Now showing items 361-380 of 10396

    • Characteristics of urban neighbourhood environments and cognitive age in mid-age and older adults 

      Soloveva, Maria V.; Poudel, Govinda; Barnett, Anthony; Shaw, Jonathan E.; Martino, Erika; Knibbs, Luke D.; Anstey, Kaarin J.; Cerin, Ester (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-12)
      In this cross-sectional study, we examined the extent to which features of the neighbourhood natural, built, and socio-economic environments were related to cognitive age in adults (N = 3418, Mage = 61 years) in Australia. Machine learning estimated an individual's cognitive age from assessments of processing speed, verbal memory, premorbid intelligence. A ’cognitive age gap’ was calculated by ...
    • Dietary intake of total, heme and non-heme iron and the risk of colorectal cancer in a European prospective cohort study 

      Aglago, Elom K.; Cross, Amanda J.; Riboli, Elio; Fedirko, Veronika; Hughes, David J.; Fournier, Agnes; Jakszyn, Paula; Freisling, Heinz; Gunter, Marc J.; Dahm, Christina C.; Overvad, Kim; Tjønneland, Anne; Kyrø, Cecilie; Boutron-Ruault, Marie-Christine; Rothwell, Joseph A.; Severi, Gianluca; Katzke, Verena; Srour, Bernard; Schulze, Matthias B.; Wittenbecher, Clemens; Palli, Domenico; Sieri, Sabina; Pasanisi, Fabrizio; Tumino, Rosario; Ricceri, Fulvio; Bueno-de-Mesquita, Bas; Derksen, Jeroen W. G.; Skeie, Guri; Jensen, Torill; Lukic, Marko; Sánchez, Maria-Jose; Amiano, Pilar; Colorado-Yohar, Sandra; Barricarte, Aurelio; Ericson, Ulrika; van Guelpen, Bethany; Papier, Keren; Knuppel, Anika; Casagrande, Corinne; Huybrechts, Inge; Heath, Alicia K.; Tsilidis, Konstantinos K.; Jenab, Mazda (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-09)
      Background - Iron is an essential micronutrient with differing intake patterns and metabolism between men and women. Epidemiologic evidence on the association of dietary iron and its heme and non-heme components with colorectal cancer (CRC) development is inconclusive.<p> <p>Methods - We examined baseline dietary questionnaire-assessed intakes of total, heme, and non-heme iron and CRC risk in the ...
    • Novel biomarkers in hypertension 

      Brobak, Karl Marius (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2024-04-11)
      <p><i>Introduction</i> Hypertension and kidney damage are reciprocally related. Current blood and urine tests cannot reliably detect early kidney damage from hypertension, hindering timely prevention. A biomarker that captures kidney damage due to hypertension at an early stage might improve risk stratification and treatment. The primary objective of this project was to investigate how biomarkers ...
    • Er en-avlednings elektrokardiografi assosiert med hjerteinfarkt hos yngre og middelaldrende kvinner og menn? En prospektiv kohortstudie, Tromsøundersøkelsen 1986/87. 

      Aalstad, Brita (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-03-02)
      Sammendrag Introduksjon Bakgrunnen for oppgaven er at det finnes lite forskning på assosiasjon av hjerteinfarkt ved elektrokardiografi hos kvinner. Formålet er derfor å studere sammenhengen mellom EKG avledning I og hjerteinfarkt hos hjertefriske yngre og middelaldrende kvinner og menn. Material og metode Datamaterialet til denne prospektive kohortstudien er hentet fra den tredje Tromsøundersøkelsen ...
    • Eventyret i kommersiell hundekjøring: En kvalitativ studie av hundekjøringsguidens kompetansekrav og -utvikling 

      Wied, Anja Åse (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-12-15)
      Dette prosjekt undersøker hvilke kompetansekrav som settes til hundekjøringsguiden og hvordan denne kompetanse kan utvikles. Hundekjøringsguidens rolle er et uberørt forskningsfelt og prosjektet er første forskning på temaet. En forståelse for hundekjøringsguidens rolle kan bidra til en inkludering av hundekjøring i en profesjonaliseringsprosess av naturbasert reiseliv. Prosjektet undersøker guidens ...
    • Utøvelse og utvikling av radiografifaget i Norge. En kvalitativ studie 

      Egestad, Helen; Hofvind, Solveig Sand-Hanssen; Fjellaksel, Richard (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-18)
      Innledning - Økt arbeidstempo og mer krevende arbeidsoppgaver gjør at radiografer har behov for å videreutvikle kunnskaper og ferdigheter. Hensikten med studien var å undersøke hvordan norske radiografer opplever arbeidshverdagen og hvilke muligheter de har for å opprettholde og øke egen fagutvikling. <p> <p>Materiale og metode - Vi gjennomførte semistrukturerte intervjuer av ti radiografer fra ...
    • A Global Meta-Analysis of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Before and During COVID-19 

      Daniali, Hojjat; Martinussen, Monica; Flaten, Magne Arve (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Objective: This meta-analysis compared negative emotions (NEs) as depression, anxiety, and stress, from before the pandemic to during the pandemic. <p> <p>Method: A total of 59 studies (19 before, 37 during-pandemic, and 3 that included both) using the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) were included. A random effects model estimated the means of NEs before and during the pandemic. ...
    • Prophylactic Oropharyngeal Surfactant for Preterm Newborns at Birth: A Randomized Clinical Trial 

      Murphy, Madeleine C.; Miletin, Jan; Klingenberg, Claus Andreas; Guthe, Hans Jørgen Timm; Rigo, Vincent; Plavka, Richard; Bohlin, Kajsa; Barroso Pereira, Almerinda; Juren, Tomáš; Alih, Ekele; Galligan, Marie; O'Donnell, Colm P. F. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-11)
      Importance - Preterm newborns at risk of respiratory distress syndrome are supported with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Many newborns worsen despite CPAP and are intubated for surfactant administration, an effective therapy for treatment of respiratory distress syndrome. Endotracheal intubation is associated with adverse effects. Pharyngeal administration of surfactant to preterm animals ...
    • Calcium Intake and Lung Cancer Risk: A Pooled Analysis of 12 Prospective Cohort Studies 

      Takata, Yumie; Yang, Jae Jeong; Yu, Danxia; Smith-Warner, Stephanie A.; Blot, William J.; White, Emily; Robien, Kimberly; Prizment, Anna; Wu, Kana; Sawada, Norie; Lan, Qing; Park, Yikyung; Gao, Yu-Tang; Cai, Qiuyin; Song, Mingyang; Zhang, Xuehong; Pan, Kathy; Agudo, Antonio; Panico, Salvatore; Liao, Linda M.; Tsugane, Shoichiro; Chlebowski, Rowan T.; Nøst, Therese Haugdahl; Schulze, Matthias B.; Johannson, Mattias; Zheng, Wei; Shu, Xiao-Ou (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-11)
      Background - Previous studies on calcium intake and lung cancer risk reported inconsistent associations, possibly due to the differences in intake amounts and contributing sources of calcium and smoking prevalence.<p> <p>Objectives - We investigated the associations of lung cancer risk with intake of calcium from foods and/or supplements and major calcium-rich foods in 12 studies.<p> <p>Methods ...
    • Novel insights into the fenestrated scavenger endothelium of the liver sinusoid 

      Holte, Christopher Florian (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2024-03-22)
      <p>The sinusoids (specialized small blood vessels) of the liver are covered by endothelium (blood vessel wall cells) with open transcellular pores (holes that go from one side to the other) called fenestrations. This allows for efficient bidirectional transfer of solutes between the blood and the hepatocytes (main metabolic liver cell). These fenestrations can disappear or reduce in number and size ...
    • Elevating Safe Use of Over-The-Counter Medications in Older Adults: A Narrative Review of Pharmacy Involved Interventions and Recommendations for Improvement 

      Lehnbom, Elin; Berbakov, Maria E.; Hoffins, Emily L.; Moon, Jukrin; Welch, Lauren; Chui, Michelle A. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-20)
      Over-the-counter (OTC) medications are products that have been made easily accessible to allow patients to treat common ailments without a prescription and the cost of a doctor’s visit. These medications are generally considered safe; however, there is still a potential for these medications to lead to adverse health outcomes. Older adults (ages 50+) are especially susceptible to these adverse health ...
    • Utvikling av utskrivningsintervensjon med fokus på riktig legemiddelbruk – en kvalitetsforbedringsstudie ved medisinsk avdeling 

      Garcia, Beate Hennie; Aag, Trine Iversen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Hensikt - Hensikten med studien var å utvikle en utskrivningsintervensjon med fokus på riktig legemiddelbruk etter sykehusopphold. Involvering av farmasøyt var en forutsetning.<p> <p>Metode - Ved hjelp av forbedringsmetodikken plan-do-study-act (PDSA) har vi utviklet og evaluert en utskrivningsintervensjon hvor farmasøyten er sentral i samarbeid med det tverrfaglige teamet.<p> <p>Resultater - ...
    • CaMKIIa+ neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis modulate pace of natural reward seeking depending on internal state 

      Huijgens, Patty Thalia; Heijkoop, Roy; Vanderschuren, Louk; Lesscher, Heidi; Snoeren, Eelke Mirthe Simone (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-24)
      This study aims to investigate the underlying neurobiological mechanisms that regulate natural reward seeking behaviors, specifically in the context of sexual behavior and sucrose self-administration. The role of CaMKIIa+neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) was explored using chemogenetic silencing and -stimulation. Additionally, the study examined how these effects ...
    • Evaluering av pilotprosjekt med primærhelseteam og alternative finansieringsordninger. Statusrapport I 

      Abelsen, Birgit; Gaski, Margrete; Godager, Geir; Iversen, Tor; Løyland, Hanna Isabel; Pedersen, Kine; Sten-gahmberg, Susanna; Sæther, Erik Magnus (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2019)
      Fra 1. april 2018 prøves primærhelseteam ut som en organisasjonsform med teamorganisering og to alternative finansieringsmodeller ved 13 fastlegekontor i ni kommuner. Forsøket administreres av Helsedirektoratet og skal pågå i tre år. Forsøket evalueres av en samarbeidskonstellasjon av forskere fra Universitetet i Oslo, Universitetet i Tromsø og Oslo Economics. I denne rapporten beskriver vi status ...
    • Dritbra» hvis ungdom gir oss avføringen sin 

      Pettersen, Veronika Kucharová; Kloos, Julia Maria (Others; Andre, 2024-02-17)
      En forskningsgruppe ved UiT samler inn avføring fra barn og unge for å studere tarmbakterier. Målet er å utvikle bedre diagnoser for sykdommer og oppdage lidelser tidligere, ifølge medisinstudent Ole Martin Ellingsbø Nilsen. Prosjektet har fått økonomisk støtte fra Barnekreftforeningen og rekrutteringshjelp fra Tromsø kommune. Ungdommer som deltar får en «kit» for å samle inn prøvene, samt ...
    • Poorer self-reported mental health and general health among first year upper secondary school students do not predict school dropout: a five-year prospective study 

      Goll, Charlotte Bjørnskov; Sørlie, Tore; Friborg, Oddgeir; Ottosen, Karl-Ottar; Sæle, Rannveig Grøm (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-08)
      Introduction: Education is important for socioeconomic, work and health status; thus, dropping out of secondary school is of major concern. In Norway, 1 out of 5 is dropping out from upper secondary education. Academic performance is a known predictor for dropout, but the role of mental and general health status is studied less.<p> <p>Methods: By use of student data collected during the first ...
    • Rapport - Workshop om fremtidens skredopplæring 

      Dassler, Tim; Skille, Tarjei Tveito; Pfuhl, Gerit; Fjellaksel, Richard (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2023)
      2. november 2023 gjennomførte Norskred i samarbeid med Nortind, Den norske turistforeningen (DNT), Norsk fjellsportforum (NF) og UiT CARE – senter for snøskredforskning en workshop om fremtidens skredopplæring i Norge. Workshopen ble arrangert dagen før den nordiske skredkonferansen 2023 på Oppdal.<p> <p>Dagens modell for skredopplæring inneholder mange læringsmål og en kursstige som virker å ...
    • The first tigecycline resistant Enterococcus faecium in Norway was related to tigecycline exposure 

      Hegstad, Kristin; Pöntinen, Anna Kaarina; Bjørnholt, Jørgen; Paulsen, Else Quist; Sundsfjord, Arnfinn Ståle (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-19)
      Objectives - We describe the first tigecycline resistant enterococcal isolate in Norway and the mechanisms involved.<p> <p>Material and methods - The Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Detection of Antimicrobial Resistance (K-res). received in 2022 an Enterococcus faecium blood culture isolate with decreased susceptibility to tigecycline from a hospitalized patient in the South-Eastern Norway ...
    • Transition From Substance-Induced Psychosis to Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder or Bipolar Disorder 

      Rognli, Eline B.; Heiberg, Ina Heidi; Jacobsen, Bjarne Koster; Høye, Anne; Bramness, Jørgen Gustav (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-03)
      Objective: The authors investigated transitions to schizophrenia spectrum or bipolar disorder following different types of substance-induced psychosis and the impact of gender, age, number of emergency admissions related to substance-induced psychosis, and type of substance-induced psychosis on such transitions. <p> <p>Methods: All patients in the Norwegian Patient Registry with a diagnosis of ...
    • Redefining clinical venous thromboembolism phenotypes: a novel approach using latent class analysis 

      de Winter, Maria A.; Uijl, Alicia; Büller, Harry R.; Carrier, Marc; Cohen, Alexander T.; Hansen, John Bjarne; Kaasjager, Karin H.A.H.; Kakkar, Ajay K.; Middeldorp, Saskia; Raskob, Gary E.; Sørensen, Henrik Toft; Wells, Philip S.; Nijkeuter, Mathilde; Dorresteijn, Jannick A.N. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-12-22)
      Background - Patients with venous thromboembolism (VTE) are commonly classified by the presence or absence of provoking factors at the time of VTE to guide treatment decisions. This approach may not capture the heterogeneity of the disease and its prognosis.<p> <p>Objectives - To evaluate clinically important novel phenotypic clusters among patients with VTE without cancer and to explore their ...