Now showing items 161-180 of 229

    • The Nihilistic Cosmos of Cormac McCarthy's Later Works 

      Olsen, Martin Sande (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-16)
      This thesis explores the bleak nihilistic literary universe portrayed in the novels No Country for Old Men, The Road, and The Sunset Limited: A Novel in Dramatic Form, by Cormac McCarthy. These works portray the cause of human civilization’s death to be the decay of morality through the absence of divine agency. Without divinity present to enforce moral laws upon the population humans are free to ...
    • "But you can't get me out of the story". Feminist Revision of Fairy Tales in Short Stories by Margaret Atwood and Angela Carter 

      Mikalsen, Paula Ryggvik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-29)
      Margaret Atwood and Angela Carter are but two of many authors who have appropriated the fairy tale genre and used its plethora of tales as intertext and playground for their artistic vision. This thesis will look selected stories from The Bloody Chamber (1979), Bluebeard’s Egg (1983) and Good Bones (1992). These collections engage with the fairy-tale canon, in both form, content and intertext, and ...
    • Narrative empathy in Toni Morrison's Beloved and Home. An approach to teaching these works in upper secondary school in Norway 

      Rindstad, Karoline (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-14)
      The following thesis uses Toni Morrison’s two novels Beloved and Home to demonstrate how multiple narrative perspectives can be used to prevent as well as evoke reader’s empathy. Furthermore, the thesis suggests using her work in upper secondary school to teach students about how narrative perspectives might manipulate empathy, which can enable them to reflect upon how different perspectives affect ...
    • Mental illness in literature. Seeing and recognizing mental illness in Conrad’s ‘The Idiots’, Poe’s ‘The System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether’ and Scott Fitzgerald’s Tender is the Night 

      Larsen, Marianne Sagen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-29)
      Abstract The central theme in ‘The Idiots’ by Joseph Conrad, ‘The System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether’ by Edgar Allen Poe and Tender is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald is mental illness. These texts demonstrate mental illness through genetically inherited insanity, doctor patient relationship and self-perception of mental illness in that they all explore the thin line between sanity and lunacy. ...
    • Language and human rights in Nineteen Eighty-Four and Never Let Me Go 

      Amundsen, Victoria Eskedal (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-15)
      In his thesis, the main objective is to look at the connection between language and human rights in two dystopian novels, George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four (1948) and Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go (2005). This thesis also proposes how these two novels, and literary texts in general, can be taught to pupils in upper secondary school. As the lack of or loss of human rights is an element in many ...
    • Gender Performativity in The Handmaid's Tale and The Hunger Games 

      Kirkvik, Anette (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-29)
      This thesis is about female characters and gender in two dystopian novels, The Handmaid’s Tale and the contemporary phenomenon The Hunger Games, and how they relate to each other and to men. The larger focus will be on individual freedom through gender performance through the references to the romance plot, thus emphasizing gender as a social construct. Further this work explores how the gender ...
    • "Váikkuheapmi - hástaleapmi - ovdáneapmi" Vuoi dan Kárenina ja Mu ártegis eallin váldopersovnnaid ovdáneapmi sosiála oktavuođain 

      Partapuoli, Maret Kare-Elle (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-11-17)
      Dutkamušastan guorahalan Vuoi dan Kárenina ja Mu ártegis eallin váldopersovnnaid ovdáneami. Dutkančuolmma juogán golmma váldooassái; váldopersovnna-, váikkuheaddji- ja ovdáneami guorahallamii. Váldopersovnna guorahallamis geahčadan persovnnaid siskkáldas ja olgguldas iešvuođaid. Guktuid teakstadujiin lea váikkuheaddji, nu gohčoduvvon katalysáhtor, guhte váikkuha sihke persovnnaid ja muitalusa juona. ...
    • Pyongyang – Den vestlige reisende på terskelen til en satirisk dystopi 

      Schonhowd, Tuva Brun (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-11-13)
      Denne mastergradsavhandlingen tar for seg Guy Delisles grafiske reiseskildring Pyongyang - En tegnet og meget begrenset reise i Nord-Korea (2008).Lesningen tar utgangspunkt i og utfordrer førstepersonsfortelleren Delisles perspektiv i skildringen. Hvordan viser han sitt perspektiv? Hva forteller det oss? Og i hvor stor grad kan vi stole på det? Jeg forsøker dermed å undersøke hvordan Delisle formidler ...
    • “Ariadne and the rest”: Metamorphoses and transformations in A.E. Stallings' early poetry 

      Tangen, Elise Gjerdalen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-11-15)
      The main focus in this thesis is metamorphoses and transformations in A.E. Stallings’ early poetry, where I explicate poems from her two volumes of poetry, Archaic Smile (1999) and Hapax (2006). The volumes share similarities, such as thematic use, however, the volumes are different on many terms as well. I argue that a shift has happened from volume one and volume two, and argue my case that Stallings ...
    • Making of Arctic heroes. Charles Brower’s Fifty Years below Zero, Jan Welzl’s Thirty Years in the Golden North, and ideas of Arctic heroism and national character 

      Pokorna, Michaela (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-11-19)
      This thesis examines literary representation and imaginative construction of arctic heroism and national character in autobiographical memoirs Fifty years Below Zero by Charles Brower (an U.S. writer) and Thirty Years in the Golden North by Jan Welzl (a Czech author from the Austro-Hungarian Empire). I discuss the ways Brower and Welzl fashion heroic images of themselves in their texts, and how these ...
    • "Brannen" og det mystiske erfaringspotensialet 

      Balsnæs, Kristoffer (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-06-03)
      I min avhandling om Tarjei Vesaas’ Brannen (1961) utforsker jeg mystikken i verkets visjonære grunnlag. Hovedfokuset for mitt tolkningsarbeid ligger på symbolbruken i åpnings- og avslutningssekvensen. Gjennom et utvalg av religiøse, filosofiske og psykologiske tekster viser jeg hvordan Brannens billedmettete symbolspråk uttrykker de uutgrunnelige, transcendentale «sannheter» om menneskets sjeleliv. ...
    • «Hva sier vi når vi sier jeg?» En studie av estetikk og performativitet i den selvframstillende litteraturen, med særlig vekt på skambegrepet i Karl Ove Knausgårds "Min kamp" 

      Adriansen, Hilde Norheim (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-05-15)
      Den selvframstillende litteraturen har de siste par tiårene fått ny aktualitet. Særlig i Skandinavia har vi sett en tendens til at flere og flere forfattere har vendt seg bort fra fiksjonen og begynt å skrive om seg selv. Fenomenet spenner vidt, men kjennetegnes særlig av eksperimentering med form, sjanger og språk, samt et tydelig og personlig jeg. I tillegg reiser den ofte en rekke spørsmål knyttet ...
    • Le Nord imaginaire dans quelques œuvres de Sylvain Tesson 

      Prick, Angélique (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-05-19)
      Det imaginære nord i noen verk av Sylvain Tesson. Sammendrag - Det imaginære nord fremheves i noen verk av den franske forfatteren Sylvain Tesson (1972– ), særlig reiseskildringer: I disse er forfatterens selvfremstilling sterkt knyttet til litterære figurer og motiver som ofte karakteriserer diskursen om det nordlige. Tessons nord er hovedsakelig Sibirs taiga, sør for 63 ºN. Tekstene analyseres ...
    • Grenseoverskridelser og samfunnskritisk blikk i Knut Ødegårds diktsamling " Det blomstra så sinnsjukt." 

      Larsen, Irene Karin Kristine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-05-15)
      Masteroppgaven tar for seg det samfunnskritiske perspektivet, og de grenseoverskridende elementene, i Ødegårds diktsamling "Det blomstra så sinnsjukt." De grenseoverskridende elementene kan på mange måter sees i sammenheng med samfunnskritikken, en kritikk som først og fremst ligger implisitt i diktene. En sentral teoretiker i denne oppgaven er Mikhail Bakhtin. Bakhtin var grunnleggende opptatt av ...
    • Prospero’s Game? A discussion of chaos and control in Shakespeare’s The Tempest 

      Engan, Ida Synnøve Fjelleng (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-29)
      This thesis looks at an excerpt from Peter Hulme’s book Colonial Encounters, “Prospero and Caliban”, where Hulme explores the notion that Prospero, like Shakespeare, is dramatist and creator of theatrical effects. Like Hulme, I believe that there are two plays being enacted, yet I do not share his opinion regarding Prospero as a stage director or a playwright, nor that the play within the play is a ...
    • Identity and Narrative in Doris Lessing's and J.M.Coetzee's Life Writings 

      Krasniqi, Shkurte (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-29)
      The main focus of this thesis is the manner in which Doris Lessing and J.M Coetzee construct their identities in their life writings. While Lessing has written a “classical” autobiography using the first person and past tense, Coetzee has opted for a more fictional version using the third person and the present tense. These different approaches offer us a unique opportunity to look into the manner ...
    • Surviving the end: A study of encounters with post-apocalyptic evil and survival strategies in Matheson's I am Legend, McCarthy's The Road, and Kirkman's The Walking Dead: Compendium One 

      Bø, Kristian (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-15)
      In this thesis the aim is to explore the dichotomy/duality of man in three post-apocalyptic texts and discuss how and why survivors react to the post-apocalyptic setting. Since a majority of post-apocalyptic fictional texts focus on the destruction of the world set to contemporary issues, this thesis will explore how the post-apocalyptic setting will force survivors into making difficult survival ...
    • Places of Evil in Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and The Picture of Dorian Gray 

      Sørensen, Marte Bakkemo (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-11-15)
      The aim of this thesis is to analyze the two novels Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and The Picture of Dorian Gray. It is focused on finding and viewing the justifications that the two main characters, Dr. Jekyll and Dorian, have for developing into villainous manifestations of themselves. The issue of "the double" and "the other self" is central in this context. The development of the two ...
    • Narrative and Ambiguity in the Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner 

      Mandal, Børge (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-11-01)
      The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner has been the subject of critical discussion for a long period of time. The discussions mainly revolve around the inconsistencies and ambiguity of the two narratives in the novel: the Editor’s and Robert Wringhim’s. This paper shows how some of this ambiguity is warranted, and how some of it is possible to diminish by perceiving the narratives ...
    • Breaking the Silence: The Influence of Class,Culture and Colonisation on African Women's Fight for Emancipation and Equality in Tsitsi Dangarembga's Nervous Conditions and Chimamanda Adichie's Purple Hibiscus 

      Corneliussen, Eva (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-10-19)
      This thesis will examine how colonisation has influenced the African women’s fight for emancipation and equality as depicted in Nervous Conditions (1988) by Tsitsi Dangarembga and Purple Hibiscus (2003) by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Dangarembga and Adichie individually are contemporary African post-colonial writers who have drawn worldwide attention with their novels about young women’s fight to be ...