Viser treff 2241-2260 av 10412

    • Occupational cold exposure is associated with neck pain, low back pain, and lumbar radiculopathy 

      Stjernbrandt, Albin; Farbu, Erlend Hoftun (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-24)
      Ambient cold exposure can pose health risks, and this study was aimed at investigating associations with musculoskeletal disorders. A postal survey was performed on 12,627 men and women, ages 18–70 years, living in northern Sweden. Statistical associations were determined using multiple logistic regression. The study sample consisted of 6,886 women (54.5%), and 5,741 men. Reporting high occupational ...
    • Targeting Internalizing Symptoms in Children: What is the Impact on School Functioning? 

      Pedersen, Marit Løtveit; Holen, Solveig; Sund, Anne Mari; Adolfsen, Frode; Løvaas, Mona Elisabeth S; Martinsen, Kristin; Neumer, Simon-Peter; Patras, Joshua; Rasmussen, Lene-Mari Potulski; Lydersen, Stian (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-13)
      Internalizing problems may be associated with poor academic performance and school absenteeism among youth. This study investigated the impact of the EMOTION: “Coping Kids” Managing Anxiety and Depression Program on academic achievement and school adaptation in children. Data were collected in a national cluster-randomized controlled trial at three time points in Norway. Children (N = 688, 8–12 ...
    • “It was an important part of my treatment”: a qualitative study of Norwegian breast Cancer patients’ experiences with mainstreamed genetic testing 

      Strømsvik, Nina; Olsson, Pernilla Marie A.; Gravdehaug, Berit; Lurås, Hilde; Schlichting, Ellen; Jørgensen, Kjersti; Wangensteen, Teresia; Vamre, Tone; Heramb, Cecilie; Mæhle, Lovise Olaug; Grindedal, Eli Marie (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-02-05)
      Background - In South-Eastern Norway, genetic testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 is offered to breast cancer patients by their treating surgeon or oncologist. Genetic counselling from a geneticist or a genetic counsellor is offered only to those who test positive for a pathogenic variant or have a family history of cancer. This practice is termed “mainstreamed genetic testing”. The aim of this study was ...
    • The impact of case factors on the initial screening decision in child welfare investigations in Norway 

      Rustad, Kirsten Buck; Lauritzen, Camilla; Havnen, Karen J Skaale; Fossum, Sturla; Christiansen, Øivin; Vis, Svein Arild (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-06-15)
      Background - When a child welfare service agency receives a report of concern, there is an initial screening to decide whether an investigation needs to be initiated. In addition to the decision maker, case factors, external factors, and organizational factors have an impact on decision making in Child Welfare Services (CWS). Few recent studies have considered the impact of case factors on the initial ...
    • Er det forskjell i behandlingsresultat mellom pasienter som besvarer spørreskjema om utfall etter nakkekirurgi og pasienter som ikke gjør det? 

      Aune, Grethe; Karlsen, Martine Eriksen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-08-05)
      Bakgrunn og formål: Oppgaven er en valideringsstudie basert på data fra Nasjonalt kvalitetsregister for rygg- og nakkekirurgi (NKR). Validiteten til kvalitetsregistre er avhengig av tilstrekkelig høy responsrate for at konklusjonene som trekkes angående effekt av en behandling skal være korrekte. Formålet med studien er å analysere om det er forskjell i behandlingsresultat mellom pasienter som ...
    • Identifying predictive signalling networks for Vedolizumab response in ulcerative colitis. 

      Singh, A.; Fenton, Christopher Graham; Anderssen, Endre; Paulssen, Ruth H (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-05-11)
      Background - In ulcerative colitis (UC), the molecular mechanisms that drive disease development and patient response to therapy are not well understood. A significant proportion of patients with UC fail to respond adequately to biologic therapy. Therefore, there is an unmet need for biomarkers that can predict patients’ responsiveness to the available UC therapies as well as ascertain the most ...
    • Unintentional response priming from verbal action–effect instructions 

      Damanskyy, Yevhen; Martiny-Huenger, Torsten; Parks-Stamm, Elizabeth J. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-02)
      Action–effect learning is based on a theoretical concept that actions are associated with their perceivable consequences through bidirectional associations. Past research has mostly investigated how these bidirectional associations are formed through actual behavior and perception of the consequences. The present research expands this idea by investigating how verbally formulated action–effect ...
    • Accuracy and agreement of national spine register data for 474 patients compared to corresponding electronic patient records 

      Alhaug, Ole Kristian; Kaur, Simran; Dolatowski, Filip C; Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova; Solberg, Tore; Lønne, Greger (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-06)
      Purpose - Data quality is essential for all types of research, including health registers. However, data quality is rarely reported. We aimed to assess the accuracy of data in a national spine register (NORspine) and its agreement with corresponding data in electronic patient records (EPR).<p> <p>Methods - We compared data in NORspine registry against data in (EPR) for 474 patients operated for ...
    • Explaining risk reductions in medical practice : prevention or postponement? 

      Halvorsen, Peder Andreas (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2008)
      Diagnosis, treatment and follow up of risk conditions such as hypercholesterolemia and osteoporosis are prominent tasks of contemporary medical practice. The aim is to prevent, or at least postpone the onset of adverse health outcomes such as angina pectoris, heart attacks, strokes and fractures. Dealing with risks involves decision making under uncertainty. For patients to be able to engage ...
    • Screen-detected and interval breast cancer after concordant and discordant interpretations in a population based screening program using independent double reading 

      Martiniussen, Marit Almenning; Sagstad, Silje; Larsen, Marthe; Larsen, Anne Sofie Frøyshov; Hovda, Tone; Lee, Christoph I.; Hofvind, Solveig Sand-Hanssen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-02)
      Objectives - To analyze rates, odds ratios (OR), and characteristics of screen-detected and interval cancers after concordant and discordant initial interpretations and consensus in a population-based screening program.<p> <p>Methods - Data were extracted from the Cancer Registry of Norway for 487,118 women who participated in BreastScreen Norway, 2006–2017, with 2 years of follow-up. All mammograms ...
    • Medication adherence among persons with coronary heart disease and associations with blood pressure and low-density-lipoprotein-cholesterol 

      Pedersen, Elisabeth; Primicerio, Raul; Halvorsen, Kjell H.; Eggen, Anne Elise; Garcia, Beate Hennie; Schirmer, Henrik; Waaseth, Marit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-21)
      Purpose - To describe medication adherence to lipid-lowering drugs (LLDs), antihypertensive drugs, and acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) among persons with coronary heart disease (CHD) and explore its association with low-density-lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure.<p> <p>Methods - Based on record linkage between the seventh wave of the Tromsø Study and the Norwegian ...
    • Automated segmentation of magnetic resonance bone marrow signal: a feasibility study 

      von Brandis, Elisabeth; Jenssen, Håvard Bjørke; Avenarius, Derk Frederik Matthaus; Bjørnerud, Atle; Flatø, Berit; Tomterstad, Anders; Lilleby, Vibke; Rosendahl, Karen; Sakinis, Tomas; Zadig, Pia Karin Karlsen; Müller, Lil-Sofie Ording (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-02-02)
      Background - Manual assessment of bone marrow signal is time-consuming and requires meticulous standardisation to secure adequate precision of findings.<p> <p>Objective - We examined the feasibility of using deep learning for automated segmentation of bone marrow signal in children and adolescents.<p> <p>Materials and methods - We selected knee images from 95 whole-body MRI examinations of ...
    • Protocol for Isolation and Culture of Mouse Hepatocytes (HCs), Kupffer Cells (KCs), and Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells (LSECs) in Analyses of Hepatic Drug Distribution 

      Elvevold, Kjetil; Kyrrestad, Ingelin; Smedsrød, Bård (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-02-25)
      Development of the new generation of drugs (e.g., oligo- and polynucleotides administered intravascularly either as free compounds or as nano-formulations) frequently encounters major challenges such as lack of control of targeting and/or delivery. Uncontrolled or unwanted clearance by the liver is a well-known and particularly important hurdle in this respect. Hence, reliable techniques are needed ...
    • Iron status and prevalence of hereditary haemochromatosis in a multiethnic population in northern Norway : the SAMINOR study, the Sør-Varanger study, the Tromsø V study 

      Broderstad, Ann Ragnhild (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2008)
      Iron status is influenced by several factors such as nutritional factors and blood loss. Tron deficiency is one of the most severe and important nutritional deficiencies in the world today, both in industrialised as well as developing countries [1-3]. In normal subjects the total daily loss of iron is balanced by an equivalent amount of iron absorbed from the diet. When this equilibrium is ...
    • Five years of exercise intervention at different intensities and development of white matter hyperintensities in community dwelling older adults, a Generation 100 sub-study 

      Arild, Anette; Vangberg, Torgil Riise; Nikkels, Hanne; Lydersen, Stian; Wisløff, Ulrik; Stensvold, Dorthe; Håberg, Asta (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-18)
      We investigated if a five-year supervised exercise intervention with moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) versus control; physical activity according to national guidelines, attenuated the growth of white matter hyperintensities (WMH). We hypothesized that supervised exercise, in particular HIIT, reduced WMH growth. Older adults from the general ...
    • Venous Air Embolism Activates Complement C3 Without Corresponding C5 Activation and Trigger Thromboinflammation in Pigs 

      Storm, Benjamin; Ludviksen, Judith K; Christiansen, Dorte; Fure, Hilde; Pettersen, Kristin; Landsem, Anne; Nilsen, Bent Aksel; Dybwik, Knut Gustav; Braaten, Tonje; Nielsen, Erik Waage; Mollnes, Tom Eirik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-15)
      Introduction: Air embolism may complicate invasive medical procedures. Bubbles trigger complement C3-mediated cytokine release, coagulation, and platelet activation in vitro in human whole blood. Since these findings have not been verified in vivo, we aimed to examine the effects of air embolism in pigs on thromboinflammation.<p> <p>Methods: Forty-five landrace pigs, average 17 kg (range 8.5-30), ...
    • Hjemmeabort ved UNN 

      Johnsen, Oda Margrethe (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-31)
      Medisinsk abort kan gjøres hjemme ved gestasjonslengde <9 uker. Denne studien ser på hvordan dette behandlingstilbudet opplevdes blant kvinner som velger denne behandlingen ved UNN Tromsø. Formålet er å identifisere forbedringsmuligheter på bakgrunn av kvinners opplevelse av hjemmeabort. I studieperioden mars 2021 til august 2021 ble 34 abortsøkende kvinner med svangerskapslengde <9 uker inkludert ...
    • Kan implisitte holdninger i tannhelsetjenesten påvirke hvilke kliniske beslutninger og vurderinger som tas? 

      Arntzen, Guro; Mæhre, Maria Emilie (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-02)
      Bakgrunn: Innenfor tannhelsetjenesten kan behandleren ofte møte pasienter som opplever subjektiv smerte, og det kan hende at flere behandlingsalternativer kan vurderes til å være rett behandling avhengig av hvilken behandler som vurderer pasientkasuset. Til tross for at det finnes forskning på implisitte holdningers påvirkning på kliniske beslutninger innenfor mange områder innenfor helsevesenet, ...
    • The effect of low pH on surface hardness, volume, surface area and morphology of direct dental restorative materials 

      Thomassen, Julie Susann Sindsen; Fossland, Ane Sofie Melhus; Jensen, Karine Lovise Strand (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-02)
      Background: Dental erosions as a disease is an increasing problem today, in particularly among adolescents. They may be caused by intrinsic factors such as gastric juice, frequently present in the oral cavity of bulimic patients. Direct dental restorative materials may be used to treat erosions, but the data regarding the effects of low pH on volume changes of these materials are limited. Objective: ...
    • Combating antibiotic resistance: An approach to discover antimicrobial compounds 

      Wigand, Johannes; Winje, Endre (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-01)
      Objective: This study aims to test a cost-effective approach for discovery of novel molecular compounds with antimicrobial characteristics. Materials and methods: Thirteen randomly picked objects were swabbed in the area in and around Liverpool. They were further cultivated on BHI-agar plates, and then spread on top of several clinically relevant pathogenic indicator strains including C. albicans, ...