Viser treff 61-80 av 265

    • Pilot arealstrategi. Utvikling og evaluering av arealstrategiarbeid i åtte distriktskommunar. Sluttrapport. 

      Hagen, Aksel; Aarsæther, Nils Johan; Brattland, Camilla; Bråtå, Hans Olav; Buanes, Arild; Ringholm, Toril Merete; Jensen, Vilde Andrea; Johansen, Gisle (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2023)
      Denne rapporten markerar avsluttinga på eit pilotprosjekt om arealstrategiarbeid i 8 distriktskommunar, finansiert av KDD Kommunal- og distriktsdepartmentet i samarbeid med Distriktssenteret. Prosjektoppstart var mai 2021, og avslutning januar 2023.<p> <p>Dei 8 kommunane er Namsskogan, Leka og Holtålen i Trøndelag, Lødingen, Grane og Hamarøy i Nordland, og Nordkapp og Karasjok i Troms og ...
    • Blir norsk politikk GAL? 

      Stein, Jonas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-28)
      Internasjonal statsvitenskap har de siste tiårene utfordret den tradisjonelle éndimensjonale forståelsen av europeisk politikk. Analysene av norsk politikk har alltid vært flerdimensjonale, og sånn sett kan man si at analysene av europeisk politikk har tatt igjen de norske. Samtidig åpner et nytt todimensjonalt europeisk rammeverk, GAL-TAN, et nytt perspektiv på norsk politikk. Denne artikkelen viser ...
    • Screening Programme 2021 

      Schlabach, Martin; van Bavel, Bert; Bæk, Kine; Dadkhah, Mona Eftekhar; Gabrielsen, Geir W.; Nikiforov, Vladimir; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Reid, Malcolm James; Rostkowski, Pawel; Rundberget, Thomas; Ndungu, Kuria; Rødland, Elisabeth Strandbråten; Schmidbauer, Norbert; Harju, Michael; Beylich, Bjørnar; Vogelsang, Christian (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2022-08-30)
      The Screening Programme 2021 was carried out by the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) and NILU-Norwegian Institute for Air Research. The spotlight was placed on the occurrence and possible environmental problems of 218 chemicals. The selected substances may be included in numerous products and their usage patterns are not easily defined so an array of different locations and sample-types ...
    • Numonu/moahau. Red feather coils from the Santa Cruz islands, Temotu Province, Solomon Islands 

      Crawford, Peter Ian (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      In the amazing building constructed in the early 19th century to house the Bank of Scotland, in the centre of Edinburgh, you will find the Museum of the Mound, a museum basically dedicated to anything to do with “money”. Its collection contains marvellous pieces of what we may call traditional forms of money from various cultures all over the world. What I would say is arguably the most spectacular ...
    • Progressive cities: Urban–rural polarisation of social values and economic development around the world 

      Luca, Davide; Terrero-Davila, Javier; Stein, Jonas; Lee, Neil (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-02)
      In contrast to the conservative values of rural populations, cities are often seen as bulwarks of more tolerant, liberal and progressive values. This urban–rural divide in values has become one of the major fault lines in Western democracies, underpinning major political events of the last decade, not least the election of Donald Trump. Yet, beyond a small number of countries, there is little ...
    • Reflections of Movement 

      Magnani, Natalia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-16)
      Human mobility is perpetuated at the intersection of opportunity and pressure. In this photographic essay, I explore reverberations of movement from the Arctic to East Africa, where I have done ethnographic fieldwork or passed through on my own anthropological and personal journey. The photos compare continuities of movement for transborder Skolt Sámi communities in Fennoscandia, sedentarized East ...
    • Når kjønn «forsvinner» i regionale omstillingsprogram 

      Valestrand, Haldis (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-12)
      I denne artikkelen presenterer og diskuterer jeg manglende kjønnsperspektiver i det distriktspolitiske virkemidlet«regional omstilling», som er et program som kommuner kan søke på og iverksette. Ved hjelp av et konkret eksem-pel fra en deltakende kommune setter jeg søkelyset spesifikt på planleggingsprosessen av slike program og hvordanstrenge krav til organisering og innhold ser ut til å bidra ...
    • Design Thinking as a Master idea 

      Moldenæs, Turid; Pettersen, Hilde Marie (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-12-16)
      In diesem Artikel zeigen wir, dass Design Thinking als Master-Idee verstanden werden kann; eine weit verbreitete Idee, die einen besonders hohen Stellenwert und Legitimität erlangt hat. Es hat wiederum anderen organisatorischen Rezepten und Standards Legitimität verliehen. Wir zeigen auch, dass Design Thinking ein rationalisierter Mythos ist, der von seinem generischen Charakter getrieben wird.
    • Towards customised sovereignty: West Nordic societies in the new great power rivalry 

      Kobzeva, Mariia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-03)
      Two factors historically played a decisive role in the West Nordic region’s affairs: its strategic location and small societies’ long struggle for independence. The current power balance shift challenges the progress of Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and Greenland towards strengthening their independence and sovereignty. The research suggests a theoretical contemplation of the West Nordic region’s ...
    • Is the mediating effect of psychosocial stress on the income–health relationship moderated by income inequality? 

      Svalestuen, Sigbjørn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-12-06)
      Background - There now exists a rich body of literature on the relationship between income, income inequality, and health. The discussion about the impact of income and income inequality on health includes psychosocial mechanisms, such as long-term perceptions of inferiority and social positioning, material advantage from income, and the structural conditions that define what people can do with their ...
    • Debating across history, theory and strategy for European science diplomacy 

      Bertelsen, Rasmus Gjedssø (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022-06-23)
      InsSciDE - like Horizon 2020 research in general - is strategic research, because it is fundamental research for the purpose of answering a strategic problem of the funder. InsSciDE is strategic research into how Europe (the European Union, its institutions and member states) can benefit from science diplomacy to strengthen Europe’s place in the world and improve the security and safety of the ...
    • Impacts of joint municipal agencification on the democratic governance of waste management 

      Valkama, Pekka; Torsteinsen, Harald Henning; Kettunen, Pekka (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-25)
      Purpose - The study examines how introducing joint municipal arm's length bodies (ALBs) into municipal waste management has influenced the preconditions of democratic governance.<p> <p>Design/methodology/approach - The authors describe and explain the democratic implications of joint municipal agencification by reviewing the perspectives of representative and participative democracy. Through this ...
    • Who are the “Hard-to-Reach” groups in chronic-health and health technology research? – A scoping review 

      Bradway, Meghan; Lauvhaug Nybakke, Henriette; Ingebrigtsen, Stine Agnete; Dyb, Kari (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-08-22)
      Many in health and technology research opt to focus on those who are already “engaged”, not those who are considered “hard-to-reach” or “unreached”. This exacerbates the digital divide and inequity in healthcare. We report findings of a scoping review of literature in PubMed/Medline from 2000-2022. 90 of 795 articles were identified based upon 1) the health researchers’ recruitment ...
    • Association of area-level education with the regional growth trajectories of rates of antibacterial dispensing to patients under 3 years in Norway: a longitudinal retrospective study 

      Svalestuen, Sigbjørn; Svendsen, Kristian; Eggen, Anne Elise; Småbrekke, Lars (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-08)
      Objective To examine the association between area-level education and the local growth trajectories in antibacterial dispensing rates in Norwegian municipalities among children under 3 years old.<p> <p>Design Retrospective, longitudinal study using individual primary care prescription data from the Norwegian Prescription Database for the period 2006–2016. Data were collected on the date of ...
    • Vulnerable Spaces of Coproduction: Confronting Predefined Categories through Arts Interventions. 

      Aure, Marit; Førde, Anniken; Liabø, Rebekka (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2020-04-02)
      Collaboration between researchers and artists is often held as particularly promising to enhance cross-cultural understanding. In this article, two researchers and an artist reflect on the potentials, as well as the pitfalls, of art-based interventions in integration of migrants. Through the performing arts youth project Here I Am, we discuss coproduction methodologies. We emphasize the discomfort ...
    • Unfinished indigenous geographies: The endurances and becomings of a Sámi tourism venture 

      Granås, Brynhild; Mathisen, Line (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-06-28)
      For many years, and within the context of pre-pandemic tourism growth in the Norwegian Arctic, governmental institutions have had expectations that Sámi indigenous people of the north of Norway should engage more strongly in the tourism economy. What does it however imply for Sámi people to become agents in tourism and take ownership to tourism development? This paper attends to Sámi people who ...
    • The role of conferences within Arctic governance 

      Steinveg, Beate (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-27)
      Since the end of the Cold War, the Arctic has transformed from a geopolitical buffer, to becoming a core national priority for the Arctic states, and a desirable playing field for non-Arctic actors. Geopolitical changes and a growing concern for the impacts of climate change have led to increased attention towards the Arctic region, which has prompted an extensive growth in the establishment ...
    • Local politicians in the age of new media 

      Bjørnå, Hilde; Steinveg, Beate; Hernes, Hans-Kristian (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-07-27)
      This paper discusses the impact of new media on local politics and politicians in a highly digitalised and advanced democracy. Through case studies and interviews of elite representatives in three Norwegian municipalities, the paper’s ambition is to gain further understanding of the use of new media at the local political level and how new media influence and shape the role of local political ...
    • Energy citizens – Conveyors of changing democratic institutions? 

      Ringholm, Toril Merete (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-07)
      A transition towards a low-carbon energy system poses new challenges to democratic participation. The transition to clean energy requires a better understanding of crosscutting sociocultural and sociopolitical issues, such as democratic institutions, to devise effective ways of involving citizens and better understand how energyrelated views and attitudes are embedded in democratic practice. This ...
    • Hva mener lokalpolitikerne om sosiale medier? 

      Bjørnå, Hilde; Steinveg, Beate; Hernes, Hans-Kristian (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2022-08-16)
      Sosiale medier er et sentralt element i politikk på nasjonalt nivå i ulike land, og viktig for å forstå dagens politiske prosesser. Sosiale mediers betydning og rolle er omstridt, mange frykter at de truer demokratiske prosesser og politisk representasjon. Vi har langt mindre kunnskap om sosiale medier i lokal politikk, hvordan det brukes og hva det betyr for rollen til kommunepolitikere og deres ...