Now showing items 1201-1220 of 7379

    • Harry Potters kamp mot ondskapen. En intertekstuell teologisk tilnærming til Harry Potter 

      Guldseth, Hilde Kristin (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-16)
      Problemstillingen: Er Harry Potter-bøkene preget av kristent tankegods? En intertekstuell analyse av Harry Potters univers i lys av Det nye testamentet og Jesushistorien. Harry Potter serien er spekket med kristen symbolikk og har flere temaer som «tatt ut av evangeliet». Denne oppgaven forsøker å belyse flere av disse temaene. Hovedfokus ligger på Harry Potters kamp mot ondskapen, men også ...
    • Regionreformer i Norge og Finland - Hvilken betydning har aktuelle regionreformer for landenes integreringspolitikk? 

      Lillefloth, Lars Erik (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-16)
      Denne oppgaven ser nærmere på hvordan Norge og Finland har håndtert og håndterer nyere initiativer til regionreform. Regionreformen i Norge innebar en overføring av oppgaver fra stat til fylke, i tillegg til at flere fylker ble sammenslått. Denne reformen sammenlignes med to finske regionreformer på velferdsområdet som skal gjennomføres i 2023 og 2024. Oppgaven er avgrenset til å se nærmere på hvordan ...
    • Una nota sobre los adjetivos de preferencia 

      Fábregas, Antonio (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-24)
      Los adjetivos de preferencia (favorito, preferido, predilecto) tienen propiedades gramaticales que los diferencian de otras clases de adjetivos, asimilables o no a los superlativos. Este trabajo propone un análisis de su comportamiento que se basa en la idea de que, frente a otros adjetivos, estos elementos encabezan estructuras léxicas de relación donde ellos son el núcleo de la estructura, no ...
    • (In)voluntary entrepreneurs. A study of tradition usage as a departure for rural entrepreneurship 

      Fedoseev, Viktor (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2018-05-15)
      People from Kenozerje ceased to be citizens of the Soviet state on December 26, 1991, and two days later received a citizenship of the Kenozersky National Park, a new incredible country stretched on the borders of the Arkhangelsk region in Russia. The Park uses traditions established on its territory as a departure for activities and constructing an everyday life in Kenozerje. The Park is constantly ...
    • En jernbane i endring - En kvalitativ studie av hvordan organisasjonsidentiteten blir påvirket av jernbanereformen. 

      Alsaker, André (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2018-05-15)
      Oppgaven ser på hvordan en stor endring, i form av en reform, kan påvirke organisasjonsidentiteten i en organisasjon. 01.01.2017 opphørte Jernbaneverket som organisasjon, og de fleste ansatte ble overført til det nye statlige foretaket Bane NOR. Overføringen var et element i Jernbanereformen. Jeg ser på hvordan de ansatte i Bane NOR opplever sin identitet i organisasjonen, og hvordan de opplevde den ...
    • Sensitizing Concepts in Action: Expanding the Framework 

      Flemmen, Anne Britt (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2018)
      The relationship between data and social reality is considered a common methodological problem in social research independent of research strategy (Blaikie, 2000: 120). Most researchers recognize that data are produced by the activities of social researchers on a certain version of social reality. Nevertheless, there is little consensus among scholars regarding what the solution to this challenge ...
    • Messy episodes: Indigenous countersigns in Ludwig Choris’s diary and ethnographic portraits of Aleut, Kamchadal and Chukchi (1822). 

      Federhofer, Marie-Theres (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-26)
      Examining Ludwig York Choris’s diary, which was first published in 1999, and representations of Aleut, Kamchadal, and Chukchi people in his Voyage pittoresque autour du monde (Paris 1822), my article discusses methods of aesthetic and scientific visualization in an early nineteenth-century research expedition. The album was the outcome of Choris’s participation in the Russian circumnavigation of the ...
    • El sujeto colonial mulato en la poesía de Juan del Valle y Caviedes 

      Cabanillas Cardenas, Carlos Fernando (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2017)
      El presente libro incluye catorce trabajos que se enfocan en el estudio de diversos sujetos coloniales que vivieron en los virreinatos americanos entre los siglos XVI y XVIII. El enfoque de cada uno es diverso, como diversos fueron estos sujetos y también las distintas estrategias que utilizaron, no solo para encontrar mejoras dentro del sistema colonial sino, en muchos casos, para reivindicar una ...
    • Propiedades de las nominalizaciones de actividad y práctica 

      Fábregas, Antonio (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-31)
      The main goal of this article is to motivate the existence of a grammatically well-defined class of nominalisations expressing activities or practices, whose properties differentiate them froim event, quality or participant nominalisations. We will show that these nouns, deverbal or no, define different classes of general eventualities that are not ijnstantiated in specific time periods or points, ...
    • Sustainable gender equality: Opening the black-box of quality assessment in higher arts education 

      Mittner, Lilli; Gjærum, Rikke Gürgens; Blix, Hilde Synnøve (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022)
      Issues of gender equality (GE) in academia receive increasing attention in terms of social justice and human resource management, and quality of research (Leach, 2016; Thompson, 2018; Pandey, 2019). While there is a body of research on gender representations and measures for women’s advancement in academia (Riegraf et al., 2010), little research has been conducted on the intertwinement of quality ...
    • Syntactic Features 

      Svenonius, Peter (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2017)
      Syntactic features are formal properties of syntactic objects which determine how they behave with respect to syntactic constraints and operations (such as selection, licensing, agreement, and movement). Syntactic features can be contrasted with properties which are purely phonological, morphological or semantic, but many features are relevant both to syntax and morphology, or to syntax and semantics, ...
    • Morphology in Cognitive Linguistics 

      Nesset, Tore (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2017-04-26)
      Cognitive linguistics and morphology bear the promise of a happy marriage. Cognitive linguistics provides theoretical concepts and analytical tools for empirical analysis, while morphology offers fertile ground for testing hypotheses and refining core concepts. It is no wonder, then, that numerous contributions to the field of morphology have been couched in cognitive linguistics, and that morphological ...
    • Instant annotations in ELAN corpora of spoken and written Komi, an endangered language of the Barents Sea region 

      Gerstenberger, Ciprian-Virgil; Partanen, Niko; Rießler, Michael (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-03)
    • Gendered Issues and Voices in Public Discourses on Industrial Development in Northern Norway 

      Kvidal-Røvik, Trine (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-01-03)
      This article deals with gender and industrial developments in the northernmost part of Norway, where there are growing opportunities within the mining, oil and gas industries. Large companies move into the region for shorter or longer periods of time, leading to restructuring and change in these rural areas. These industries are typically male-dominated, and many of the workers coming to the region ...
    • Introduction 

      Lohndal, Terje (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2017)
      Human languages are inextricably a part of our mind/brain. No other animal has a comparable ability with the same complexity and richness that humans do. An important research goal is to better understand this ability for language: What is it that enables human to acquire and use language the way we do? One way of answering this is to argue that there are aspects of our biology that enable us to ...
    • Tildelingskontoret – en organisatorisk innovasjon i norske kommuner? 

      Gjerde, Ingunn; Torsteinsen, Harald; Aarseth, Turid (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2016)
      I løpet av det siste tiåret har mange norske kommuner opprettet tildelingskontor for vurdering av behov for og tildeling av individuelle helse- og sosialtjenester. I dette kapitlet ser vi på etablering av tildelingskontor som en kommunal innovasjon. Kontorene befinner seg i et spenningsfelt mellom ulike styringsparadigmer, noe som både har betydning for hvilke koordineringsmekanismer som tas i ...
    • Variation and change in Italian phonology: On the mutual dependence of grammar and lexicon in Optimality Theory 

      Krämer, Martin (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2016-12-01)
      In this paper I discuss the influence of language acquisition and borrowing on the reorganisation of grammar and lexicon in the development from Latin into Italian. We will have a look at the historical sequencing of the introduction of new phonological processes, velar palatalization, mid vowel breaking, and lateral palatalization, and how they conspire to create new contrasts or reintroduce contrasts ...
    • A Trauma-Informed Approach to Arresting Migrant Families for Deportation. New Policing Practice 

      Warth, Line Lundvoll; Langballe, Åse; Schultz, Jon Håkon (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023)
      An arrest can be a potentially traumatic event for parents and children. In Norway, the National Police Immigration Service (NPIS) has introduced four child-specific principles – safety, understanding, predictability and involvement – to guide a new practice to prevent traumatic stress. We explored how the police understand and practise the new approach when arresting families to be deported. We ...
    • Islam i Tromsø: en nordnorsk religion 

      Bratsvedal, Ine Rolseth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-12-20)
      Hva er islams historie i Tromsø? Hvordan har muslimer i Tromsø tilpasset livet i nord til islam, og islam til livet i nord? Hvordan har islam blitt en nordnorsk religion? Jeg forsøker å kaste lys over disse spørsmålene gjennom feltarbeid, intervju og undersøkelser av skriftlige kilder, samt ved å dra veksler på perspektiver fra religionshistorikeren Thomas Tweed.
    • Pilot arealstrategi. Utvikling og evaluering av arealstrategiarbeid i åtte distriktskommunar. Sluttrapport. 

      Hagen, Aksel; Aarsæther, Nils Johan; Brattland, Camilla; Bråtå, Hans Olav; Buanes, Arild; Ringholm, Toril Merete; Jensen, Vilde Andrea; Johansen, Gisle (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2023)
      Denne rapporten markerar avsluttinga på eit pilotprosjekt om arealstrategiarbeid i 8 distriktskommunar, finansiert av KDD Kommunal- og distriktsdepartmentet i samarbeid med Distriktssenteret. Prosjektoppstart var mai 2021, og avslutning januar 2023.<p> <p>Dei 8 kommunane er Namsskogan, Leka og Holtålen i Trøndelag, Lødingen, Grane og Hamarøy i Nordland, og Nordkapp og Karasjok i Troms og ...