Now showing items 1381-1400 of 10407

    • A Novel Approach for the Treatment of Aerobic Vaginitis: Azithromycin Liposomes-in-Chitosan Hydrogel 

      Cacic, Ana; Amidžic Klaric, Daniela; Keser, Sabina; Radikovic, Maja; Rukavina, Zora; Jøraholmen, May Wenche; Uzelac, Lidija; Kralj, Marijeta; Skalko-Basnet, Natasa; Segvic Klaric, Maja; Vanic, Zeljka (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-28)
      Biocompatible mucoadhesive formulations that enable a sustained drug delivery at the site of action, while exhibiting inherent antimicrobial activity, are of great importance for improved local therapy of vaginal infections. The aim of this research was to prepare and evaluate the potential of the several types of azithromycin (AZM)-liposomes (180–250 nm) incorporated into chitosan hydrogel (A ...
    • SIRT1 is downregulated by autophagy in senescence and ageing 

      Xu, Caiyue; Wang, Lu; Fozouni, Parinaz; Evjen, Gry; Chandra, Vemika; Jiang, Jing; Lu, Congcong; Nicastri, Michael; Bretz, Corey; Winkler, Jeffrey D.; Amaravadi, Ravi; Garcia, Benjamin A.; Adams, Peter D.; Ott, Melanie; Tong, Wei; Johansen, Terje; Dou, Zhixun; Berger, Shelley L. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-28)
      SIRT1 (Sir2) is an NAD<sup>+</sup>-dependent deacetylase that plays critical roles in a broad range of biological events, including metabolism, the immune response and ageing<sup>1,2,3,4,5</sup>. Although there is strong interest in stimulating SIRT1 catalytic activity, the homeostasis of SIRT1 at the protein level is poorly understood. Here we report that macroautophagy (hereafter referred to as ...
    • Kinship care for the safety, permanency, and well-being of maltreated children. Updated 

      Winokur, Marc; Holtan, Amy; Batchelder, Keri E (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2009-01-21)
      Child abuse and neglect are common problems across the world that result in negative consequences for children, families and communities. Children who have been abused or neglected are often removed from the home and placed in residential care or with other families, including foster families. Foster care was traditionally provided by people that social workers recruited from the community specifically ...
    • Aberrant uncertainty processing is linked to psychotic‑like experiences, autistic traits, and is reflected in pupil dilation during probabilistic learning 

      Kreis, Isabel; Zhang, Lei; Mittner, Matthias Bodo; Syla, Leonard Parks; Claus, Lamm; Pfuhl, Gerit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-28)
      Aberrant belief updating due to misestimation of uncertainty and an increased perception of the world as volatile (i.e., unstable) has been found in autism and psychotic disorders. Pupil dilation tracks events that warrant belief updating, likely reflecting the adjustment of neural gain. However, whether subclinical autistic or psychotic symptoms affect this adjustment and how they relate to learning ...
    • The blind leading the blind? Filling the knowledge gap by student peer assessment 

      Møllersen, Kajsa (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2023-03)
      Prior knowledge in certain mathematical topics is essential for fundamental understanding of most STEM subjects, and closing the gap from secondary education is a prerequisite for success. The teacher's dilemma in higher education is the time dedicated to teaching secondary level maths versus the course's actual curriculum. To close the knowledge gap for a group of PhD students at the Faculty of ...
    • Aberrant uncertainty processing is linked to psychotic-like experiences, autistic traits, and is reflected in pupil dilation during probabilistic learning 

      Kreis, Isabel; Zhang, Lei; Mittner, Matthias Bodo; Syla, Leonard Parks; Lamm, Claus; Gerit, Pfuhl (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-28)
      Aberrant belief updating due to misestimation of uncertainty and an increased perception of the world as volatile (i.e., unstable) has been found in autism and psychotic disorders. Pupil dilation tracks events that warrant belief updating, likely refecting the adjustment of neural gain. However, whether subclinical autistic or psychotic symptoms afect this adjustment and how they relate to learning ...
    • Evaluering av forsøk med primærhelseteam og alternative finansieringsordninger. Statusrapport V 

      Aandahl, Emilie; Abelsen, Birgit; Fosse, Anette; Godager, Geir; Iversen, Tor; Løyland, Hanna Isabel; Pedersen, Kine; Snilsberg, Øyvind; Sæther, Erik Magnus (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2023)
      Primærhelseteam (PHT) er tverrfaglige team som inkluderer fastlege, sykepleier og helsesekretær. Sentrale målgrupper for PHT er brukere med kronisk sykdom, brukere med psykiske lidelser og rusavhengighet, brukere som omtales som «skrøpelige eldre» og brukere med utviklingshemming og funksjonsnedsettelser, samt «svake etterspørrere». <p> <p>For å finne ut om PHT, med mer systematisk oppfølging av ...
    • Sutur av degenerative rotatorcuff-rupturer: en fullstendig metodevurdering 

      Evensen, Line Holtet; Kleven, Linn; Dahm, Kristin Thuve; Hafstad, Elisabet Vivianne; Holte, Hilde H; Robberstad, Bjarne; Risstad, Hilde (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2023)
      Vi har utarbeidet en fullstendig metodevurdering av kirurgi med sutur sammenlignet med ikke-kirurgisk behandling ved degenerativ fulltykkelse rotatorcuff-ruptur. Vi inkluderte fem randomiserte og 18 ikke-randomiserte studier. Vi sammenstilte studiene i metaanalyser og vurderte tilliten til effektestimatene med GRADE-tilnærmingen. <p> <uli> <li>For pasienter med ruptur i én sene gir kirurgi liten ...
    • Kosthold og psykisk helse Oppfølging av punkt 5.5 i Nasjonal handlingsplan for bedre kosthold (2017–2021) 

      Brantsæter, Anne Lise; Mykletun, Arnstein (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2023-01)
      Dette notatet er Folkehelseinstituttets svar til Helse- og omsorgsdepartementets oppdrag om å synliggjøre gjeldende kunnskap om sammenhengen mellom kosthold og psykisk helse. I Nasjonal handlingsplan for bedre kosthold (2017–2021) utgitt mars 2017 (Regjeringen, 2017) ble betydningen av kosthold, mat og måltider for psykisk helse og livskvalitet satt på dagsorden. <p> <p>Hensikten med notatet har ...
    • Spillbasert læring: motivasjon for å ta i bruk ny teknologi 

      Solstrand, Tuva; Wirsing, Anna Maria; Beerepoot, Maarten T. P.; Coucheron, David A. (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2023-03)
      Spillbasert læring bruker prinsipper fra spill for å engasjere og motivere studenter i sin læring. I kombinasjon med innsikter om effektive læringsstrategier kan spillbaserte læringsressurser sikre både motivasjon til å lære og en effektiv læringsprosess. En forutsetning for å lykkes med introduksjon av ny teknologi generelt og spillbaserte læringsressurser spesifikt er at teknologien aksepteres av ...
    • Wake-up stroke and unknown-onset stroke; occurrence and characteristics from the nationwide Norwegian Stroke Register 

      Søyland, Mary-Helen; Tveiten, Arnstein; Eltoft, Agnethe; Øygarden, Halvor; Varmdal, Torunn; Indredavik, Bent; Mathiesen, Ellisiv B. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-06)
      Introduction: Population-based knowledge of the characteristics of wake-up stroke and unknown-onset stroke is limited. We compared occurrence and characteristics of ischaemic and haemorrhagic wake-up stroke, unknown-onset stroke and known-onset stroke in a nationwide register-based study. <p> <p>Patients and methods: We included patients registered in the Norwegian Stroke Register from 2012 through ...
    • Aberrant uncertainty processing is linked to psychotic‑like experiences, autistic traits, and is reflected in pupil dilation during probabilistic learning 

      Kreis, Isabel; Zhang, Lei; Mittner, Matthias Bodo; Syla, Leonard Parks; Lamm, Claus; Pfuhl, Gerit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-28)
      Aberrant belief updating due to misestimation of uncertainty and an increased perception of the world as volatile (i.e., unstable) has been found in autism and psychotic disorders. Pupil dilation tracks events that warrant belief updating, likely refecting the adjustment of neural gain. However, whether subclinical autistic or psychotic symptoms afect this adjustment and how they relate to learning ...
    • Physical activity, weight gain, and risk of mortality in adults 

      Sagelv, Edvard Hamnvik (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2023-05-11)
      <p><i>Why:</i> As low physical activity levels associate with ill health and mortality, continuous monitoring of physical activity levels is needed to inform policy. Identifying aetiology causes for the obesity epidemic is important to prevent population weight gain. However, there are still uncertainties on how physical activity and weight at population level associate over time, and how physical ...
    • Characterization of vasskveite (water halibut) syndrome for automated detection 

      Ortega, Samuel; Ofstad, Ragni; Syed, Shaheen; Kranz, Mathias; Heia, Karsten; Anderssen, Kathryn Elizabeth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-12-23)
      In recent years, cases of vasskveite (water halibut) syndrome in halibut have been increasing. At the moment, there exists no way to screen for the syndrome immediately after capture, which is problematic for both exporters and purchasers. In this article, we compared good quality halibut and halibut exhibiting the syndrome using a variety of techniques. Hyperspectral imaging was used to quantify ...
    • Nytt håp for voksne leukemipasienter 

      Arranz, Lorena; Juul, Kjersti (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2023-04-11)
      Norske forskere er i ferd med å utvikle en behandling som øker overlevelsen for voksne leukemipasienter.
    • Diagnostiske PET - radiofarmaka i Norge - klinisk bruk og utvikling 

      Johansen, Kurt Jonny; Fjellaksel, Richard (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-23)
      Hensikt - Formålet med denne artikkelen er å gi en oversikt over bruk og utvikling av PETradiofarmaka i Norge.<p> <p>Kunnskapsgrunnlag/Metode - Artikkelen bygger på innrapporterte tall over antall administrasjoner av radiofarmaka fra helseforetakene til Direktoratet for strålevern og atomsikkerhet (DSA). Det ble benyttet ikke-systematisk litteratursøk i PubMed og Google Scholar frem til ...
    • Perspectives of people with Parkinson's disease and family carers about disease management in community settings: A cross-country qualitative study 

      Navarta-Sánchez, Maria Victoria; Palmar-Santos, Ana; Pedraz-Marcos, Azucena; Reidy, Claire; Soilemezi, Dia; Sørensen, Dorthe; Smidt, Helle Rønn; Bragstad, Line Kildal; Hjelle, Ellen Gabrielsen; Haavaag, Silje Bjørnsen; Portillo-Vega, Mari Carmen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-02)
      Aim: To explore perceptions of people with Parkinson's disease and family carers about the use and impact of health and social care services, community and voluntary sector resources for the management of Parkinson's disease.<p> <p>Background: Resources from outside the formal health care system and collaborations between different levels and sectors could address the unmet needs of people with ...
    • ‘I’d best take out life insurance, then.’ Conceptualisations of risk and uncertainty in primary care consultations, and implications for shared decision-making 

      Lian, Olaug S.; Nettleton, Sarah; Grange, Huw Robert; Dowrick, Christopher (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-30)
      The main objective of this study is to gain knowledge about interactional factors that support and obstruct mutual risk-assessments and shared decision-making (SDM) in clinical consultations. Through a narrative analysis of verbatim tran- scripts of 28 naturally occurring consultations performed in English National Health Service practices, we explore the ways in which patients and general practitioners ...
    • Modified prolonged exposure therapy as Early Intervention after Rape (The EIR-study): study protocol for a multicenter randomized add-on superiority trial 

      Haugen, Tina; Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas; Friborg, Oddgeir; Simpson, Melanie Rae; Mork, Paul Jarle; Mikkelsen, Gustav; Elklit, Ask; Rothbaum, Barbara O.; Schei, Berit; Hagemann, Cecilie Therese (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-21)
      Background Sexual assault and rape are the traumatic life events with the highest probability for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can have devastating consequences for those aficted by the condition. Studies indicate that modifed prolonged exposure (mPE) therapy may be efective in preventing the development of PTSD in recently traumatized individuals, and especially for people who ...
    • Re-traumatization of torture survivors during treatment in somatic healthcare services: A mapping review and appraisal of literature presenting clinical guidelines and recommendations to prevent re-traumatization 

      Schippert, Ana Carla Soares Portugal; Grov, Ellen Karine; Dahl-Michelsen, Tone; Silvola, Juha Tapio; Sparboe-Nilsen, Bente; Danielsen, Stein Ove; Lie, Irene; Bjørnnes, Ann Kristin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-25)
      Abstract Rationale The number of torture survivors is on the rise, posing issues for their care in healthcare settings. Even healthcare experts with training in refugee care are unaware of the health difficulties faced by torture survivors. Any medical evaluation or treatment has the potential to re-traumatize torture survivors, thereby reactivating trauma symptoms without applicable guidelines ...