Now showing items 4401-4420 of 10620

    • Impairments in spatial navigation during walking in patients 70 years or younger with mild stroke 

      Hamre, Sophia Charlotta; Fure, Brynjar; Helbostad, Jorunn L.; Wyller, Torgeir Bruun; Ihle-Hansen, Hege; Vlachos, Georgios; Ursin, Marie Helene; Tangen, Gro Gujord (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-04-21)
      <p><i>Background:</i> Spatial navigation, the ability to determine and maintain a route from one place to another, is needed for independence in everyday life. Knowledge about impairments in spatial navigation in people with mild stroke is scarce. <p><i>Objectives:</i> To explore impairments in spatial navigation in patients ≤70 years after first-ever mild ischemic stroke (NIHSS≤3) and to explore ...
    • Sexual function and lifestyle behavior among lymphoma survivors after high dose chemotherapy with autologous stem-cell transplantation 

      Bersvendsen, Hanne Skjerven (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2020-10-22)
      <p><i>Background/Aims:</i> Lymphoma is one of the most prevalent malignancies among young persons. The survival rate is high, though comes with a risk of late effects including secondary cancer, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and chronic fatigue (CF). Some lymphoma patients require especially intensive treatment, high dose chemotherapy with autologous stem-cell transplantation (auto-SCT), to achieve ...
    • Effekt av primærforebyggende tiltak mot stress og belastninger for yrkesaktive 

      Meneses, Jose; Kirkehei, Ingvild; Berg, Rigmor (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2015-11)
      Kunnskapssenteret ved Seksjon for velferdstjenester fikk i oppdrag fra Helsedi-rektoratet å utføre et systematisk litteratursøk med påfølgende sortering av mu-lig relevante publikasjoner. Oppdraget var å finne forskning om effekt av pri-mærforebyggende tiltak for å hindre stress og belastninger blant yrkesaktive.
    • "Et logisk og raust arbeidsredskap i miljøterapi" - om bruk av en mentaliseringsbasert tilnærming. En kvalitativ studie om erfaringer med bruk av en mentaliseringsbasert tilnærming overfor pasienter med personlighetsproblematikk 

      Gautestad, Klara (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2015-09-29)
      Mentaliseringsbasert terapi (MBT) ble utviklet for å hjelpe pasienter med emosjonelt ustabil personlighetsforstyrrelse til å forstå seg selv og andre på en mer hensiktsmessig måte. Selv om man har tatt i bruk miljøterapiversjonen i MBT (MBT-M) mange steder i Norge finnes det ingen kjent forskning på helsepersonell sin opplevelse og erfaring med å bruke denne tilnærmingen i miljøterapeutisk arbeid. ...
    • Co-existence challenges in small-scale farming when farmers share and save seeds 

      Bøhn, Thomas; Aheto, Denis; Mwangala, Felix; Bones, Inger Louise; Simoloka, Christopher; Mbeule, Ireen; Wikmark, Odd Gunnar; Schmidt, Gunther; Chapela, Ignacio (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2013)
      Gene flow by means of pollen and seeds in maize influences local, regional and global maize biodiversity. Developing countries are centers of diversity for maize and preserve seeds also in informal seed systems. Particularly in poor communities, seed saving and sharing often co-occur with farming on small fields. We present preliminary investigations from a small-scale maize farming community, in ...
    • Perceived efficacy of COVID-19 restrictions, reactions and their impact on mental health during the early phase of the outbreak in six countries 

      Mækelæ, Martin Jensen; Reggev, Niv; Dutra, Natalia; Tamayo, Ricardo; Silva-Sobrinho, Reinaldo; Klevjer, Kristoffer; Pfuhl, Gerit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-08-12)
      The COVID-19 pandemic forced millions of people to drastically change their social life habits as governments employed harsh restrictions to reduce the spread of the virus. Although beneficial to physical health, the perception of physical distancing and related restrictions could impact mental health. In a pre-registered online survey, we assessed how effective a range of restrictions were perceived, ...
    • Dynamic expression of VDR and 1-­alpha-­hydroxylase in differentiated and re-­differentiated human articular chondrocytes 

      Hansen, Ann Kristin; Figenschau, Yngve Anton; Martinez, Inigo Zubiavrre (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2016-09)
      <p><i>Purpose:</i> The goal was to investigate potential roles played by vitamin D in the regulation of joint cartilage biology. We studied the expression of two central elements of vitamin D metabolism, namely the vitamin D receptor and its converting enzyme 1­α­hydroxylase in human knee cartilage and chondrocytes. <p><i>Methods and Materials:</i> Expression of receptor and enzyme was determined ...
    • Chemsex blant menn – en spørreundersøkelse 

      Haugstvedt, Åse; Amundsen, Eirik; Berg, Rigmor (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-09-03)
      <i>BAKGRUNN</i> - Formålet med undersøkelsen var å kartlegge forekomsten av rusmiddelbruk under sex (chemsex) blant et utvalg av mannlige pasienter ved Olafiaklinikken i Oslo, en poliklinikk for seksuelt overførbare infeksjoner. Vi ønsket også å se hvilke variabler innen psykisk helse, seksuelt overførbare infeksjoner og seksualatferd som var assosiert med chemsex for menn som har sex med menn og ...
    • Livets sluttfase - om å finne passende behandlingsnivå og behandlingsintensitet for alvorlig syke og døende 

      Skår, Åse; Juvet, Lene Kristine; Smedslund, Geir; Bahus, Marianne Klungland; Pedersen, Reidar; Fure, Brynjar (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2014-10)
      Etter en diskusjon i Nasjonalt råd for kvalitet og prioritering i helse- og omsorgstje-nesten i 2010, fikk Kunnskapssenteret i oppdrag å lage en rapport om tiltak som kan være til hjelp i beslutningsprosessene knyttet til begrensning av medisinsk behand-ling i livets sluttfase. Dette først og fremst med tanke på å begrense behandling av pasienter som egentlig ikke ønsker det eller har nytte av det, ...
    • Efficacy and Safety of CT-P13 in Inflammatory Bowel Disease after Switching from Originator Infliximab: Exploratory Analyses from the NOR-SWITCH Main and Extension Trials 

      Jørgensen, Kristin Kaasen; Goll, Guro Løvik; Sexton, Joe; Bolstad, Nils; Olsen, Inge C.; Asak, Øivind Wessel; Berset, Ingrid Prytz; Blomgren, Ingrid; Dvergsnes, Katrine; Florholmen, Jon; Frigstad, Svein Oskar; Henriksen, Magne; Hagfors, Jon; Huppertz-Hauss, Gert; Haavardsholm, Espen Andre; Klaasen, Rolf Anton; Moum, Bjørn; Noraberg, Geir; Prestegård, Ulf; Rydning, Jan Henrik; Sagatun, Liv; Seeberg, Kathrine; Torp, Roald; Vold, Cecilia; Warren, David J.; Ystrøm, Carl Magnus; Lundin, Knut Erik Aslaksen; Kvien, Tore Kristian; Jahnsen, Jørgen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-23)
      <i>Background</i> - The NOR-SWITCH main and extension trials demonstrated that switching from originator to biosimilar infliximab (CT-P13) is efficacious and safe across six diseases. However, a subgroup analysis of Crohn’s disease (CD) in the main trial displayed a close to significant difference favouring originator infliximab, and more scientific data have therefore been requested.<p><p> <i> ...
    • How to enhance digital support for cross-organisational health care teams? A user-based explorative study 

      Smaradottir, Berglind; Berntsen, Gro Karine Rosvold; Fensli, Rune Werner (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-22)
      Health care service provision of individualised treatment to an ageing population prone to chronic conditions and multimorbidities is threatened. There is a need for digitally supported care, that is, (1) person-centred, (2) integrated, and (3) proactive. The research project <i>3P, Patients and Professionals in Productive Teams</i>, aimed to validate and verify the prerequisites for health care ...
    • Reimagining Global Oncology Clinical Trials for the Postpandemic Era: A Call to Arms 

      saini, kamal; de las Heras, Begona; Plummer, Ruth; Moreno, Victor; Romano, Marco; de Castro, Javier Mayor; Aftimos, Philippe; Fredriksson, Judy; Bhattacharyya, Gouri Shankar; Olivo, Martin Sebastian; Schiavon, Gaia; Punie, Kevin; Garcia-Foncillas, Jesus; Rogata, Ernesto; Pfeiffer, Richie; Orbegosa, Cecilia; Morrison, Kenneth; Curigliano, Giuseppe; Chin, Lynda; Saini, Monika Lamba; Rekdal, Øystein; Anderson, Steven; Cortes, Javier; Leone, Manuela; Dancey, Janet; Twelves, Chris; Awada, Ahmad (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-08)
      The process of developing new anticancer therapeutics has been considered by some to be expensive, time consuming, bureaucratic, and, to some extent, inefficient. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has significantly affected clinical oncology studies and underlined the need to embrace and accelerate long-pending and awaited reforms to cancer clinical trial methodology.<p><p> This ...
    • The GABAB Receptor - Structure, Ligand Binding and Drug Development 

      Evenseth, Linn Samira Mari; Gabrielsen, Mari; Sylte, Ingebrigt (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-07)
      The γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) type B receptor (GABA<sub>B</sub-R) belongs to class C of the G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). Together with the GABA<sub>A</sub> receptor, the receptor mediates the neurotransmission of GABA, the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system (CNS). In recent decades, the receptor has been extensively studied with the intention being to understand ...
    • Behandling av håndleddsbrudd (distale radiusfrakturer) hos voksne 

      Frønsdal, Katrine Bjørnebek; Kvernmo, Hebe Desiree; Hove, Leiv M; Husby, Torstein; Røkkum, Magne; Odinsson, Adalstein; Skoglund, Knut; Melhuus, Knut; Williksen, John Håkon; Krukhaug, Yngvar; Finsen, Vilhjalmur; Norderhaug, Inger Natvig; Juvet, Lene Kristine; Lauvrak, Vigdis; Fure, Brynjar (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2013-02)
      I Norge er håndleddsbrudd (distale radiusfrakturer) den vanligste bruddtypen, med en forekomst på ca. 15000 per år. Ved brudd med ingen eller lite feilstilling er det vanlig å behandle med gips. Ved brudd med feilstilling er det aktuelt med mer avanserte teknikker. Det er imidlertid uklart hvilke pasienter som bør opereres og hvem som bør få annen behandling, samt hvilke operasjons-metoder som har ...
    • Svake høyfrekvente elektromagnetiske felt - en vurdering av helserisiko og forvaltningspraksis 

      Alexander, Jan; Brunborg, Gunnar; Feychting, Maria; Forsberg, Ellen-Marie; Gismervik, Svein; Haanes, Jan Vilis; Hamnerius, Yngve; Hannevik, Merete; Heimdal, Per Eirik; Hillert, Lena; Klæboe, Lars Hind Bakken; Kristensen, Petter; Moen, Bente Elisabeth; Oftedal, Gunnhild; Tynes, Tore; Langeland, Bjørn Tore (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2012-08)
      Bruk av utstyr som sender ut radiobølger har økt i senere år. Trådløs kommunikasjonsteknologi som mobiltelefoni dominerer. De siste årene har krav om stadig bedre dekning, teknologi i nye generasjoner og utvidede funksjoner på de mobile tjenestene ført til en betydelig økning av antallet og tettheten av radiosendere. Eksponering for elektromagnetiske felt (EMF) og mulige helseeffekter er sterkt ...
    • The role of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species, NO and H2S in ischaemia/reperfusion injury and cardioprotection 

      Andreadou, Ioanna; Schulz, Rainer; Papapetropoulos, Andreas; Turan, Belma; Ytrehus, Kirsti; Ferdinandy, Peter; Daiber, Andreas; Di Lisa, Fabio (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-08)
      Redox signalling in mitochondria plays an important role in myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury and in cardioprotection. Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) modify cellular structures and functions by means of covalent changes in proteins including among others S‐nitros(yl)ation by nitric oxide (NO) and its derivatives, and S‐sulphydration by hydrogen sulphide (H<sub>2</sub>S). ...
    • Horizontal plasmid transfer among klebsiella pneumoniae isolates is the key factor for dissemination of extended-spectrum β-lactamases among children in Tanzania 

      Pedersen, Torunn Annie; Tellevik, Marit Gjerde; Kommedal, Øyvind; Lindemann, Paul Christoffer; Moyo, Sabrina John; Janice, Jessin; Blomberg, Bjørn; Samuelsen, Ørjan; Langeland, Nina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-15)
      Increased knowledge about the role of horizontal gene transfer is key to improve our understanding of the spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in human populations. We therefore studied the dissemination of the <i>bla</i><sub>CTX-M-15</sub> extended-spectrum-β-lactamase (ESBL) gene in <i>Klebsiella pneumoniae</i> isolates obtained from stool samples from hospitalized children and healthy controls ...
    • The Metabolome and Lipidome of Ulcerative Colitis 

      Diab, Joseph (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2020-10-09)
      The two major forms of Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohn’s Disease (CD), are characterized by a dysregulated mucosal immune response triggered by several genetic and environmental factors in the context of host-microbe interaction. This overwhelming complexity makes IBD ideal for metabolomic studies to unravel the disease pathobiology and to improve the patient ...
    • Finding ways to carry on : stories of vulnerability in chronic illness 

      Synnes, Oddgeir; Orøy, Aud Jorun; Råheim, Målfrid; Bachmann, Liv; Ekra, Else Mari Ruberg; Gjengedal, Eva; Høie, Magnhild; Jørgensen, Else; Michaelsen, Ragnhild Karen Astad; Sundal, Hildegunn; Vatne, Solfrid; Lykkeslet, Else (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-20)
      <i>Purpose</i>: In this study, we explore the lived experiences of chronic illness in four groups of patients; children with asthma, adolescents with diabetes, young adults with depression, and adult patients with chronic, obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Persons living with chronic illness are often designated as vulnerable. This study builds on the assumption that being vulnerable belongs to ...
    • A Quantitative Analysis of Colonic Mucosal Oxylipins and Endocannabinoids in Treatment-Naïve and Deep Remission Ulcerative Colitis Patients and the Potential Link With Cytokine Gene Expression 

      Diab, Joseph; Al-Mahdi, Rania; Gouveia, Sandra; Hansen, Terkel; Jensen, Einar; Goll, Rasmus; Moritz, Thomas; Florholmen, Jon; Forsdahl, Guro (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-11-22)
      <p><i>Background</i> - The bioactive metabolites of omega 3 and omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (ω-3 and ω-6) are known as oxylipins and endocannabinoids (eCBs). These lipid metabolites are involved in prompting and resolving the inflammatory response that leads to the onset of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). This study aims to quantify these bioactive lipids in the colonic mucosa and to ...