Viser treff 41-60 av 311

    • Using storytelling in undergraduate dental education: Students' experiences of emotional competence training 

      Johnsen, Jan-Are Kolset; Borit, Melania; Stangvaltaite-Mouhat, Lina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-03)
      Aim: The aim of the study was to explore the use of storytelling as a teaching method for emotional competence interventions within undergraduate dental curriculum (dental and dental hygiene students).<p> <p>Materials and Methods: Students participated in five sessions related to emotional competence: one theoretical and four practical. During the latter, divided in small groups, students told ...
    • Pain, discomfort, and functional impairment after extraction of primary teeth in children with palatally displaced canines–a randomized control trial comparing extraction of the primary canine versus extraction of the primary canine and the primary first molar 

      Hadler-Olsen, Sigurd; Steinnes, Jeanett; Nermo, Hege; Sjögren, Anders; Hadler-Olsen, Elin Synnøve (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-08-09)
      Objective - To assess pain, discomfort, and functional impairment in children experiencing extraction of primary canine or primary canine and primary first molar as an interceptive treatment for palatally displaced permanent canines.<p> <p>Material and methods - Twenty-eight children, aged 9.5–14 years with displaced permanent maxillary canines were randomly assigned for extraction of the primary ...
    • Komplikasjoner etter kjevebrudd behandlet ved Haukeland universitetssjukehus 2015–2020 

      Kolberg, Hilde Mei; Antonipillai, Infanta; Løes, Sigbjørn; Pedersen, Torbjørn Østvik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-03)
      Kjevebrudd er en relativt vanlig skade særlig etter voldshendelser og fall. De fleste kjevebrudd krever operativ behandling. Denne studien belyser forekomsten av komplikasjoner etter behandling av kjevebrudd ved Haukeland universitetssjukehus i perioden 2015 til 2020. Årsakene til kjevebrudd på Vestlandet har vært relativt uendret de siste 30 år. En betydelig andel av pasientene som ble behandlet i ...
    • Evaluering av implementeringen av RETHOS for studieprogrammene i tannpleie 

      Lundsbakken, Linda; Stein, Linda Maria; Moe, Rigmor; Haakens, Magnus; Sinderud, Marte Bogen; Aarstad, Åsne Kalland; Kronen, Katrine Moseid (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2022-02-22)
      Denne rapporten omhandler implementeringen av retningslinjene for helse- og sosialfagutdanningene, RETHOS.<p> <p>NOKUT har på oppdrag fra Kunnskapsdepartementet evaluert implementeringen av RETHOS gjennom tre ulike deler:<uli> <li>Kartlegging av etterlevelse av de nasjonale retningslinjene. Her presenteres det vurderinger fra sakkyndige om studieplanene ved institusjonene er i tråd med ...
    • Tannhelsetjenester i norske fengsler. En spørreundersøkelse blant fengselsansatte og fengselstannleger 

      Stein, Linda; Bondø, Therese; Endresen, Erika Hauglid; Berggren, Tiril (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-02)
      <p>Undersøkelser fra andre land har vist at innsatte i fengsler generelt har dårlig tannhelse og stort behandlingsbehov. Det finnes imidlertid lite informasjon om dette i Norge. Hensikten med studien var å kartlegge forhold som påvirker tannhelsetjenester til innsatte i norske fengsler og undersøke fengselsansattes og fengselstannlegers holdninger til tilbudet. Elektroniske spørreskjemaer ble ...
    • Oral Health among Adult Residents in Vilnius, Lithuania 

      Vitosyte, Milda; Puriene, Alina; Stankeviciene, Indre; Rimkevicius, Arunas; Trumpaite-Vanagiene, Rita; Aleksejuniene, Jolanta; Stangvaltaite-Mouhat, Lina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-05)
      According to the World Health Organization (WHO) oral conditions may be determined by social, biological, behavioral, and psychosocial factors. The study assessed oral health status and its determinants associated with oral health conditions among adult residents in Vilnius, Lithuania. A total of 453 of 35–74-year-olds participated (response rate 63%). A self-reported questionnaire was administered. ...
    • Digital learning application for clinical dentistry – a pilot study 

      Ertsås, Oliver; Marjala, Matias Fosse (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-02)
      <p>Background: Microlearning is a growing trend in education which can have a positive effect on learning motivation and outcome. In health education, it has been shown to increase student knowledge and confidence in clinical procedures. Little research has been done on implementing digital learning solutions specifically aimed for clinical dental studies. Unifractal is an existing digital learning ...
    • Dental plaque and gingival bleeding in adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and controls: a multilevel analysis 

      Gil, Elisabeth Grut; Åstrøm, Anne-Kristine N; Lie, Stein Atle; Rygg, Marite; Fischer, Johannes; Rosén, Annika; Bletsa, Athanasia; Luukko, Keijo Aukusti; Shi, Xie-Qi; Halbig, Josefine Mareile; Frid, Paula Hanna Therese; Cetrelli, Lena Elisabet; Tylleskär, Karin; Rosendahl, Karen; Skeie, Marit Slåttelid (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-05-30)
      Objective - To explore whether plaque and gingival bleeding are more frequently experienced by adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) compared to matched controls without JIA; explore whether surface- and site-specific periodontal outcomes vary between the two groups; and for participants with JIA, investigate associations between disease-specific features and periodontal outcomes.<p ...
    • Kan implisitte holdninger i tannhelsetjenesten påvirke hvilke kliniske beslutninger og vurderinger som tas? 

      Arntzen, Guro; Mæhre, Maria Emilie (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-02)
      Bakgrunn: Innenfor tannhelsetjenesten kan behandleren ofte møte pasienter som opplever subjektiv smerte, og det kan hende at flere behandlingsalternativer kan vurderes til å være rett behandling avhengig av hvilken behandler som vurderer pasientkasuset. Til tross for at det finnes forskning på implisitte holdningers påvirkning på kliniske beslutninger innenfor mange områder innenfor helsevesenet, ...
    • The effect of low pH on surface hardness, volume, surface area and morphology of direct dental restorative materials 

      Thomassen, Julie Susann Sindsen; Fossland, Ane Sofie Melhus; Jensen, Karine Lovise Strand (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-02)
      Background: Dental erosions as a disease is an increasing problem today, in particularly among adolescents. They may be caused by intrinsic factors such as gastric juice, frequently present in the oral cavity of bulimic patients. Direct dental restorative materials may be used to treat erosions, but the data regarding the effects of low pH on volume changes of these materials are limited. Objective: ...
    • Combating antibiotic resistance: An approach to discover antimicrobial compounds 

      Wigand, Johannes; Winje, Endre (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-01)
      Objective: This study aims to test a cost-effective approach for discovery of novel molecular compounds with antimicrobial characteristics. Materials and methods: Thirteen randomly picked objects were swabbed in the area in and around Liverpool. They were further cultivated on BHI-agar plates, and then spread on top of several clinically relevant pathogenic indicator strains including C. albicans, ...
    • Technical quality of root-filled teeth performed by undergraduate students at UiTs student clinic 

      Nilsen, Line Marlen; Johnsen, Lisa Charlanka (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-04-29)
      This retrospective study aims to evaluate the technical quality of root fillings performed at the UiT student clinic between 2011 and 2021, and reveal factors influencing the quality. The sample consisted of 474 periapical radiographs of endodontically treated teeth. All cases were treated by 4th and 5th year undergraduate students at UTK, from 2011 to 2021. Each root was independently ...
    • Tidsbruk i fyllingslegging med moderne- og konvensjonell teknikk 

      Eira, Mailinn Anti; Mikalsen, Nina Elisabeth (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-04-28)
      Innledning: Fyllingsterapi utgjør en stor andel av tannlegers arbeidshverdag, og det finnes flere ulike måter å legge fylling på. I denne undersøkelsen er det gjort en sammenligning av tidsbruken mellom moderne ett-steg adhesiv med bulk-fill fyllingsteknikk og konvensjonell tre-stegs adhesiv med skrålagsfyllingsteknikk. Dette kan gi relevant informasjon om hvilken av metodene som kan være relevante ...
    • Role of hormones in bone formation and resorption: A literature review [How hormones; adiponectin, angiotensin, cortisol, erythropoietin, insulin, parathyroid hormone, oxytocin, sex hormones, affect bone remodeling] 

      Tunheim, Eirin Grinde (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-01-05)
      The study aims to present the current research literature on hormones and its influence on bone remodeling and metabolism; an emphasis is given the disease of dry socket and bone related diseases such as periodontitis and osteoporosis. This thesis’ overview may be helpful by motivating the discovery of new approaches to address these diseases. There is plenty of available research about hormones ...
    • Adverse effects of clear aligner orthodontic treatment – a literary review 

      Ali, Ula Bashar; Mohamed, Bushra Omar (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-02)
      Background and aim: Orthodontic treatment with clear aligners has been increasingly popular since introduction in the late 1990 ́s. This literary review is aimed to study the adverse effects in connection to clear aligner treatment regarding white spot lesions, root resorption, periodontal status, pain and discomfort. Material and methods: Search in the PubMed, Cochrane Library and Embase databases ...
    • Hvilken betydning har tannlegers kjønn for pasienter? 

      Nyhus, Ingrid; Sund, Lise; Soosaiappu, Lourddes Vennela (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-05-19)
      Introduksjon: Tannlegeyrket har de senere år blitt mer kvinnedominert, og det har blitt diskutert om det er behov for tiltak for å utjevne kjønnsforskjellen. En jevnere kjønnsbalanse har vist seg å være positivt for arbeidsmiljø, men det er usikkert om tannlegens kjønn har påvirkning på pasienters fornøydhet. Hensikt og problemstilling: Hensikten med oppgaven er å undersøke om tannlegens kjønn ...
    • The difference in salivary biomarkers comparing healthy children and children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis 

      Hissink, Cristell-Mari; Rebne, Karoline; Rørbakken, Ingrid (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-05-15)
      Aims: Children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) have a chronic inflammatory condition often with a fluctuating disease course. Could increased levels of bacteria and inflammatory markers be a marker of disease onset and disease activity, or is it simply a consequence of the disease? Our aim with the study is to investigate inflammatory markers and two selected bacteria found in saliva in ...
    • Immediate function on the day of surgery compared with a delayed implant loading process in the mandible: A randomized clinical trial over 5 years 

      Jokstad, Asbjørn; Alkumru, Hassan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013-10-23)
      Objectives: To appraise the feasibility of loading four implants with a pre-existing denture converted to a fixed dental prosthesis (FDP) on the day of implant surgery compared with waiting for 3- to 4-month healing.<p> <p>Methods: Patients with an edentulous, fully healed mandible were recruited in a faculty clinic to partake in a blinded two-arm parallel randomized controlled trial (RCT). The ...
    • Inverse PCR-based detection reveal novel mobile genetic elements and their associated genes in the human oral metagenome 

      Tansirichaiya, Supathep; Winje, Endre; Wigand, Johannes; Al-Haroni, Mohammed (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-05-27)
      The human oral cavity is one of the hotspots harboring multiple mobile genetic elements (MGEs), which are segments of DNA that can move either within bacterial genomes or between bacterial cells that can facilitate the spreading of genetic materials, including antimicrobial resistance genes. It is, therefore, important to investigate genes associated with the MGEs as they have a high probability of ...
    • Influence of professionally assessed normative orthodontic treatment need on adult OHRQoL 

      Dahlberg, Magne A.; Konradsen, Anders (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-20)
      Introduction: There is an increasing amount of research regarding the impact of malocclusions on OHRQoL. Reviews on this topic has mostly focused on children and adolescents, and therefore the aim of this thesis is to investigate the impact of professionally assessed normative orthodontic treatment need on adult OHRQOL. Materials and methods: Four electronic databases (PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane ...