Viser treff 1581-1600 av 7379

    • Enjoyment and Transcendence 

      Rolfsen, Theodor Sandal (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2022-11-10)
      In the present thesis, I ask why immanence (the world) and transcendence (God) has often been thought to be in conflict with each other, and attempt to think their relation differently. Both are done by interpreting immanence as revolving around the phenomenon of enjoyment. I argue that the Christians of the early Church saw detachment from worldly pleasures through ascetic practice as a requirement ...
    • Wh-nominals: “adnominal how” 

      Vangsnes, Øystein A (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-08-22)
      There is considerable variation across North Germanic when it comes to the composition of noun phrases that contain a wh-word, i.e. interrogative noun phrases such as English which N, what N and what kind of N or exclamative noun phrases such as English what a N.
    • Urfolks-science fiction? Verdens første samiske romfartsroman: Sigbjørn Skådens "Fugl" (2019) 

      Wærp, Henning Howlid (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2021)
    • Nordlige verdensgjøringer 

      Grini, Monica; Haugdal, Elin Kristine; Stien, Hanne Hammer (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-15)
      På Universitetsplassen i Tromsø er gressganger og steiner lagt i en spiralform som leder inn til et basseng. I bunnen av bassenget er en metallplate hvor stjernene på nordhimmelen er stanset ut i miniatyr. Bassenget tilføres lys og varme under bakken, og om vinteren, når det er mørkt døgnet rundt, tegnes himmelrommet opp i vannoverflaten og lyser opp dampen. Om sommeren, når sola står høyt og ...
    • On the place of self-respect and self-esteem in the justification of a theory of social justice 

      Stensen, Vegard (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2022-10-07)
      This dissertation discusses the place of self-respect, self-esteem, and related self-attitudes in the justification of a theory of distributive justice. It is broadly agreed that self-respect/self-esteem is a highly important good, and that it relies on a supportive social environment. Different authors within different traditions have taken up this idea to ground a wide variety of principles, ...
    • The Holographic Principle: Typological analysis using lower dimensions 

      Merchant, Nazarré; Krämer, Martin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      A moderately complex factorial typology may consist of tens or hundreds of languages which can opaquely encode linguistically salient categories and generalizations. We propose in this paper that these complex typologies can be decomposed and understood using what we call the holographic principle: a large typology can be projected onto simplified versions of itself which can be completely ...
    • Teaching and learning about audio-visual media: A critical media literacy perspective on the use of games in the contemporary upper-secondary classroom 

      Pötzsch, Holger; Hansen, Therese Holt; Hammar, Emil Lundedal (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022)
      In this chapter we present a theoretical framework to facilitate teaching and learning about, rather than with and through, audio-visual media in upper-secondary education in Norway. Drawing upon Stuart Hall’s encoding/decoding model, we show how aspects of production, form, reception, and reproduction can be approached in school contexts to treat audio-visual media as more than allegedly neutral ...
    • Expressions of Mood in Cinematic Adaptations of Patricia Highsmith’s novels The Price of Salt and The Talented Mr. Ripley 

      Jakobsen, Maria (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-09-10)
      The thesis sets out to explore the ways that mood is adapted from Highsmith’s novels The Talented Mr. Ripley (1955) and The Price of Salt (1952) to Anthony Minghella’s The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) and Todd Haynes’s Carol (2015), respectively. The aim is to show the diverging ways in which the novels and the films express the quintessential Highsmith story through mood, and to show how these diverging ...
    • Mid-distance binding: binding into infinitival clauses 

      Lundquist, Bjørn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-08-22)
    • Embedded Verb Second (V2) 

      Bentzen, Kristine (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-08-22)
    • Object Shift 

      Bentzen, Kristine (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-08-22)
    • Subject placement with respect to negation 

      Bentzen, Kristine (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-08-22)
      Most main clauses in the Scandinavian languages are subject-initial, which combined with the V2 (verb second) requirement means that the subject is immediately followed by the finite verb. However, in embedded clauses without verb movement in Mainland Scandinavian, as well as in non-subject-initial matrix clauses, the position of the subject may interact with the position of sentential adverbials ...
    • Number specification in L2 processing of Subject-Verb agreement: An ERP study 

      Jafari, Mahdis (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-09-16)
      This is part of an ongoing study that investigates the processing of subject-verb agreement violation in Norwegian adult second language (L2) learners of English with advanced proficiency, using ERP responses. Unlike English, Norwegian lacks overt S(ubject)-V(erb) agreement marking. We manipulated number marking on the subject by using determiners and added S-V violations to see the influence of ...
    • Additive Negation 

      Østbø Munch, Christine B.; Garbacz, Piotr (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014-08-22)
    • Språklege presisjonsvåpen rammar Kreml 

      Nesset, Tore (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2022-07-01)
      Medan russisk artilleri gjer sitt beste for å legge byane i Aust-Ukraina i grus, blir dei russiske styresmaktene kvar dag råka av språklege «missil». Lat oss sjå nærmare på tre klassikarar i det språklege våpenarsenalet.
    • Demokratisering og Autokratisering 

      Po, Dahlay (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-06-04)
      Demokratisering og autokratisering i Myanmar ble skrevet på oppfordring av et moderat regimeskifte 1. februar 2021, militærkupp etter et tiår med et sivil-militært hybridregime - et massivt demokratisk tilbakeslag for demokratiseringsprosessen. Avhandlingen er et resultat av demokratiserings- og autokratiseringsstudier og forklarer den politiske konteksten om Myanmars eksperiment av det militærdisiplinert ...
    • Verb placement in main and embedded clauses 

      Bentzen, Kristine (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-08-22)
    • Subject and object extraction from embedded clauses 

      Bentzen, Kristine (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-08-22)
    • Det indre liv i NAV. Kommunikasjon om prioritering og arbeidsform på et NAV-kontor 

      Sæther, Maria (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2022-09-30)
      This thesis is an ethnographic study and a Single Case-study of how caseworkers and managers of a NAV-office relate to dilemmas regarding priorities, which solutions they choose and how the they are justified. The manner of how regulatory texts were interpreted and practised locally, was investigated according to institutional ethnography (Smith, 2005). The methods used includes participant ...