Viser treff 41-60 av 1272

    • Adopsjon, assimilering og menneskehandel av barn fra utlandet. 

      Bredesen, Zebib (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-22)
      Ved å bruke det rasjonelle, naturlige og åpne organisasjonsperspektivene til Scott og Davis (2014) har jeg forsket på utenlandsadopsjon i Norge. I masteravhandlingen er tidsperioden avgrenset til å gjelde årene fra 2007 til og med 2023. Fokuset har primært vært å undersøke hvordan utenlandsadopsjon fungerer i Norge og å forklare årsakene til vedvarende adopsjon av barn fra utlandet til Norge. ...
    • Løsningen på klimautfordringene er rotete, den er millioner av puslespillbrikker 

      Skaugen, Ragnhild Batseba Ødegaard (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-12-18)
    • Institusjonalisering i norsk idrett 

      Jørmeland, Ole (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-15)
      I denne studien undersøkes det om to norske fotballklubber i Eliteserien kan forstås som institusjoner i sine respektive lokalsamfunn. Videre vil det undersøkes om det forekommer variasjon i graden av institusjonalisering klubben imellom, og hva som eventuelt kan forklare denne variasjonen. Oppgavens problemstilling er formulert som følger; Fotballklubber beskrives ofte som institusjoner i sine ...
    • Selvledelse og selvgående stillinger - Blir selvledelse praktisert der det forventes at man er selvgående? 

      Mensah, Jelena Aurora Walstrøm (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2019-05-14)
      Tema for denne masteroppgaven er selvledelse i stillinger med høy grad av selvstendighet. Studien har fokus på finne ut hvilken lederstil som praktiseres i stillinger der det forventes at medarbeiderne er selvgående. Problemstillingen i denne studien er: Hvilken ledelse praktiseres i en virksomhet der det forventes at medarbeiderne er selvgående, og hvilke barrierer for selvledelse kan vi ...
    • EU-motstand i Norge og Danmark. EU-motstandernes organisasjoner 

      Heggen, Reidun Berntsen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-11-03)
      Forholdet mellom Den europeiske union (EU) og Norge og Danmark er i stadig endring. Den europeiske union har ekspandert, både i antall medlemsland og i antall politiske saker (Heidar og Bakke, Politikk i Europa 2013). Utviklingen der grensen mellom de europeiske landene viskes ut, kalles Europeisering. Utviklingen mot at europeere utvikler felles mål, felles regelverk, handler mer med hverandre og ...
    • Hostile Film: Documentary as The Vehicle of Political Conflict 

      Robinson, P. Stuart (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      Documentary-film scholar Stella Bruzzi highlights the increasingly reflexive approach of contemporary independent filmmakers. Specifically, they commonly reflect on the collaborative performance entailed in depicting – and hence working <i>with</i> – human subjects, and therefore draw attention to—rather than hide—this intersubjective process, in all its artificiality and representative distance. ...
    • Freedom - feeling free in an (un)free world 

      Aakvaag, Gunnar Colbjørnsen; Hviid Jacobsen, Michael (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-08-18)
      This chapter explores what it means and how feels like to be free in social life. Despite current collectivist backlashes from both the political right (neo-nationalism) and left (identity-politics), individual freedom is still probably the ‘ultimate value’ (Talcott Parsons) of contemporary liberal democracies. Whereas economists, political scientists and political philosophers discuss freedom in ...
    • Grønn omstilling uten fasit. Hva kan oljehistorien i Lofoten lære oss om energiomstilling av lokalsamfunn? 

      Eilertsen, Magnus Elias; Kristoffersen, Berit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-14)
      I denne artikkelen analyserer vi framveksten av to framtidsvisjoner for regionen Lofoten. Den ene visjonen handlet om oljeutvinning. Den andre samfunnsvisjonen framstiller grønn omstilling som en regional vekstmulighet, og har vokst fram i perioden etter at oljevisjonen mistet sitt fotfeste. Vi analyserer hvilke argumenter som har vært sentrale i den lokale debatten om oljevirksomhet, og kobler ...
    • The Politics of Film: 'Captain Volkonogov Escaped' and the Art of Resistance 

      Robinson, P. Stuart (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-05)
      Natasha Merkulova and Aleksey Chupov's Captain Volkonogov Escaped offers a gripping portrayal of life in Stalin's Soviet Union. This article discusses the film's evocation of an oppressive social structure and its pertinence as a stimulus and means to comprehending and critically appraising authoritarianism in contemporary times. The film pays close attention to micro-level dynamics of intimidation, ...
    • Russia in Outer Space: A Shrinking Space Power in the Era of Global Change 

      Vidal, Florian; Privalov, Roman (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-03)
      Since 2014, the Russian space sector has handled institutional rearrangement and external economic pressure. On the one hand, the establishment of the State Space Corporation Roscosmos intended to renovate a critical segment and save an industry that is one of the jewels of the Soviet legacy. On the other hand, the Russian annexation of Crimea triggered waves of financial and economic sanctions that ...
    • Hvordan skal Nord-Norge forsvares? En analyse av landmakten på NATOs nordflanke. 

      Solvang, Øystein; Wegge, Njord (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-03-22)
      There is an ongoing debate about the future of Norwegian land power and the defence of the northern parts of the country, a crucial part of NATO’s Northern Flank. The debate emerged following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2014, and the 2022 invasion changed key premises, not least by leading to Finland and Sweden applying for NATO membership. This chapter discusses key political, military ...
    • The legitimacy of local government in the Australian federation 

      Brenton, Scott; Stein, Jonas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-16)
      Australian local government does not enjoy the status of its counterparts in comparable democracies and has long sought acknowledgment in the federal constitution. As these campaigns have consistently failed, this study considers how, and in which forms, local government obtains its own political legitimacy within a governance system centered on the citizen–state relationship, in addition to evaluating ...
    • Lines of Differentiation and Connection in Translocal Lithuanian Lives: Stories about the Norwegian Child Welfare Service 

      Aure, Marit Anne; Dauksas, Darius (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-11-10)
      Lithuanians have quite recently, and increasingly, started to emigrate to Norway. Thus, knowledge of Lithuanians in Norway is limited. This chapter asks specifically how Lithuanian labour migrants’ translocal lives in Norway play out and are linked to life in Lithuania. In a study consisting of 26 semi-structured interviews with Lithuanians in Norway, 19 interviewees brought up a “fear of the Norwegian ...
    • Translocal familyhood and Lifelines across Borders 

      Assmuth, Laura; Aure, Marit Anne; Hakkarinen, Marina; Pihla, Maria Siim (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      <p>What are translocal families and what are their lifelines like? The theoretical section of the chapter explains translocality, translocal familyhood and lifelines, the three key concepts of the book. Based mainly on research carried out for the Inequalities of Mobility: Relatedness and Belonging of Transnational Families in the Nordic Migration Space project, the authors ponder how emotion, ...
    • The heterogneity of the Arctic 

      Nyseth, Torill; Christensen, Julia (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-12-20)
      New forms of urbanization are unfolding around the world that challenge inherited conceptions of the urban as a fixed and universally generalizable settlement type. The Arctic is a region where urbanization is a strong and powerful process. Inspired by Neil Brenner`s concept of planetary urbanism, this chapter seeks to challenge dominant paradigms that locate Arctic space and place outside urban ...
    • Corporatisation in Norwegian Local Government 

      Klausen, Jan Erling; Torsteinsen, Harald Henning (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-02-25)
      Corporatisation in Norwegian local government, although not a new phenomenon, has grown rapidly during the last 20–25 years, especially since 2003–2004. Considering its relatively small population, Norway has a high number of municipally owned companies (MOCs), compared to its Scandinavian neighbours. Despite this, measured by the number of employees, the size of MOCs constitutes less than 10% of ...
    • Urfolks selvbestemmelse og demokratiets rolle. Institusjonalisering av rettigheter og representasjon 

      Falch, Torvald; Selle, Per (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-20)
      Indigenous politics is a result of the human rights revolution after World War II, and the mobilization by ethnic groups for recognition, equality, and influence over their own situation. In the last 30 years, the awareness of the right to self-determination has given new impetus and content to how the relationship between indigenous peoples and the state should be. As part of this deep-going change, ...
    • How cross-pressured local politicians choose government loyalty over local voters’ preferences. Lessons from a survey experiment in Norway 

      Broderstad, Troy Saghaug; Stein, Jonas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-06)
      This study explores how local politicians act when they are torn between local voters’ views and their own views or the party line. Against the background of a recent municipal amalgamation reform in Norway that reduced the number of municipalities from 428 to 356, we conducted a survey experiment where the local representatives (N = 2,013) were treated with different outcomes from a hypothetical ...
    • Krykkja inntar byen. Allianser for overlevelse i naturkrisenes tid 

      Granås, Brynhild; Førde, Anniken (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-06)
      I Vardø har folk i generasjoner hatt et nært forhold til sjøfugl gjennom fangst og sanking av fugl, egg og dun. Samtidig med en dramatisk nedgang i sjøfuglbestander i fuglefjellene er den rødlista krykkja blitt en sentral del av bybildet, hvor den hekker på kaianlegg og bygg langs vågen. Bykrykkjene i Vardø inngår i en kompleks geografi av aksept, men den nye sameksistensen mellom menneske og fugl ...
    • Sensing morally evocative spaces 

      Granås, Brynhild (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-10-27)
      The Norwegian outfields make up convoluted more-than-human public spaces. Throughout its nation-building process, being an outdoor culture combining hikers, trekkers, and skiers has been inscribed into the national identity of Norway. Facilitated by allemannsretten (the right to roam), the recreational leisure use of the outfields has however increased and diversified steadily during recent decades. ...