Now showing items 121-140 of 553

    • Prosjektrapport/FoU-arbeid: "Opprettelse av Entreprenørskapsfondet ved UIT" 

      Brattli, Håvar; Utne, Alexander (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2022)
      Kunnskap om innovasjon og entreprenørskap står sentralt for næringslivets evne til å omstille seg (Næringslivets Hovedorganisasjon, 2021) og entreprenørskap i høyere utdanning har vært et politisk satsningsområde de senere år. I 2015 la regjeringen fram gründerplanen «Gode ideer – fremtidens arbeidsplasser», hvor det blant annet er stadfestet at «utdanningssystemet er et sentralt virkemiddel for å ...
    • Utvikling av the Lab for Design Thinkers (DT Lab). 

      Brattli, Håvar; Utne, Alexander (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2022)
      Denne rapporten tar for seg utviklingsarbeid gjennomført av Håvar Brattli og Alexander Utne knyttet til utviklingen av The Lab for Design Thinkers (DT Lab) ved UIT Norges arktiske universitet (UIT). DT Lab var et «senter» for innovasjon og entreprenørskap ved UIT med aktiviteter hovedsakelig i tidsperioden 2013-2018, hvor vi utviklet og gjennomførte innovasjonstilbud for studenter og næringsliv, ...
    • Including the ‘voices’ of Animals in Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure Research 

      Bertella, Giovanna (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022-04-11)
      In recent decades, our knowledge and perceptions of animals have changed considerably. An increasing number of scholars are interested in exploring animals and their roles in the context of tourism, hospitality and leisure. Recent studies have covered both practical and theoretical aspects of this topic, sometimes including considerations of animal ethics. This chapter argues that it is time to ...
    • Entreprenørskap og Design Thinking – Et utdannings- og kompetanseutviklingsprogram skreddersydd for biomarin industri 

      Brattli, Håvar; Utne, Alexander (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2022)
      Denne rapporten omhandler prosjektet «Entreprenørskap og Design Thinking – Et utdannings- og kompetanseutviklingsprogram skreddersydd for biomarin industri». Prosjektet var et samarbeid mellom Norges Fiskerihøgskole (NFH) ved UIT Norges arktiske universitet (UIT), Handelshøgskolen i Tromsø (HHT) ved UIT, Norinnova Technology Transfer AS (NTT) og Biotech North (interesseorganisasjon for bioteknolog ...
    • ‘Spirituality in practice’ in sustainability tourism research 

      Bertella, Giovanna (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      A more critical and engaging tourism sustainability research is needed, and this note argues that a valuable contribution can come from the scholars’ engagement with their spirituality. The main argument is that spirituality and sustainability are strictly interrelated, and such link should be an integral part of the methodology of studies about sustainability and tourism. Elaborating on the ...
    • Babymoon Tourism: Co-Creating Well-Being for Traveling Mothers 

      Vespestad, May Kristin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-03)
      This article aims to provide insight into how babymoon tourism can contribute to well-being by using a multimethod approach, combining autoethnography and netnography. The findings show that mothers-to-be experience well-being derived from co-creation and meaning. Participation in activities and everyday-like events at the destination can lead to happiness and improved quality of life. Self-development, ...
    • Trading Time Seasonality in Commodity Futures: An Opportunity for Arbitrage in the Natural Gas and Crude Oil Markets? 

      Ewald, Christian Oliver; Haugom, Erik; Lien, Gudbrand; Størdal, Ståle; Wu, Yuexiang (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-29)
      In this paper we investigate energy futures contracts and the presence of a type of seasonality, that has been given very little to no attention in the literature – we call it trading time seasonality. Such seasonality is exposed through the futures trading time, not its maturity time, nor the underlying spot price. As we show, it can be linked to seasonality in the pricing kernel, but the latter ...
    • Privat gevinst på fellesressurser 

      Bertheussen, Bernt Arne (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2022-09-29)
    • Combining local and international embeddedness in a rural context 

      Jørgensen, Eva Jenny Benedikte (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022-10-27)
      The aim of this chapter is to explore the distinctiveness of international entrepreneurship in a rural context. Based on theory about international entrepreneurship, rural entrepreneurship and embeddedness, the study explores how international small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are embedded in their local and international contexts and how these two forms of embeddedness are combined. A case ...
    • Proximity dimensions and dynamics within an organisation: experiences from a change process 

      Jørgensen, Eva Jenny B.; Olafsen, Anja Hagen; Nilsen, Etty Ragnhild (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-06-16)
      Proximity between actors within an organisation can be relevant for interactive learning and innovation because it promotes collaboration and knowledge exchange. However, proximity has mainly been studied as a characteristic of the relationships between actors belonging to different organisations. In this paper, a case study of a faculty at a university is used to investigate proximity within this ...
    • The space of animal justice in wildlife sanctuaries: a posthuman perspective 

      Tomassini, Lucia; Bertella, Giovanna; Grasso, Chiara; Lenzi, Christian (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-14)
      The growing debate on the Anthropocene epoch urges a critical reflection on the relationship between human and non-human animals. This paper reflects on the space of animal justice in wildlife sanctuaries from a post-human perspective. Our perspective on wildlife sanctuaries relies on posthumanism and its potential in terms of offering both a new epistemology and a theoretical grounding for an ...
    • Dataset on social and psychological effects of COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey 

      SARI, Emre; Kağan, Gamze; Şencan Karakuş, Buse; Özdemir, Özgür (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-07-23)
      This data was gathered to investigate how individuals’ levels of intolerance to distress and instant anxiety are related to some of the behaviors that people can change in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We present a dataset based on a four-wave survey of the social and psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey (N = 2,817). Turkey was heavily impacted by the first waves of infections ...
    • Samskaping på bakerste benk: Om den tause turist-til-turist-interaksjonen i kirkerommet 

      Smørvik, Kjersti Karijord (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-02-25)
      Hva skjer i turistens møte med kirkerommet? Som del av turistens jakt etter opplevelser, er det en voksende interesse for opplevelser ved ulike religiøse steder. I denne artikkelen ser jeg nærmere på turisters kirkebesøk og deres opplevelse i samskapingen med andre besøkende i kirkerommet. Mens interaksjon og samskaping ofte brukes for å beskrive en mer aktiv samhandling mennesker mellom, i form av ...
    • Explaining the willingness of consumers to bring their own reusable coffee cups under the condition of monetary incentives 

      Nicolau, Juan Luis; Stadlthanner, Katja Anna; Andreu, Luisa; Font aulet, Xavier (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-13)
      An increasing number of hospitality firms attempt to foster sustainable practices among their customers. Amongst these, incentives for customers to bring their own reusable products stand out. In this study, we first analyse whether consumers are willing to bring a reusable coffee cup (RCC) under the condition of a monetary incentive (qualitative decision) and the minimum discount required for ...
    • Nursing Care Plan for a Newborn with the Defect of Congenital Gastroschisis in the Postoperative Period Using ICNPTM and the Dedicated Software 

      Szydłowska-Pawlak, Paulina; Barszczewska, Olga; Sołtysiak, iZABELA; Librowska, Barbara; Engelseth, Per; Kozlowski, Remiguisz; Marczak, Michał; Kila ´nska, Dorota (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-16)
      Background: Congenital defect gastroschisis manifests as a defect in the sheath in the intestine of the newborn, which is not covered by the hernia sac. In this case, the priority task of the neonatal nurse is to diagnose patient care problems quickly and accurately. Choosing the correct care plan elements has a significant impact on shortening the duration of hospitalization, reducing the number ...
    • COVID-19 Adaptive Interventions: Implications for Wellbeing and Quality-of-Life 

      Ramkissoon, Haywantee (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-17)
      Social bonds may assist in cultivating a more positive attitude to life through commonly shared meanings about the COVID-19 pandemic. The key challenge, however, is how to foster social bonds meeting the changing demands in a post pandemic world. Yet, it is in the middle of a crisis that the conversation needs to start about how to strategically plan for the recovery. This is important not only in ...
    • Why Not Use the Sea? A Shared Value Approach to Sustainable Value Creation When Using Carbon Dioxide as a Valuable Resource in Manufacturing 

      Agwu, Ukeje; Oftedal, Elin Merethe; Bertella, Giovanna (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-06-20)
      Interest on the creation of sustainable value has recently increased as a response to global issues caused by traditional business-as-usual logic. Indeed, corporations pursuing profits and competitive advantage at the expense of social and environmental resources has become a source of pressing concern and institutionalized unsustainability needs to be reversed. To create sustainable value, a paradigm ...
    • Estimating the Effect of Transaction Costs Using the Tick Size as a Proxy 

      Sirnes, Espen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-08)
      A method is proposed for estimating the effect of transaction costs on volatility, using the tick size as a proxy. The method involves three steps: (1) collect only the cases in which the tick size changes from one regime to another; (2) estimate the effect with and without the order book size; and (3) use local data on the tick size and volatility but instruments from international markets. The ...
    • Effects of ‘doctor shopping’ behaviour on prescription of addictive drugs in Sweden 

      Zykova, Yana; Mannberg, Andrea; Myrland, Øystein (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-22)
      Free choice of health care providers is aimed to improve the quality of health care by increasing both access to it and the competition between providers. However, it may also give patients possibilities for doctor shopping (DS) behaviour, i.e., visiting different providers to receive illicit drug prescriptions. Abuse of prescribed addictive drugs is a growing problem worldwide and is associated ...
    • We need more seafood influencers! 

      Alm, Siril (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2022-06)
      Despite the fact that people have become more concerned with having a healthy diet, seafood consumption has been declining for several years - especially among the young population. The health authorities recommend eating seafood for dinner two to three times a week, ie 300 to 450 grams of fish, to provide a basis for good health [1]. Norwegian statistics indicates that it is the oldest consumers ...