Viser treff 441-460 av 553

    • Shipping the good fish out? An empirical study on the EU Seafood imports under the EU's Generalized System of Preferences 

      Xie, Jinghua; Zhang, Dengjun (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-10-20)
      The impact of the EU (European Union) Generalized System of Preference (GSP) on the relative EU’s demand for seafood quality was evaluated in the study. We first explored the theoretical Alchian–Allen result of change in ad valorem tariffs in an n–good world, and then tested this result in the empirical study. The theoretical analysis suggests that whether a reduced ad valorem tariff in an n–good ...
    • Explaining vertical gender segregation: a research agenda 

      Longarela, Iñaki Rodríguez (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-12-01)
      This research agenda outlines possible routes to pursue an explanation of vertical gender segregation. The analysis emphasizes the expanding opportunities brought about by a combination of Big Data and public policies, like gender quotas, and uncovers important challenges for which possible solutions are offered. Experimental work is likely to remain very useful in the pursuit of answers to this ...
    • Consumer attention to price in social commerce: Eye tracking patterns in retail clothing 

      Menon, R.G. Vishnu; Sigurdsson, Valdimar; Larsen, Nils Magne; Fagerstrøm, Asle; Foxall, G. R. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-11)
      Although the literature establishes the importance of pricing in relation to traditional retailers and e-commerce, few studies consider its importance in social commerce. This study uses eye tracking to examine observational behavior as fixation time on price and the total fixation time on a Facebook page that displays clothing products. This study employs interventions both directly related (via ...
    • Firm Size, Commodity Price, and Interdependence between Firm-Level Stock Prices: The Case of Norwegian Salmon Industry 

      Zhang, Dengjun; Myrland, Øystein; Xie, Jinghua (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-09-08)
      This study aims to investigate the interdependence between stock prices of salmon firms listed at Oslo Stock Exchange and to evaluate how this correlation is affected by firm size and salmon commodity price. Technically, we apply the Johansen’s approach (Johansen, 1991) to test cointegration between stock prices and between individual stock prices and commodity price. The time path of the long-run ...
    • The emergence of Tuscany as a wedding destination: the role of local wedding planners 

      Bertella, Giovanna (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-02-01)
      This study concerns the development of Tuscany as a destination for wedding tourism. The focus is on local entrepreneurs—specifically local wedding planners—and the aim is to describe and discuss their role as coordinators and innovators. The findings suggest that local wedding planners act as coordinators of teams of local practitioners. Beyond the local level, wedding planners experience difficulties ...
    • Speilvendte klasserom kan bidra til bedre akademiske prestasjoner i høyere økonomisk utdanning 

      Heimly, Finn Steinar; Bertheussen, Bernt Arne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      En lærer på en handelshøyskole speilvendte klasserommet («flipped the classroom») på et stort innføringskurs i bedriftsøkonomi i et forsøk på å skape mer tilfredse førsteårsstudenter, redusere strykprosenten og oppnå bedre karakterer. I grove trekk fant speilvendingen sted ved at de tradisjonelle muntlige monologene (forelesningene) ble komprimert til spissformulerte videoer og distribuert til ...
    • Coping with Time Pressure and Stress: Consequences for Families’ Food Consumption 

      Alm, Siril; Olsen, Svein Ottar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-07-27)
      This study explores the coping strategies that families apply when under time pressure and stress (time stress), and how such strategies affect food consumption at dinnertime. The data were based on photo interviewing methodology with a sample of 12 Norwegian children (ages seven and eight) and their parents. In this case, the children were asked to take photographs during their dinners at home and ...
    • The role of family communication and parents' feeding practices in children's food preferences 

      Alm, Siril; Olsen, Svein Ottar; Honkanen, Pirjo (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-02-07)
      This study used Family Communication Patterns Theory (FCPT) to explore how familydinner-related communication takes place and how parents’ feeding practices may be associated with children’s preferences for dinner meals. The sample consisted of 12 dyads with seven- and eight-year-old Norwegian children and their parents. In-depth photo interviews were used for collecting data. Interview transcripts ...
    • Exploring seafood socialization in the kindergarten: An intervention’s influence on children’s attitudes 

      Alm, Siril; Olsen, Svein Ottar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      <b>Purpose -</b> This paper aims to enhance understanding of the influence of increased food availability and social learning in kindergartens on children’s attitudes towards food. In addition, it discusses questions regarding children and their parent’s attitudes and seafood consumption at home.<br> <b>Design/methodology/approach -</b> The study employs a qualitative approach that includes semi ...
    • An ideal-typical model for comparing interprofessional relations and skill mix in health care 

      Schönfelder, Walter; Nilsen, Elin Anita (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-11-08)
      <b>Background:</b> Comparisons of health system performance, including the regulations of interprofessional relations and the skill mix between health professions are challenging. National strategies for regulating interprofessional relations vary widely across European health care systems. Unambiguously defined and generally accepted performance indicators have to remain generic, with limited ...
    • A Simulation Model to Evaluate an Emergency Response System for Offshore Helicopter Ditches 

      Brachner, Markus (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-12-06)
      A simulation model that supports the planning of an offshore emergency response system is presented. This model is based on official guidelines for offshore preparedness and can be used to evaluate different designs of an emergency system in respect to quantity, performance and location of Search-and-Rescue helicopters by modeling the coverage of the area under consideration. The model is ...
    • Relationships between fares, trip length and market competition 

      Clark, Derek John; Jørgensen, Finn; Mathisen, Terje (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2011-04)
      This paper analyses equilibrium fares that arise from Collusion, Cournot, Stackelberg, Bertrand and Sequential Price Competition when two profit maximising transport firms produce symmetrically differentiable services and have identical costs. Special focus is placed on how different equilibrium fares are linked to trip length. Higher operator costs and higher demand from the authorities regarding ...
    • Enhancing export performance: Betting on customer orientation, behavioral commitment, and communication 

      Alteren, Gro; Tudoran, Ana Alina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-07-29)
      This study examines the extent to which behavioral commitment and communication mediate the effect of customer orientation on export performance such as satisfaction with the percentage margin, capability of payment, and level of complaints. The research was carried out in the Norwegian seafood industry with a sample of 105 exporters. Length of the relationship, firm size and environmental ...
    • Mobility and Conflict 

      Kundu, Tapas; Bhattacharya, Sourav; Deb, Joyee (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-02)
      We study the role of intergroup mobility in the emergence of conflict. Two groups compete for the right to allocate society's resources. We allow for costly intergroup mobility. The winning group offers an allocation, which the opposition can accept or reject, and wage conflict. Agents can also switch group membership. Expropriating a large share of resources increases political strength by attracting ...
    • Innovation on the Open Sea: Examining Competence Transfer and Open Innovation in the Design of Offshore Vessels 

      Borch, Odd Jarl; Solesvik, Marina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-09)
      In this article, we discuss the role of open innovation in collaborative design processes in mature industries such as the shipping industry. We examine the design of high-tech offshore service vessels in environments characterized by high volatility and complexity. We elaborate on the role that accumulating and sharing core competences plays in speeding up the innovation process and increasing ...
    • Relative consumption of housing: Marginal saving subsidies and income taxes as a second-best policy? 

      Aronsson, Thomas; Mannberg, Andrea (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-05-29)
      This paper analyzes whether marginal taxation of labor and capital income are useful second best instruments for internalizing the externalities caused by conspicuous housing consumption, when the government is unable to implement a first best corrective tax on housing wealth. The rationale for studying income taxation in this particular context is that first best taxes on housing wealth may be ...
    • Disentangling supply and demand shifts: the impacts on world salmon price 

      Brækkan, Eivind Hestvik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014)
    • The financial crisis and the wine industry: the performance of niche firms versus mass-market firms 

      Hammervoll, Trond; Mora, Pierre; Toften, Kjell (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2014)
    • The Typology and Role of Online Information Sources in Destination Image Formation: An Eye-Tracking Study 

      Mariussen, Anastasia; Ibenfeldt, Cathrine von; Vespestad, May Kristin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2014)
    • Modeling the importance of biomass qualities in biomass supply chains for bioenergy production 

      Upadhyay, Thakur; Greibrokk, Jørund Haldor (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      A tactical-operational level quantitative model can be an important decision support tool for bioenergy producers. Goal programming approach can help analyze the costs and volume implications of various competing goals in terms of biomass characteristics on part of the bioenergy producers. One cost and six quality characteristics goals, namely moisture and ash contents, and thermal values of two ...