Now showing items 761-780 of 7377

    • The development of scientific cooperation under the Norway - Russia fisheries regime in the Barents Sea 

      Hammer, Maria; Hoel, Alf Håkon (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2012-10-31)
      Cooperation between Norwegian and Russian scientists on marine science in the Barents Sea dates back to the 1950s. Science, as well as the resource management it serves, has evolved dramatically since then. In terms of its substance, scientific foci and methods have increased substantially. Previously, research efforts targeted a few commercial fish species, whereas entire ecosystems and non–commercial ...
    • Arktisheskaja energetika v sfere interesov politikov i yshenux 

      Tevlina, Victoria V. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      About 600 people from 14 countries participated in The Arctic Boundaries International Conference in January, 2012 in Tromsø (Norway). Sixth time this seaport often called “Gate to the Arctic” gathered politicians, scientists, representatives of industrial, financial, transport and other companies, teachers, graduate students and doctoral candidates to elaborate recommendations for sustainable and ...
    • La figure féminine chez Arne Dybfest 

      Barstad, Guri Ellen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2012-03-26)
      Arne Dybfest (1862-1892) is a Norwegian author whose female figures seem to have all the usual characteristics of the decadent woman. They are erotic, calculating and dangerous creatures entangling men in their snares and ruining their lives. They are morally, socially and aesthetically transgressive. At the same time, they remind us of the "huldra", a central figure in Scandinavian folklore. This ...
    • Anglophone hegemony in tourism studies today 

      Dann, Graham Michael S. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2011-06-29)
      Building on a recent co-edited work (Dann and Liebman Parrinello, 2009), this account seeks to demonstrate that tourism studies as a field has been unjustifiably dominated by English speakers. The point is illustrated firstly in terms of its four major theories that claim to have their origin in the Anglophone world of the 70s in spite of the realisation that they had their antecedents in ...
    • Las dos versiones del poema «Fe de erratas» de Juan del Valle y Caviedes. Un apunte textual 

      Cabanillas Cárdenas, Carlos Fernando (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2011)
    • Double perspective narrating time, life and health 

      Wilson, Shawn Stanley; Svalastog, Anna Lydia; Gaski, Harald; Senior, Kate; Chenhall, Richard (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-26)
      The goal of this article is to explain the concept of double perspective and the impact this may be having on the health of Indigenous people. In inter-cultural communication, there are sets of meanings that are discernible to anyone, and an extra set of underlying meanings that are only accessible for people who have the cultural knowledge to discern them. These different sets of meanings embody a ...
    • Multimodality - Literacy Practice - English 

      Jakobsen, Ingrid K. (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2016)
      <p>How is multimodality involved when educators design literacy events in the English classroom, and to what extent can this be seen in the pupils’ sign making? What makes up the multimodal ensemble in the literacy practice of English (in these selected literacy events)? How do the pupils make use of the modes available to them when they write an assignment? <p>A range of modes is used in the ...
    • "Race and National Identity in Modernist Anthropology and Jean Toomer's 'The Blue Meridian'" 

      Parks, Justin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Jean Toomer’s seldom-discussed long poem “The Blue Meridian,” which he drafted over a long period beginning in the early 1920s, proposes an amalgamation of race and national belonging in the new type of the “American.” Seeing himself as a precursor to this new hybrid, Toomer often polemicized against the limiting logic of race. In proposing such an understanding of race in relation to nation, Toomer ...
    • Jubelåret og odelsretten: Om naturalisering av eiendomsrett og arverett 

      Døving, Runar; Schackt, Jon (Preprint; Manuskript, 2020)
      «Plötsligt sitter man der, i arvingen Istvans kök.» I det svenske TV-programmet Okjänd arving oppsøker to journalister arvinger som knapt har hatt en relasjon til avdøde, som ikke vet om dødsfallet og som derfor ikke har meldt seg for å gjøre krav på boet. Journalistene leter lenge og finner til slutt Istvan, som ble igjen i Tsjekkoslovakia med moren da faren flyktet i 1968. Han får 700 000 euro. ...
    • Komplekst 

      Nesset, Tore (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2023-09-08)
      Når akademikarar nytar ordet komplekst, lyt ein vere på vakt. Dete er eit moteord som i mange tilfelle tåkelegg meir enn det klargjer. Det gjeld også i ordskiftet om krigen i Ukraina.
    • Diverse Diversity. Contradictions and Challenges in Norwegian Rural Education. 

      Paulgaard, Gry; Saus, Merete (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-26)
      The authors of this paper share a common background from the Northern Norway region, a rural county and the largest and least populated county of Norway. The region is characterised by high out-migration, lower educational levels, and higher drop-out rates from secondary education than in other regions of Norway. Limited educational provision makes it necessary for many young people in rural areas ...
    • Norges siste hekseprosess i Kvæfjord 

      Hagen, Rune Blix (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2021)
    • En halvåpen dør. NOen betraktninger om stedsforståelse og selvforståelse 

      Greve, Anniken (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-12-02)
      Hvilken betydning har stedet for oss? Gunnar fra Lidarende i Njålssoga gir oss et gløtt inn i Lidarendes betydning for ham. Han er på vei utenlands etter å ha blitt dømt på tinget til å reise. Blir han værende, vil han bli offer for blodhevn. Alt er pakket, og Gunnar er på vei bort fra hjemmet, men hesten som skal ta ham til skipet snubler, slik at Gunnar faller av. Dermed får han kaste et siste ...
    • Congenitally decorticate children's potential and rights 

      Andersson, Anna-Karin Margareta (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-03)
      This article is the first indepth ethical analysis of empirical studies that support the claim that children born without major parts of their cerebral cortex are capable of conscious experiences and have a rudimentary capacity for agency. Congenitally decorticate children have commonly been classified as persistently vegetative, with serious consequences for their well-being and opportunities to ...
    • "Herrer i eget hus". Finnmarksloven i media 

      Eira, Stine Sand (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2012)
      In 2005, the Norwegian Parliament passed the Finnmark Act, with ownership of 96 % of Finnmark transferred from the State to the inhabitants of Finnmark. This article discusses the dominant arguments for and against the Act in two local newspapers in Finnmark. The debate was intense. Would the Finnmark Act lead to private ownership based on ethnicity, or equal ownership? Different understandings of ...
    • "Festung Norwegen" and slave labourers from the East 

      Soleim, Marianne Neerland (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Between 1941 and 1945, 100,000 Soviet prisoners of war were sent to Norway. More than 90,000 of these Soviet prisoners were soldiers from the Red Army.1 Nearly 7000 of the prisoners were civilian Soviet forced labourers, or so-called ‘Ostarbeiter’. The prisoners were mainly used in the building of railroads, Highway 50, runways, and fortresses along the coastline.2 “Festung Norwegen” were built with ...
    • Review: Art in the Archaeological Imagination Dragoş Gheorghiu: Oxbow Books, Oxford, 2020. 144 pp. ISBN 978-1-78925-352-89 

      Farstadvoll, Stein (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021)
    • The Big Challenges with Small Numerals in Russian: Linguistic Complexity and Corpus Evidence 

      Nesset, Tore; Janda, Laura Alexis (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2018)
      The Big Challenges with Small Numerals in Russian: Linguistic Complexity and Corpus Evidence Russian numerals are famous for their syntactic complexity. We examine the behavior of four Russian paucal numerals poltora 'one and a half', dva 'two', tri 'three', četyre 'four' and the quantifier oba 'both'. These small numerals can admit variation in the forms of the words that collocate with them, ...
    • Minnediplomati i grenseland. De russisk-norske patriotiske minneturene 2011–2019 

      Myklebost, Kari Aga (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-08)
      This article traces the development and narrative staging in Russian media of the so-called Russian-Norwegian patriotic memory tours that took place from 2011 to 2019 to celebrate a heroic story of WWII Red Army soldiers and Norwegian partisans in Soviet intelligence service. The article concludes that the tours were initiated by Russian state and state-affiliated actors who exported military-patriotic ...
    • Digital Tools for Structure in a Mainstream Class 

      Olsen, Mirjam Harkestad (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2018)
      The subject of the article is how digital structure and predictability affects the learning environment. This is key knowledge as regards both class management and learning. An intervention research design was employed. The intervention aimed to test digital aids in a mainstream class: a digital day planner board and a Time timer wristwatch with a countdown function. These aids are usually allocated ...