Now showing items 1001-1020 of 1579

    • Technical and scale efficiency of the intensive Tiger shrimp cultivation farms in Binh Dai district - Ben Tre - Viet nam. An application of DEA 

      Cuong, Hoang Van (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-05-15)
      This thesis is implemented with two main purposes: (1) reviewing the literature on efficiency and DEA methods, (2) applying DEA methods to examine efficiency of the shrimp farms in Binh Dai district, Ben Tre, Vietnam. In thesis, therefore, after related literature is reviewed, a case study of measuring the performance of shrimp farms in the study area is implemented. Interesting findings have been ...
    • The relationship between switching costs, customer satisfaction and loyalty in the Norwegian mobile market 

      Karlsen, Fredrik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-05-15)
      Few studies in marketing have examined the role of switching costs in regards of both customer satisfaction and loyalty. The presence of switching costs can mean that some seemingly loyal customers are actually dissatisfied but do not defect because of high switching costs. Thus, it is believed that the level of switching costs moderates the link between satisfaction and loyalty. This work seeks to ...
    • Climate-driven changes in functional biogeography of Arctic marine fish communities 

      Frainer, André; Primicerio, Raul; Kortsch, Susanne; Aune, Magnus; Dolgov, Andrey V.; Fossheim, Maria; Aschan, Michaela (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-11-14)
      Climate change triggers poleward shifts in species distribution leading to changes in biogeography. In the marine environment, fish respond quickly to warming, causing community-wide reorganizations, which result in profound changes in ecosystem functioning. Functional biogeography provides a framework to address how ecosystem functioning may be affected by climate change over large spatial ...
    • Drivers for compliance with fisheries rules. A systematic literature review 

      Tuktarov, Boris (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-11-17)
      Many diverse conflicts are commonly found in a complex and dynamic system such as a fishery. Usual sources of conflicts are property rights conflicts, space utilization conflicts (e.g. fishers versus aquaculture), enforcement conflicts and conflicts that occur between the fishers and the government. The latter two may lead to issues with fisher’s compliance with state laws. This thesis examines ...
    • Comparison of individual transferable quota in New Zealand and individual vessel quota in Norway 

      Mikhnyuk, Elizaveta (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-11-21)
      Since the introduction of licenses and quotas as important management instruments, Norway has established a system of non-transferable IVQs. The “cod-crisis” was a reason for the Nor- wegian Parliament to reject an ITQ system with a high degree of transactions. However, since the late 80s the IVQ regime have forced towards a market-oriented regime for the expansion of the transferability. The overall ...
    • Size-weight structure and growth of Mytilus edulis L. in littoral zone of the White, Barents and Norwegian Seas 

      Mashnin, Aleksandr (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-14)
      The object of the study is the mussel Mytilus edulis L., which inhabits the littoral of the White, Barents and Norwegian Seas. The work is based on materials collected by the author in 2011-2015. Data on the spatial distribution, size-weight and age structure of the mussel settlements were obtained from the littoral sections of the Seas listed above. It was found out that the maximum density of the ...
    • Protein og kitin i grakse fra produksjon av Calanus® Oil 

      Udin, Therese Christina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      Letingen etter nye ressurser som er rik på flerumettede langkjedede omega-3 fettsyrer, har ført til utnyttelse av dyreplanktonet Calanus finmarchicus (raudåte). Det blir høstet inn ved tråling i overflaten under de mest lipidrike stadiene i vår- og sommermånedene. Den største andelen av lipidene er voksestere med et høyt innhold av omega-3 fettsyrer; stearidonsyre (18:4n-4), EPA (20:5n-3) og DHA ...
    • Dyrking av makroalger. En ny vekstnæring? 

      Kjørsvik, Audun Grøntoft (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      Målet med denne studien er å skaffe et overblikk over hvordan statusen er for den norske næringen innenfor dyrking av makroalger. Makroalger som også kalles for tang og tare er den nyeste satsingen innenfor norsk akvakultur. Dette er akvatiske plantelignende organismer som deles inn i tre hovedgrupper: Grønne, røde og brune makroalger. Historiske sett er makroalger en ressurs som er blitt utnyttet ...
    • Biokjemiske egenskaper til grakse fra produksjon av Calanus® Oil 

      Sjøvoll, Anja (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      Det er et stort behov for nye marine lipidkilder med et høyt innhold av LC-PUFA. Den store biomasseproduksjonen av raudåte (Calanus finmarchicus) i Norskehavet gjør den unik. Fra raudåte utvinner firmaet Calanus AS den kommersielle oljen Calanus® Oil. Gjennom prosessen dannes også to andre produkter, et proteinhydrolysat og en grakse (presskake). Det overordnede målet med masteroppgaven var å ...
    • Isolation and characterisation of secondary metabolites from arctic, marine invertebrates 

      Glomsaker, Eirin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      Bioprospecting is the systematic search for and discovery of products in nature, with the purpose of developing commercial products. The marine environment displays a rich biological diversity, as well as a diversity within environmental factors. This environment has necessitated the production of potent secondary metabolites by marine organisms in their arms race against predators and pathogens, ...
    • Kvalitet av vedlikeholdsfôret levendelagret torsk sultet i opptil 12 uker 

      Thomsen, Nicklaes Damkær (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      For Norge og det norske folk har torskefiskeriet alltid vært en viktig næring. Dagens marked «oversvømmes» av torsk i årets første 4 måneder, og prisene på torsk er relativt lave i denne perioden. Et uttalt mål i Næringa er å kunne produsere ferske torskeprodukter gjennom hele året. Gjennom prøving og feiling har Næringa lært at ved å fange og lagre torsk levende i merder vil sesongen kunne forlenges. ...
    • The effect of semi-pelagic trawling on american plaice (hippoglossoides platessoides) by-catch reduction in the northeast arctic shrimp fishery 

      Sistiaga, Manu Berrondo; Grimaldo, Eduardo; Herrmann, Bent; Larsen, Roger B. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The present study reports results of a small-scale preliminary experiment to evaluate whether lifting trawl doors and sweeps from the seabed can lead to a reduction of by-catch in the Northeast Arctic shrimp trawl fishery. We carried out a catch comparison and catch ratio analysis between two gear configurations: one with trawl doors and sweeps on the seabed (traditional rigging) and the other with ...
    • Exploring the potential of two arctic marine bacteria for the production of bioactive metabolites 

      Jenssen, Marte (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      The number of compounds being isolated from the marine environment is increasing, and there is a great potential for discovering new marine derived drug candidates. Improved collection techniques has strengthened bioprospecting on a wider diversity of marine microorganisms. The focus on microorganisms has led to the realisation that many of the natural products originally isolated from macroorganisms, ...
    • Exploring the antibacterial and anticancer potential of five marine fungi. With the use of OSMAC-approach 

      Bragmo, Hanne (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      The marine environment is an untapped source for biodiversity and has a great potential to provide the drugs of the future. Antibiotic resistance is an increasing threat worldwide and the need for discovering new antibacterial compounds is urgent. Marine microorganisms produce a wide range of bioactive compounds, and marine fungi have only been exploited to a small extent. This creates a great ...
    • Beskrivelse av skadeomfanget på snøkrabbe (Chionoecetes opilio) ved interaksjon med bunntrål i Barentshavet 

      Gjesteland, Helene Mari (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      Hensikten med dette studiet var å beskrive skadeomfanget på snøkrabbe (Chionoecetes opilio) ved interaksjon med torske- og reketrål i Barentshavet. Prøvene ble samlet inn på F/F Helmer Hanssen 10. – 30. november 2016 og 24. februar – 6. mars 2017 ved å simulere et kommersielt trålfiske etter torsk og reke, hvor bunntrål av typen Alfredo nr. 3 fisketrål, Egersund Polar 2800# reketrål og Campelen 1800# ...
    • Konflikthåndtering i kystsonen. Spildracaset 

      Klaussen, Kitty (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      Konflikter knyttet til bruk av områder på land blir ofte håndtert gjennom eierskap. Den som eier et område (tomt) har stor frihet til selv å bestemme hva dette området skal brukes til. For områder hvor staten er eier eller eiendomsretten er uklar, vil konflikthåndtering kreve at samfunnet utvikler regler for bruk av slike områder. Slike regler vil ofte innebære at samfunnet vil prioritere mellom ...
    • Perceptions of socio-cultural beliefs and taboos among the Ghanaian fishers and fisheries authorities. A case study of the Jamestown fishing community in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana 

      Dosu, George (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      Small scale Artisanal fishing accounts for majority of fish catches in Ghana and it is increasingly substantial to the traditional fishing communities of the country. The existence of fishing dependent communities in Ghana has predominantly been intertwined with the existence of socio-cultural beliefs and taboos. As an attempt to contribute to exploring how these socio-cultural beliefs and taboos ...
    • What is the true influence of the red tide on the production, price and marketing of the Galician mussel? 

      Martínez, Pablo Louzao (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-08-14)
      In recent years, the Galician mussel industry has encountered an environmental factor capable of influencing its sea farming; the red tide. Its environmental and economic impact on mussel aquaculture is directly related to the duration of toxic processes. Therefore, in this work will be used the number of days of closure of production areas in order to analyze what is the true influence that red ...
    • Måling av pH i pre-rigor fiskemuskel. En analytisk utfordring 

      Skjold, Vetle (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-11-14)
      I post mortem fiskemuskel kan måling av muskel-pH benyttes som en enkel metode for å vurdere både slakteprosedyre og kvaliteten på muskelkjøttet. Dette ettersom pH kan påvirke egenskaper som filetspalting, tekstur, fasthet, drypptap og farge. I de fleste studier er muskel-pH enten bestemt ved å måle direkte i intakt muskel med stikkelektrode, alternativet er å homogenisere muskel i en vannbasert ...
    • Studies on the stimulation of Atlantic salmon macrophage-like cells with emphasis on respiratory burst 

      Ulvestad, Johanne Skår (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-11-15)
      Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in macrophage-like cells is induced as an antimicrobial defence against invading pathogens. In this present study, we have explored how different stimuli and metabolic inhibitors affects the level of respiratory burst in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) head kidney macrophage-like cells. Cells stimulated in vitro by bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and ...