Now showing items 1701-1720 of 10407

    • Depression in an adult Norwegian population: prevalence and associated factors in the Tromsø Study 7 

      Dhakal, Renuka (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-12-01)
      Introduction: The burden of depression is considerable worldwide as it is one of the leading causes of disability. People with depression can experience symptoms like loss of interest, feeling sad or depressed, feeling worthless, unnecessary guilt, suicidal thoughts, fatigue, and decreased pleasure. Depression can affect the personal, social, and work life of people as well as may lead to self-harm ...
    • Association of pre-diagnostic vitamin D level with postmenopausal breast cancer risk: A systematic review 

      Subedi, Sibila (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-12-01)
      Introduction: Breast cancer is a disease in which there is a rapid multiplying of cells in the breast. It has been a serious concern as it is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women, especially in the old-age group. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is consumed via diet or produced when the ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun make contact with the skin. Its putative anticarcinogenic ...
    • Inflammation and Sleep as Risk Factors for Psychological Distress During Adolescence. The influence of low-grade inflammation and sleep duration on psychological distress in girls and boys aged 15-18 years. The Fit Futures study 

      Linkas, Jonas (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2023-01-06)
      <p><i>Background:</i> Onset of depression and psychological distress increase dramatically during adolescence. In adults, research has indicated that low-grade inflammation and short sleep duration are risk factors for depression. Less research has been conducted on these risk factors in healthy adolescents. <p><i>Methods:</i> This thesis explores associations between two respective exposures 1) ...
    • ChildTalks+: a study protocol of a pre-post controlled, paired design study on the use of preventive intervention for children of parents with a mental illness with focus on eating disorders 

      Farářová, Adéla; Papezova, Hana; Gricová, Jana; Štěpánková, Tereza; Čapek, Václav; Reedtz, Charlotte; Lauritzen, Camilla; van Doesum, Karin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-16)
      <p><b> Background:</b> Children of parents with a mental illness are at high risk of developing a mental disorder as a result of transgenerational transmission. Without effective intervention, they could form the next generation of psychiatric patients. ChildTalks+ is a preventive intervention involving four structured psychoeducational sessions designed for parents affected by a mental disorder ...
    • Number of children and risk of hormone receptor-positive versus hormone receptor-negative breast cancer 

      Basnyat, Samyukta (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-11-30)
      Introduction: With around 2.3 million cases, breast cancer became the most frequently diagnosed cancer in 2020 surpassing lung cancer cases and mortality. Based on histology and molecular characteristics, hormone receptor-positive (HR+) cancer has tumors with both estrogen and progesterone receptors. On the contrary, hormone receptor-negative (HR-) cancer has tumors not expressing estrogen or ...
    • Testing for association with rare variants in the coding and non-coding genome: RAVA-FIRST, a new approach based on CADD deleteriousness score 

      Bocher, Ozvan; Ludwig, Thomas E.; Oglobinsky, Marie-Sophie; Marenne, Gaëlle; Deleuze, Jean-François; Suryakant, Suryakant; Odeberg, Jacob; Morange, Pierre-Emmanuel; Trégouët, David-Alexandre; Perdry, Hervé; Génin, Emmanuelle (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-16)
      Rare variant association tests (RVAT) have been developed to study the contribution of rare variants widely accessible through high-throughput sequencing technologies. RVAT require to aggregate rare variants in testing units and to filter variants to retain only the most likely causal ones. In the exome, genes are natural testing units and variants are usually filtered based on their functional ...
    • Overweight and obesity among children – Is there an association between school provided meals and BMI changes? 

      Reinikainen, Mikaela (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-11-28)
      Overweight and obesity has become a worldwide problem in the last decades. Among children aged 5-19, overweight and obesity prevalence has risen from 4% in 1975 to 18% in 2016. Children with overweight and obesity are also more likely to stay obese into adulthood. The consequences of being overweight and obese in childhood increases the risk of several non-communicable diseases and early morbidity. For ...
    • Exploring the utilization of healthcare resources in elderly patients with COPD 

      Andreassen, Ida-Kristine (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-11-28)
      Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) remains a major health problem worldwide (1) and the prevalence of COPD continues to increase (2, 3). It is a major cause of multimorbidity and mortality in Norway (4) and the healthcare utilization by COPD- patients is expected to increase in the future (5). To effectively allocate healthcare resources, it is necessary to have knowledge about ...
    • Genomic Sequencing and Phylogenomics of Cowpox Virus 

      Diaz Cánova, Diana Karina; Mavian, Carla; Brinkmann, Annika; Nitsche, Andreas; Moens, Ugo; Okeke, Malachy Ifeanyi (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-28)
      <i>Cowpox virus</i> (CPXV; genus <i>Orthopoxvirus</i>; family <i>Poxviridae</i>) is the causative agent of cowpox, a self-limiting zoonotic infection. CPXV is endemic in Eurasia, and human CPXV infections are associated with exposure to infected animals. In the Fennoscandian region, five CPXVs isolated from cats and humans were collected and used in this study. We report the complete sequence of ...
    • Om uformell omsorg: en kvalitativ studie fra sjøsamiske kystsamfunn i Finnmark 

      Mehus, Grete; Giæver, Anne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-12-02)
      I Norge er det en helsepolitisk målsetting at alle skal kunne bo hjemme lengst mulig, også hvis man trenger helsehjelp som kan gis hjemme. For å muliggjøre dette er uformell omsorg svært viktig. Over 50 % av befolkningen er involvert i uformelle omsorgsoppgaver. Dette innebærer blant annet tilsyn, bistand til handling, husvask og transport og noen ganger oppgaver av mer helsemessig art. Hensikten ...
    • Factors associated with predictors of smoking cessation from a Norwegian internet-based smoking cessation intervention study 

      Gram, Inger Torhild; Antypas, Konstantinos; Wangberg, Silje C; Løchen, Maja-Lisa; Larbi, Dillys (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-31)
      Introduction: We examined if we could identify predictors for smoking cessation at six months post cessation, among smokers enrolled in a large Norwegian populationbased intervention study.<p> <p>Methods: We followed 4333 (72.1% women) smokers who enrolled in an internetbased smoking cessation intervention during 2010–2012. The baseline questionnaire collected information on sociodemographic and ...
    • Dynamic features of human mitochondrial DNA maintenance and transcription 

      Akbari, Mansour; Nilsen, Hilde; Montaldo, Nicola Pietro (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-07)
      Mitochondria are the primary sites for cellular energy production and are required for many essential cellular processes. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is a 16.6 kb circular DNA molecule that encodes only 13 gene products of the approximately 90 different proteins of the respiratory chain complexes and an estimated 1,200 mitochondrial proteins. MtDNA is, however, crucial for organismal development, ...
    • Extracurricular work experience and its association with training and confidence in emergency medicine procedures among medical students: a cross-sectional study from a Norwegian medical school 

      Scott, Remi William; Fredriksen, Knut (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-27)
      <p><b> Objective </b> Proficiency in basic emergency procedures is important for junior doctors, but the amount of practical exposure may vary. We studied the association between students’ extracurricular healthcare-related (ECHR) work experience and self-reported practical training and confidence in selected emergency medicine procedures. <p><b> Study design</b> Cross-sectional ...
    • “Opening up a well of emotions”: A qualitative study of men's emotional experiences in the transition to fatherhood 

      Solberg, Beate; Glavin, Kari; Berg, Rigmor; Olsvold, Nina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-20)
      <p><b> Aim</b> To explore the emotional changes and reactions men experience in their transition to fatherhood. <p><b> Design</b> This study used a qualitative design. <p><b> Methods</b> Data were collected through in-depth interviews with 13 Norwegian fathers. <p><b> Results</b> Through thematic analysis, three main themes were developed: (1) from self-focus to family ...
    • Parents’ perspectives on preparing for parenthood: a qualitative study on Greenland’s universal parenting programme MANU 0–1 year 

      Ingemann, Christine; Jensen, Else; Olesen, Ingelise; Tjørnhøj-Thomsen, Tine; Kvernmo, Siv; Larsen, Christina Viskum Lytken (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-20)
      <p><b> Background</b> The transition to parenthood has received increasing attention in research, partly due to evidence pointing out the crucial developmental period of a child’s first thousand days. Parenting programmes aim to prepare and support families in their transition and distress. For a programme to be implemented successfully it is important to consider parents’ needs and resources. ...
    • mHealth Support to Stimulate Physical Activity in Individuals With Intellectual Disability: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Pilot Study 

      Michalsen, Henriette; Wangberg, Silje C; Hartvigsen, Gunnar; Henriksen, André; Jaccheri, Maria Letizia; Jahnsen, Reidun Birgitta; Thrane, Gyrd; Arntzen, Cathrine; Anke, Audny Gabriele Wagner (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-15)
      Background: Several studies have shown that individuals with intellectual disabilities (IDs) have low levels of physical activity (PA), and intervention studies on PA suggest inconsistent evidence. The use of technology as a means of motivation for PA has yet to be extensively explored and needs to be further investigated.<p> <p>Objective: We aim to assess the feasibility and acceptability of ...
    • Tailored anti-biofilm activity – Liposomal delivery for mimic of small antimicrobial peptide 

      Hemmingsen, Lisa Myrseth; Giordani, Barbara; Paulsen, Marianne Hagensen; Vanic, Zeljka; Flaten, Gøril Eide; Vitali, Beatrice; Basnet, Purusotam; Bayer, Annette; Strøm, Morten B.; Skalko-Basnet, Natasa (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-13)
      The eradication of bacteria embedded in biofilms is among the most challenging obstacles in the management of chronic wounds. These biofilms are found in most chronic wounds; moreover, the biofilm-embedded bacteria are considerably less susceptible to conventional antimicrobial treatment than the planktonic bacteria. Antimicrobial peptides and their mimics are considered attractive candidates in the ...
    • Genetically predicted cortisol levels and risk of venous thromboembolism 

      Allarai, Elias; Lee, Wei-Hsuan; Burgess, Stephen; Larsson, Susanna C.; Lindstrom, Sara; Wang, Lu; Smith, Erin N.; Gordon, William; Van Hylckama Vlieg, Astrid; De Andrade, Mariza; Brody, Jennifer A.; Pattee, Jack W.; Haessler, Jeffrey; Brumpton, Ben Michael; Chasman, Daniel I.; Suchon, Pierre; Chen, Ming-Huei; Turman, Constance; Germain, Marine; Wiggins, Kerri L.; Macdonald, James; Brækkan, Sigrid Kufaas; Armasu, Sebastian M.; Pankratz, Nathan; Jackson, Rabecca D.; Nielsen, Jonas B; Giulianini, Franco; Puurunen, Marja K.; Ibrahim, Manal; Heckbert, Susan R.; Bammler, Theo K.; Frazer, Kelly A.; Mccauley, Bryan M.; Taylor, Kent; Pankow, James S.; Reiner, Alexander P.; Gabrielsen, Maiken Elvestad; Deleuze, Jean-Francois; O'Donnell, Chris J.; Kim, Jihye; Mcknight, Barbara; Kraft, Peter; Hansen, John Bjarne; Rosendaal, Frits Richard; Heit, John A.; Psaty, Bruce M.; Tang, Weihong; Kooperberg, Charles; Hveem, Kristian; Ridker, Paul M.; Morange, Pierre-Emmanuel; Johnson, Andrew D.; Kabrhel, Christopher; Alexandretrégouët, David; Smith, Nicholas L. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-08-19)
      Introduction - In observational studies, venous thromboembolism (VTE) has been associated with Cushing’s syndrome and with persistent mental stress, two conditions associated with higher cortisol levels. However, it remains unknown whether high cortisol levels within the usual range are causally associated with VTE risk. We aimed to assess the association between plasma cortisol levels and VTE risk ...
    • The development of a tool to assess medical students’ non-technical skills–The Norwegian medical students’ non-technical skills (NorMS-NTS) 

      Prydz, Katrine; Dieckmann, Gerhard Peter; Musson, David; Wisborg, Torben (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-07)
      Purpose - New physicians need to master non-technical skills (NTS), as high levels of NTS have been shown to increase patient safety. It has also been shown that NTS can be improved through training. This study aimed to establish the necessary NTS for Norwegian medical students to create a tool for formative and summative assessments.<p> <p>Methods - Focus group interviews were conducted with ...
    • Personal continuity of GP care and outpatient specialist visits in people with type 2 diabetes: A cross-sectional survey 

      Hansen, Anne Helen; Johansen, May-Lill (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-25)
      Background - Continuity of care is particularly important for patients with chronic conditions, such as type 2 diabetes (T2D). Continuity is shown to reduce overall health service utilization among people with diabetes, however, evidence about how it relates to the utilization of outpatient specialist services in Norway is lacking. The aim of this study was to investigate continuity of GP care for ...