Now showing items 461-480 of 7373

    • The association between screen media quantity, content, and context and language development 

      Alroqi, Haifa; Serratrice, Ludovica; Cameron-Faulkner, Thea (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-06-27)
      This study investigates the influence of the quantity, content, and context of screen media use on the language development of 85 Saudi children aged 1 to 3 years. Surveys and weekly event-based diaries were employed to track children’s screen use patterns. Language development was assessed using JISH Arabic Communicative Development Inventory (JACDI). Findings indicate that the most significant ...
    • Letters to the Paulaharjus from Ruija: The emergence of two writing cultures in Finnish among Kvens in the early twentieth century 

      Haataja, Daniel; Niiranen, Leena Mirjam (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-08-15)
      <p>Samuli Paulaharju was a Finnish ethnographer who visited the Kven minority in Northern Norway – Ruija – in the 1920s and 1930s. Together with his wife Jenny he collected ethnographic material among the Kvens, and corresponded frequently with some of them. Many wrote in Finnish, and most were self-taught writers. <p>We focus on the orthography used by these writers who were writing in a multilingual ...
    • Heritage language development and processing: Non-canonical word orders in Mandarin-English child heritage speakers 

      Hao, Jiuzhou; Chondrogianni, Vasiliki; Sturt, Patrick (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-09-18)
      Previous research suggests that child HSs’ performance in offline linguistic tasks is typically worse than their age-matched monolingual peers and is modulated by linguistic and child-level factors. This study examined the comprehension and production of three Mandarin non-canonical structures in 5- to 9-year-old Mandarin–English heritage children and Mandarin-speaking monolingual children, including ...
    • Experience of discrimination in egalitarian societies: the Sámi and majority populations in Sweden and Norway 

      Yasar, Rusen; Bergmann, Fabian; Lloyd-Smith, Anika; Schmid, Sven-Patrick; Holzinger, Katharina; Kupisch, Tanja (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-29)
      The Sámi people stand out as the only Indigenous minority in an egalitarian European context, namely the Nordic Countries. Therefore, inequalities that they may face are worth closer inspection. Drawing on the distinction between inequalities among individuals (vertical) and between groups (horizontal), we investigate how different types of inequalities affect the Sámi today. We formulate a series ...
    • UN human rights mechanisms in prevention of atrocity crimes: the context of mass atrocities in Ukraine 

      Sayko, Anna (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-11-06)
      There has been limited examination of the current and potential capacity of the UN human rights mechanisms to effectively engage in preventive measures. The international community, mainly through the UN Security Council, focuses on peaceful conflict resolution, mediation and political interventions, narrowing the scope of atrocity prevention to security, diplomacy and politics. However, by reassessing ...
    • Human Rights in Neoliberal Era: A Case Study of Georgia 

      Arabuli, Taia (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-11-01)
      Neoliberalism, characterised by free-market reforms, privatisation of public services and assets, prioritisation of private property rights, and limited government interference, has shaped the "neoliberal age." Critics argue that these policies have contributed to social inequality, poverty, and human rights violations. This research analyses the challenges neoliberal policies present to human rights ...
    • Who deserves international protection in Europe? A critical analysis of the unequal treatment given to Convention refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection in the European Union 

      Vasconcelos Silva e Souza, Luisa (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-11-01)
      The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the establishment of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) and its successive reformulations, focusing on the EU policy on standards for the qualification of third-country nationals or stateless persons as refugees or beneficiaries of subsidiary protection. It analyses how hierarchies are constructed for the different policy target groups and how ...
    • European Union Governance Response to Corporate Social Responsibility and the French Case Study 

      dos Prazeres Costa, Giulia (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-11-01)
      This dissertation explores the European Union (EU) strategy on corporate responsibility in relation to sustainability reports and due diligence processes in human rights. The focus is on the French position in the area, as it was the first member state to legislate on the duty of vigilance. The aim is to examine the interaction with the EU and the member states in this issue-area using France as a ...
    • Por qué vienen palabras (complejas) en los diccionarios. 

      Fabregas, Antonio (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-27)
      Una dificultad aparente para cualquier sistema que proponga procedimientos generativos en la formación de palabras es el hecho de que los diccionarios deben incluir muy frecuentemente algunas palabras complejas incluso cuando no tienen valores idiosincrásicos. Este artículo argumenta que el problema se disuelve cuando se atiende a dos hechos gramaticales: la selección se produce de un núcleo a ...
    • “Threat” in Russian–A Linguistic Perspective 

      Nesset, Tore; Makarova, Anastasia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-08)
      The present study explores a frequent concept in modern media discourse, namely “threat,” based on a corpus analysis of the two Russian nouns groza and ugroza from 1800 to 2020. We show that the two words share a network of submeanings, but that they have different centers of gravity in the network. We identify four submeanings and suggest that the distribution of the two words has changed over ...
    • A Duty not to Remain Silent: Hypocrisy and the Lack of Standing not to Blame 

      Lippert-Rasmussen, Kasper (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-20)
      A notable feature of our practice of blaming is that blamees can dismiss blame for their own blameworthy actions when the blamer is censuring them hypocritically and, as it is often put, lacks standing to blame them as a result. This feature has received a good deal of philosophical attention in recent years. By contrast, no attention has been given the possibility that, likewise, refraining from ...
    • Two Nominal Clause-Types in Northern Mansi: An Experimental Study of Language Variation 

      Horváth, Csilla; Mus, Nikolett (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-10)
      The paper examines the structure and distribution of two types of nominal/adjectival predicates in the Northern Mansi language. A nominative noun or adjective serves as the predicate in one construction. The other predicate type contains a predicate noun or adjective that takes translative case marking. In both constructions, the stative-like copula ōl- ’be, exist’ can also appear, though ...
    • Reformasjonen på Færøyene - en nordtysk kulturarv? 

      Grohse, Ian Peter (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-12-18)
      The chapter examines the proposition, first advanced by Faroese historian Louis Zachariasen, that the Reformation was introduced to the Faroe Islands by German merchants from Hamburg who held trading privileges and governing authority in the Faroes between ca. 1520 and 1553. Hamburg and the Faroes represented two dramatically different cultural spaces. In addition to obvious differences in language ...
    • CLILiG – Übergänge zwischen den Bildungsstufen 

      Daryai-Hansen, Petra Gillyard; Lindemann, Beate Hildegard; Budvytyte, Aina (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-11-10)
    • Orchestrating Moral Bearability in the Clinical Management of Second-trimester Selective Abortion 

      Heinsen, Laura Louise; Bruheim, Camilla; Adrian, Stine Willum (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-12)
      In present-day Denmark, second-trimester selective abortion has become a regular medical event, which has turned selective abortion care into a routinized task for health staff. In this article, we explore what forms of care practices abortion providers in Danish public hospitals engage in. Using in-depth interviews, medical documents and social media data, we show that at the center of selective ...
    • Autistic Characteristics in a Nationally Representative Clinical Sample of Adolescents Seeking Medical Gender-Affirming Treatment in Norway 

      David, Linda; Stenberg, Nina; Diseth, Trond Haaken; Helverschou, Sissel Berge; Nyquist, Cecilie Bjertness; Øien, Roald A; Wæhre, Anne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-06)
      Purpose - Several studies have reported on the intersection of autism and gender incongruence (GI) in clinical populations. This study aims to investigate autistic characteristics and registered autism spectrum diagnoses (ASD) in a clinical cohort of 83 adolescents referred to the National Gender Team for Children and Adolescents in Norway during 2020.<p> <p>Methods - Parents completed the Social ...
    • Populisme på samisk. Framveksten av Nordkalottfolket på Sametinget 

      Falch, Torvald; Selle, Per (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-08)
      Nordkalottfolket (NKF) fikk sitt politiske gjennombrudd i Sametinget ved valget i 2021 med 18,3 prosent av stemmene med 9 av 39 representanter fra 6 av 7 valgkretser. Med populismens forståelse av hvordan «folket», «eliten» og «folkeviljen» forholder seg til hverandre samt teoriretningen historisk institusjonalisme analyserer artikkelen hva som kjennetegner NKF, hvordan dets framvekst kan forklares ...
    • In the northern periphery of Russia abroad. The Norwegian destiny of Anatol Ye. Heintz (1898–1975), palaeontologist and native of St Petersburg 

      Nielsen, Jens Petter; Tevlina, Victoria V. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-13)
      This article provides an exposé of the life and work of Anatoliy Yevgenyevich Geynts, in Norway known as Anatol Heintz. Heintz was born and raised in St Petersburg, became a Russian refugee after the revolutionary events in Russia in 1917–1918, and ended up in Norway with his family. Later Heintz became renowned in the world of science as a Professor, Academician, and one of the founding fathers ...
    • Healthcare Delivery and Emergency Preparedness on Svalbard: A Study of Norwegian and Russian Practices and Cooperation 

      Wæhler, Turid Austin (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2024-01-26)
      The aim of this thesis is to explore Norwegian and Russian approaches to healthcare delivery and emergency preparedness on Svalbard and to examine potential effects from a closer cooperation. The methods were interdisciplinary. A systematic review was performed to assess studies about health on Svalbard (article 1). Thereafter, a literary analysis explored concepts of health and illness in Norwegian ...
    • Arctic cooperation between Norway and Russia in healthcare delivery and emergency preparedness on Svalbard: barriers and facilitators 

      Wæhler, Turid Austin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-12-25)
      <p>This interdisciplinary study explores whether increased cooperation in healthcare delivery and emergency preparedness between Norway and Russia on the Arctic archipelago Svalbard may increase the quality of these services and whether cooperation is desired. <p>Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted and the respondents were asked to describe the current cooperation. Further, they were ...