Norway regarding ILO Convention No. 169 

      Uzawa, Kanako (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007-11-08)
      Who defines indigenous peoples, and in whose interests does the definition serve? If there is a definition that is regulated in relation to indigenous peoples, how much does it the protect rights of indigenous peoples? Considering these questions as my point of departure, I have chosen to do a comparative study on the Sami in Norway and the Ainu in Japan in the context of ILO Convention No. 169. ...