Viser treff 3581-3600 av 10438

    • Health and wellbeing in Norway: Population norms and the social gradient 

      Olsen, Jan Abel; Lindberg, Marie Hella; Lamu, Admassu Nadew (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-03)
      Measures of health-related quality of life are important in health technology assessments, and useful when analysing health inequalities across population sub-groups. This paper provides population norms on health and wellbeing in Norway based on two waves of a comprehensive health survey: Wave 6 of The Tromsø Study conducted in 2007/08 (N = 12,981) and Wave 7 conducted in 2015/16 (N = 21,083). By ...
    • Evaluering av In vitro metode for demineralisering av rotoverflaten 

      Bredeli, Aud Irene; Fjellsøy, Kristine; Fjær Skåre, Synne Alette (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-05-20)
      Bakgrunn: Stadig flere eldre beholder sine egne tenner i høy alder. Blant de utfordringene som hyppig ses er blottlagte rotoverflater. Rotoverflatene er sårbare for kariesangrep og erosjoner. Målet for studien var å skape demineralisering in vitro på rotoverflater med et utvalg av fire syreløsninger. Vi skulle beskrive hvordan eventuelle demineraliseringer visuelt artet seg på rotoverflaten, og ...
    • Knowledge of, compliance with and attitudes towards, infection control routines in dental practice: a survey among dental students and dental faculty members in North-West Russia 

      Valkov, Egor; Klæbu, Sigurd; Lange, Sondre Halvor (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-05-20)
      Infections are among the most significant healthcare problems in terms of the global perspective. Its increasing burden on healthcare settings may lead to a higher prevalence of antibiotic resistance, increased morbidity, and mortality among the patients who admit to health care institutions. Several antibiotic-resistant bacteria, including Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA), which ...
    • In vitro micro-CT analyse av demineraliseringslesjoner på emaljeoverflaten 

      Hanssen, Mathias Gyllan; Johansen, Robert Julian; Olsen, Oda Bendika Damås (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-05-20)
      Målsetting: Målet med dette masterforsøket er å danne demineraliseringslesjoner som ligner på initialkaries ved hjelp av 4 ulike syreløsninger på emaljeoverflaten in vitro, og deretter sammenlikne bildene utfra de diagnostiske kriteriene, definert under, for å se hvilken som gir det beste resultatet. Metode: 40 tenner ble samlet inn fra UTK og TkNN, hvor deretter 12 tenner ble randomisert valgt ut ...
    • Potential effect of airborne-particle abrasion (APA) on stainless steel and ceramic bracket base volume 

      Kniaziowski, Konrad (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-05-20)
      Background: Bracket failure due to loss of adhesion is common and influences treatment time and patient comfort in orthodontic practice. This pilot study is focused on a widely used adjunctive method for bracket recycling -Airborne-Particle Abrasion (APA) and its impact on the retentive mesh pad volume and surface area in two types of brackets. Objectivities: To explore potential loss of retention ...
    • Comparing apical bacterial leakage using two different obturation techniques in human upper incisors: An in vitro pilot study 

      Johansen, Signe Marie; Mikkelsen, Synne (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-05-19)
      The materials and techniques for root canal obturation is critical for treatment success. Cold lateral condensation is a widely used obturation technique, but core carrier techniques requiring heat has been developed to overcome disadvantages with the cold obturation techniques. GuttaCore is a relatively new and unstudied core carrier technique in vitro. The bacterial leakage test has been regarded ...
    • Current challenges and future perspectives in oral absorption research: An opinion of the UNGAP network 

      Vinarov, Zahari; Abrahamsson, Bertil; Artursson, Per; Batchelor, Hannah; Berben, Philippe; Bernkop-Schnürch, Andreas; Butler, James; Ceulemans, Jens; Davies, Nigel; Dupont, Didier; Flaten, Gøril Eide; Fotaki, Nikoletta; Griffin, Brendan T.; Jannin, Vincent; Keemink, Janneke; Kesisoglou, Filippos; Koziolek, Mirko; Kuentz, Martin; Mackie, Alan R.; Meléndez-Martínez, Antonio J.; McAllister, Mark; Müllertz, Anette; O'Driscoll, Caitriona M.; Parrott, Neil; Paszkowska, Jadwiga; Pavek, Petr; Porter, Christopher J.H.; Reppas, Christos; Stillhart, Cordula; Sugano, Kiyohiko; Toader, Elena; Valentová, Kateřina; Vertzoni, Maria; De Wildt, Saskia N.; Wilson, Clive G.; Augustijns, Patrick (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-18)
      Although oral drug delivery is the preferred administration route and has been used for centuries, modern drug discovery and development pipelines challenge conventional formulation approaches and highlight the insufficient mechanistic understanding of processes critical to oral drug absorption. This review presents the opinion of UNGAP scientists on four key themes across the oral absorption ...
    • Survey of European neurosurgeons’ management of unruptured intracranial aneurysms: inconsistent practice and organization 

      Skodvin, Torbjørn Øygard; Kloster, Roar; Sorteberg, Wilhelm; Isaksen, Jørgen Gjernes (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-01)
      Background - The discovery of an unruptured intracranial aneurysm creates a dilemma between observation and treatment. Neurosurgeons’ routines for risk assessment and treatment decision-making are unknown. The position of evidence-based medicine in European neurosurgery is considered to be weak, high-grade guidelines do not exist and variations between institutions are probable. We aimed to explore ...
    • Systematic identification and stratification of help-seeking school-aged youth with mental health problems: a novel approach to stage-based stepped-care 

      Wolf, Rasmus; Puggaard, Louise; Pedersen, Mette Maria Agner; Pagsberg, Anne Katrine; Silverman, Wendy K.; Correll, Christoph U.; Plessen, Kerstin J.; Neumer, Simon-Peter; Gyrd-Hansen, Dorte; Thastum, Mikael; Bilenberg, Niels; Thomsen, Per Hove; Jeppesen, Pia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-01-18)
      We investigated whether a novel visitation model for school-aged youth with mental health problems based on a stage-based stepped-care approach facilitated a systematic identification and stratification process without problems with equity in access. The visitation model was developed within the context of evaluating a new transdiagnostic early treatment for youth with anxiety, depressive symptoms, ...
    • Network Analysis: an approach to the study of drug-drug relations. Co-medication in Norwegian elderly and severe drug-drug interactions as examples 

      Askar, Mohsen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-15)
      Network analysis (NA) has been used for studying many social aspects. Employing of network analysis as an approach in the field of public health, to study the relations between patients or health workers and their potential effects in many medical perspectives, took a good share of researchers’ efforts as well. Few attempts have been conducted to use network analysis to study drug-drug relations ...
    • Collateral sensitivity in clinical mecillinam resistant isolates of Escherichia coli 

      Nguyen, Tammy Tam Hoai Thi (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-13)
      Background The rapid increase in antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has become a major threat to the successful management of infectious diseases. To counteract this global threat, development of novel treatment strategies is essential. A promising strategy may be exploiting collateral sensitivity; a phenomenon that occurs when a microorganism that has developed resistance to one antimicrobial agent, ...
    • Influence of environmental tonicity changes on lipophilic drug release from liposomes 

      Nikolaisen, Trygg Einar (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2018-05-15)
      Introduction: Liposomes as drug delivery systems has been widely studied as a way to solubilize poorly soluble drugs, reduce side effects of chemotherapeutics and increase circulation time in vivo. Since the first descriptions of liposomes over 60 years ago, they have shown tendencies to shrink and swell when the external environment of the liposomes is altered. This phenomenon has been studied in ...
    • What predicts student decision to leave? A new perspective on academic attrition 

      Nemtcan, Efim (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2019-05-02)
      The issue of attrition from higher education is a significant problem across Europe and especially Norway, where dropout rates are as high as 20-25%. In the current study, we address the issue from the perspective of attrition intentions that have been found closely associated with actual attrition behavior. In particular, we attempted to differentiate between types of students’ attrition intentions: ...
    • Provosert abort blant tenåringer i Finnmark - Tiltak som har bidratt til å redusere abortraten de siste år 

      Nilsen, Lisa Adeleide (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-06-03)
      Bakgrunn: Økt tilgjengelighet på prevensjon og relevante helsetjenester er viktige faktorer for å redusere antall provoserte aborter. De siste årene har det vært en betydelig reduksjon i antall aborter blant tenåringsjenter i Finnmark og landet forøvrig. Dette etter at det har vært igangsatt flere nasjonale tiltak gjennom handlingsplaner. Finnmark har tradisjonelt hatt høy abortforekomst i Norge og ...
    • The consequences of an ADHD-score in the clinical range in adolescence for mental health in young adults. 

      Haldorsen, Andreas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-06-03)
      Objectives To investigate the consequences of ADHD symptoms in adolescence to mental health as young adult, in a Norwegian population. Design and setting Data were obtained from the Norwegian Arctic Adolescent Health Study, a school-based survey conducted among 10th grade students in North Norway (2003-2005). This data were linked to the Norwegian Patient Registry(2008-2012). Participants In ...
    • Hvor mange med vertebrale kompresjonsbrudd identifisert i 2015 ble fulgt opp med beintetthetsmåling innen to år? 

      Halstensgård, Malin Sofie Mikkelsen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-06-01)
      Introduksjon: Osteoporose er en sykdom som rammer skjelettet i form av redusert beintetthet (BMD), og som gir økt risiko for brudd. Måling av BMD er sentralt i diagnostikk av sykdommen. Formålet med denne studien er å avdekke hvor mange av pasientene med vertebrale kompresjonsbrudd som ble fulgt opp med måling av BMD innen to år, samt om kjønn, alder og tilstedeværelse av kjent osteoporose eller ...
    • Smokeless Tobacco and Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus 

      Karlsen, Anna (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-06-01)
      Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most potent human bacterial pathogens, yet 20-30% of us carry this bacterium in our nose as part of our habitual microbiota. Studies have found association between smoking and S. aureus nasal carriage, while data on smokeless tobacco (SLT) have been largely lacking. As use of SLT is increasing in Norway, it would be interesting to see if the use of SLTs influences ...
    • Topical vaginal therapy: Development of a liposomal hydrogel delivery system for epicatechin 

      Moueffaq, Sabrin (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2018-05-15)
      Vaginal infections are common in women of all ages and proper treatment is essential. The vaginal route of administration can be considered as favourable for the local therapy of vaginal infections. There are several vaginal dosage forms currently available; however, all suffer from limitations such as leakage and limited residence time at the site of action resulting in reduced therapeutic effect. ...
    • Crowdsourcing Hypothesis Tests: Making Transparent How Design Choices Shape Research Results 

      Landy, Justin F; Jia, Miaolei; Ding, Isabel L; Viganola, Domenico; Tierney, Warren; Dreber, Anna; Johannesson, Magnus; Pfeiffer, Thomas; Ebersole, Charles R; Gronau, Quentin F; Pfuhl, Gerit; Ly, Alexander; van den Bergh, Don; Marsman, Maarten; Derks, Koen; Wagenmakers, Eric-Jan; Proctor, Andrew; Bartels, Daniel M.; Bauman, Christopher W.; Brady, William J.; Cheung, Felix; Cimpian, Andrei; Dohle, Simone; Donnellan, M. Brent; Hahn, Adam; Hall, Michael P.; Jiménez-Leal, William; Johnson, David J.; Lucas, Richard E.; Monin, Benoît; Montealegre, Andres; Mullen, Elizabeth; Pang, Jun; Ray, Jennifer; Reinero, Diego A.; Reynolds, Jesse; Sowden, Walter; Storage, Daniel; Su, Runkun; Tworek, Christina M.; Van Bavel, Jay J.; Walco, Daniel; Wills, Julian; Xu, Xiaobing; Yam, Kai Chi; Yang, Xiaoyu; Cunningham, William A.; Schweinsberg, Martin; Urwitz, Molly; Uhlmann, Eric L. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-16)
      To what extent are research results influenced by subjective decisions that scientists make as they design studies? Fifteen research teams independently designed studies to answer five original research questions related to moral judgments, negotiations, and implicit cognition. Participants from 2 separate large samples (total N 15,000) were then randomly assigned to complete 1 version ...
    • GFR in healthy aging: An individual participant data meta-analysis of iohexol clearance in european population-based cohorts 

      Eriksen, Bjørn Odvar; Pálsson, Runólfur; Ebert, Natalie; Melsom, Toralf; van der Giet, Markus; Gudnason, Vilmundur; Indridasson, Olafur S.; Inker, Lesley A.; Jenssen, Trond Geir; Levey, Andrew S.; Solbu, Marit Dahl; Tighiouart, Hocine; Schaeffner, Elke (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-07)
      <i>Background</i> - Population mean GFR is lower in older age, but it is unknown whether healthy aging is associated with preserved rather than lower GFR in some individuals.<br><br> <i>Methods</i> - We investigated the cross-sectional association between measured GFR, age, and health in persons aged 50–97 years in the general population through a meta-analysis of iohexol clearance measurements ...