Viser treff 1621-1640 av 7379

    • L1 Grammatical Gender Variation through the Representation in the Lexicon 

      Klassen, Rachel; Lundquist, Bjørn; Westergaard, Marit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-01)
      In most studies on gender processing, native speakers of the same language are treated as a homogeneous group. The current study investigates to what extent an ongoing change in the gender system of Norwegian (a development from three to two genders, involving the loss of feminine) may be refected in processing. We carried out a gender decision task in which speakers were presented with 32 nouns ...
    • Visualizing a Common World of Entanglement through Multiple Viewpoints. Visuality Design in and for Education 

      Myrstad, Anne; Kleemann, Carola (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-08)
      The authors explore how multiple viewpoints can challenge our habitualised way of viewing and expand the area of thinking about children’s outdoor learning. They draw on micro-fieldwork in a Sámi kindergarten in Arctic Norway. There, learning through participation and practical experiences is a traditional strategy in child rearing. This method of learning is currently being transformed in Sámi ...
    • Hvorfor undervise kanoniserte mannlige filosofers kjønnsperspektiver? Om universalitet og kjønnsnøytralitet i Aristoteles’, Kants og Mills etiske teorier 

      Nilsen, Fredrik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-05-30)
      I artikkelen diskuterer jeg hvorfor vi bør undervise kanoniserte mannlige filosofers kjønnsperspektiver til examen philosophicum. Dette er ofte et neglisjert tema i lærebøker i filosofiens historie. Etter mitt syn finnes det i det minste tre grunner for inkludering av kjønnsperspektivene: For det første, har de kanoniserte mannlige filosofenes syn hatt avgjørende innflytelse på hvordan vi har ...

      Farstadvoll, Stein; Figenschau, Ingar Olsborg; Olsen, Bjørnar Julius; Witmore, Christopher L. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-08-12)
      For the last decade, the World War II prisoner-of-war camp and battery at Sværholt in northernmost Norway have been objects of archaeological investigation. This article presents the results from excavations and associated studies, including new descriptions of extant structures and found artefacts, comparative osteological analyses of middens, and their implications. Our purpose in presenting these ...
    • Is Finitude Original? A Rereading of "violence and Metaphysics" 

      Rolfsen, Theodor Sandal (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-21)
      This article seeks to challenge what may seem to be an obvious assertion: that finitude is original in the sense that it must be presupposed that any possible meaning can only be thought beginning from this finitude. I do this through a rereading of Derrida’s epochal essay “Violence and Metaphysics,” which perhaps is the most decisive interpretation of the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas. In the ...
    • Energy citizens – Conveyors of changing democratic institutions? 

      Ringholm, Toril Merete (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-07)
      A transition towards a low-carbon energy system poses new challenges to democratic participation. The transition to clean energy requires a better understanding of crosscutting sociocultural and sociopolitical issues, such as democratic institutions, to devise effective ways of involving citizens and better understand how energyrelated views and attitudes are embedded in democratic practice. This ...
    • Domains and directionality in Kinande vowel harmony: a Correspondence approach 

      Downing, Laura J.; Krämer, Martin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-30)
      The ATR vowel harmony patterns observed in Kinande have received persistent attention for their combination of stem control and dominance, as well as less familiar phenomena such as dominance reversal and cross-word harmony. This paper provides a Syntagmatic Correspondence analysis of the Kinande vowel harmony system and demonstrates that it straightforwardly accounts for the intricate interaction ...
    • Adding the microdimension to the study of language change in contact. Three case studies 

      Andriani, Luigi; D'Alessandro, Roberta; Frasson, Alberto; van Osch, Brechje; Sorgini, Luana; Terenghi, Silvia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-04)
      Syntactic change in contact is generally explained as a result of cognitive, structural/typological, or sociolinguistic factors. However, the relative weight of these factors in shaping the outputs of contact is yet to be assessed. In this paper, we propose a microcontact approach to the study of change in contact, focusing on microsyntactic points of variation across multiple language pairs that ...
    • “I shut it out”: expectant mothers’ fear of childbirth after a traumatic birth—a phenomenological study 

      Nordsletta, Anne-Hedvig Salmi; Sommerseth, Eva; Røseth, Idun; Olsen, Barbo; Forgaard, Anikken (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-07-19)
      Purpose: To describe expectant mothers’ experiences of fear of childbirth after a previous traumatic birth.<p> <p>Method: Qualitative, individual, in-depth interviews were conducted with eight expectant mothers between September and November 2020. Data were analysed using a descriptive phenomenological approach. <p>Results: We identified four interconnected constituents: Suboptimal midwifery ...
    • Testing Potential Transfer Effects in Heritage and Adult L2 Bilinguals Acquiring a Mini Grammar as an Additional Language: An ERP Approach. 

      Pereria Soares, Sergio Miguel; Kupisch, Tanja; Rothman, Jason (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-05-20)
      Models on L3/Ln acquisition differ with respect to how they envisage degree (holistic vs. selective transfer of the L1, L2 or both) and/or timing (initial stages vs. development) of how the influence of source languages unfolds. This study uses EEG/ERPs to examine these models, bringing together two types of bilinguals: heritage speakers (HSs) (Italian-German, n = 15) compared to adult L2 learners ...
    • Hva mener lokalpolitikerne om sosiale medier? 

      Bjørnå, Hilde; Steinveg, Beate; Hernes, Hans-Kristian (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2022-08-16)
      Sosiale medier er et sentralt element i politikk på nasjonalt nivå i ulike land, og viktig for å forstå dagens politiske prosesser. Sosiale mediers betydning og rolle er omstridt, mange frykter at de truer demokratiske prosesser og politisk representasjon. Vi har langt mindre kunnskap om sosiale medier i lokal politikk, hvordan det brukes og hva det betyr for rollen til kommunepolitikere og deres ...
    • Bridging traditional and scientific knowledge on reindeer meat smoking - a pilot study 

      Hansen, Kia Krarup; Turi, Issat; Sundset, Monica Alterskjær; Mathiesen, Svein Disch (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-05-18)
      Smoking reindeer meat in a traditional Sámi lávvu (tent) is a knowledgeable and long tradition for food preservation among Sámi reindeer herders. However, due to the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) during smoking, scientists associate smoked meat with human health risks. PAH contamination of smoked food depends on the smoking method, the temperature and the wood species. The ...
    • Imperfect language learning reduces morphological overspecification: Experimental evidence 

      Berdicevskis, Aleksandrs; Semenuks, Arturs (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-27)
      It is often claimed that languages with more non-native speakers tend to become morphologically simpler, presumably because non-native speakers learn the language imperfectly. A growing number of studies support this claim, but there is a dearth of experiments that evaluate it and the suggested explanatory mechanisms. We performed a large-scale experiment which directly tested whether imperfect ...
    • Fremstillinger av nordmenn i okkupasjonsavisa Deutsche Polarzeitung, senere Polar-Kurier (1941–1945) 

      Bergmann, Lovisa (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-11)
      Propaganda hadde stor betydning i den tyske nasjonalsosialismen, og i denne sammenheng var pressen et viktig redskap. Det ble derfor etablert tyske aviser i de okkuperte områdene. Denne artikkelen tar for seg representasjoner av nordmenn over tid i en av disse avisene i Norge: Deutsche Polarzeitung, senere Polar-Kurier, utgitt i Tromsø 9. februar 1941–6. mai 1945. Jeg viser at fremstillingene av ...
    • Child Second Language Development in Immersion Education: A Study on Generic Determiner Phrases in L2 German and L2 French 

      Kolb, Nadine (Book; Bok, 2022)
      Language acquisition has been the subject of decades of research. Most of the previous research on second language acquisition has centered around adult learners, leaving child learners understudied by comparison. This book focuses on child second language development. The cross-sectional empirical study herein investigates the syntax-semantics interface in English speaking children acquiring German ...
    • Kant und das Glück 

      Himmelmann, Beatrix (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022-06-06)
      Wird gefragt, was für die Gestaltung des menschlichen Lebens wesentlich ist, so kommt dem Glück und dem Streben nach Glück in der Einschätzung Kants nicht der höchste Wert zu. Anders als es ein bis heute wirkmächtiges Vorurteil nahelegt, unterschätzt Kant aber auf der anderen Seite das Streben des Menschen nach Glück keineswegs. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Kants Begriff des Glücks kann sich ...
    • Entrapment 

      Hill, Daniel J.; McLeod, Stephen K; Tanyi, Attila (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      The word ‘entrapment’ has three common usages in legal discourse. First, it is used in connection with acts of entrapment: it applies, at least, to a class of acts in which a party, whom we call the ‘agent’, intentionally brings it about that another party, whom we call the ‘target’, performs a distinct act that is of a criminal type. Secondly, it is used to refer to a method of proactive law ...
    • Urfolk og nasjonale minoriteter som tema i samfunnsfag 

      Olsen, Torjer Andreas; Evju, Kristin (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022)
      Gjennom Kunnskapsløftet 2020 (LK2020) er urfolk og nasjonale minoriteter blitt løfta som temaområde i skolen. I dette kapittelet ser vi på hvilken plass samene og de nasjonale minoritetene har i overordna del og i samfunnsfaglæreplanen, og diskuterer hva dette har å si for undervisninga i samfunnsfag. Kapittelet har to hoveddeler. For det første undersøker vi læreplanen ut fra hva den sier om ...
    • Securing strategic input for L2 learners: Constructions with Russian motion verbs 

      Nesset, Tore; Janda, Laura Alexis (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022-02-21)
      This article shows how constructional and usage-based approaches to linguistics can be used to identify strategic input for L2 learners, i.e. input that reflects high frequency patterns in the target language. We suggest a methodology combining constructional and grammatical profiles, and argue that this methodology enables us to identify the most relevant morphological and syntactic constructions, ...
    • Successes and shortcomings of phonological accounts of Scandinavian object shift 

      Lyskawa, Paulina; Sandsted, Jade; Visser, Eline; Young, Nathan Joel; Lundquist, Björn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Object shift (OS) is a word order phenomenon in Scandinavian languages where under some circumstances the object appears before a sentential adverb. Despite the frequent assumptions that word order is determined in syntax, and despite the link of OS and syntactic phenomena like V2, there is no consensus that OS is a syntactic phenomenon. Particularly, it has been observed that OS targets specifically ...