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dc.contributor.authorAli, Jawad
dc.contributor.authorJohansen, Wenche
dc.contributor.authorAhmad, Rafi
dc.description.abstractBloodstream infections (BSIs) and sepsis are major health problems, annually claiming millions of lives. Traditional blood culture techniques, employed to identify sepsis-causing pathogens and assess antibiotic susceptibility, usually take 2–4 days. Early and accurate antibiotic prescription is vital in sepsis to mitigate mortality and antibiotic resistance. This study aimed to reduce the wait time for sepsis diagnosis by employing shorter blood culture incubation times for BD BACTEC™ bottles using standard laboratory incubators, followed by real-time nanopore sequencing and data analysis. The method was tested on nine blood samples spiked with clinical isolates from the six most prevalent sepsis-causing pathogens. The results showed that pathogen identification was possible at as low as 10<sup>2</sup>–10<sup>4</sup> CFU/mL, achieved after just 2 h of incubation and within 40 min of nanopore sequencing. Moreover, all the antimicrobial resistance genes were identified at 10<sup>3</sup>–10<sup>7</sup> CFU/mL, achieved after incubation for 5 h and only 10 min to 3 h of sequencing. Therefore, the total turnaround time from sample collection to the information required for an informed decision on the right antibiotic treatment was between 7 and 9 h. These results hold significant promise for better clinical management of sepsis compared with current culture-based methods.en_US
dc.identifier.citationAli, Johansen, Ahmad. Short turnaround time of seven to nine hours from sample collection until informed decision for sepsis treatment using nanopore sequencing. Scientific Reports. 2024;14(1)
dc.identifier.cristinIDFRIDAID 2256763
dc.relation.journalScientific Reports
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2024 The Author(s)en_US
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)en_US
dc.titleShort turnaround time of seven to nine hours from sample collection until informed decision for sepsis treatment using nanopore sequencingen_US
dc.typeJournal articleen_US

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