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dc.contributor.advisorOfstad, Eirik
dc.contributor.authorSkjevik, Elise Pauline Paulsen
dc.description.abstractThis thesis focuses on group mentorship for undergraduate medical students as a pivotal element in fostering a supportive and collaborative learning environment, essential for the complex field of medicine. Previous studies have mostly focused on one-on-one mentoring. Group mentorships can foster a collaborative and reflective environment in which students can benefit from the collective knowledge and experiences of their peers and mentors. In Paper I, a systematic review was conducted to identify group mentorships for medical students. Based on the findings, we provide insights for structuring and assessing such mentorships. We highlight the benefits of making such programs compulsory, longitudinal, and integrated with the curriculum, along with mentor support and frequent evaluations. Paper II explores group mentors’ perceptions at three universities in Norway and Canada, specifically what factors influence their level of satisfaction. The main results were that physician mentors’ overall satisfaction is closely linked to them experiencing fulfilling mentor–student relationships and personal and professional development. Paper III investigates the UiT medical students’ experiences and attitudes by comparing the first class of students with a longitudinal mentorship program and the final class of students in the old curriculum without such a program. The findings suggest that a longitudinal group-based mentorship program can make students feel better prepared for clinical practice and help them develop positive attitudes toward important professional attributes such as patient-centeredness. In conclusion, the findings from the three papers emphasize the significant potential of group mentoring programs in medical education. Investigating group mentorship is essential not only for understanding its immediate impact on students’ academic and professional growth but also for its potential implications on the culture of medical education and practice.en_US
dc.description.abstractGruppementorering kan være et viktig element for å fremme et støttende læringsmiljø for legestudenter, i tillegg til å understøtte utvikling av en profesjonell identitet og forberede dem på overgangen mellom student- og legerollen. Historisk sett har individuell mentorering vært vanlig i medisinsk utdanning, men i de siste årene har gruppebaserte ordninger blitt mer prevalent. Gruppementorering kan skape et reflekterende og trygt miljø hvor studentene kan dra nytte av kollektiv kunnskap og erfaringsutveksling både fra sine medstudenter og mentorer. I artikkel I gjorde vi en systematisk litteraturgjennomgang for å utforske hva som finnes av slike ordninger i verden. Basert på funnene gir vi forslag til hvordan slike programmer kan struktureres samtidig som vi belyser fordelene ved å gjøre disse programmene obligatoriske, langsgående og integrerte i studieplanen. Artikkel II undersøker erfaringene til gruppementorer ved tre universiteter; UiT Norges arktiske universitet, Universitetet i Bergen og McGill University i Canada, og spesifikt hvilke faktorer som påvirker mentortilfredshet. Generell tilfredshet viste seg å være nært knyttet til det å ha givende relasjoner med studentene samt å oppleve personlig og profesjonell utvikling i mentorrollen. I artikkel III sammenlignet vi medisinstudenter ved UiT før og etter implementering av gruppementorering. Resultatene tydet på at et langsgående, gruppebasert mentorprogram kan bidra til at studenter føler seg bedre forberedt til klinisk praksis samt understøtte utviklingen av positive holdninger mot pasientsentrert kommunikasjon og etiske refleksjoner. Funnene fra de tre artiklene viste et betydelig potensial ved gruppementorprogrammer i medisinsk utdanning. Det er essensielt å sikre kvaliteten på slike programmer ved å innlemme dette i studieplanen samt sørge for kompetanseheving for mentorer slik at de opplever at de mestrer og trives i rollen. Ved å understreke betydningen av og videreutvikle mentorordninger i legeutdanningen kan vi fremme en kultur for mentorering som forbedrer medisinsk praksis og hvor pasienten er satt i fokus blant fremtidens leger.en_US
dc.description.popularabstractThis dissertation explores the significance of group-based mentoring for the education of medical students. We explored 17 global group mentorship programs through a systematic review of literature. Following this, we looked at the experiences of 272 mentors at UiT Norwegian Arctic University, the University of Bergen, and McGill University in Canada. The study has shown that mentors’ satisfaction was closely tied to gratifying relationships with the students, as well as their own personal and professional development. Finally, we compared medical students at UiT Norwegian Arctic University before and after the implementation of PROFKOM, a new group-based mentorship program. Students in mentoring groups felt better prepared for clinical practice, communication with patients, and ethical reflection; and reported higher levels of patient-centredness. This dissertation shows that group-based mentoring has great potential in the education of future doctors, both nationally and internationally.en_US
dc.publisherUiT The Arctic University of Norwayen_US
dc.publisherUiT Norges arktiske universiteten_US
dc.relation.haspart<p>Paper I: Skjevik, E.P., Boudreau, J.D., Ringberg, U., Schei, E., Stenfors, T., Kvernenes, M. & Ofstad, E.H. (2020). Group mentorship for undergraduate medical students – a systematic review. <i>Perspectives on Medical Education, 9</i>(5), 272-280. Also available in Munin at <a href=></a>. <p>Paper II: Skjevik, E.P., Schei, E., Boudreau, J.D., Tjølsen, A., Ringberg, U., Fuks, A., Kvernenes, M. & Ofstad, E.H. (2024). What makes mentors thrive? An exploratory study of their satisfaction in undergraduate medical education. <i>BMC Medical Education, 24</i>, 372. Also available in Munin at <a href=></a>. <p>Paper III: Skjevik, E.P., Anvik, T., Ringberg, U. & Ofstad, E.H. Attitudes of medical students towards communication skills and patient-centered care: the impact of group mentorship. (Submitted manuscript).en_US
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2024 The Author(s)
dc.subjectMedical educationen_US
dc.subjectMedical studenten_US
dc.titleGroup-based mentoring in undergraduate medical educationen_US
dc.typeDoctoral thesisen_US

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