Viser treff 201-220 av 548

    • The Heritage of War and the Discourse of Sustainability 

      Figenschau, Ingar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-18)
      Since the concept of sustainability (or sustainable development) became famous through its adoption in the UN’s report, ‘Our Common Future’ in 1987, it has travelled widely to become a global and omnipresent key concept also in the field of heritage. The inclusion into this field was facilitated by the understanding of heritage as resource, which has become the norm within cultural heritage management ...
    • Zooarchaeological and stable isotope evidence of Sámi reindeer offerings 

      Salmi, Anna-Kaisa; Fjellström, Markus; Äikäs, Tiina; Spangen, Marte; Nunez, Milton; Lidén, Kerstin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-19)
      This paper presents new osteometric and stable isotope evidence of Sámi reindeer offerings. Previous archaeological studies have shown that reindeer domestication and intensification of reindeer herding transformed Sámi indigenous religion. However, because of the methodological challenges in the identification of wild and domesticated reindeer in the archaeological record, the exact nature of the ...
    • The Quotidian, Small and Incomplete: WWII and the Indifference of Things 

      Figenschau, Ingar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This article examines how things contribute to an expanded and different understanding of contexts that are usually reserved for historical inquiry. To show this, the article illustrates how archaeological investigations of World War II prison camps connected to the German defensive Lyngen Line in northern Norway have uncovered aspects that are absent or unavailable in historical sources. Accordingly, ...
    • Isaac Olsen - The First Missionary Among the Sami People in Finnmark 

      Willumsen, Liv Helene (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-04)
      This article deals with Isaac Olsen, a Norwegian who was an itinerant catechist and teacher among the Sami people in Finnmark, Northern Norway. The author claims that Isaac Olsen, as a forerunner to the Sami missionary Thomas von Westen, in fact was the first missionary among the Sami people in Finnmark. Isaac Olsen came to Finnmark just after 1700, learned the Sami language and started his work ...
    • Kyrkja på Tromsøya - ei brekkstong for kong Hans' Sverige-politikk? 

      Berg, Sigrun Høgetveit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2019)
      Forholdet mellom konge og kyrkje – mellom kongemakt og kyrkjemakt – står sentralt i europeisk historie mellomalderen igjennom, og i nord får me eit innhaldsrikt døme på ulike sider ved dette forholdet gjennom striden om kallsretten til Tromsø-kyrkja på 1480-talet. Erkebiskop står mot konge, norske interesser står mot danske, og partane må til slutt trekkje inn paven i Roma for å få ei avgjerd. På ...
    • Henning Laugerud: Reformasjon uten folk: Det katolske Norge i før- og etterreformatorisk tid 

      Berg, Sigrun Høgetveit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-10-14)
      Henning Laugerud si reformasjonshistorie om det katolske Noreg før og etter reformasjonen er eit imponerande og innhaldsrikt verk – nybrotsarbeid frå forskaren, gjennomillustrert frå kunsthistorikaren og lesverdig frå formidlaren. Det er den første boka med eit grunnleggjande kulturhistorisk blikk på dei omveltande endringane i Noreg gjennom reformasjonen. Laugerud tek på seg å forstå og formidle ...
    • Northern Reformations: Introduction 

      Berg, Sigrun Høgetveit; Kristiansen, Roald E; Dahl Hambro, Cathinka (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-14)
      What did the protestant reformations look like in the very north of Europe? How did the cultural, political and economic consequences of the religious change influence the relationship between Scandinavia, the British Isles and continental Europe? Various questions related to these main themes were the topics for discussions at the conference “Northern Reformations” in Tromsø, Norway, September ...
    • Gengangere var i virkeligheden en bestseller 

      Purtoft, Maria (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-05-09)
      Henrik Ibsens <i>Gengangere</i> fik en barsk modtagelse i pressen, da skuespillet udkom i december 1881. I dag bliver det gerne brugt som eksempel på samtidens manglende forståelse for forfatteren, og bogen bliver beskrevet som en salgsfiasko og anses som en af undtagelserne i Ibsens ellers så populære forfatterskab. Denne artikel argumenterer for, at litteraturhistoriens og receptionshistoriens ...
    • Havets folk, Herrens folk. Analyse av kystmesse i Stamsund, Lofoten i 1990. 

      Kristjansson, Gunnar Mar (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-11-01)
      Hvert år på den tiden når skreien vender tilbake til Lofoten og lofotfisket starter opp igjen, feires det gudstjeneste i Stamsund under overskriften «kystmesse». Første gang denne gudstjenesten ble holdt var under svært spesielt omstendigheter. Det var lite fisk å finne og folket langs kysten opplevde krise. Den første gudstjenesten var en stor suksess og det var stort oppmøte. Bare ved å analysere ...
    • Saurbekken i Heggen som forskningsarena. Om et lite frø som blei sådd i 1965 

      Bertelsen, Reidar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2019)
    • Håløygminne og nordnorsk arkeologi. Følgesvenner gjennom hundre år 

      Bertelsen, Reidar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2019)
    • Motstridende syn på Tromøy kirkes tilkomst 

      Bertelsen, Reidar (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2019-01-03)
    • Religion og etnisitet blant japansk-brasilianere. En studie i Tomé-Açu 

      Valle, Rolv-Håkon (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-11-08)
      This is a study of the diversity of religions found among Japanese-Brazilians living in the city of Quatro Bocas, in the municipality of Tomé-Açu, in the State of Pará, in the north of Brazil. It examines relations between religions and ethnicities. I conducted fieldwork, first in Quatro Bocas between September and October 2017, and then in the city of São Paulo in December 2018. I interviewed ...
    • U.N. Discourses on Indigenous Religion 

      Kraft, Siv Ellen (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2017-06-06)
      Several scholars have commented on the ‘spiritual tone’ of u.n. discourses on indigenous peoples, but mostly in passing and never – to my knowledge – as a main focus. An attempt to address this gap and discuss in more detail u.n. discourses on indigenous religion, this chapter is concerned with references to religion and cognates, and with extent, patterns and usage. Anything resembling a complete ...
    • Standing Rock Religion(s): Ceremonies, Social Media, and Music Videos 

      Johnson, Greg; Kraft, Siv Ellen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-08-29)
      This article addresses emergent religious formations at protest scenes in the broader context of indigenous organization and identity-building. Our central example is the Standing Rock protest in North Dakota, 2016–2017, a local encampment-based event that quickly expanded into an international indigenous peoples’ movement. We argue that religion was a key register in the camps, during direct ...
    • Standing on the sacred: Ceremony, discourse, and resistance in the fight against the black snake 

      Johnson, Greg; Kraft, Siv Ellen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-07-04)
    • Investigating long-term human ecodynamics in the European Arctic: Towards an integrated multi-scalar analysis of early and mid Holocene cultural, environmental and palaeodemographic sequences in Finnmark County, Northern Norway 

      Damm, Charlotte Brysting; Skandfer, Marianne; Jørgensen, Erlend Kirkeng; Sjøgren, Per Johan E; Vollan, Kenneth Webb Berg; Jordan, Peter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-02-26)
      Most parts of the Circumpolar Arctic have only discontinuous evidence for long-term human settlement. In contrast, Northern Norway has an unbroken archaeological record that extends back to the early Holocene. Numerous high-resolution archaeological and palaeoenvironmental records have been generated by commercial excavations and surveys, offering archaeologists unique opportunities to investigate ...
    • Humanitarian aid to Russian citizens during and after the First World War. The role of the Norwegian society and public figures 

      Lynum, Nataliia (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-06-03)
      The thesis is devoted to the humanitarian assistance of Norwegian public figures to Russian citizens in the period 1914 – 1923. The period covered such important historical events as the First World War, the October revolution, and the Great Famine in Russia. Several international humanitarian organizations were involved in the relief campaign in Russia at that time. The charitable work of Norwegian ...
    • Unge stater, eldre historier. Politisk historiebruk i gresk nasjonsbygging: 1832-1923 

      Koumiotis, Alexander (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-29)
      Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg den politisk-ideologiske historiebrukens rolle innen formingen av den moderne greske staten. Det greske kongeriket ble i 1832 den første staten til dukke opp på Europa-kartet siden den franske revolusjonen. Etter rundt 400 år under osmansk styre ble bruken av historie et sentralt virkemiddel helt fra starten av, ettersom antikkens Hellas var idealisert over store ...
    • The Norwegian-British-Swedish Antarctic Expedition. Science and politics 

      Misund Domaas, Christel (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-29)
      The Norwegian-British-Swedish Antarctic Expedition (NBSX) was the first multilateral expedition to the Antarctic regions and marked the beginning of an era of collaboration in Antarctic policy. Envisioned by Hans Wilhelmsson Ahlmann, as a means to expand his research into global melting and glacial retreat into the Southern hemisphere, and planned by the Norwegian Polar Institute under Harald Ulrik ...