Viser treff 3281-3300 av 10438

    • Tumour cells express functional lymphatic endothelium-specific hyaluronan receptor in vitro and in vivo: Lymphatic mimicry promotes oral oncogenesis? 

      Karinen, Sini; Juurikka, Krista; Hujanen, Roosa; Whabi, Wafa; Hadler-Olsen, Elin Synnøve; Svineng, Gunbjørg; Eklund, Kari K.; Salo, Tuula; Åström, Pirjo; Salem, Abdelhakim (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-03-05)
      Lymphatic metastasis represents the main route of tumour cell dissemination in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Yet, there are no FDA-approved therapeutics targeting cancer-related lymphangiogenesis to date. The lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronic acid receptor 1 (LYVE-1), a specific lymphatic marker, is associated with poor survival in OSCC patients. In this study, we present a potential ...
    • Wuthering heights: Outcomes from pancreatic surgery and trends in treatment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in Norway in a post-centralization era 

      Nymo, Linn Såve (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-10-22)
      <p><i>Aim:</i> The main aim of this thesis was to explore the contemporary outcomes of pancreatic surgery and treatment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in Norway seen in light of the centralization process and the volume-outcome relationship. <p><i>Methods:</i> We analysed three complete national patient cohorts using prospectively gathered data from national medical quality registries. The ...
    • Sex-Specific Associations between Blood Pressure and Risk of Atrial Fibrillation Subtypes in the Tromsø Study 

      Espnes, Hilde; Ball, Jocasta; Løchen, Maja-Lisa; Wilsgaard, Tom; Njølstad, Inger; Mathiesen, Ellisiv B; Gerdts, Eva; Sharashova, Ekaterina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-05)
      The aim of this study was to explore sex-specific associations between systolic blood pressure (SBP), hypertension, and the risk of incident atrial fibrillation (AF) subtypes, including paroxysmal, persistent, and permanent AF, in a general population. A total of 13,137 women and 11,667 men who participated in the fourth survey of the Tromsø Study (1994–1995) were followed up for incident AF until ...
    • Staphylococcus borealis sp. Nov., isolated from human skin and blood 

      Ronessen Pain, Maria; Wolden, Runa; Jaén-Luchoro, Daniel; Salvà-Serra, Francisco; Iglesias, Beatriz Piñeiro; Karlsson, Roger; Klingenberg, Claus; Cavanagh, Jorunn Pauline (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-13)
      When analysing a large cohort of Staphylococcus haemolyticus , using whole-genome sequencing, five human isolates (four from the skin and one from a blood culture) with aberrant phenotypic and genotypic traits were identified. They were phenotypically similar with yellow colonies, nearly identical 16S rRNA gene sequences and initially speciated as S. haemolyticus based on 16S rRNA gene sequence and ...
    • Isolation, structure elucidation and bioactivity profiling of lyso-ornithine lipids from the marine bacterium Lacinutrix sp. 

      Jawad, Jawad (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-11)
      From previous work, it was identified two analytes of interest, produced by Lacinutrix sp. The two analytes are iso-branched lyso-ornithine lipids with only one CH2 group differing between the two compounds, in the hydrocarbon chain (lysoC15:0 and C16:0). The bacterium was isolated from the marine sponge Halicondria sp. that was collected beside Bjørnøya, on a research cruise in 2009. The analytes ...
    • Association between the use of Proton Pump Inhibitors and Histamine-2 Receptor Antagonists and the risk of gastric cancer in Norway 

      Tran, Kenny Khang (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-13)
      Background: The use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) on prescription has increased over the last decade in Norway. PPIs are an important medication in the treatment of acid related disorders such as peptic ulcer disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease and Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) infection. However, many previous studies have raised concern about the potential risk of gastric cancer following ...
    • Studie av glukokortikoidreseptoren (GR) og transkripsjonsfaktoren PAX6 i linseceller under oksidativt stress 

      Mellem, Viktoria Sareussen (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-05-11)
      PAX6 er en transkripsjonsfaktor som er viktig for den normale utviklingen og funksjonen til øyet. Mutasjoner i PAX6 eller langvarig bruk av glukokortikoider er assosiert med patologiske tilstander i øyet, noe som indikerer at begge faktorene er viktig for øyets normalfunksjon. Øyet utsettes for oksidativt stress, og det er tidligere rapportert at både PAX6 og glukokortikoidreseptoren (GR) i andre ...
    • Clinical manifestations and novel pathogenic variants in SOX10 in eight Danish probands with Waardenburg syndrome 

      Moldenæs, Marika F.; Rendtorff, Nanna D.; Hindbæk, Lone S.; Tørring, Pernille M.; Nilssen, Øivind; Tranebjærg, Lisbeth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed; Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-06-22)
      The SRY-related HMG box gene 10 (SOX10), located on 22q13.1, encodes a member of the SOX family of transcription factors involved in the regulation of embryonic development and in the determination of cell fate and differentiation. SOX10 is one of the six causal genes for Waardenburg syndrome, which is a dominantly inherited auditory-pigmentary disorder characterized by sensorineural hearing impairment ...
    • Prehospital assessment and management of postpartum haemorrhage– healthcare personnel’s experiences and perspectives 

      Leonardsen, Ann-Chatrin Linqvist; Helgesen, Ann Karin; Ulvøy, Linn; Grøndahl, Vigdis Abrahamsen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-08-28)
      <i>Background</i> - Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is a serious obstetric emergency, and one of the top five causes of maternal mortality globally. The most common causes of PPH include uterine atony, placental disorders, birth trauma and coagulation defects. Timely diagnosis and early management are critical to reduce morbidity, the need for blood transfusion or even mortality. External, manual aortic ...
    • Risky sexual behaviour among Russian adolescents: association with internalizing and externalizing symptoms 

      Isaksson, Johan; Westermark, Caroline; Koposov, Roman A; Stickley, Andrew; Ruchkin, Vladislav (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-08-09)
      <i>Background</i> - Risky sexual behaviour (RSB) is regarded as a major health problem during adolescence. Russia has one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy, abortion and newly diagnosed HIV infections in the world, but research on RSB in Russian youth has been limited. To address this deficit, this study examined the role of several factors, including internalizing and externalizing symptoms, ...
    • Psykomotoriske fysioterapeuters erfaringer og refleksjoner om respirasjon 

      Sørensen, Øyvind (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2016-10-03)
      Analysen av intervjuene førte frem til tre hovedtema. Det første temaet har jeg kalt ”Respirasjon som uttrykk for noe”, med underpunktene ”Smerte”, ”Følelser” og ”Ta plass”. Og dette temaet omhandler hva om uttrykkes gjennom respirasjon, og hvilken mening respirasjonen gis i behandlingen hos terapeutene. Det andre temaet har jeg kalt ”Pasientenes bevissthet rundt respirasjon”. Med underpunktene ...
    • Why is it safe – enough? Decision-making in avalanche terrain 

      Landrø, Markus (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-10-25)
      The snowy mountains of the world attract an increasing number of backcountry recreationalists, but nice skiing comes with a risk. Every year about 140 people in Europe and North America lose their life in avalanche accidents. 9 out of 10 accidents are triggered by the victim or someone in their party. Therefore, improving decision-making is important. Avalanche terrain decision-making is complex ...
    • The effect of interleukin-17F on vasculogenic mimicry in oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma 

      Almahmoudi, Rabeia; Salem, Abdelhakim; Hadler-Olsen, Elin Synnøve; Svineng, Gunbjørg; Salo, Tuula; Al-Samadi, Ahmed (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-03-20)
      Oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC) is one of the most common cancers worldwide and is characterized by early metastasis and poor prognosis. Recently, we reported that extracellular interleukin-17F (IL-17F) correlates with better disease-specific survival in OTSCC patients and has promising anticancer effects in vitro. Vasculogenic mimicry (VM) is the formation of an alternative vasculogenic ...
    • Platelet alloimmunization is associated with low grade chronic histiocytic intervillositis - A new link to a rare placental lesion? 

      Nedberg, Nora Hersoug; Turowski, Gitta Erika; Guz, Katarzyna; Przytuła, Ewa; Uhrynowska, Małgorzata; Roald, Borghild; Husebekk, Anne; Sitras, Vasilis; Nystad, Mona; Dębska, Marzena; Brojer, Ewa; Tiller, Heidi (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-07-23)
      <i>Introduction</i> - Maternal alloimmunization against human platelet antigen (HPA)-1a has been implied to mediate both reduced birth weight and chronic placental inflammation. Fetal growth restriction is associated with different types of chronic inflammation in the placenta, mainly chronic histiocytic intervillositis and chronic villitis. The aim of this prospective study was to do a systematic ...
    • Secretion rates and protein composition of extracellular vesicles released by cancer-associated fibroblasts after radiation 

      Berzaghi, Rodrigo; Islam, Md Ashraful; Hellevik, Turid; Martinez-Zubiaurre, Inigo (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-24)
      Reciprocal communication between the malignant and non-malignant cellular elements in tumors is essential for cancer sustainability and plays an important role in the response of cancers to treatments. Some of this cellular crosstalk takes place via secretion of vesicles that are actively released into the extracellular space by most cell types in tumors. Recent studies have demonstrated radiation-induced ...
    • Detection of phenotype-specific therapeutic vulnerabilities in breast cells using a CRISPR loss-of-function screen 

      Barkovskaya, Anna; Goodwin, Craig; Seip, Kotryna; Hilmarsdòttir, Bylgja; Pettersen, Solveig; Stalnecker, Clint; Engebraaten, Olav; Briem, Eirikur; Der, Channing J; Moestue, Siver Andreas; Guðjónsson, Þórarinn; Mælandsmo, Gunhild Mari; Prasmickaite, Lina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-03-24)
      Cellular phenotype plasticity between the epithelial and mesenchymal states has been linked to metastasis and heterogeneous responses to cancer therapy, and remains a challenge for the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). Here, we used isogenic human breast epithelial cell lines, D492 and D492M, representing the epithelial and mesenchymal phenotypes, respectively. We employed a CRISPR-Cas9 ...
    • Identifying the drivers of multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae at a European level 

      Kachalov, Viacheslav N.; Nguyen, Huyen; Balakrishna, Suraj; Salazar-Vizcaya, Luisa; Sommerstein, Rami; Kuster, Stefan P.; Hauser, Anthony; Abel-Zur Wiesch Genannt Hülsho, Pia Karoline; Klein, E; Kouyos, Roger D. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-01-29)
      Beta-lactam- and in particular carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae represent a major public health threat. Despite strong variation of resistance across geographical settings, there is limited understanding of the underlying drivers. To assess these drivers, we developed a transmission model of cephalosporin- and carbapenem-resistant <i>Klebsiella pneumoniae</i>. The model is parameterized using ...
    • Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation above the Medial Prefrontal Cortex Facilitates Decision-Making following Periods of Low Outcome Controllability 

      Csifcsak, Gabor; Bjørkøy, Jorunn; Kuyateh, Sarjo; Reithe, Haakon; Mittner, Matthias (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-08-25)
      Recent studies suggest that choice behavior in reinforcement learning tasks is shaped by the level of outcome controllability. In particular, Pavlovian bias (PB) seems to be enhanced under low levels of control, manifesting in approach tendencies toward rewards and response inhibition when facing potential losses. The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) has been implicated both in evaluating outcome ...
    • Victimization by traditional bullying and cyberbullying and the combination of these among adolescents in 13 European and Asian countries 

      Chudal, Roshan; Tiiri, Elina; Brunstein Klomek, Anat; Say How, Ong; Fossum, Sturla; Kaneko, Hitoshi; Kolaitis, Gerasimos; Lesinskiene, Sigita; Li, Liping; Nguyen Huong, Mai; Kumar Praharaj, Samir; Sillanmaki, Lauri; Slobodskaya, Helena; Srabstein, Jorge; Wiguna, Thjin; Zamani, Zahra; Sourander, Andre (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-21)
      There has been a lack of studies on bullying in non-western low-income and middle-income countries. This study reported the prevalence of traditional victimization, cybervictimization, and the combination of these, in 13 European and Asian countries, and explored how psychiatric symptoms were associated with victimization. The data for this cross-sectional, school-based study of 21,688 adolescents ...
    • Optimization of biomarkers for morphological analysis of healthy and preeclamptic term human placental tissue sections using advanced fluorescence microscopy methods 

      Nalliah, Maddhusja (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-07-01)
      Preeclampsia (PE) is a pregnancy-related disorder affecting 5-8% of women worldwide (4% in Norway). It is believed that placental ischemia is the initial event in the development of PE and is characterized by placental insufficiency and clinical symptoms such as hypertension and proteinuria. In this project, we aimed to study suitable biomarkers for morphological analysis of human term placenta from ...