Now showing items 1281-1300 of 7379

    • Argument placement in Swedish 

      Larsson, Ida; Lundquist, Björn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-17)
      This paper gives an overview of the Swedish data on argument placement in the Nordic Word Order Database (NWD; Lundquist et al. 2019). The data were collected from 54 native speakers in three different locations, and the experimental task elicited argument placement (subject shift, object shift, long object shift, particle shift). The results confirm that there is considerable inter- and intra-speaker ...
    • Argument placement in Norwegian 

      Lundquist, Björn; Tengesdal, Eirik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-17)
      This paper gives an overview of the results from three data collection sessions that took place in Norway in 2018, which specifically targeted the placement of subjects, objects and particles in main clauses. The results reveal a fairly high amount of variation in the relative linear order of phrasal subjects and negation, and phrasal objects and verb particles, while the placement of pronouns show ...
    • El caso oblicuo de las preposiciones: raíces, constituyentes y concordancia 

      Fábregas, Antonio (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Aquest treball proposa una anàlisi configuracional al fet que, per a molts parlants, preposicions com según o bajo no puguin assignar cas oblic al pronom i al fet que en espanyol actual l'assignació de cas oblic sigui impossible amb dos pronoms coordinats (*a ti i mí). S'argumenta que, en les varietats més restrictives, el pronom oblic materialitza un constituent sintàctic que conté una capa relacional ...
    • Numonu/moahau. Red feather coils from the Santa Cruz islands, Temotu Province, Solomon Islands 

      Crawford, Peter Ian (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      In the amazing building constructed in the early 19th century to house the Bank of Scotland, in the centre of Edinburgh, you will find the Museum of the Mound, a museum basically dedicated to anything to do with “money”. Its collection contains marvellous pieces of what we may call traditional forms of money from various cultures all over the world. What I would say is arguably the most spectacular ...
    • En to ganger servert oksesteik, et to ganger servert drama. Doktor Tomas Stockmann – en mannlig versjon av Nora Helmer 

      Wærp, Lisbeth Pettersen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-12-16)
      I et brev til sin forlegger, Frederik Hegel, datert Roma 21. juni 1882, kommenterer Ibsen En folkefiendes sjanger: «det har meget af lystspillets karakter ved sig, men også en al-vorlig grundtanke». I tråd med Ibsens uttalelse blir dette dramaet ofte lest som en politisk komedie med et alvorlig tema, samtidig som man mer eller mindre eksplisitt gir uttrykk for at det er litt uklart hva denne alvorlige ...
    • Italienisch als Herkunftssprache im Fremdsprachen-unterricht: Die Rolle der Dialektkompetenz 

      Arona, Sebastiano; Kupisch, Tanja (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-01)
      Unser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit italienischen Herkunftssprecher/innen im Fremdsprachenunterricht Italienisch in Baden-Württemberg, wobei wir drei Perspektiven einnehmen: (i) die Mikro-Perspektive der Herkunftssprecher/innen, die in der Regel flüssig Italienisch sprechen, aber oft bidialektal mit einer Varietät des Italienischen sind, (ii) die Meso-Perspektive der Lehrenden, die diese angemessen ...
    • How to quantify bilingual experience? Findings from a Delphi consensus survey 

      De Cat, Cecile Marie-Rose; Kascelan, Drasko; Serratrice, Ludovica; Tuller, Laurie; Unsworth, Sharon (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-07-04)
      While most investigations of bilingualism document participants’ language background, there is an absence of consensus on how to quantify bilingualism. The high number of different language background questionnaires used by researchers and practitioners jeopardises data comparability and cross-pollination between research and practice. Using the Delphi consensus survey method, we asked 132 ...
    • The Earldom of Orkney, the Duchy of Schleswig and the Kalmar Union in 1434 

      Grohse, Ian Peter; Magnussen, Stefan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-02)
      In August 1434, Erik VII, king of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, confirmed William Sinclair as earl of Orkney, thus ending a decade-long dispute over the hereditary nature of that island fief. Although surviving sources pertaining to Orkney tell us little about Erik VII’s motives, historians have traditionally pointed to circumstances in and around the isles to explain the king’s acknowledgement of ...
    • Stability and trust in federations with ethnic territories and a secession clause - Challenges and opportunities for Ethiopia 

      Føllesdal, Andreas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-24)
      <p>How might Ethiopia maintain its federal structure and its territory? ‘Constitutional contestation’ in Ethiopia is fuelled by two factors: regions and political parties follow ethnic line; and the Ethiopian Constitution has a secession clause. <p>A central challenge is to secure sufficient political trust. The public must be assured that authorities and individuals across regional borders generally ...
    • Russian feminitives: what can corpus data tell us? 

      Nesset, Tore; Piperski, Alexander; Sokolova, Svetlana (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-07-22)
      Recent years have seen considerable debate concerning Russian feminitives, i.e. derived formations that designate female professionals, such as advokatka, advokatša, advokatessa, ženščina-advokat or advokat-ženščina that all refer to female lawyers. In this article, we investigate the use of feminitives based on data from the Araneum Russicum Maximum corpus and the Russian National Corpus. It is ...
    • Extraction from finite adjunct clauses: an investigation of relative clause dependencies in Norwegian 

      Bondevik, Ingrid; Lohndal, Terje (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-10)
      Recent experiments have confirmed earlier informal evidence that finite adjuncts are not islands categorically. Specifically, it has been shown that adjuncts are not necessarily islands for all dependency types (Sprouse et al. 2016), and that the island status of an adjunct depends on the type of the adjunct clause in question (Kush et al. 2019; Müller 2019; Bondevik et al. 2021; Nyvad et al. ...
    • Progressive cities: Urban–rural polarisation of social values and economic development around the world 

      Luca, Davide; Terrero-Davila, Javier; Stein, Jonas; Lee, Neil (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-02)
      In contrast to the conservative values of rural populations, cities are often seen as bulwarks of more tolerant, liberal and progressive values. This urban–rural divide in values has become one of the major fault lines in Western democracies, underpinning major political events of the last decade, not least the election of Donald Trump. Yet, beyond a small number of countries, there is little ...
    • Åarjelsaemien attribuhte-predikative systeeme 

      Kappfjell, Maja Lisa (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-05-31)
      Daen barkoen aamhtese lea åarjelsaemien attribuhte jïh predikative systeemen bïjre, guktie adjektivh attribuhte/-jïh prediaktive hammojde åadtjoeh. Daesnie vuesehtem guktie adjektivh njïelje sojjehtimmiesysteemi mietie sojjesuvvieh jïh guktie sijjen hammoeh sjidtieh.Daehtie joekehtimmeste vuajna lea joekehts ovtetje vuesiehtimmijste, vuesiehtæmman Bergslanden systemijste, man leah göökte systemh. ...
    • A Thorny Past: The After-War Life, and Beyond, of Nazi World War II Barbed Wire in Norway 

      Farstadvoll, Stein (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-20)
      Conflicts have legacies beyond peace treaties and armistices. This article focuses on one example of such an enduring heritage, namely barbed wire left after the Nazi occupation of Norway during World War II. This barbed wire has persisted up to the present day and thus presents a case that can illuminate nuances of a material legacy that is harmful but also an important source of insight and ...
    • Vojennyj dnevnik M.I.Starostina. 1941-1945 gg. 

      Nielsen, Jens Petter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      This article seeks to shed light on the diary of Maksim Ivanovich Starostin (1902–1948), First Secretary of the Murmansk Provisional Committee of the Communist Party and Chairman of the Murmansk Defense Committee, and written during the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945). As a colonel and later major-general, Starostin was a member of the Military Council of the Soviet Northern Fleet and the Military ...
    • Letter-similarity effects in braille word recognition 

      Baciero, Ana; Gomez, Pablo; Dunabeitia Landaburu, Jon Andoni; Perea, Manuel (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-16)
      Letter-similarity effects are elusive with common words in lexical decision experiments: viotin and viocin (base word: violin) produce similar error rates and rejection latencies. However, they are robust for stimuli often presented with the same appearance (e.g., misspelled logotypes such as anazon [base word: amazon] produce more errors and longer latencies than atazon). Here, we examine whether ...
    • Reflections of Movement 

      Magnani, Natalia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-16)
      Human mobility is perpetuated at the intersection of opportunity and pressure. In this photographic essay, I explore reverberations of movement from the Arctic to East Africa, where I have done ethnographic fieldwork or passed through on my own anthropological and personal journey. The photos compare continuities of movement for transborder Skolt Sámi communities in Fennoscandia, sedentarized East ...
    • ‘Russophone Israeli Cinema: “Accented”, Post-Soviet, Transnational, Postnational?’ 

      Rogatchevski, Andrei; Kristensen, Lars (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      This issue focuses on Russophone cinema in Israel, i.e., films made by and about ex-Soviet Israelis in Israel and elsewhere. Our work on this publication began well before Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022. Even if the current war has little bearing on the articles and reviews that are collected here, it is not at all surprising that this particularly horrifying context leads, ...
    • ‘Neo-Gothic Clairvoyance and Palingenetic Myth in Late Soviet Czechoslovakia and Post-Soviet Israel: Pavel Kohout’s The Premonitions of St Clara (1980) and Its Film Adaptations’ 

      Rogatchevski, Andrei (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Pavel Kohout’s bestselling novel The Premonitions of St Clara (Nápady svaté Kláry), whose first German edition was published in Hamburg in 1980, and first Czech edition in Toronto in 1981, describes a commotion caused by a psychic teenage girl called Clara in an unnamed Communist-run small provincial Czech town in the mid-1960s. My article traces how the novel and its adaptations – a 1980 ...
    • Modernisering, etnisitet og emigrasjon. Utvandringa frå Hammerfest prestegjeld til Nord-Amerika 1865 - 1925 

      Åse, Georg (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2004)
      Oppgåva føyer seg inn i rekka av hovudoppgåver om utvandringa frå dei nordnorske byane, der undersøkingar både frå Vadsø, Vardø og Tromsø er representerte frå før. Arbeidet medverkar såleis til ei komplettering av prosjektet med å utforske den transatlantiske emigrasjonen frå byar og tettstader i Nord-Noreg, som særleg professor Einar Niemi ved universitet i Tromsø har vore eksponent for.<p> <p>I ...