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    • Social adjustment and friendship patterns of international students : a study of Norwegian students studying abroad 

      Iversen, Gunn Irene (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-05-04)
      The purpose of this study was to explore the role of friendships in the social adjustment of international students, in particular to explore the role of preference for co-nationals/co-culturals as opposed to a preference for befriending people belonging to other cultural groups. Information was gathered by a psychometric, self-report survey questionnaire. A modified version of the Sociocultural ...
    • Individual differences in spatial abilities : evidence for different strategies in an indoor navigation task 

      Melsom, Anne-Karine Markeng (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-05-04)
      Spatial abilities determine our approach to a variety of everyday tasks. Previous research has mainly compared the spatial performance of different groups of participants, regardless of the underlying processes. The aim of this study was to explain individual differences by means of the different strategies employed in spatial problem solving. The performance of university students (n=256) was ...
    • Primingseffekten fra helsepåstand relatert til individuelle forskjeller i personlighet 

      Rydning, Ingrid (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-05-04)
      Hensikten med studien var å se om studenter lar seg påvirke i liten eller stor grad av helseartikler. Det skrives mange artikler om helse og kosthold og ikke alle artiklene er like seriøse. Dette ble gjenspeilet i eksperimentet ved at artiklene i eksperimentet kun omtalte fabrikkerte forskningsfunn. Det viste seg at det var en primingseffekt av artikkelen, men ikke slik som forventet. For aroniagruppen ...
    • The effect of formal education on implicit social evaluation of immigrants 

      Sømhovd, Mikael Julius (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-05-04)
      En negativ korrelasjon mellom nivå av formell utdannelse og fordomsfulle holdninger til innvandrere med annen etnisk opprinnelse, en utdanningseffekt, har blitt vist i en rekke rapporter. Hypotesen om at en slik korelasjon er resultat av sosial ønskelige responser og demand characteristics har tidligere blitt testet ved hjelp av forskjellige metoder for å omgå sosial ønskelighet. Denne tesen er ...
    • More than just vacation : exploring the relevance of interest, interests, and enjoyment for tourist experiences 

      Thorsteinsen, Kjærsti (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-05-04)
      This study sought to explore the relationship between interest, interests, and enjoyment in a tourist experience in order to learn more about how interest for something in a destination can be triggered and developed. A total of 100 tourists (57.3% women) who visited Tromsø between November 2008 and March 2009 participated in a questionnaire study. The questionnaire was three-folded with measures ...
    • Sex og kjærlighetsrelaterte aktiviteter på internett : forskjeller mellom skeive og streite brukere. 

      Loe, Martin Sedolfsen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-05-04)
      I den foreliggende spørreundersøkelsen har et utvalg nordmenns bruk av sex og kjærlighetsrelaterte internettaktiviteter blitt sammenlignet med utgangspunkt i deres seksuelle orientering. Det framkom at skeive personer benytter seg i større grad av slike aktiviteter enn streite. Resultatene repliserte flere av funnene fra en tidligere undersøkelse av Daneback, Ross, og Månnson (2008). En multippel ...
    • Feeling the extreme : an exploratory study of experienced emotions during extreme sport 

      Hetland, Audun (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-11-17)
      In the current study 13 BASE-jumpers and 18 skydivers reported their emotions immediately after a jump and after a 24 hours delay, using verbal (Likert-like scales) and visual (Feelometer) emotional report. Heart rate measures were also collected during, and 24 hours after the jump. The Feelometer is a newly developed tool enabling the participants to give a moment-to-moment report from a particular ...
    • Barns risiko for nedsatt velvære etter foreldrenes skilsmisse : kan den forklares nærmere ut fra andre faktorer enn skilsmissen i seg selv? 

      Aspenes, Sissel (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007-11-01)
      Forskningsresultater tyder på at rundt 20-25 % av skilsmissebarn risikerer å oppleve langsiktige problemer på psykologiske, atferdsmessige og sosiale områder. Målet her har vært å avklare relevansen for å nyansere skilsmissen i seg selv som årsak til denne risikoen, da gjennom å presentere relevant teori og empiri i forhold til andre mulige forklaringer. Det konkluderes med at skilsmissen som ...
    • Acculturation alchemy : how miscitations make biculturalism appear beneficial 

      Rudmin, Floyd Webster (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2007)
    • A refined computer harassment paradigm: Validation, and test of hypotheses about target characteristics 

      Siebler, Frank; Sabelus, Saskia; Bohner, Gerd (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2008)
      A refined computer paradigm for assessing sexual harassment is presented, validated, and used for testing substantive hypotheses. Male participants were given an opportunity to send sexist jokes to a computer-simulated female chat partner. In Study 1 (N = 44), the harassment measure (number of sexist jokes sent) correlated positively with self-reported harassment proclivity. Study 2 (N = 77) included ...
    • Field Notes from the Quest for the First use of Acculturation 

      Rudmin, Floyd Webster (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2003)
      Quest begin in the vauge way, as an interest or an orientation, and maybe as a collection of skills. I was probably bent towards this quest at Queen's University, where I was mentored in cross-cultural psychology by John Berry, where I served as a TA in Milt Suboski's statistics and research methods courses, and where I learned the lore of history of psychology with David Murray. Quests often begin ...
    • Debate in science: The case of acculturation 

      Rudmin, Floyd Webster (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2006)
      The acculturation paradigm of measuring assimilation, separation, integration and marginalization confuses dimensional and categorical conceptions of its constructs, fails to produce ipsative data from mutually exclusive scales, misoperationalizes marginalization as distress, mismeasures biculturalism using double-barreled questions instead of computing it from unicultural measures, and then tends ...
    • Emergent attributes in person perception: A comparative test of response time predictions. 

      Siebler, Frank (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2008)
      In person perception, emergent attributes are attributes that people ascribe to members of a rare or novel category combination, although they would not ascribe the same attributes to members of either of the constituent categories. The present paper first describes the processing mechanisms suggested by three theoretical models of attribute emergence. Then, competing response time predictions are ...
    • Is ignorance bliss? : young men's lack of knowledge and concern for their health 

      Lind, Marius (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-02-01)
      Testicular cancer is an increasing health concern in Norway. It afflicts young men who often think they are impervious to serious illness, causing them to delay help-seeking. This is a major concern for the health care system, as the prognosis takes a steep fall if the cancer has had time to metastasise. The present study assessed the knowledge and awareness level of testicular cancer and testicular ...
    • Maternal well-being, mother-child interaction and child psychosocial outcome in the context of HIV/AIDS : a literature review with a keen eye on sub-Saharan Africa 

      Moyo, Kathrine Rasch (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-11-01)
      The paper reviews the psychosocial literature regarding the impact of maternal HIV on mothers and their uninfected children. Drawing on the ecological theory of Urie Bronfenbrenner, the review proposes a framework that both demonstrates the link between maternal HIV and child psychosocial outcome, and examines the pathways that account for this relationship. Maternal HIV has been found to potentially ...
    • Drug abuse and change readiness in prisoners : effect of motivational interviewing as measured by SOCRATES 

      Dahl, Helene M. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-05)
      The effect of Motivational Interviewing (MI) was evaluated in a sample of incarcerated substance abusers, using the Stages of Change Readiness and Treatment Eagerness Scale (SOCRATES). The design was a pre-post between-groups design. To explore the importance of feedback in MI-training participants (N = 98) were randomized to two conditions that differed in terms of feedback or no feedback to the ...
    • Barnefordelingssaker ved domstolene : en evaluering av de nye saksbehandlingsreglene av 01.04.2004 

      Holme, Hilde; Isachsen, Linn B. Brattli; Jarnæs, Nina C. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007-11-01)
      De nye saksbehandlingsreglene i barnefordelingssaker trådte i kraft 01.04.04. I den forbindelse var hovedformålet å styrke barns rettssikkerhet, blant annet ved at barnets beste skal være avgjørende både for saksbehandlingsprosessen og resultatet i den enkelte sak. Undersøkelsen er basert på erfarne dommere, advokater og sakkyndige sine erfaringer fra praksis. Hensikten var å evaluere hvorvidt de ...
    • Good lives : exploring the dynamics of emotions and motivation in outdoor recreation 

      Søholt, Yngvil (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-05)
      The purpose of this study was threefold: First, to analyze some core concepts of human well-being. As part of this issue, the study deals with the distinction between life satisfaction and personal growth. Also related to this first issue, the study investigates the difference between the emotion of pleasure and the emotion of interest. Second, to investigate changes in health, life satisfaction and ...
    • Balance theory and acculturation : Russian-speaking immigrants in Norway 

      Romanova, Evguenia (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007-10-31)
      Self-report scales designed to measure attitudes toward both Russia and Norway, attitude between Norway and Russia, the degree of perceptual fit into each of the cultures, cultural distance and satisfaction with life, were completed by Russian-speaking immigrants. The main purpose of the study was to explore Heider’s social balance theory in acculturation research. It was predicted that balance is ...
    • Sense of coherence as a mediator of stress among high school students in Tromsø, Norway. 

      Mellem, Lise Sand (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-05-07)
      School adaptation seems to have an impact on social, psychological, and behavioural outcomes. Empirical evidence on the stress moderating role of the sense of coherence (SOC), which implies to which degree one find life meaningful, comprehensible and manageable, may offer a scope for development of prevention policies. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship and interactions between ...