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dc.contributor.advisorLøchen, Maja-Lisa
dc.contributor.authorRad, Amir
dc.description.abstract<p><i>Background:</i> Cervical cancer is the fourth most prevalent cancer in women worldwide. Cervical cancer screening (cytology or human papillomavirus [HPV] testing) and HPV vaccination can decrease cervical cancer incidence and mortality. However, because cytology-based screening has a low sensitivity to detect high-grade cervical lesions, several countries have replaced it with HPV test-based screening. While HPV DNA tests detect the presence of the virus, which may indicate a transient infection, HPV mRNA tests examine for oncogenic activity that carries an increased risk of high-grade cell changes and cancer. <p><i>Aims:</i> In this PhD thesis, I aimed to: Paper I) compare the performance of an HPV mRNA and an HPV DNA test in the detection of HPV types in cervical cancer specimens; Paper II) examine the ability of an HPV mRNA test to predict the long-term risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 or worse (CIN3+) among women with normal cytology at screening; and Paper III) compare the performance of an HPV mRNA test and an HPV DNA test in the triage of young women with minor cytological abnormalities at screening. <p><i>Materials and Methods:</i> In Paper I, 167 cervical cancer specimens from South Africa were tested with a 9-type HPV mRNA test and a 45-type HPV DNA test, and HPV detection rates were calculated. Papers II and III were based on data obtained from the Cancer Registry of Norway. Paper II included 9582 Norwegian women with normal cytology and results from a 5-type HPV mRNA test at screening. We then followed these women for up to 11 years and 8 months for CIN3+. Paper III included 4115 women aged 25-33 years with minor cytological abnormalities at screening who were triaged with either a 5-type HPV mRNA test (n=1559) or a 13-type HPV DNA test (n=2556). The outcomes were positivity rate, referral rates to colposcopy/biopsy and repeat testing, and CIN3+ detection rate up to 6 years after triage. <p><i>Results:</i> Paper I showed equal HPV detection rates for the HPV mRNA and HPV DNA tests (91.6%). Overall, 83.8% of specimens were positive for the same HPV types with both tests. In Paper II, 20.8% of HPV mRNA-positive women and 1.1% of HPV mRNA-negative women were diagnosed with CIN3+ during follow-up. There was no difference in CIN3+ incidence by HPV type. In Paper III, 23.3% of women were HPV mRNA-positive and 52.8% were HPV DNA-positive at triage (p<0.001). Referral rates to colposcopy/biopsy (24.9% vs. 18.3%) and repeat cytology (27.9% vs. 5.1%), as well as CIN3+ detection rates (13.1%/ vs. 6.9%; p<0.001) were significantly higher in women triaged by the HPV DNA test. Of the 10 cancers diagnosed during the study period, eight occurred in women triaged by the HPV DNA test. <p><i>Conclusions:</i> The ability of the HPV mRNA and HPV DNA tests to detect HPV types in cervical cancer specimens was similar. The risk of CIN3+ during our long-term follow-up was low among HPV mRNA-negative women, and high among HPV mRNA-positive women. This adds to and strengthens existing evidence on the appropriateness of using the 5-type HPV mRNA in the screening of women, regardless of age. In the triage of young women with minor cytological abnormalities, the mRNA test demonstrated similar efficacy as the HPV DNA test in cancer prevention, while requiring significantly less healthcare utilization.en_US
dc.description.abstract<p><i>Bakgrunn:</i> På verdensbasis er livmorhalskreft den fjerde mest utbredte kreftformen blant kvinner. HPV-vaksine og screening (ved hjelp av celleprøve eller HPV-test) kan redusere forekomst og dødelighet av livmorhalskreft. Siden celleprøvebasert screening har lav sensitivitet for å oppdage høygradige celleforandringer (CIN3+), har flere land erstattet celleprøve med HPV-test. Mens HPV DNA-tester oppdager tilstedeværelse av virus, som kan indikere en forbigående infeksjon, undersøker HPV mRNA-tester for onkogen aktivitet som medfører økt risiko for høygradige celleforandringer og kreft. <p><i>Formål:</i> I denne doktorgradsavhandlingen hadde vi som mål å: Artikkel I) sammenligne ytelsen til en HPV-mRNA- og en HPV-DNA-test for påvisning av ulike HPV-typer i vevsprøver fra kvinner med livmorhalskreft; Artikkel II) undersøke evnen til en HPV-mRNA-test til å forutsi langsiktig risiko for høygradige celleforandringer (CIN3+) blant kvinner med normal celleprøve ved screening; og Artikkel III) sammenligne ytelsen til en HPV-mRNA-test og en HPV-DNA-test i triage av unge kvinner med lavgradige celleforandringer. <p><i>Materialer og metoder:</i> I artikkel I ble det utført tester på 167 livmorhalskreftprøver fra Sør-Afrika ved hjelp av en 9-typer HPV mRNA-test og en 45-typer HPV DNA-test, og deres evne til å påvise ulike HPV-typer i kreftvev. Data som ble brukt i artikkel II og III ble hentet fra Kreftregisteret. Artikkel II inkluderte 9582 norske kvinner med normal celleprøve som ble screenet med en 5-typer HPV mRNA-test. Kvinnene ble deretter fulgt opp i opptil 11 år og 8 måneder med tanke på forekomst av CIN3+. Artikkel III inkluderte 4115 kvinner mellom 25 og 33 år med lavgradig celleprøve, og de ble triagert ved hjelp av enten en 5-typer HPV mRNA-test (n=1559) eller en 13-typer HPV DNA-test (n=2556). Resultatene som ble evaluert inkluderte positivitetsrate, henvisningsrate til kolposkopi/biopsi og andel med gjentatt testing, samt forekomst av CIN3+ blant kvinner med positiv og negativ HPV-test opptil 6 år etter triage. <p><i>Resultater:</i> Artikkel I viste tilsvarende evne til å påvise ulike typer HPV både for HPV-mRNA- og HPV-DNA-testene (91,6 %). Totalt sett var 83,8 % av prøvene positive for de samme HPV-typene med begge testene. I Artikkel II ble 20,8 % av HPV mRNA-positive kvinner og 1,1 % av HPV mRNA-negative kvinner diagnostisert med CIN3+ ved senere oppfølging. Det var ingen signifikant forskjell i forekomst av CIN3+ for ulike HPV-typer. I Artikkel III var 23,3 % av kvinnene HPV-mRNA-positive og 52,8 % var HPV-DNA-positive ved triage (p<0,001). Henvisningsrater til kolposkopi/biopsi (24,9 % vs. 18,3 %) og gjentatt cytologi (27,9 % vs. 5,1 %), samt CIN3+-deteksjonsrater (13,1 %/ vs. 6,9 %; p<0,001) var signifikant høyere hos kvinner triagert av HPV DNA-testen. Av de 10 tilfellene av livmorhalskreft som ble diagnostisert i løpet av oppfølgingsperioden, oppsto åtte hos kvinner som ble analysert med HPV DNA-testen. <p><i>Konklusjoner:</i> Evnen til HPV-mRNA- og HPV-DNA-testene til å oppdage HPV-typer i livmorhalskreftprøver var lik. Langtidsrisiko for CIN3+ var høy blant HPV mRNA-positive kvinner og lav blant HPV mRNA-negative kvinner. Dette gjør en 5-typer HPV mRNA test godt egnet i screening av kvinner uavhengig av alder. I triage av unge kvinner med lavgradig celleprøve viste mRNA-testen tilsvarende effekt som HPV DNA-testen i kreftforebygging, samtidig som den krevde betydelig mindre bruk av helsetjenester.en_US
dc.description.popularabstractScientists and healthcare professionals are continuously striving to prevent and treat cancer, including cervical cancer, which is the fourth most common cancer among women worldwide. Persistent infection with high-risk types of human papillomavirus (HPV) can cause cervical cancer, which typically progresses through a series of precancerous lesions. To prevent cervical cancer, vaccination and screening are crucial measures. While both cervical cytology examination and HPV tests are commonly used to screen for cervical cancer, cytology-based screening has low sensitivity and is being replaced by HPV-based tests. In this study, the detectability of high-risk HPV types and performance in triage of women with minor cervical lesions were compared using the HPV DNA test and the HPV mRNA test. Additionally, the long-term risk predictability for high-grade cervical lesions was evaluated using an HPV mRNA test. The findings indicated that the HPV mRNA test had similar detectability and efficacy in triage of minor cytological lesions compared to the HPV DNA test, while requiring less healthcare utilization. Furthermore, the HPV mRNA test was shown to be a reliable screening test for predicting high-grade cervical lesions in the long-term.en_US
dc.publisherUiT The Arctic University of Norwayen_US
dc.publisherUiT Norges arktiske universiteten_US
dc.relation.haspart<p>Paper I: Rad, A., Sørbye, S.W., Dreyer, G., Hovland, S., Falang, B.M., Louw, M. & Skjeldestad, F.E. (2017). HPV types in cervical cancer tissue in South Africa: A head-to-head comparison by mRNA and DNA tests. <i>Medicine, 96</i>(47), e8752. Also available in Munin at <a href=></a>. <p>Paper II: Rad, A., Sørbye, S.W., Tiwari, S., Løchen, M.L. & Skjeldestad, F.E. (2023). Risk of intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 or worse (CIN3+) among women examined by a 5-type HPV mRNA test during 2003 and 2004, followed through 2015. <i>Cancers, 15</i>(12), 3106. Also available in Munin at <a href=></a>. <p>Paper III: Rad, A., Sørbye, S.W., Brenn, T., Tiwari, S., Løchen, M.L. & Skjeldestad, F.E. (2023). 13-type HPV DNA test versus 5-type HPV mRNA test in triage of women aged 25-33 years with minor cytological abnormalities - 6 years of follow-up. <i>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20</i>(5), 4119. Also available in Munin at <a href=></a>.en_US
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2023 The Author(s)
dc.subjectVDP::Medical disciplines: 700::Health sciences: 800::Community medicine, Social medicine: 801en_US
dc.subjectVDP::Medisinske Fag: 700::Helsefag: 800::Samfunnsmedisin, sosialmedisin: 801en_US
dc.titleHPV mRNA and HPV DNA Tests in Cervical Cancer Screeningen_US
dc.typeDoctoral thesisen_US

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