Viser treff 1101-1120 av 7379

    • Sportsvasking i lysets hastighet 

      Fjell, Vegar (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-12)
      Denne masteroppgaven har hatt som mål å forklare hvorfor og hvordan Formel 1 blir brukt som et sportsvaskingsverktøy for autoritære stater, hvorfor det er en så stor andel av dem og hvilke løsninger eierorganisasjonene bør benytte seg av for å gjøre noe med det opplagt voksende problemet. Oppgavens sluttresultat er forhåpentligvis et godt utgangspunkt for både videre forskning på sportsvasking ...
    • ADHD på ungdomsskolen - hvordan gjør vi det? 

      Olsen Andreassen, Amalie; Strandmo, Mia (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-12)
      Antall diagnostiserte med ADHD har skutt i været i løpet av de siste tiårene – også blant ungdomsskoleelever. Ungdomsskolens mål og struktur har også endret seg over tid. I denne masteroppgaven i sosiologi har vi utforsket hvordan ungdomsskolen forholder seg til det økende antallet elever med ADHD-diagnose. Hensikten med denne oppgaven er å få bedre innsikt i hvordan elever med ADHD-diagnosen ivaretas ...
    • Variasjon i kommunalt rusarbeid: Analyse av organisering i to norske kommuner 

      Juvelid, Andrea (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-14)
      Det er først og fremst kommunene som har ansvar for at det eksisterer tjenester som ivaretar rusavhengiges helse og velferd, et ansvar som er nedfelt i folkehelseloven og kommunal helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven. I utgangspunktet skal alle kommuner i Norge levere de samme tjenestene. Det kommunale rusarbeidet varierer fra kommune til kommune, da kommunene har mulighet til å iverksette lokale tiltak ...
    • Tillitsreformen i Tromsø kommune - En studie av prosessen rundt implementeringen av tillitsreformen i Tromsø kommune i perioden 2015 - 2020. 

      Bjerke, Helga Marie (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-04-05)
      Denne masteroppgaven omhandler hvilken kjennskap politisk og administrativ ledelse i Tromsø kommune hadde om tillitreformen i 2015, samt hvordan implementering av reformen kan forstås i lys av sentrale elementer i ulike teoretiske perspektiv. Studien baserer seg på kvalitativ metode, der jeg gjennom en casestudie har gjort dokumentstudier av kommunestyre saker som omhandler tillitsreformen i Tromsø ...
    • Norske familier i Arguineguin: Norske livsstilsmigranter i Arguineguin i en familiekontekst 

      Lorentzen, Åse Heidi (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      Livsstilsmigrasjon i et familieperspektiv til Arguineguin er en trend som startet rundt 1960- tallet, men har hatt økende popularitet og stedet har norske institusjoner og infrastruktur mot nordmenn Jeg utførte en kvalitativ undersøkelse for å utforske årsaker som push- og pull -til at norske familier reiste fra Norge og til Arguineguin, hvordan de opplevde livene sine i Arguineguin og grunner til ...
    • Event planning: Crafting the perfect Chale Wote Street Art Festival atmosphere; How event planners are making a memorable event 

      Dassah, Sharon Sophia (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      The thesis centers around the planning of an art festival known in Ghana known as Chale Wote Street Art Festival hosted every year in August in the Jamestown community, The objective of this study was to understand and explore how event planners of the Chale Wote Street Art Festival can create and host it continuously even with the economic challenges that affect the everyday lives of organisations, ...
    • Guidekompetanse i naturbasert reiseliv på Svalbard – kompetansekrav sett i lys av den enkelte turs egenskaper 

      Brunvoll, Ronny (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-06)
      Oppgaven søker å belyse hvilke relevante kompetansekrav som kan eller bør stilles til de som skal guide gjester i norsk natur, og med Svalbard som empirisk utgangspunkt. Det vil særskilt bli vurdert hvorvidt det kan eller bør stilles differensierte krav, ut fra nærmere angitte karakteristika ved turene, som lengde/omfang, terreng, vanskelighetsgrad og risikobilde. I litteraturen benyttet i oppgaven ...
    • “I don’t want the Church if the Church doesn’t want me” - Mormonism’s impact on LGBTQ+ people: A case study of LGBTQ+ ExMormons 

      Koç, Ercan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-24)
      This study aims to find out ‘Mormonism’s impact on the lives of LGBTQ+ people’ and explore ‘the reasons why LGBTQ+ Mormons choose to leave the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church).’ LDS Church has a long history of discrimination against its queer members and also notoriously campaigned to support Proposition 8 which was a California ballot proposition to define marriage between ...
    • How do private corporations influence freedom of expression? The case study of private corporations and online censorship in Vietnam 

      Hoàng, Minh-Trang (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-22)
      This is a thesis about how private corporations in Vietnam influence the situation of the right to freedom of expression in the country. The aim of the research was to investigate how private companies in Vietnam handle their criticisms in cyberspace. Drawing on the old and new theory of censorship, the research hypothesized that both the state’s and the social media platform’s actions are parallel ...
    • A Decolonial African Feminist to Women's Political Participation in Zimbabwe 

      Chirawu, Danai Daisy (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-25)
      The question of women’s political participation is loaded, and has in some aspects been articulated as a problem of representation, bringing about strategies such as proportional representation in the form of quotas. In Zimbabwe this electoral gender quota has been implemented through reserving seats for women in the Parliament. The dilemma with this conceptualization is that in Zimbabwe and other ...
    • Policy and Practice and the Right to Housing in Europe - How do activists in neoliberal urban environments frame and address the housing crisis? 

      Krauss, Anna (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-22)
      Cities all over the world are rising up against the neoliberal structures holding their living places captive. The struggles have been labelled cost of living crisis, taking back the right to our city or unaffordability of housing. According to David Harvey, creating a qualitatively different kind of urban sociality is one of the most precious of all human rights. But living in a city, the social ...
    • Harnessing the Power of the Arctic: Connecting tourists to nature through dog sledging activities. 

      Cowell, Emma (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      This qualitative study explores the complex pockets of co-created interaction and throwntogetherness that produce meanings and value through an ethnographic sensory investigation of dog sledging tourism in Finnmark. I draw on a multirelational and multisensorial perspective on dog sledging, which means a holistic and socially constructed way of understanding Human-Animal Bonding (HAB) (DeMello, ...
    • “Adolescent pregnancy in Tanzania: Exploring Women’s Realities and the intersection of Culture and Human Rights” 

      Fournaraki, Domna (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-22)
      Adolescent pregnancy is one of the most challenging issues in Sub-Sahara countries and the United Republic of Tanzania is one of the countries with the highest rates worldwide, in the which is the reason why it is the geographic focus of the research. Even though the women’s perspective on adolescent pregnancy and their human rights at stake is a question of importance, findings indicate that it has ...
    • Intersecting perspectives: a critical thematic analysis of the feminist and trans debate in Colombia from a human rights lens 

      Morales Camacho, Emilia Alejandra (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-22)
      Abstract The debate around the inclusion of trans people within feminism and society in general has been gaining public attention over recent years, especially in the Colombian context with two established yet conflicting positions: trans and radical feminist movements. The discussion is characterized by its polarization, aggressivity, lack of understanding and challenges in establishing ...
    • Paving the Path to Peace: Unpacking Civil Society’s Role in Peacebuilding in Colombia through Rodeemos el Diálogo Case 

      Restrepo Rojas, Ingrid Tatiana (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-22)
      This dissertation analyses the contribution of civil society to peacebuilding in Colombia, focusing on the case study of Rodeemos el Diálogo (ReD). Employing a qualitative method with a deductive approach, including interviews and analysis of organisational experiences, the research investigates ReD's local, national, and international peacebuilding strategies, considering different conflict phases ...
    • A Political Ecology of Injustice when Extracting Rights-holders from Nature: Analysis of the communications mechanism of the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights 

      Abril Ortiz, Adriana Lorena (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-22)
      In a world of interconnected global value chains, regulating the conduct of transnational corporations is challenging. In international human rights law, only voluntary mechanisms regulate the responsibility of businesses to respect. In the United Nations, the Guiding Principles of Business and Human Rights determine the international standards applicable: the duty of the State to protect, the ...
    • Women’s rights under threat: An analysis of the anti- “gender ideology” legislation in contemporary Romania 

      Neagu, Florina-Marieta (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-21)
      Over the last two decades, several countries in Europe have been witnessing the rise of the “anti-gender movement”. In this context, various conservative actors have been advocating against “gender ideology”, a term used to justify initiatives against issues such as gender studies, sex education, marriage equality or reproductive health. Similar to other countries in Central and Eastern Europe, the ...
    • “We Will Protect Our Community Together”: A Qualitative Research on Pga K’nyau Indigenous Women’s Leadership and Political Participation in Huay Ee Khang Village in Thailand. 

      Thongyoojaroen, Tanyalak (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-25)
      In Thailand, there seems to have been an increase in indigenous peoples’ participation in politics and development. This raises questions about indigenous women’s roles in politics and public arenas, and how they shifted the traditional role and involved themselves in leadership positions. This research explores the role of Pga K’nyau (Karen) indigenous women in leadership and participation in ...
    • Access to Asylum in Melilla Analysing ‘What’s the problem represented to be’ in the Screening Proposal of the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum 

      Wass Widinghoff, Alina (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-19)
      This thesis deals with the ways in which the Screening Proposal in the new EU Pact on Migration and Asylum might affect the access to asylum at the EU’s external border in Melilla. To this end, the analysis is divided into two main parts. Firstly, as a general framework, the thesis starts by mapping out the Screening Proposal presented by the European Commission in 2020, and how this can be understood ...
    • The Role of The Georgian Orthodox Church in Resistance to LGBTQ Equality: Examining Discourses and Geopolitical Implications 

      Rogava, Ketevan (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-22)
      This thesis examines the discourses employed by the Georgian Orthodox Church's (GOC) regarding LGBTQ rights. It explores the geopolitical position of the GOC through the discourses utilised and inspects intersections with the discourses of the far-right groups in relation to LGBTQ equality. Through qualitative research using critical discourse analysis, the study uncovers the dynamics of the GOC’s ...