Viser treff 2521-2540 av 10429

    • Substrate binding and translocation of the serotonin transporter studied by docking and molecular dynamics simulations 

      Gabrielsen, Mari; Ravna, aina westrheim; Kristiansen, kurt; Sylte, Ingebrigt (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2011-06-14)
      The serotonin (5-HT) transporter (SERT) plays an important role in the termination of 5-HT-mediated neurotransmission by transporting 5-HT away from the synaptic cleft and into the presynaptic neuron. In addition, SERT is the main target for antidepressant drugs, including the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). The three-dimensional (3D) structure of SERT has not yet been determined, ...
    • Effects of perinatal fluoxetine exposure on novelty-induced social and non-social investigation behaviors in a seminatural environment 

      Sylte, Ole Christian; Johansen, Jesper Solheim; Heinla, Indrek; Houwing, Danielle; Olivier, Jocelien D.A.; Heijkoop, Roy; Snoeren, Eelke (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-23)
      Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are increasingly prescribed as medication for various afective disorders during pregnancy. SSRIs cross the placenta and afect serotonergic neurotransmission in the fetus, but the neurobehavioral consequences for the ofspring remain largely unclear. Recent rodent research has linked perinatal SSRI exposure to alterations in both social and non-social ...
    • Dietary intake and changes in relation to BMI SDS and metabolic measures in a childhood obesity intervention – Finnmark Activity School 

      Berglund, Thea (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-16)
      Background: Overweight and obesity in childhood doubles the risk of becoming overweight as an adult, as well as it increases the risk of related comorbidities. Cardiovascular diseases are a consequence of obesity and the most common cause of death worldwide. Diet and physical activity are modifiable causes of overweight. Overweight and obesity should be prevented, but treatment must be optimized as ...
    • Liposomal formulations for membrane active antimicrobials – Assuring safety through an optimised drug delivery system 

      Pettersen, Ann Kristin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-13)
      Skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) and chronic wounds are major challenges for the healthcare system worldwide. The additional rapid development of antibacterial resistance and lack of successful treatment strategies increase the chance for infected chronic wounds to be fatal for the patient. Therefore, there is a need for more efficient dermal antimicrobial therapies. A class of promising ...
    • Fysisk aktivitet, maksimalt oksygenopptak og diabetes type 2. En tverrsnittstudie basert på Aktivitetsstudien – en del av Tromsøundersøkelsen 

      Hoel, Einar Jøraholmen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-13)
      Bakgrunn: Prevalensen av diabetes type 2 er økende globalt. Det er kjent at fysisk aktivitet og fysisk form (VO2maks) har en rekke positive helseeffekter, deriblant forhindre eller forsinke utviklingen av diabetes type 2. Det er imidlertid lite forskning på sammenhengen mellom objektivt målt fysisk aktivitetsnivå, fysisk form og risiko for å utvikle diabetes type 2 blant friske voksne mennesker. ...
    • Fluorinated compounds, including a novel oxidizable fraction in blood of Norwegian women and their predictors - the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study 

      van Dreunen, Wendy (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-05-18)
      Per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and more than 4000 different PFASs can be found today. They are used in several industrial applications (greaseproof paper, firefighting foam, stain repellents) because of their hydrophobic and lipophobic characteristics. PFOS (a perfluoroalkyl sulfonic acid (PFSA)) and PFOA (a perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acid (PFCA)) ...
    • Appen TannSkrekk: En undersøkelse av opplevd nytteverdi og brukervalg 

      Derouiche, Sonja; Strømme, Hanne Marit (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-05-18)
      Appen TannSkrekk er et selvhjelpverktøy for personer med mild til moderat tannbehandlingsangst utviklet ved Tannhelsetjenestens kompetansesenter i Midt-Norge (TkMN) i 2017. TannSkrekk har som hensikt å hjelpe disse personene til en enklere tannbehandling gjennom valg av tilpasninger som kan benyttes i forbindelse med tannbehandling for å bedre kommunikasjon med tannhelsepersonalet. Denne oppgave ...
    • Prediagnostisk inntak av vitamin D og insidens av tykk- og endetarmskreft i den norske Kvinner og kreft-studien (NOWAC) 

      Paulsen, Elise Marlen (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-05-16)
      Formål: Hensikten med denne oppgaven var å undersøke sammenhengen mellom prediagnostisk inntak av vitamin D og insidens av kreft i tykk- og endetarm (CRC), kreft i tykktarm, kreft i høyre- eller venstre side av tykktarm og kreft i endetarm. Metode: Data fra 95416 kvinner som deltok i den norske Kvinner og kreft-studien ble inkludert. Sammenhengen ble undersøkt ved bruk av to repeterte målinger på ...
    • Analysis of 30 Y-chromosomal STR markers in the Norwegian population 

      Støtvig, Ingrid (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2019-05-15)
      Autosomal STR-analysis is the standard method of DNA-typing in casework. However, there are forensic sample types that may contain a large fraction of female DNA and a minimal fraction of male DNA. The male fraction may not be successfully amplified using autosomal STR-analysis because it “drowns” in the female fraction. However, the analysis of male-specific YSTR markers may circumvent this obstacle. ...
    • The prognostic significance of miR-17-5p and miR-20a-5p in prostate cancer 

      Ingebriktsen, Lise Martine (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2019-05-15)
      Prostate cancer accounts for extensive mortality and is the second most frequent cancer type occurring in men, acknowledged as a severe health problem globally. In Norway, Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in men, and around 5.000 patients are diagnosed each year. Using in situ hybridization, we examined the in situ tissue distribution of miR-17-5p and miR-20a-5p in prostate cancer ...
    • Consanguinity and rare mutations outside of MCCC genes underlie nonspecific phenotypes of MCCD 

      Shepard, PJ; Barshop, BA; Baumgartner, MR; Jepsen, K; Hansen, John-Bjarne; Smith, EN; Frazer, Kelly (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014-11-06)
      Purpose: 3-Methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase deficiency (MCCD) is an autosomal recessive disorder of leucine catabolism that has a highly variable clinical phenotype, ranging from acute metabolic acidosis to nonspecific symptoms such as developmental delay, failure to thrive, hemiparesis, muscular hypotonia, and multiple sclerosis. Implementation of newborn screening for MCCD has resulted in broadening ...
    • Occupational therapy students’ preferences for teaching and course design across a three-year undergraduate education program 

      Edvardsen, Even Elias; Dalseth, Eline Fjærestad; Johnson, Susanne Grødem; Stigen, Linda; Mørk, Gry; Magne, Trine A; Gramstad, Astrid; Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova; Bonsaksen, Tore (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-05-04)
      Purpose - Understanding students’ preferences for teaching and course design is important for educators in higher education when planning courses and teaching activities. The purpose of this study was to explore changes in occupational therapy students’ preferences for teaching and courses across the three-year study program. <p> <p>Design/methodology/approach - A total of 263 students participated ...
    • Molekylmodelleringsstudium av G-protein koblet østrogenreseptor (GPER) 

      Smith, Maria (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2017-05-15)
      G-protein koblet østrogenreseptor (GPER) har vist å ha en fysiologisk rolle i det reproduktive systemet, nervesystemet, endokrine systemet, immunsystemet og karsystemet. Den har også patofysiologisk rolle i flere forskjellige sykdommer inkludert kreft. G-protein koblet østrogenreseptor har blitt identifisert i nesten alle systemer i kroppen. Dermed er det en stor interesse for å få kjennskap til ...
    • The search of new negative allosteric GABAB receptor modulators using in silico and in vitro approaches 

      Hadi, Ali Muataz (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-05-14)
      γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS. GABA exerts its function on both ionotropic ligand-gated GABAA receptors and metabotropic GABAB G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). Disruption in the GABAergic system has been associated with numerous neurological and psychiatric disorders in humans. These include developmental dysfunctions, epilepsy, sleep disorders, ...
    • Microfluidized liposomes for cellular uptake imaging: Optimization 

      Mork, Silje (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-05-14)
      Liposomes as drug delivery systems exhibit great potential to deliver active molecules to the targeted site depending on their various characteristics. However, these characteristics are dependent on the manufacturing procedures applied to prepare liposomes. Especially difficult is assurance of reproducible production in large volumes. Therefore an efficient up-scalable method for production of ...
    • Bruk av antibakterielle midler blant barn 0-3 år etter fødselssesong og fødselsår i Norge 2004-2017 

      Beckstrøm, Sanna (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2019-05-14)
      Bakgrunn: Ettårig periodeprevalens for bruk av antibakterielle midler til barn i Norge er høyest før tre års alder. Forskriving av antibakterielle midler påvirkes av mange faktorer, og kartlegging av disse kan gi mulighet til å målrette intervensjoner for å redusere forskriving. Formål: De primære målene var å undersøke om fødselssesong predikerer alder ved første utlevering av antibakterielle midler, ...
    • Electrospinning of nanofibers with chitosan and B-glucan as active wound healing ingredients: Optimization and characterization 

      Olaussen, Julie Wik (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-05-14)
      Wound healing is a complex and highly regulated process, vital for preserving the barrier function of the skin. However, several underlying pathologies have the ability to influence the cascade of events involved in this process, resulting in the development of chronic wounds. The heterogeneous nature of chronic wounds increases the requirements of novel wound dressings. Hence, the development of ...
    • High throughput lipolysis-permeation in vitro model employing the mucus-PVPA barriers to assess drug absorption from lipid-based delivery systems 

      Brurok, Sunniva (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-05-14)
      In vitro lipolysis models are commonly used to assess the performance of lipid-based drug delivery systems (LbDDSs) in terms of their drug absorption potential; however, this in vitro approach has not always shown to correlate well with in vivo data. Several studies suggest that adding an absorption step to the in vitro lipolysis model would give a better estimation of absorption for drugs incorporated ...
    • Characterization of commensal enterococcal membrane vesicles and their cytotoxic effect on various host cells 

      Bhandari, Ishan (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-05-14)
      Enterococcus are a group of bacteria growing on different environmental condition behaving as a commensal as well as opportunistic pathogen. Among the enterococci, Enterococcus faecium is recently emerged as a nosocomial multi-resistance pathogen especially in the severely ill and immunocompromised patients causing a wide range of diseases like endocarditis, bacteraemia and urinary tract infections. ...
    • Virtual screening and in vitro evaluation of putative positive allosteric modulators of the GABAB receptor 

      Issifou, Ibrahim Toure (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-05-14)
      -aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the chief inhibitory neurotransmitter of the central nervous system (CNS). GABA exhibits its function by binding to either the ionotropic GABAA receptor or the metabotropic GABAB receptor, causing a decrease in activity in the nervous system. Disruption in the GABAergic system has been associated with various neurological conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease, anxiety, ...