Viser treff 61-80 av 33290

    • The root of extraction: understanding prison labor through the lens of human dignity 

      Sabjaly, Miriam (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-23)
      This study explores the compatibility of prison labor with human dignity by synthesizing and critically reflecting on existing research on the topic. Evaluating work in incarceration through the perspective of a core, foundational value such as human dignity allows us to consider whether it is a reality irredeemably linked to abuse or coercion, as it is frequently portrayed, or whether there may be ...
    • Democratisation, Political Inclusion, and Systemic Justice: The Effects of Youth Movements on Social and Political Change in Nigeria 

      Otive-Igbuzor, Rukevwe (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-23)
      This study examines the effects of youth movements on social and political change in Nigeria, using the student movement in the 1980s/90s, the #NotTooYoungToRun movement (2016–date), and the #EndSARS movement (2017–2020) as case studies. Eight activists actively involved in these movements were interviewed, and the interview findings were complemented with data from various secondary sources, including ...
    • Participatory theatre for human rights: Exploring its benefits for newcomers in London in view of the UK’s hostile environment 

      Dewagtere, Michiel (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-23)
      Apart from bridging the fields of participatory theatre and human rights research, the main aim of this thesis was to explore how participatory theatre helps newcomers in London to navigate the UK’s ‘hostile environment’ and promote their lived experiences as valuable human rights knowledge. First, the thesis conceptualised how both fields are interlinked, building on existing literature about ...
    • Delivering Resistance: Exploring Mobilisation and Collective Actions of Food Delivery Couriers in Georgia 

      Abuladze, Anri (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-22)
      This thesis investigates the collective actions of gig workers in Georgia. Specifically, the study sheds light on how Glovo, Bolt Food, and Wolt food delivery couriers mobilise for better working conditions and labour rights in the country. For this purpose, the thesis draws on news reports covering riders’ mobilisation and in-depth interviews with five former couriers who have participated ...
    • Drugs, Death, Despair: Analysing Discourse over the Use of Capital Punishment for Drug Offences in Indonesia 

      Putrirezhy, Quinissa (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-22)
      In 2014, the Indonesian President, Joko Widodo, declared the “war on drugs.” Despite global abolitionist movements, Indonesia has maintained its firm stance on the death penalty for drug offences. This study aims to examine the discursive struggle over the use of capital punishment for drug offences in Indonesia by analysing the discourse used by the government and the counter-discourse actors and ...
    • Loss of independence of the Colombian ombudsperson. Clientelism and horizontal accountability in a declining national human rights institution 

      Quinche Roa, Juan Manuel (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-22)
      The international status of the Colombian ombuds institution presents a paradoxical scenario. Although the loss of its independence has been documented for almost two decades, it has always received the highest rating from the organization that assesses compliance with international standards. While this is happening, the direction of this State agency continues to be determined by a deficient ...
    • Information privacy and data protection in e-government services in The Gambia: A human rights perspective 

      Deen, Nasiru (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-21)
      This study undertakes an investigation into the standards of information privacy and data protection within the framework of e-government implementation in The Gambia. The Government of The Gambia has embarked upon the deployment and operation of e-government services across various state agencies, aiming to facilitate crucial transactional processes, notably the issuance of ID cards and passports. ...
    • An oppressed majority: The need for reparative policies to address the imbalances and minorization process faced by Black Brazilians 

      dos Santos Sampaio de Camargo, Andressa (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-21)
      This thesis addresses the under-researched dynamic in Brazil where black Brazilians despite being the demographic majority in the country are oppressed, facing systemic human rights violation and disproportional imbalances. This study aims to fill this gap in two parts. The first is by exploring the Brazilian history since the slavery period, identifying the historical violations endured by the black ...
    • To know by Hands. 

      Reppen, Margit (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
      This thesis takes on a sensorial approach to discuss relations between uses of natural resources and connections between humans and nature. Through following three people making use of natural resources in different ways, I argue for a particular kind of knowledge that is tightly linked together with sensorial experiences. I argue that these knowledges require a understanding of the more-than-human ...
    • A Home away from Home? 

      van Ringelesteijn, Lisanne Marinda (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
      This thesis is part of a bigger project, and, together with the film A Home Away From Home (2024), illustrates different ways in which Dutch people experience living in northern Norway and how they engage in home-making practices. The study explores the ways in which they engage in home-making practices to create a home for themselves, while also reflecting on their sense of belonging. The research ...
    • Fra tegnebrett til varig praksis: En studie av implementering av tjenestedesign i offentlig sektor 

      Ramberg, Nora Faafeng (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
      Denne avhandlingen ser på tjenestedesign i norsk offentlig sektor for å avdekke hvor vidt designede tjenester faktisk blir implementert og for å belyse hemmere og fremmere for nye idéers reise fra tegnebrett til varig praksis. Gjennom avhandlingen analyseres seks tjenestedesignprosjekter som har fått støtte fra Stimulab i lys av top down-teori, bottom up- teori og nyinstitusjonell teori. Av ...
    • Fra Italia til Tromsø 

      Fredriksen, Even; Jensen, Tinius (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
      Fra Italia til Tromsø er en case-studie av pizza restauranten Casa Inferno i Tromsø. Avhandlingen har som formål å identifisere hvilke suksessfaktorer som ligger til grunn for den vellykkede kunnskapsoverføringen. Videre tar studiet tar for seg restauranten og analyserer hvordan kunnskapen har blitt overført fra Italia til Tromsø. Det teoretiske bakteppet for denne casen er translasjonsteorien og ...
    • Dragging Chains - An anthropological study on Grenadian jab jab and collective identity formation in the post-colonial context. 

      Hvidtfeldt, Emil Victor (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
      This master’s thesis, together with the film that accompanies it, is based on four months of fieldwork done in Grenada from April to August 2023. The aim of this project is to explore the devil-masquerade jab jab, one of several traditional carnival masquerades played in Grenada, as a catalyst for the emergence of a Grenadian national identity. The participants that have taken part in the creation ...
    • Hva kjennetegner vellykkede strategiprosesser? En studie av en strategiprosess i et interkommunalt selskap 

      Haakenstad, Ulrik Kristoffer Rytter (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-14)
      Denne masteroppgaven omhandler vellykkede strategiprosesser. Oppgaven tar for seg en tidligere strategiprosess i det interkommunale vann og avløps-selskapet Hias, viss strategi har bidratt til høy måloppnåelse. Studien dykker inn i prosessen selskapet har hatt rundt det å utforme en virksomhetsstrategi mellom 2009 og 2013, og gir en detaljert beskrivelse av fremgangsmåten og beslutninger tatt ...
    • Vinmonopolets omdømmeutvikling de siste 20 årene: En studie av Vinmonopolets omdømme- fra mulig nedleggelse til omdømmevinner 

      Ramic, Armin (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-14)
      I denne masteroppgaven ser jeg nærmere på temaet omdømmehåndtering i offentlig sektor. Formålet med studiet er å undersøke Vinmonopolets omdømme og omdømmeutvikling de siste 20 årene. I tillegg blir det sett nærmere på om omdømmeteori for private organisasjoner også kan brukes av offentlige organisasjoner. Problemstillingen jeg ønsker å besvare med oppgaven er: 1. «Hvordan har omdømmet til ...
    • Hvilke strategier inngår i vellykket forebyggende omdømmehåndtering? 

      Berglund, Stine (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-14)
      I denne empiriske undersøkelsen frembringes kunnskap om hvilke strategier som kan inngå i vellykket forebyggende omdømmehåndtering, som per dags dato er et forsømt felt innen omdømmelitteraturen. Undersøkelsen er gjennomført i kraftselskapet Nordkraft, og avdekker på hvilken måte, og i hvilken grad, selskapet anvender forebyggende strategier i sin omdømmehåndtering. Bakgrunn for oppgaven er at ...
    • Exploring Code Switching as a Strategy for Euphemism: A study of Bilingual Undergraduate of Pashto and English in Degree college Wari, Dir Upper 

      Ahmad, Zeeshan (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-14)
      This research explores the motivations behind code-switching behavior, particularly focusing on its occurrence within the context of group discussions among English undergraduate students. Twenty participants, consisting of seven females and thirteen males, were observed during group discussions and subsequently interviewed individually to elucidate the reasons underlying their code-switching ...
    • Do Economics Matter in the Flight Deck? A Statistical Analysis 

      Nedrebø, Tord (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-03)
      The aviation industry operates within a dynamic framework influenced by economic factors, safety concerns, and operational considerations. It is an industry easily influenced by global events and geopolitics, making airlines straddle a fine line between profitability and financial ruin. The purpose of this paper is to explore the importance of financial factors in the decision-making processes of ...
    • Leveling up L2 English 

      Johannessen, Ole-Henrik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-04)
      Denne undersøkelsen utforsker effekten av digitale spill på tilegnelse av vokabular i engelsk som andrespråk (L2) blant norske spiller, og potensialet spill kan ha i språklæring. Studien starter med en gjennomgang av tidligere forskning som har undersøkt engelsk L2-tilegnelse gjennom digitale spill. Denne studien analyserer spørreundersøkelsen utført blant norske spillere for å vurdere hvordan de ...
    • A conviction in marine operations – a step back in aviation safety? 

      Hjemmen, Mads Waltersdorph (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-30)
      December 2023, the Norwegian court convicted the Officer On Watch on KNM Helge Ingstad after a collision with the tanker Sola TS. This study investigates how a conviction of an operator in naval industry might influence the just culture in the Norwegian aviation industry. A questionnaire was sent to 180 persons January 5th, 2024. Theories on just -and reporting culture are presented. This study will ...