Viser treff 3401-3420 av 10438

    • GWAS for autoimmune Addison's disease identifies multiple risk loci and highlights AIRE in disease susceptibility 

      Eriksson, Daniel; Røyrvik, Ellen Christine; Aranda-Guillen, Maribel; Berger, Amund Holte; Landegren, Nils; Artaza, Haydee; Hallgren, Åsa; Grytaas, Marianne; Strøm, Sara; Bratland, Eirik; Botusan, Ileana; Oftedal, Bergithe Eikeland; Breivik, Lars Ertesvåg; Vaudel, Marc; Helgeland, Øyvind; Falorni, Alberto; Jørgensen, Anders Palmstrøm; Hulting, Anna-Lena; Svartberg, Johan; Ekwall, Olov; Fougner, Kristian J; Wahlberg, Jeanette; Nedrebø, Bjørn Gunnar; Dahlqvist, Per; Study group, Norwegian Addison Registry; Study Group, Swedish Addison Registry; Knappskog, Per Morten; Wolff, Anette Susanne Bøe; Bensing, Sophie; Johansson, Stefan; Kämpe, Olof; Husebye, Eystein Sverre (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-11)
      Autoimmune Addison’s disease (AAD) is characterized by the autoimmune destruction of the adrenal cortex. Low prevalence and complex inheritance have long hindered successful genetic studies. We here report the first genome-wide association study on AAD, which identifies nine independent risk loci (P < 5 × 10−8). In addition to loci implicated in lymphocyte function and development shared with other ...
    • Organization and orchestration of male rat sexual behavior 

      Huijgens, Patty Thalia (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-09-07)
      Sexual behavior is innately motivated and rewarding. The underlying neurobiological mechanisms of sexual motivation, copulation, and sexual reward have not been completely unraveled. This thesis gives insight in the structure, organization, and neurobiological orchestration of male rat sexual behavior. The research presented in this thesis demonstrates that a more extensive behavioral annotation ...
    • Family involvement in the intensive care unit in four Nordic countries 

      Frivold, Gro; Ågård, Anne Sophie; Jensen, Hanne Irene; Åkerman, Eva; Fossum, Mariann; Alfheim, Hanne Birgit; Rasi, Matias; Lind, Ranveig (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-08-17)
      Background - Relevance to clinical practice The findings from the study highlighting family involvement, high-quality communication and flexible visiting policy as central aspects of family care may inspire clinicians to identify aspects of everyday family care in their ICUs calling for further improvement.<p> <p>Aims and objectives - To describe family involvement, communication practices and ...
    • “No Evidence of Disease Activity” (NEDA) hos pasienter med multippel sklerose ved Nordlandssykehuset 

      Skrøvset, Silje Bøe (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-08-19)
      Bakgrunn: Multippel sklerose er en kronisk demyeliniserende sykdom som man i dag ikke har en kurativ behandling for. Med moderne MS-behandling endres behandlingsmålene for pasienter. «No evidence of disease activity» - NEDA – betyr at pasienter ikke har tegn til sykdom ved funksjonsforverring, attakker eller nye lesjoner på MR over en viss tidsperiode. NEDA er foreslått som mål for behandling av ...
    • Konsekvenser av covid-19 på barn og unges liv og helse: en hurtigoversikt 

      Nøkleby, Heid; Berg, Rigmor; Muller, Ashley Elizabeth; Ames, Heather Melanie R (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2021-01)
      Oppdraget var å kartlegge og hente ut resultater fra studier publisert om covid-19-pandemiens og samfunnsnedstengningens følger for barn og unge. Problemstillingen var: Hva er konsekvensene av covid-19-pandemien på barn og unges liv og helse?<p> <p>Vi gjennomførte en hurtigoversikt, dvs. en systematisk oversikt utført på kortere tid og med forenklede steg. Vi vurderte ikke studienes risiko ...
    • Parent satisfaction with child health centres for children 0–5 years old in Norway: A cross-sectional study 

      Kaiser, Sabine; Lillevik, Christine Charlotte; Jakobsen, Karine; Hansen, Mariann Bellika; Martinussen, Monica (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-08-10)
      In Norway, all children are entitled to receive regular health checks. Child health centres for children 0–5 years old (CHC) provide these check-ups and are one of many health services that Norwegian municipalities have to offer. The aim of this study was to examine parents’ satisfaction with CHCs, and to identify predictors for the overall evaluation of the service. The sample comprised 1654 parents ...
    • Koronapandemien gjorde babyforskning ved UiT lettere 

      Thale, Tøllefsen; Flatebø, Solveig (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2021-02-05)
      Da Norge stengte ned 12. mars trodde psykologistipendiat Solveig Flatebø at det ble kroken på lab-døra. Der tok hun feil.
    • Spatial differentiation of metabolism in prostate cancer tissue by MALDI-TOF MSI 

      Andersen, Maria Karoline; Høiem, Therese Stork; Claes, Britt S.R.; Balluff, Benjamin; Marta, Martin-Lorenzo; Richardsen, Elin; Krossa, Sebastian; Bertilsson, Helena; Heeren, Ron M.A.; Rye, Morten Beck; Giskeødegård, Guro F.; Bathen, Tone Frost; Tessem, May-Britt (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-01-29)
      Background - Prostate cancer tissues are inherently heterogeneous, which presents a challenge for metabolic profiling using traditional bulk analysis methods that produce an averaged profile. The aim of this study was therefore to spatially detect metabolites and lipids on prostate tissue sections by using mass spectrometry imaging (MSI), a method that facilitates molecular imaging of heterogeneous ...
    • Intimate partner violence and its association with mental health problems: The importance of childhood violence – The SAMINOR 2 Questionnaire Survey 

      Eriksen, Astrid; Melhus, Marita; Jacobsen, Bjarne K.; Schei, Berit; Broderstad, Ann-Ragnhild (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-30)
      Aims: This study aims to estimate the prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV) and its association with psychological distress and symptoms of post-traumatic stress (PTS) among Sami and non-Sami and to explore whether the association between IPV and mental health is modified by exposure to childhood violence (CV). These issues are scarcely studied among the Sami. Methods: This study was based ...
    • The Regulatory Relationship between E2F4 and MiRNA-363, and it’s Relevance to Oral Cancer 

      Assadi, Geed Alaa (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-08-14)
      BACKGROUND Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common type of head and neck cancer and persists a leading cause of cancer associated mortality and morbidity universally. Survival rate is still poor at less than 50% urging the need for biomarkers to allow better diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic strategies. In this study we focus on E2F4, a repressor of cell cycle, and further propose ...
    • Extending the usefulness of the verbal memory test: The promise of machine learning 

      Chandler, Chelsea; Holmlund, Terje Bektesevic; Foltz, Peter W.; Cohen, Alex S.; Elvevåg, Brita (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-01-19)
      The evaluation of verbal memory is a core component of neuropsychological assessment in a wide range of clinical and research settings. Leveraging story recall to assay neurocognitive function could be made more useful if it were possible to administer frequently (i.e., would allow for the collection of more patient data over time) and automatically assess the recalls with machine learning methods. ...
    • Metabolic responses in neonatal sepsis—A systematic review of human metabolomic studies 

      Bjerkhaug, Aline; Granslo, Hildegunn Norbakken; Klingenberg, Claus (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-13)
      Aim - To systematically review human metabolomic studies investigating metabolic responses in septic neonates.<p> <p>Methods - A systematic literature search was performed in the databases MEDLINE, EMBASE and Cochrane library up to the 1st of January 2021. We included studies that assessed neonatal sepsis and the following outcomes; (1) change in the metabolism compared to healthy neonates and/or ...
    • How does the Kvello assessment framework attend to important dimensions of the children’s needs and welfare? A comparison with the BBIC and the ICS frameworks for child welfare investigations 

      Havnen, Karen J Skaale; Fossum, Sturla; Lauritzen, Camilla; Vis, Svein Arild (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-25)
      This study aimed to compare the content of the Norwegian Kvello AF for child welfare investigations with similar frameworks from Sweden (BBIC) and Denmark (ICS). The comparison was based on detailed descriptions of each framework, retrieved from authorized websites, textbooks, manuals, course material, and, for the Kvello AF, also personal communication with the author. An ecological triangle model ...
    • Male rat sexual behavior: Insights from inter-copulatory intervals 

      Huijgens, Patty Thalia; Guarraci, Fay; Olivier, Jocelien; Snoeren, Eelke (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-07-09)
      The assessment of sexual behavior in male rats with the aim of unraveling underlying neurobiological mechanisms has in the recent decades been reduced to the annotation of mounts, intromissions and ejaculations. To provide a better understanding of the structure and patterns of copulation, it is necessary to extend and tailor the analysis to the natural organization of male rat copulation. This will ...
    • Data from national health registers as endpoints for the Tromsø Study: Correctness and completeness of stroke diagnoses 

      Varmdal, Torunn; Løchen, Maja-Lisa; Wilsgaard, Tom; Njølstad, Inger; Nyrnes, Audhild; Grimsgaard, Sameline; Mathiesen, Ellisiv B. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-14)
      Aim: To assess whether stroke diagnoses in national health registers are sufficiently correct and complete to replace manual collection of endpoint data for the Tromsø Study, a population-based epidemiological study.<p> <p>Method: Using the Tromsø Study Cardiovascular Disease Register for 2013–2014 as the gold standard, we calculated correctness (defined as positive predictive value, PPV) and ...
    • Liposomes-in-chitosan hydrogel boosts potential of chlorhexidine in biofilm eradication in vitro 

      Hemmingsen, Lisa Myrseth; Giordani, Barbara; Pettersen, Ann Kristin; Vitali, Beatrice; Basnet, Purusotam; Skalko-Basnet, Natasa (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-03-16)
      Successful treatment of skin infections requires eradication of biofilms found in up to 90 % of all chronic wounds, causing delayed healing and increased morbidity. We hypothesized that chitosan hydrogel boosts the activity of liposomally-associated membrane active antimicrobials (MAA) and could potentially improve bacterial and biofilm eradication. Therefore, liposomes (∼300 nm) bearing chlorhexidine ...
    • Peripheral nerve blocks for shoulder surgery - Periclavicular approaches in the pursuit of a diaphragm-sparing technique 

      Musso, Dario Davide (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-09-03)
      <p>Background: Interscalene block is the gold standard for analgesia after shoulder surgery. However, it is associated with some block-related complications, especially the risk of hemidiaphragmatic paresis. In study I, we hypothesized that a more distal combination of nerve blocks would provide a feasible alternative to the gold standard. Study II was designed to optimize one of the components of ...
    • Reproductive Factors, Use of Exogenous Hormones, and Pancreatic Cancer Incidence: The Norwegian Women and Cancer Study 

      Alvarez, Antoine; Borch, Kristin Benjaminsen; Rylander, Charlotta (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-05)
      Introduction: The incidence of pancreatic cancer is increasing worldwide and characterized by a particularly low survival rate. Studies have reported weak and inconsistent evidence for associations among reproductive factors, use of exogenous hormones, and pancreatic cancer incidence in women. <p> <p>Purpose: To investigate relationships between reproductive factors, exogenous hormones, and the ...
    • Patients' experiences of well-being when being cared for in the intensive care unit—An integrative review 

      Halvorsen, Kristin; Jensen, Janet Froulund; Collet, Marie O.; Olausson, Sepideh; Lindahl, Berit; Hansen, Britt Sætre; Lind, Ranveig; Eriksson, Thomas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-22)
      Objective - The aim of this integrative review was to identify facilitators and barriers to patients’ well-being when being cared for in an ICU setting, from the perspective of the patients.<P> <P>Background - To become critically ill and hospitalised in an ICU is a stressful, chaotic event due to the life-threatening condition itself, as well as therapeutic treatments and the environment. A ...
    • Patients experiences of well-being when being cared for in the intensive care unit – an integrative review 

      Halvorsen, Kristin; Jensen, Janet Froulund; Collet, Marie Oxenbøll; Olausson, Sepideh; Lindahl, Berit; Hansen, Britt Sætre; Lind, Ranveig; Eriksson, Thomas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-22)
      Objective - The aim of this integrative review was to identify facilitators and barriers to patients’ well-being when being cared for in an ICU setting, from the perspective of the patients.<p> <p>Background - To become critically ill and hospitalised in an ICU is a stressful, chaotic event due to the life-threatening condition itself, as well as therapeutic treatments and the environment. A ...