Now showing items 1761-1780 of 7379

    • Rupture: Exposing the Instability of a State Apparatus Through Poetic Descriptions of a Natural World 

      Dwyer, William F. III (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-23)
      The thesis uses the critical lens of Deleuze and Guattari on the poetry of George Gordon Byron, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Bobby Sands to illustrate the way natural elements deconstruct the power of a state apparatus by exposing it as a temporary social construct. I argue that literature creates the idea of a nation by perpetuating narratives that divide the world into borders; conversely, literature ...
    • Man skal være dannet skjønt det er forbannet - Dannelsessyn i religionsundervisningen i lys av Charles Taylor 

      Simonsen, Jarl-Roar (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-19)
      I denne oppgaven skal jeg ta for meg endringene rundt forståelsen av dannelse i religionsfaget i norsk skole, og belyse dette med utgangspunkt i tankene til den kanadiske filosofen Charles Taylor. Jeg vil særlig se nærmere på utviklingen av religionsfaget i norsk skole fra 1990 til i dag og stille meg spørsmål om hvilke endringer i forståelsen av dannelse man kan spore i relevante offentlige dokumenter ...
    • These Monstrous, Decadent New Women. Exploring the Death of Dangerous Femininities in the Fin de Siècle 

      Jupiter, Michael Xavier Andrew (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-15)
      Engagement with the Gothic often brings readers into the realms of the unknown and that which is difficult to represent. In this thesis, I intend to convey to you the fin de siècle’s fascination with representing powerful women as monstrous, something that was analogous with the representations of the New Woman. Whilst there has been much research and discussions around the subject of gender in late ...
    • The Conscious Collective. An exploration of Orwell’s Representations of Individualism within Authoritarian Societies 

      Valderhaug, Petter (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-15)
      This master’s thesis examines the prolific author George Orwell’s representation of the struggles associated with individualism within authoritarian regimes. By drawing on Hannah Arendt’s Responsibility and Judgement, a discussion of the Eichmann trials, and the responsibilities of the German people, this thesis establishes a theoretical framework. This framework is used to discuss the responsibilities ...
    • Preventing radicalisation through reading fiction How reading North of Dawn or The Lines We Cross can teach adolescents intercultural competence and build resilience against radicalisation 

      Wijgaart-Van Dijk, Karsten Olav (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-14)
      The following thesis aims to look at how reading Nuruddin Farah´s North of Dawn and Randa Abdel-Fattah´s The Lines We Cross can create resilience to radicalisation and violent extremism. Building on the concepts of deep reading, vicarious experiences and theories on preventative work, this thesis will show how literature that examines radicalisation in a critical light can show the importance of ...
    • Facilitating For a Conscious Awareness of Oneself Through Literature. Using 2001: A Space Odyssey as a facilitator in the classroom for enhancing student’s perspective taking and capacity to mentally time travel 

      Skare, Vebjørn Elvemo (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-15)
      This thesis aims to show how literature can be used to facilitate a deeper understanding of ourselves and our imaginative mind, inside and outside the classroom. The novel that will be used as an example is Arthur C. Clarke’s renowned 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). The novel revolves around Clarke’s worldview and prospections about the future, musing on the existential questions which have puzzled ...
    • Et lite kommunalt bibliotek mot en global pandemi 

      Bærø, Anna (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-16)
      This thesis deals with Karlsøy Municipality, and its local public library and how it has fared during the global Covid-19 pandemic. Through my research methods, conversations with employees and personal experiences at the library, has revealed that there are several aspects of the library that stands out in comparison to larger libraries. For this thesis, I have considered several methods, some ...
    • Havmannen – om omgivelsenes betydning i betrakterens møte med skulptur i natur 

      Lande, Anja Kathrine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-12)
      Oppgaven handler om Havmannen, en skulptur av den engelske kunstneren, Antony Gormley, og hvordan den som skulptur i natur forholder seg til omgivelsene. I oppgaven ses det på hvordan omgivelser og landskap kan være deltagende i betrakterens møte med skulpturen og på hvordan skulptur kan framheve omgivelsene -like mye som omgivelsene kan framheve skulpturen. Hva vi ser når vi betrakter en skulptur ...
    • El aspecto léxico en los adjetivos derivados en -ble 

      Rebollo Martínez, César (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-06)
      Resumen: La morfología se ocupa del estudio de los procesos a través de los que se expande el vocabulario de una lengua. Este estudio surge con el objetivo de explorar el papel que desempeña el aspecto léxico en las adjetivalizaciones deverbales en -ble. Para ello se han extraido ejemplos de verbos y adjetivos derivados de corpus lingüísticos que recopilan casos del uso en medios online de todos ...
    • A hundred years of assimilation: Context of Kurdish people in the field education 

      Karataş, Mazlum (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-31)
      This research aims to question how the Kurdish people is affected by the assimilation policies starting from the 1923 until today. It aims to explain how the education system serves the assimilation policies and how and for what reasons the Kurdish language and culture are being destroyed. The thesis provides reasons why Kurdish language and literature do not develop. In order to explain these ...
    • The Impact Of Covid-19 Pandemic on Education for Indigenous People In Uganda A Case Study of Karamojong Community 

      Brenda, Babirye (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-31)
      The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak from 2019 has impacted education systems of many countries around the world. Efforts to contain COVID-19 have led to the closure of schools in more than 100 countries worldwide. This situation has also left over one billion learners out of school. For marginalized communities such as indigenous people, the situation has been worse. This study investigated the ...
    • Carcross/Tagish First Nation Water Governance: Remembering the Way 

      Bretzlaff, Kent (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-15)
      Carcross/Tagish First Nation (C/TFN) governs their traditional lands via self-determination, sovereign rights, and modern treaties. C/TFN’s Traditional Territory is comprised of a vast amount of water. As stewards, C/TFN continues to maintain sacred, and reciprocal relationships between land and water, within a cosmology (Ha Kus Teyea) which does not perceive a separation between people, land, and ...
    • Community Involvement in Mine Remediation: Insights from Northwest Territories, Canada 

      Hoefer, Hannah L. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-30)
      Across Canada and the Northwest Territories (NWT), abandoned mines have held their place as literal and figurative memories of historical mining malpractices, with mine closure and remediation in Northern areas gaining traction in Canada to bring environmental, economic, and social restitution from years of neglect and land misuse. However, the focus on technical aspects of mine closure have ...
    • La delimitación de los compuestos formados por dos sustantivos Un estudio sobre sus propiedades léxicas y morfosintácticas 

      Montoya Espín, David (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-07)
      A pesar de la cantidad de estudios que hay al respecto, no disponemos de una definición clara sobre la delimitación gramatical de los compuestos en español. Si bien hay cierto consenso sobre la adscripción gramatical de los compuestos univerbales, éste se desvanece en el instante en el que estas raíces léxicas se manifiestan de forma separada, como hombre clave o coche cama. Esta falta de consenso ...
    • En kvantitativ studie av kjønnsforskjeller i grunnskoleprestasjoner – kan effekten av bosted og utdanningsnivå bidra til nyansering? 

      Kolsum, Petter (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-30)
      Oppgaven har som formål å nyansere kjønnsforskjellene i grunnskolen ved hjelp av kommuners sentralitet, sysselsettingsprofil, og utdanningsnivå. Sysselsettingsprofil er i oppgaven representert av prosentandel i kommunen som er sysselsatt i primærnæringer. Utdanningsnivå er operasjonalisert gjennom prosentandel i kommunen med høyere utdanning, og prosentandel i kommunen med grunnskole som høyeste ...
    • The roles role play plays : The form and function of bilectal codeswitching in North Norwegian pre-school children’s role play 

      Strand, Bror-Magnus S. (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2022-08-25)
      It is well known that Norwegian children code-switch from their native dialect to something resembling Central or Standard East Norwegian in their in-character role utterances during role play. Despite this, the structural aspects of the phenomenon are not exhaustively studied and understood, and the function of this role-play register as a tool for communication in role play deserves further ...
    • War is for American (super)men: Narratives of conflict and gender in the Captain America franchise 

      Stancic, Marija (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-06-01)
      The way conflict and gender are discursively constructed is influenced, in part, by media representations. An influential entertainment complex like the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) can, therefore, play a major role in the way conflict, gender, and their intersection are understood. This thesis explores Marvel’s representations of those topics in the Captain America franchise by analyzing the ...
    • Print Media in a post-conflictual society: A discourse analysis of the development in Northern Ireland 

      Johannessen, Snorre (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-16)
      The aim of the thesis is to explore how newspapers behave in a post-conflictual society. The thesis applies discourse analysis to two cases in modern day Northern Ireland. The first case being the reopening of Stormont in the spring of 2007. The second case is the youth riots of 2021. Through analyzing these cases I gain an understanding of how the media behaves in such a society.
    • Biopolitics and Human Agency of North Korean border crossers: The Ethics of Coexistence, Mobility-Identity-Security Analysis (MISA), and Risk Analysis (RA) 

      Lee, Dosol (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-16)
      This thesis discusses mobility, identity, and security (MIS), risk to life, emancipatory everyday peace in the context of biopolitics and human agency of North Korean border crossers. It begins with providing a new concept of human agency comprised of ability and answerability laid on the ground of the ethics of coexistence. Next, the thesis provides prevalent definitions of three identity groups ...
    • Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism: A Case Study of Faith-Based Organizations in Isiolo County, Kenya 

      Golicha, Ibrahim Bidu (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-16)
      Generally conflict prone, Isiolo County currently grapples with radicalization and recruitment into violent extremism by violent extremist organizations such as Al Shabab and Al Qaida. As part of a wider response to violent extremism and terrorism in Kenya, civil society organizations in Isiolo implement preventing and countering violent extremism (PCVE) programs with the aid of local and international ...