Viser treff 581-600 av 830

    • Heart rate variability during rest and stress in trauma patients with dissociative symptoms. An explorative study 

      Gosain, Himani; Kongsvik, Runa (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-01)
      The aim for this explorative study is to investigate the relationship between dissociation and a psychophysiological measure, namely Heart Rate Variability. Dissociation can be understood as a continuum ranging from non-pathological to pathological phenomena. In adverse circumstances, dissociation can serve as a coping strategy. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) refers to the variation in beat-to-beat ...
    • Menneskemøter i troens landskap. Profesjonelles møte med trosspørsmål i arbeid med psykisk helse 

      Krane, Trude Wetting (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-02)
      Studien undersøker hvordan profesjonelle som jobber innenfor psykisk helse forholder seg til mennesker som har en religiøs tro eller trosbakgrunn. Åtte deltakere som har lang erfaring med å møte trosspørsmål i arbeid med psykisk helse ble strategisk utvalgt og intervjuet med utgangspunkt i en semi-strukturert intervjuguide. Intervjumaterialet ble underlagt en kvalitativ-fenomenologisk analyse i ...
    • Borderline personlighetsforstyrrelse. En systematisk litteraturgjennomgang av faktorer under omsorgssvikt og tilknytning som kan påvirke utviklingen av borderline personlighetsforstyrrelse 

      Johansen, Vanja Veronika (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-02)
      Formålet med studiet var å undersøke sammenhengen mellom omsorgssvikt, tilknytningsstil og borderline personlighetsforstyrrelse. Det ble tatt utgangspunkt i eksisterende forskningslitteratur, og PRISMA´S retningslinjer for strukturert litteratursøk ble fulgt. På grunn av en mengde tidligere studier på dette feltet ble artikkelsøket avgrenset til å kun omhandle nyere litteratur fra januar 2013 til ...
    • Sorg og Selvmedfølelse. Evnen til egenomsorg etter betydelige tap 

      Vara, Helga (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-07-26)
      Sorg er en normal og naturlig reaksjon på betydelige tap, og en opplevelse de fleste mennesker gjennomgår uten å få varige men. Likevel oppleve rundt 10% av etterlatte at sorgreaksjoner blir langvarige og fører til funksjonsnedsettelser over lang tid. Dette kalles komplisert sorg. I denne oppgaven ser vi på hvordan selvmedfølelse (self-compassion), et begrep fra den tredje bølgen av kognitive ...
    • Ignorance or awareness of changes measured in a probabilistic inference task 

      Kreis, Isabel Viola; Tjelmeland, Håkon; Biegler, Robert; Tröbinger, Luzia Rosa; Pfuhl, Gerit (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2017)
      A cognitive bias often reported for schizophrenia is the tendency to make decisions based on little evidence, namely the jumping to conclusions (JTC) bias. The beads task (Huq et al., 1988) is the most commonly used task to investigate the JTC and different attempts were made to explain the JTC. One proposition is that patients might miscomprehend the task and assume volatility, i.e. a change of ...
    • A systematic review of sex differences in the placebo and the nocebo effect 

      Vambheim, Sara Magelssen; Flaten, Magne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-07-31)
      Objectives: The present review investigated whether there are systematic sex differences in the placebo and the nocebo effect. <br>Methods: A literature search was conducted in multiple electronic databases. Studies were included if the study compared a group or condition where a placebo was administered to a natural history group or similar cohort. <br>Results: Eighteen studies were identified ...
    • Placebo Intervention Enhances Reward Learning in Healthy Individuals 

      Turi, Z; Mittner, Matthias; Paulus, W; Antal, A (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-01-23)
      According to the placebo-reward hypothesis, placebo is a reward-anticipation process that increases midbrain dopamine (DA) levels. Reward-based learning processes, such as reinforcement learning, involves a large part of the DA-ergic network that is also activated by the placebo intervention. Given the neurochemical overlap between placebo and reward learning, we investigated whether verbal ...
    • In Your Face: Startle to Emotional Facial Expressions Depends on Face Direction. 

      Åsli, Ole; Michalsen, Henriette; Øvervoll, Morten (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-01)
      Although faces are often included in the broad category of emotional visual stimuli, the affective impact of different facial expressions is not well documented. The present experiment investigated startle electromyographic responses to pictures of neutral, happy, angry, and fearful facial expressions, with a frontal face direction (directed) and at a 45 angle to the ...
    • Irrational Delay Revisited: Examining Five Procrastination Scales in a Global Sample 

      Svartdal, Frode; Steel, Piers (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-10)
      Scales attempting to measure procrastination focus on different facets of the phenomenon, yet they share a common understanding of procrastination as an unnecessary, unwanted, and disadvantageous delay. The present paper examines in a global sample (N = 4,169) five different procrastination scales – Decisional Procrastination Scale (DPS), Irrational Procrastination Scale (IPS), Pure Procrastination ...
    • Probabilistic inference in psychosis and autism 

      Kreis, Isabel Viola; Sandvik, Kristin; Tjelmeland, Håkon; Biegler, Robert; Pfuhl, Gerit (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2017)
      Within the predictive coding framework the brain is defined as an inference machine that continuously tries to predict its sensory inputs on the basis of beliefs about the world and updates those beliefs in the presence of contradictory sensory data (i.e. prediciton errors; Friston, 2005). Neurobiologically, the weighting and further processing of those prediction errors is thought to be influenced ...
    • Protocol for the Northern babies longitudinal study: predicting postpartum depression and improving parent–infant interaction with The Newborn Behavioral Observation 

      Høifødt, Ragnhild Sørensen; Nordahl, Dag; Pfuhl, Gerit; Landsem, Inger Pauline; Thimm, Jens; Ilstad, Linn Kathrin K.; Wang, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-09-27)
      Postpartum depression (PPD) is a prevalent disorder. Studying the factors related to PPD will help to identify families at risk and provide preventive interventions. This can in turn improve the developmental trajectories for the children. Several previous studies have investigated risk factors for PPD. However, few studies have focused on cognitive vulnerability factors. The first aim of the ...
    • The Evidence-based Practice Attitude Scale- 36 (EBPAS-36): a brief and pragmatic measure of attitudes to evidence-based practice validated in US and Norwegian samples 

      Rye, Marte; Torres, E.M; Friborg, Oddgeir; Aarons, Gregory A. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Background: Short and valid instruments for measuring factors facilitating or hindering implementation efforts are called for. This article describes (1) the adaptation of a shorter version of the Evidence-based Practice Attitude Scale (EBPAS-50 items), and (2) the psychometric properties of the shortened version in both US and Norwegian data. <p> Methods: The US participants were mental health ...
    • The Tromso Infant Faces Database (TIF): development, validation and application to assess parenting experience on clarity and intensity ratings 

      Maack, Jana Kristin; Bohne, Agnes; Nordahl, Dag; Livsdatter, Lina; Lindahl, Åsne; Øvervoll, Morten; Wang, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson; Pfuhl, Gerit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2017-03-24)
      Newborns and infants are highly depending on successfully communicating their needs; e.g., through crying and facial expressions. Although there is a growing interest in the mechanisms of and possible influences on the recognition of facial expressions in infants, heretofore there exists no validated database of emotional infant faces. In the present article we introduce a standardized and freely ...
    • Hva kjennetegner barn som klassifiseres med autismespekterforstyrrelse med ADOS-2. En deskriptiv studie av kjennetegn ved barn i en høyrisikogruppe utredet for autismespekterforstyrrelser 

      Ryssdal, Miriam; Tomter, Tuva (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-01)
      Det går lang tid mellom alder for første symptomer og endelig diagnose ved autismespekterforstyrrelser. Flere studier peker på viktigheten av tidlig screening og diagnostisering av forstyrrelsen for å kunne iverksette riktige tiltak på et tidligst mulig tidspunkt. Denne studien tar utgangspunkt i data fra en høyrisikogruppe i USA med 123 barn i alderen 2 til 13 år utredet for autismespekterforstyrrelser. ...
    • Sex differences in fear of pain: item-level analysis of the Fear of Pain Questionnaire III 

      Vambheim, Sara Magelssen; Øien, Roald A (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-04-07)
      Objectives: This study aimed to investigate sex differences in fear of pain (FOP) measured by the Fear of Pain Questionnaire III (FPQ-III) in a nonclinical sample. The FPQ-III is a selfreport inventory measuring FOP, with 30 items, divided into three subscales: Severe, Minor and Medical Pain. <p> Methods: A total of 185 subjects participated (49.7% females) in this study. Sex differences on ...
    • Distinguishing early Alzheimer’s disease from normal ageing. A time course analysis of clustering and switching 

      Espetvedt, Annelin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-02)
      An impairment emerging in the early course of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) concerns the ability to produce words, reflected in verbal fluency (VF). Previously, a time analysis of correct words, repetitions, and intrusions has been done, and this study aims to expand this time analysis by introducing clustering and switching. 24 healthy young adults, 23 healthy older adults, and 19 patients with early ...
    • Motivasjonsmestring hos norske lærere. En fenomenologisk studie 

      Risjord, Caroline (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-04-22)
      I 2013 ble det gjennomført en OECD-undersøkelse i 34 land, hvor norske lærere selv rapporterte at de ikke mestret å motivere de umotiverte elevene sine spesielt godt. Til sammenligning rapporterte danske lærere at dette var noe de mestret i stor grad. Formålet med denne studien var å undersøke hvorfor norske lærere føler at de ikke mestrer å motivere de umotiverte elevene sine spesielt godt, i en ...
    • A Bayesian perspective on delusions: Suggestions for modifying two reasoning tasks 

      Pfuhl, Gerit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-08)
      Background and objectives:<br>There are a range of mechanistic explanations on the formation and maintenance of delusions. Within the Bayesian brain hypothesis, particularly within the framework of predictive coding models, delusions are seen as an aberrant inference process characterized by either a failure in sensory attenuation or an aberrant weighting of prior experience. Testing of these ...
    • Intervention to reduce procrastination in first-year students: Preliminary results from a Norwegian study 

      Nordby, Kent; Wang, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson; Dahl, Tove Irene; Svartdal, Frode (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-06-25)
      This paper reports preliminary results from a brief intervention designed to reduce academic procrastination. Students enrolled in an introductory psychology course received lectures and seminar sessions about procrastination and its causes and consequences. Students who were enrolled in an introductory psychology course received lectures and seminar sessions about procrastination and its causes and ...
    • Self-reported short sleep duration and insomnia symptoms as predictors of post-pregnancy weight change: Results from a cohort study 

      Rognmo, Kamilla; Sivertsen, Børge; Eberhard-Gran, Malin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-09-01)
      This study aims to investigate whether change in sleep duration and insomnia symptoms in the postpartum period is related to change in body mass index from before to 2 years after pregnancy. This study is based on self-report data from a Norwegian cohort, the AHUS Birth Cohort Study. Data were collected at 8 weeks (T1) and 2 years (T2) postpartum. Data from 812 women were analyzed. The results ...