Viser treff 121-140 av 265

    • Chinese tourism in the Nordic Arctic – opportunities beyond the economic 

      Jørgensen, Matias Thuen; Bertelsen, Rasmus Gjedssø (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-27)
      Chinese presence in the Nordic Arctic is increasing, but whereas many large-scale initiatives such as mining projects, trade deals or political alliances have yet to materialise, tourism encounters between Chinese visitors and Nordic Arctic communities are already happening. We use tourism as a lens and bring together perspectives and empirical examples from various disciplines, including international ...
    • Modernitet og modernitetskritikk i Emils Durkheims sosiologi 

      Guneriussen, Willy (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-07)
      Durkheims forhold til det moderne er preget av ambivalens. Han er kollektivist/holist når det gjelder sosiologiske forklaringer. Samfunnet er en egen realitet og en kraft som påvirker individenes tankeliv, følelser og motiver, om enn ikke i alle detaljer. Men selv om han er metodologisk kollektivist, er det ikke nødvendigvis slik at han også er kollektivist når det gjelder politiske og moralske ...
    • The knowledge that went up in smoke: Reindeer herders' traditional knowledge of smoked reindeer meat in literature 

      Hansen, Kia Krarup; Moldenæs, Turid; Mathiesen, Svein Disch (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-21)
      Using a literature review, this paper defines the knowledge status of smoked reindeer meat and investigates to what degree reindeer herders’ traditional knowledge has been included in scientific articles and grey literature. We developed a four-level categorisation of the degree of including traditional knowledge, from “non-participation” to “self-determination,” and three levels of focus. Very few ...
    • Nordområdenarrativer og identitetsbygging i nord 

      Steinveg, Beate; Medby, Ingrid Agnete (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-12-08)
      I denne fokusspalten tar vi for oss hvordan den norske nordområdepolitikken har blitt kommunisert gjennom bruk av politiske «narrativer». Ved bruk av narrativ politisk analyse belyser vi bruk av ideer om fortid, nåtid og fremtid i og som «nord». Innenriks har dette betydd en gjenfortelling av identitet og økt oppmerksomhet på elementer som hav- og kysthistorie, og utenriks har det betydd en reevaluering ...
    • The 2019 local and regional elections in Norway: The periphery strikes again 

      Stein, Jonas; Folkestad, Bjarte; Aars, Jacob; Christensen, Dag Arne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-18)
      The 2019 local and regional elections in Norway took place against the backdrop of a historical local and regional amalgamation reform initiated by the Conservative-led government in 2014. We find six key outcomes from these elections. (1) The 2019 election witnessed an increase in turnout of 4.5 percentage points compared with the 2015 elections. This is the highest voter turnout in local and ...
    • Educational inequalities in high- vs. low-preventable health conditions: Exploring the fundamental cause theory 

      Rydland, Håvard Thorsen; Solheim, Erling; Eikemo, Terje Andreas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-25)
      <i>Aim</i> - To explore variations in educational gradients or gaps between high- and low-preventable health conditions.<p> <p><i>Background</i> - This is one of the first European studies to test whether the association between socioeconomic status and morbidity is stronger for 10 high- than three low-preventable health conditions, by gender across 20 countries.<p> <p><i>Data and methods</i> ...
    • Oppslutningen om Ap, H, Sp og FrP ved sametingsvalg sammenliknet med stortingsvalg 1989–2017: Er det nasjonale valgvinder eller samepolitikken som teller? 

      Buck, Marcus; Haugen, Kristian H.; Stein, Jonas; Svalestuen, Sigbjørn (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2018)
      Partisystemet i Sametinget kan betegnes som et hybrid system som består av både rene samiske lister som ikke stiller til valg til Stortinget, og nasjonale partier som stiller lister både til stortingsvalg og til sametingsvalg. Valgene til Sametinget og Stortinget holdes samtidig. Det er derfor interessant å finne ut om det i hovedsak er de nasjonale trendene i stortingsvalgene som bestemmer ...
    • LambdaRoad - Summarizing the main findings of work package 1: System and organizational requirements for CCAM" 

      Arnesen, Petter; Foss, Trond; Håkegård, Jan Erik; Hjelkrem, Odd Andre; Fagerholt, Randi Ann; Lie, Arne; Seter, Hanne (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2020)
      This report isa collection of the memos written in work package 1 of the LambdaRoad project, where the overall project objectives is to study the need and requirements for electronic communication (ecom) in the future transport system in Norway and develop a planning tool for ecom for the transport sector. lntroductory studies were performed in work package 1 and documented in this report. In ...
    • Emotions and community development after return migration in the rural Arctic 

      Aure, Marit; Riabova, Larissa (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020-10-18)
      Migration is emotive, evoking feelings of hopelessness, fear, or optimism for human and economic development, yet the role of emotions in post-migration community development gains limited attention. This chapter discusses the role of emotions in migration and rural development after the return of migrants, drawing on studies of temporary labour migration from Teriberka, a small coastal village in ...
    • From Public to Private Accountability in Norwegian Local Government 

      Bjørnå, Hilde; Weigård, Jarle (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-08)
      This article discusses the consequences of changing views on accountability in democratic decision-making. Trends in Norway indicate that Norwegians are evaluating local democracy increasingly in terms of service performance and output, rather than in terms of political input from citizens. While traditional process evaluation is associated with governmental hierarchies and how voters can make elected ...
    • Structural enablements and constraints in the creation and enactment of local content in Norwegian education 

      Rød, Daniel Andre Voll; Bæck, Unn-Doris K. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-08-11)
      In Norway, the national curriculum together with the Education Act serves as the foundation for teaching and learning in primary and secondary education and training. Local educational providers are given autonomy to develop local adaptations of the centrally given subject-specific curriculum competence aims. This article explores some structural enablements and constraints tied to teachers’ ...
    • Mot avvikling av trålernes plikter? En gjennomgang av utkjøpsavtaler i nordnorske fiskerikommuner 

      Sørdahl, Patrick Berg; Henriksen, Edgar; Aarsæther, Nils (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2015)
      <p>The industry owned trawlers land-lock obligation, originally intended to ensure both greater seasonal distribution of raw material as well as settlement in coastal communities, function poorly and has been put under pressure. This is due to the industrial trawler concept being torn between its role as a raw material supplier with a social responsibility, and its role as profitable actor on a ...
    • The spiralling effects of the Sino-American trade war 

      Lanteigne, Marc (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2020-06-05)
      Almost two years ago, China and the United States instigated a trade conflict which has had serious international effects, a situation since exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. What has truly made a solution to this conflict elusive, however, is that its origins lie well beyond questions of trade deficits and fair competition, and are instead based on the looming question of a power transition ...
    • Konkurrerende omdømmeoppfatninger : En drøfting av nordisk omdømmeforskning på offentlig sektor generelt og kommuner spesiel 

      Lockert, Åshild Skjegstad (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Det er blitt vanlig i alle typer virksomheter å fokusere på eget omdømme. Ikke minst eksponeres offentlig sektor, deriblant kommuner, nå massivt for budskapet om å arbeide med – og håndtere – omdømme. Omdømmebegrepet er imidlertid svært diffust og forstås ulikt av ulike aktører. I denne artikkelen rettes oppmerksomheten mot de teoretiske perspektivene og definisjonene som benyttes for å forstå ...
    • A Governance and Risk Inventory for a Changing Arctic: Background Paper for the Arctic Security Roundtable at the Munich Security Conference 2020 

      Rowe, Elana Tovah Wilson; Sverdrup, Ulf; Friis, Karsten; Hønneland, Geir; Sfraga, Michael (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2020)
      Many government officials, military leaders, and political observers have proclaimed the rise of a new, post-Cold War global great power competition between the United States, Russia, and China with myriad implications. Using this new reality as the backdrop for the Arctic Security Roundtable at the Munich Security Conference 2020, roundtable participants are asked to explore, discuss, and debate ...
    • Screening new PFAS compounds 2018 

      Hanssen, Linda; Herzke, Dorte; Nikiforov, Vladimir; Moe, Børge; Nygård, Torgeir; van Dijk, Jiska Joanneke; Gabrielsen, Geir W.; Fuglei, Eva; Yeung, Leo; Vogelsang, Christian; Carlsson, Pernilla Marianne (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2019)
      This screening project has focused on the occurrence of conventional andemerging PFASs in terrestrial and marine environments, including the Arctic. Conventional PFASs were found to be wide-spread in the environment and for the first time in Norway reported in wolf, a top predator from the terrestrial environment.Otters living in close proximity to human settlements and preying on the marine food ...
    • Debate: Corporatization in local government - the need for a comparative and multi-disciplinary research approach 

      Torsteinsen, Harald (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-01-28)
      During the past 20–30 years, scholars from different academic disciplines, as well as practitioners and local politicians, have observed a marked growth in the number of municipally-owned companies (MOCs) in local government service provision (Grossi & Reichard, 2008; Aars & Ringkjøb, 2011; Erlingsson, Fogelgren, Olsson, Thomasson, & Öhrvall, 2015; Ferry, Andrews, Skelcher, & Wegorowski, 2018). This ...
    • China's UN peacekeeping in Mali and comprehensive diplomacy 

      Lanteigne, Marc (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2019-03-04)
      China's increasing participation in United Nations peacekeeping operations reached a milestone in 2013 when Beijing agreed to send a large detachment of personnel, including combat forces for the first time, to support UN peacekeeping operations in Mali after that country fell into civil war. This commitment was also distinct in that unlike other African countries where Beijing has supplied peacekeepers, ...
    • China's New Roles and Behaviour in Conflict-Affected Regions: Reconsidering Non-Interference and Non-Intervention 

      Hirono, Miwa; Jiang, Yang; Lanteigne, Marc (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2019-03-07)
      China's view on the sanctity of state sovereignty has slowly but inexorably been transformed, and the country has found it difficult to continue to adhere to the principles of non-interference and non-intervention with the same degree of rigour as during the Cold War era. This special section will explore what the principles mean to China today; why and how Beijing has become active in peacebuilding ...
    • Historisk læring som struktur for dialog om det fremtidige forhold mellem Danmark og Nordatlanten 

      Bertelsen, Rasmus Gjedssø (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Danmark har været statsretsligt knyttet til Nordatlanten siden unionen med Norge i 1380. Den kontinentaleuropæiske småstat Danmarks forhold til Nordatlanten drives frem af eksterne chok fra stormagtsrelationer og nationalliberale uafhængighedsidéer, der peger mod stadigt større og fuld selvstændighed for Færøerne og Grønland. Denne udvikling fortsætter ubønhørligt i et internationalt system præget ...