Now showing items 741-760 of 7377

    • Dutch modality exclusivity norms for 336 properties and 411 concepts 

      Bernabeu, Pablo (Preprint; Manuskript, 2018)
      Part of the toolkit of language researchers is formed of stimuli that have been rated on various dimensions. The current study presents modality exclusivity norms for 336 properties and 411 concepts in Dutch. Forty-two respondents rated the auditory, haptic, and visual strength of these words. Mean scores were then computed, yielding acceptable reliability values. Measures of modality exclusivity ...
    • Frankenstein at 200: Introduction 

      Falke, Cassandra; Hanssen, Jessica Allen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Derek Attridge says of James Joyce that one can never be a first-time reader of that authors work.1 The same can be said of Mary Shelley, particularly with regard to her first novel, Frankenstein: Or The Modern Prometheus. There cannot be many readers who come to it without prior ideas of what to expect. Images of the creature pervade popular culture, and most English readers know Victors tale of ...
    • Refusal – opening otherwise forms of research 

      Gross, Lena; Mashreghi, Sepandarmaz; Söderman, Emma (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-14)
      An increasing interest towards researching other forms of knowledges is taking place, expanding the boundaries of knowledge to include forms that have been historically marginalised, negated, and neglected by the Western academy. Parallel to this, we have identified a rising critique of how voices marginalized by colonial modes of academic knowledge production are included, through a single-sided ...
    • More refined typology and design in linguistic relativity: The case of motion event encoding 

      Bernabeu, Pablo; Tillman, Richard (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-04-11)
      Linguistic relativity is the influence of language on other realms of cognition. For instance, the way movement is expressed in a person’s native language may influence how they perceive movement. Motion event encoding (MEE) is usually framed as a typological dichotomy. Path-in-verb languages tend to encode path information within the verb (e.g., ‘leave’), whereas manner-in-verb languages encode ...
    • Substituted decision making and the dispositional choice account 

      Andersson, Anna-Karin Margareta; Johansson, Kjell Arne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-03-02)
      There are two main ways of understanding the function of surrogate decision making in a legal context: the Best Interests Standard and the Substituted Judgment Standard. First, we will argue that the Best Interests Standard is difficult to apply to unconscious patients. Application is difficult regardless of whether they have ever been conscious. Second, we will argue that if we accept the least ...
    • Alignment and locality in the typology of affixing language games 

      Krämer, Martin; Vogt, Barbara (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-01-30)
      This paper contributes to the discussion around the (extra-)grammatical status of language games (or ludlings). We collected over 60 games which are based on the affixation of a dummy morpheme, which is infixed and iterated in most cases. While some are obviously reduplicative, closer investigation reveals that all the games involving iterativity function like reduplication. Our optimality-theoretic ...
    • On exceptional stress assignment in Latvian: the case of prefixes 

      Fábregas, Antonio; Krämer, Martin; Vulane, Anna (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-05-09)
      In this article, we examine some previously understudied exceptions to the generalization that Latvian assigns stress to the left-most syllable in a prosodic word, specifically those that involve prefixation. We will show that these apparent exceptions in stress assignment follow from the internal structural properties of the word and are a result of attaching the prefix outside the domain where ...
    • Review of: M. Baerman (ed.). The Oxford handbook of inflection. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. 688 p. ISBN: 978-0-19-959142-8. 

      Nesset, Tore (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Recent years have witnessed a steady stream of linguistics handbooks. The 688-page volume under review is part of a large series published by Oxford University Press involving handbooks on particular theories (e.g. Construction Grammar), subfields (e.g. sociolinguistics), and linguistic phenomena (e.g. compounding and derivational morphology). M. Baerman’s volume is a very valuable addition to the ...
    • Los verbos adimensionales: propiedades y consecuencias 

      Fábregas, Antonio (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-04-29)
      The goal of this article is the analysis of the empirical properties of change of state verbs which do not specifiy lexically the dimension where change operates – such as aumentar ‘increase’, reducir ‘reduce’, acrecentar ‘increase’ –, and also to examine the theoretical consequences that this class has for our understanding of argument structure, the distinction between light and non-light predicates ...
    • Analyse i kvalitativ forskning – Det vi ikke skriver om 

      Eriksen, Sissel H.; Holtan, Amy (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-02)
      Tema for artikkelen er prosessen der vi reduserer et forskningsmateriale fra kvalitative intervjuer til data i en analyse. Vi viser eksempler på hva forskeren velger eller ikke velger å bruke som data i analysen når et større empirisk materiale skal reduseres gjennom en analyseprosess. Vi diskuterer mulige årsaker til at noe av det empiriske materialet forblir ubrukt i analysen. Det kan være at ...
    • The Emotional Risk Posed by AI (Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace) 

      Danielsen, Maria (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-12)
      The existential risk posed by ubiquitous artificial intelligence (AI) is a subject of frequent discussion with descriptions of the prospect of misuse, the fear of mass destruction, and the singularity. In this paper I address an underexplored category of existential risk posed by AI, namely emotional risk. Values are a main source of emotions. By challenging some of our most essential values, AI ...
    • LGBTIQ+ prioritization in refugee admissions – The case of Norway 

      Vitikainen, Annamari (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-30)
      This article discusses some of the normative bases for the recent (2020) Norwegian policy prioritizing LGBTIQ+ refugees in refugee admissions. It argues that, when properly interpreted, this policy is compatible with the UNHCR vulnerability selection criteria but is not independently supported by it. Combined with some of the broader moral principles guiding refugee admissions – including both ...
    • Un análisis sintáctico de dos tipos de causante 

      Fabregas, Antonio (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014-12-15)
      Este trabajo muestra que, sobre la suposición de que los papeles temáticos deben corresponder a posiciones específicas dentro de una jerarquía sintáctica, deben distinguirse dos tipos de causantes. Combinando pruebas sintácticas y semánticas tomadas de (a) los participios resultativos; (b) las nominalizaciones eventivas y (c) las construcciones causativas se argumenta que hay un causante directo, ...
    • Ei ny religiøs rørsle tek form 

      Fonneland, Trude A. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      13.3.2012 vart Sjamanistisk Forbund godkjent som eige trussamfunn av fylkesmannen i Troms. Godkjenninga innebar oppretting av ein sjamanistisk landsorganisasjon og eit fylkeslag for Tromsø kommune. I søknaden til Fylkesmannen går det fram at forbundet er særleg oppteke av å forvara den samiske og norrøne sjamantradisjonen. Forbundet ynskjer å opna for eigne sjamanistiske seremoniar knytt til dåp, ...
    • Building a High North Growth Pole: The Northern Norwegian City of Hammerfest in the Wake of Developing the "Snow White" Barents Sea Gas field 

      Eikeland, Sveinung (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014-04-25)
      Global oil industries are moving from well-established economic centres to remote areas in the north. This paper addresses regional impacts, and links the analyses and discussions to theories embedded in Keynes inspired ideas from the 1950'ies of state opportunities to build growth poles in peripheries by governing entering industries. The article analyses changes in the North-Norwegian city of ...
    • Post-Petroleum Security in Lofoten: Why Identity Matters 

      Kristoffersen, Berit; Dale, Brigt (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-10-26)
      Based on over 60 interviews and fieldwork in Lofoten, Norway, over a five-year period (2008 – 2013), this paper argues that local identity is a ‘missing link’ with significant explanatory value when analyzing the contested matter of whether to open for oil drilling in this region. Through a Giddensian approach to ontological security, we identify a major discrepancy between local and national ...
    • Lærer-foreldre-relasjoner under press 

      Bæck, Unn-Doris K. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013-10-01)
      Tema for denne artikkelen er forholdet mellom lærere og foreldre. Sett fra foreldres synspunkt kan forholdet til lærere noen ganger oppleves som vanskelig. På samme måte kan det å forholde seg til foreldre oppleves som krevende og stressende for lærere og påvirke deres erfaring med og forståelse av egen profesjon. I ytterste konsekvens kan dette ha betydning for hvorvidt lærere blir i jobbene ...
    • Sosiale mediers inntog i lokal­politikken er et tveegget sverd 

      Steinveg, Beate; Bjørnå, Hilde (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2023)
      Sosiale media har gjort sitt inntog i lokalpolitikken og er en viktig påvirkningskanal i valget. For lokalpolitikerne selv er sosiale media også en del av hverdagen. Hverdagsytringer på sosiale medier gjør at de kan komme nærmere borgernes meninger, få innspill til politikken og delta i politiske diskusjoner om saker de brenner for. Men engasjement på sosiale media har også en rekke ulemper. Vi ...
    • Forskeren som minst mulig voksen 

      Helgesen, Mai Brit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2012-04-01)
      Denne artikkelen tar for seg metodologiske utfordringer knyttet til forskerens deltakelse i produksjon av datamaterialet. Tema her er å undersøke hvordan kunnskap om barn fremstilles ved å avklare hvilke væremåter og posisjoner forskeren inntar som observatør av de sosiale samhandlingene, som finner sted mellom deltakerne i barnehagen. Det empiriske materialet som presenteres i artikkelen er en del ...
    • Installed base as a facilitator for user-driven innovation: How can user innovation challenge existing institutional barriers? 

      Andersen, Synnøve Thomassen; Jansen, Arild J. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2012-12-06)
      The paper addresses an ICT-based, user-driven innovation process in the health sector in rural areas in Norway. The empirical base is the introduction of a new model for psychiatric health provision. This model is supported by a technical solution based on mobile phones that is aimed to help the communication between professional health personnel and patients. This innovation was made possible through ...