Viser treff 3841-3860 av 10618

    • Maksimal styrketrening: Frivekter vs. Flywheel 

      Nilsen, Lars Petter Rotvold (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-15)
      Hensikt: Hensikten med studien var å undersøke hvilken virkning maksimal konsentrisk (3-5 repetisjoner, 3-4 sett, >85% av 1 repetisjon maksimum (1RM)) og konsentrisk-eksentrisk flywheeltrening hvor begge er utført som knebøy har på hurtigheten og spensten til fotballspillere (10m sprint og CMJ-test). Metode: 49 aktive fotballspillere (heretter forsøkspersoner (FP)) ble rekruttert, hvor 38 gjennomførte ...
    • To what extent does smoking affect gingival bleeding response to supragingival plaque? Site‐specific analyses in a population‐based study 

      Holde, Gro Eirin; Jönsson, Birgitta; Oscarson, Nils; Müller, Hans-Peter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-01)
      <i>Background and objective</i> - The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of smoking on the site‐specific association between bleeding on gingival probing and supragingival plaque and to assess whether this differs in different regions of the dentition.<br><br> <i>Methods</i> - Data from a representative sample of 1911 adults (20‐79 years old) in Northern Norway were analyzed. ...
    • Demographically adjusted trail making test norms in a Scandinavian sample from 41 to 84 years 

      Espenes, Johan Jacob; Hessen, Erik; Eliassen, Ingvild Vøllo; Waterloo, Knut; Eckerström, Marie; Sando, Sigrid Botne; Timón, Santiago; Wallin, Anders; Fladby, Tormod; Kirsebom, Bjørn-Eivind (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-09)
      <i>Objective</i> - The trail making test (TMT) is one of the most widely used neuropsychological tests. TMT-A provides measures of visual scanning/visuomotor speed and TMT-B involves additional demands on executive functions. Derived scores TMT B-A and TMT B/A enhance measures of executive functioning. However, simple B-A subtraction may lead to false estimates of executive dysfunction in clinical ...
    • Docetaxel in liposomes: the effect of lipid composition on the achieved drug entrapment 

      Karlsen, Iselin (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2018-05-15)
      INTRODUCTION: Docetaxel (DOC) is a potent anticancer drug but has several limitations such as poor solubility. The currently commercially available formulation of DOC is limited by reported serious side effects which either is attributed to the drug itself or the solvent used. Nanomedicine has been used for improving the therapeutic outcome of several drugs, but so far there are none available with ...
    • Evaluation and Late-Stage Fluorination of Small Molecule GnRH-R Antagonists 

      Rustad, Eirik André Lindeløff (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2019-05-15)
      Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia; causing problems with memory, thinking and behaviour. The seemingly protective effect of hormone replacement therapy against Alzheimer’s disease sparked an interest in the role of the sex hormone system. Sex steroid production is dependent on gonadotropins released in the pituitary. The gonadotropin level is controlled by gonadotropin releasing ...
    • Liposomes-in-hydrogel delivery system containing resveratrol for the local treatment of vaginal infections 

      Tostrup, Mia Jonine (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2018-05-15)
      Administering drug formulations to the vagina is a challenge since the vagina possesses “self-cleaning” features which allow trapping and rapid removing of foreign particles. Therefore, the residence time of drugs is often too short to offer a sufficient clinical effect. The aim of this project was to develop and optimize a liposomes-in-hydrogel system containing resveratrol for the local treatment ...
    • Global Characterisation of Coagulopathy in Isolated Traumatic Brain Injury (iTBI): A CENTER-TBI Analysis 

      Böhm, JK; Güting, Helge; Thorn, S; Schäfer, Nadine; Rambach, V; Schöchl, Herbert; Grottke, Oliver; Rossaint, Rolf; Stanworth, Simon; Curry, Nicola; Lefering, Rolf; Maegele, Marc; Andelic, Nada; Anke, Audny; Frisvold, Shirin; Helseth, Eirik; Røe, Cecilie; Røise, Olav; Skandsen, Toril; Vik, Anne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-12-11)
      <i>Background</i> - Trauma-induced coagulopathy in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) is associated with high rates of complications, unfavourable outcomes and mortality. The mechanism of the development of TBI-associated coagulopathy is poorly understood.<br><br> <i>Methods</i> - This analysis, embedded in the prospective, multi-centred, observational Collaborative European NeuroTrauma ...
    • Dichotic listening while walking: A dual-task paradigm examining gait asymmetries in healthy older and younger adults 

      Gorecka, Marta Maria; Vasylenko, Olena; Rodriguez-Aranda, Claudia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-08)
      Dual-task studies have employed various cognitive tasks to evaluate the relationship between gait and cognition. Most of these tests are not specific to a single cognitive ability or sensory modality and have limited ecological validity. In this study, we employed a dual-task paradigm using Dichotic Listening (DL) as concomitant cognitive task to walking. We argue that DL is a robust task to unravel ...
    • Horizontal transfer, selection and maintenance of antibiotic resistance determinants 

      Kloos, Julia Maria (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-06-11)
      Scientific abstract Antibiotic resistance, especially in Gram-negative pathogens, represents a substantial clinical and financial burden to our society. The presented work investigated mechanisms and evolutionary dynamics that promote the emergence and maintenance of resistance in bacteria. In the first study, conserved collateral susceptibility changes were identified across resistant uropathogenic ...
    • Identifying and treating predictors of psychotic symptoms - How findings from Experience Sampling research can help to improve the treatment of psychosis and the prediction of relapse 

      Lüdtke, Thies (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-06-10)
      The present thesis aims at using insights from ESM studies (i.e., frequent ecologically valid self-reports for approximately one week) to improve the treatment and the prediction psychotic symptoms. ESM indicates that warning signs, such as negative affect, worrying, sleep problems, or aberrant salience precede rapidly fluctuating psychotic symptoms throughout the day. Assuming underlying causal ...
    • Continuous physical activity recording - Consumer-based activity trackers in epidemiological studies 

      Henriksen, André (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-06-04)
      Physical activity is an important modifiable lifestyle factor that can improve general health and reduce the risk of disease. Currently, collecting data on physical activity in epidemiological studies are generally limited to long-term but self-reported and inaccurate physical activity questionnaires and/or using short-term but objective and more accurate accelerometers. Consumer-based activity ...
    • Advancing Quantitative PET Imaging with Machine Learning 

      Kuttner, Samuel (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-05-28)
      Medical imaging with positron emission tomography (PET) plays an important role in the detection, staging, and treatment response assessment in cancer, neurological and cardiovascular conditions, inflammation and infection. PET imaging is based on measuring the distribution of injected radioactive tracers, designed to follow specific biological pathways. One of the main advantages with PET is that ...
    • Patients’ preferences for management of deep occlusal, initial occlusal and root carious lesions 

      Torres, Thea; Salomonsen, Jenny (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-12)
      Introduction: Evidence-based dentistry is a threefold method of working as a dentist. The threefold method is clinical experience, evidence-based research and patients’ preferences. The purpose of this study was to investigate patient’s preferences for management of different carious lesions; initial occlusal carious lesions, deep occlusal carious lesions, and root carious lesions, and if there was ...
    • Er aktive ansatte mindre sykemeldte? En longitudinell studie av sammenhengen mellom registrert fysisk aktivitet i mobilapplikasjonen SPOR og sykefravær ved Sparebank 1 Nord-Norge 

      Stensland, Eva (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-04)
      Norsk sykefravær er høyt sammenlignet med andre land i Europa og hovedårsakene til fraværet er muskel og skjelettlidelser, samt lettere psykiske lidelser. Fysisk aktivitet er en faktor som kan forebygge disse lidelsene. Studiens hovedmål var å undersøke den potensielle sammenhengen mellom fysisk aktivitet og sykefravær. Studien har benyttet data for sykefravær til ansatte ved SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge ...
    • Psykologisk førstehjelp som helsefremmende tiltak - En kvalitativ studie om helsesøstres erfaringer i skolehelsetjenesten 

      Karlsen, Caroline Fosland (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-07)
      <p>Bakgrunn: Det å fremme psykisk helse har vært et politisk satsningsområde i en årrekke. Til tross for dette antyder tall fra Folkehelseinstituttet at mellom 15-20 prosent av barn og unge har psykiske vansker. Psykologisk førstehjelp (PF) er et tiltak som baserer seg på kognitiv atferdsterapi, og hevdes å kunne bidra til å fremme barn og unges psykiske helse. Tiltaket har blitt tatt i bruk av flere ...
    • Stomiopererte pasienters opplevelse av tilfredshet med poliklinisk konsultasjon ved UNN Tromsø - Resultater fra en tverrsnittsundersøkelse 

      Sneve, Anna Mohn (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-07)
      Et viktig mål for helsevesenet er å tilby helsetjenester av høy kvalitet. Kvaliteten kan måles på ulike måter blant annet ved å undersøke tilfredshetet til de som er brukere av tjenestene. Hensikten med studien var å undersøke pasienttilfredsheten til stomiopererte pasienter som har vært til poliklinisk oppfølging på Universitetssykehuset (UNN) i Tromsø. Videre ble det undersøkt ulike faktorer som ...
    • How will anonymization of simulated clinical data affect the data utility of pharmacoepidemiological studies? 

      Cheang, Chi Kei (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2019-05-14)
      Background: The pressure to share more data and being more transparency of clinical study reports has grown and becomes an important topic in recent years. Before clinical data and clinical results can be shared they must undergo anonymization. How anonymization of clinical data affects the utility is poorly-studied, especially in pharmacoepidemiology. Objective: The aim of the study is to describe ...
    • Endotoxin removal in septic shock with the Alteco LPS Adsorber was safe but showed no benefit compared to placebo in the double-blind randomized controlled trial - the Asset Study 

      Lipcsey, Miklos; Tenhunen, Jyrki; Pischke, Soeren; Kuitunen, Anne; Flaatten, Hans; De Geer, Lina; Sjölin, Jan; Frithiof, Robert; Chew, Michelle S.; Bendel, Stepani; Kawati, Rafael; Larsson, Anders; Mollnes, Tom Eirik; Tønnessen, Tor Inge; Rubertsson, Sten (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-08)
      <i>Purpose</i>: Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are presumed to contribute to the inflammatory response in sepsis. We investigated if extracorporeal Alteco LPS Adsorber for LPS removal in early gram-negative septic shock was feasible and safe. Also, effects on endotoxin level, inflammatory response, and organ function were assessed.<br><br> <i>Methods</i>: A pilot, double-blinded, randomized, Phase ...
    • En kvalitativ studie om jobbspesialisters utfordringer med implementeringen av Individuell jobbstøtte for mennesker med alvorlige psykiske lidelser 

      Jakobsen, Cicilie Marie (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-05-07)
      Tema for studien er jobbspesialisters utfordringer med å implementere Individuell jobbstøtte (IPS) for mennekser med alvorlige psykiske lidelser. Flere undersøkelser viser at personer med alvorlige psykiske lidelser gjerne vil være i lønnet arbeid. Arbeid og psykisk helse har over flere år vært et sentralt politisk tema i Norge. Til tross for en rekke nasjonale strategier for å få flest mulig ut i ...
    • The influence of lifestyle on peak bone mass in Norwegian boys and girls between 15-19 years of age. The Tromsø study, Fit Futures 

      Nilsen, Ole Andreas (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-05-28)
      <p>Background: Osteoporotic fractures constitute a major health- and economic burden worldwide and because of an aging population the burden is estimated to rise. The individual consequences of fractures are severe. Norway has one of the highest fracture incidences in the world. The etiology of fracture risk at old age is less optimal bone mass accumulation in childhood and adolescence, rapid ...