Viser treff 801-820 av 7377

    • Intangible Cultural Heritage as a resource for a Sámi mathematics curriculum 

      Fyhn, Anne Birgitte; Jannok Nutti, Ylva (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-26)
      Northern Norway’s population comprises many different cultural groups. According to the Norwegian Education Act, education must give students insight into and a firm foundation in history and culture. This paper aims to present a proposal for how to start working with the creation of local rural mathematics curricula for which Sámi culture in particular, and Northern Norwegian culture in general, ...
    • Organizational innovations of municipal Waste management in Finland and Norway 

      Valkama, Pekka; Kettunen, Pekka; Torsteinsen, Harald (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2019)
      This empirical study compares the public policies of municipal waste management in Finland and Norway by analyzing organizational innovations of municipal waste management services in order to identify contributing factors of the organizational evolution and evaluate associated stakeholder concerns or implications. Our findings demonstrate that municipal waste management services have been extensively ...
    • Minnetale over Janne Margrethe Bondi Johannessen i Det norske videnskapsakademi 

      Westergaard, Marit Kristine Richardsen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2022)
      Janne Bondi Johannessen ble medlem av DNVA så sent som i 2019. Hun rakk altså bare å være medlem i litt over et år før hun gikk bort 15. juni 2020, bare 59 år gammel. Hun forlot en aktiv og produktiv forskergjerning som ble brått avbrutt – og hennes utallige aktiviteter ble rett og slett hengende i luften: en konferanse, flere publikasjoner, et bokprosjekt, en redaktørgjerning, prosjektsøknader og ...
    • Effect modification of an effective transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral psychotherapy in youths with common mental health problems: Secondary analyses of the randomized mind-my-mind trial 

      Rimvall, Martin Køster; Vassard, Ditte; Nielsen, Sabrina Mai; Wolf, Rasmus Trap; Plessen, Kerstin J.; Bilenberg, Niels; Thomsen, Per Hove; Thastum, Mikael; Neumer, Simon-Peter; Puggaard, Louise Berg; Pedersen, Mette Maria Agner; Pagsberg, Anne Katrine; Silverman, Wendy K.; Correll, Christoph U.; Christensen, Robin; Jeppesen, Pia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-04)
      Mind My Mind (MMM) cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) manualized treatment is effective in the management of common emotional and behavioral mental health problems in youth, yet not all individuals respond satisfactorily to treatment. This study explored potential effect modifiers, i.e., baseline factors associated with a differential treatment effect. We conducted secondary effect modifier ...
    • A prognosis for Sámi in Norway: Schools as key to revitalization 

      Vangsnes, Øystein A (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2019)
      The paper presents three different prognoses for the future number of Sámi language users in Norway based on the contemporary number of children receiving instruction in Sámi in the Norwegian school system, either North, Lule or South Sámi. There exist three different curricula for the subject Sámi, one for first language pupils (Sámi 1), one for second language pupils (Sámi 2), and one for foreign ...
    • Analyzing polysemiosis: Language, gesture, and depiction in two cultural practices with sand drawing 

      Zlatev, Jordan; Devylder, Simon; Defina, Rebecca; Moskaluk, Kalina; Andersen, Linea Brink (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-26)
      Human communication is by default polysemiotic: it involves the spontaneous combination of two or more semiotic systems, the most important ones being language, gesture, and depiction. We formulate an original cognitive-semiotic framework for the analysis of polysemiosis, contrasting this with more familiar systems based on the ambiguous term “multimodality.” To be fully explicit, we developed ...
    • Orientalism or Cultural Encounters? Tourism Assemblages in Culture, Capital, and Identities 

      Kramvig, Britt (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2017)
      What challenges lie in the indigenous tourism project? What is the significance to consider when using culture as a basis for business development? What basic paradoxes and challenges will be met when one wants to achieve growth in Sami tourism and the creative cultural industries? It is believed that Sami culture has an unredeemed potential as a product and attraction in the new and major initiatives ...
    • The passport as actor in the enactment of the Russian-Norwegian border 

      Lotherington, Ann Therese; Flemmen, Anne Britt (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019)
      The point of departure for this chapter is that the passport can only be understood with regard to the conduct and practical experience of those using it, and that the passport is embedded in ‘heterogeneous networks’ of people, practices and things (Timmermans and Berg 2003). The passport is nothing in and by itself but becomes of significance the moment a closed border is to be passed. The point ...
    • Academic Freedom: Ivory Tower Privilege or Model for Education? 

      Bigell, Werner (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019)
      This article argues that the idea of academic freedom provides a conceptual angle for a critique of the ongoing educational reforms in Norway and in other countries, driven by economically oriented quality management (efficiency, standardization) and labor market orientation. A critique requires to make visible the price for the reforms, in particular the loss of freedom; here Hannah Arendt’s ...
    • Smerte på flukt - fortelling fra en tysk menighet i Chile etter krigen 

      Douglas, Marcela (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019)
      De fleste av de som kom til Chile, var overlevende fra andre verdenskrig og hadde opplevd forferdelige ting under krigen. Jeg har fortalt deg at min far for eksempel var en soldat i en alder av 16 og ble sendt til grensen mellom Frankrike og Belgia som amerikanerne invaderte. I sin tropp bestående av 200 soldater overlevde kun 6 personer, hvor en er min far. Dette er bare ett eksempel. Det var andre ...
    • A Stranger in the Lexicon: The Aspectual Status of Russian смочь ‘be able, manage (to)’ 

      Janda, Laura Alexis (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2018)
      It has been claimed that Russian смочь ‘be able, manage (to)’ has a number of unusual properties relating to its expression of aspect and tense. A number of new kinds of data are brought to bear in this debate. This article compares смочь with its purported aspectual partner verb мочь using overall and longitudinal corpus data. It also compares the distribution of forms of смочь with those of other ...
    • Samisk Kunstnergruppe/Sámi Dáidojoavku 1978-1983. Annenhet eller avantgarde? 

      Hansen, Hanna Horsberg (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2011)
      På midten av 1970-tallet ble fem, unge samiske kunstnere, Synnøve Persen (f. 1950), Aage Gaup (f. 1943), Josef Halse (f. 1951), Ingunn Utsi (f. 1948) og Maja Dunfjeld (f. 1947), invitert av Norsk kulturråd til å lage utkast til utsmykking av Láhpoluoppal skole i Kautokeino kommune. Den samiske kunstneren Iver Jåks (1932 – 2007) og skolens arkitekter sto bak initiativet. Utsmykkingen sto ferdig 1980, ...
    • Mediating Everyday Life in Svalbard: Herta Grøndal's Photographs, 1950s-70s 

      Haugdal, Elin Kristine (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2017)
      A woman in a spotted dress sits in a living room equipped with modern furniture, carpets and cushions, a houseplant on a woven tablecloth, pictures and lamps on the walls, and in the corner a radio cabinet and a rocking horse for the children (Figure 1). She seems confident and relaxed, dressed up and ready to make her home a showcase for the photographer. As this woman is portrayed with two small ...
    • Samisk innhold i skolen - kunnskap, rettigheter og mangfoldskompetanse 

      Andreassen, Bengt-Ove; Olsen, Torjer Andreas (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2018)
    • Transforming teacher education for English - contradictions in the activity system hindering a third-space partnership 

      Holmbukt, Tove Elinor; Son, Minjeong; Larsen, Annelise Brox (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-30)
      This paper addresses the theory–practice divide in the Norwegian teacher education programme for years 5–10. We examine to what extent crossing boundaries between the academic knowledge gained in the university and in the practice field can be achieved in the teacher education for English. This boundary crossing is conceptualised as establishing a ‘third space’ where theory and practice are ...
    • Literature and Data-driven Learning 

      Krogh, Ida Margrethe Rask; Moi, Ruben (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-23)
      This article aims to examine how and why we can use digital storytelling (DST) to teach literature in the upper secondary classroom, and makes use of Mark Haddon’s complex, multimodal novel The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (2004) as an example. DST is a powerful tool for the 21st century classroom, with the potential to help pupils to become empathetic, creative, inquisitive ...
    • Can policies improve language vitality? The Sámi languages in Sweden and Norway 

      Lloyd-Smith, Anika; Bergmann, Fabian; Hund, Laura; Kupisch, Tanja (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-29)
      Introduction: Language policies are often aimed at changing language behaviours, yet it is notoriously difficult to assess their effects. This study investigates language use and competence in the Indigenous Sámi populations of Norway and Sweden in light of the national-level policies the two countries have adopted.<p> <p>Methods: We provide a cross-country comparison of relevant educational, ...
    • 'In-' como operador escalar y su comportamiento adjetival 

      Fábregas, Antonio (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-11)
      En la bibliografía se ha señalado repetidamente la asociación del prefijo in-, habitualmente clasificado como ‘negativo’, y la categoría de los adjetivos. Son frecuentes los casos citados en la bibliografía en los que el prefijo facilita que una voz de categoría verbal deba ser interpretada como adjetivo (opinado ~ inopinado), así como algunos casos en que el prefijo convierte un sustantivo ...