Recent additions

  • Kvenflagget i vinden: om betydningen av et flagg for et folk 

    Fors, Bjarge Schwenke (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-11-04)
    Flagg er et utbredt symbol for stater og folkegrupper. Likevel har det vært relativt få studier av flaggs rolle i nasjonsbygging og etnopolitikk. Kapittelet tar for seg betydningen introduksjonen av et eget flagg har hatt for den kvenske minoriteten. Kapittelet dokumenterer prosessen frem mot innføringen av flagget i 2017 og hvordan flagget har blitt tatt aktivt i bruk som symbol. Det argumenteres ...
  • En policystudie av et tiltak for å få flyktninger hurtig i arbeid. «Hurtigsporet ble importert fra Sverige, men kom til Norge for å dø!» 

    Fedreheim, Gunn Elin (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
    I dette kapittelet ser jeg nærmere på policyutviklingen knyttet til arbeidsinkludering av flyktninger, og mer spesifikt på policybeslutningen hurtigsporet. Hurtigsporets formål er å tilrettelegge for hurtigere gjennomføring av introduksjonsprogrammet (toårig opplæring i norsk og samfunnskunnskap og deltakelse i arbeids- eller utdanningsrettede tiltak) og dermed tidligere inntreden i utdanning eller ...
  • Arktisheskaja energetika v sfere interesov politikov i yshenux 

    Tevlina, Victoria V. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2012)
    About 600 people from 14 countries participated in The Arctic Boundaries International Conference in January, 2012 in Tromsø (Norway). Sixth time this seaport often called “Gate to the Arctic” gathered politicians, scientists, representatives of industrial, financial, transport and other companies, teachers, graduate students and doctoral candidates to elaborate recommendations for sustainable and ...
  • Euroarctic Strategies and Synergies 

    Wråkberg, Urban (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2012)
    A comparative discussion is made of contemporary national and organisational strategies on Northern and Arctic Europe to identify common interests in the Euro-Arctic region and to evaluate how some of these interests may relate to the global context. This dialogue will be considered in relation to the post-Cold War transition from Realist to geoeconomic perspectives on the world. <p> <p>My tentative ...
  • A systematic review on the role of trust in the water governance literature 

    Voogd, Remko; Rudberg, Peter; D. Vries, Jasper; Beunen, Raoul; Espiritu, Aileen Aseron; Methner, Nadine; Larsen, Rasmus Kløcker; Fedreheim, Gunn Elin; Goes, Sander Bernardus; Kruger, Elizabeth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-06-01)
    Trust is generally considered to play a key enabling role in water governance. Despite this notion, there have been no systematic assessments examining the way in which the literature on water governance engages with ‘trust’. Our article fills this gap by providing an overview of the way in which this literature has engaged with trust as a conceptual lens, analytical device and empirical phenomenon. ...
  • Arbeidsinkludering av flyktninger gjennom praksis – En flernivåstudie av arbeidsgiveres synspunkter på det å tilby praksis 

    Fedreheim, Gunn Elin; Hansen, Tina; Aure, Marit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-05-30)
    Deltakelse i arbeidslivet er sentralt for inkludering av flyktninger. Denne artikkelen baserer seg på kvalitative intervjuer med arbeidsgivere, og studerer deres syn på bruk av praksisplasser til kvalifisering av flyktninger. Vi bruker mangfoldsledelsens flernivåperspektiv som analytisk rammeverk og finner at arbeidsgiverne ønsker mer systematikk rundt tilretteleggingen av praksis, inkludert bedre ...
  • “Moving Forward: Strengthening cooperation in Today’s Barents Region,” 

    Espiritu, Aileen Aseron (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015)
    When the 1993 Kirkenes Declaration was ratified, the governments of Russia, Finland, Sweden, and Norway “expressed their conviction that expanded co-operation in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region (BEAR) will contribute substantially to stability and progress in the area and in Europe as a whole.” (Kirkenes Declaration 1993). Over 20 years later, and as we move forward, this goal is even more important ...
  • Symbolpolitikk spenner bein for økt sysselsetting av flere flyktninger 

    Fedreheim, Gunn Elin; Hansen, Tina (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2020)
    I Norge har de fleste regjeringer siden starten på 1990-tallet hatt som målsetting at alle skal i arbeid. Denne «arbeidslinja» har vært et kjennetegn ved den norske velferdsmodellen, og grunntanken er at alle skatter, trygder og overføringer skal være utformet slik at det lønner seg å jobbe heller enn å være utenfor arbeidsmarkedet. For norske kvinner har denne politikken blant annet bidratt til ...
  • The Covid Biopolitics in Russia: Putin’s Sovereignty versus Regional Governmentality 

    Makarychev, Andrey; Lvova, Maria; Kuznetsova, Anna (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020)
    In this article, we discuss the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic as a biopolitical challenge that – along the lines of the contemporary academic debate on biopower – may be approached through the concepts of sovereignty and governmentality. Within this general framework, the authors look at the challenges Russia faces due to the corona crisis from the viewpoint of domestic transformations within ...
  • Velg naturmangfoldet heller enn billige klimatiltak! 

    Fedreheim, Gunn Elin; Normann, Øystein (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2021-04-28)
  • Profit under the Soviets: Timber concessions, Western interests and the monetary reforms under NEP 

    Lundesgaard, Jon; Tevlina, Victoria V. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-05)
    In 1921, at the beginning of the New Economic Policy (NEP), V.I. Lenin pointed to the timber industry of the North as a promising opportunity for cooperation with Western interests and the Soviet state soon introduced timber concessions. However, these concessions were not particularly profitable and ended up as a short-lived experiment. This article analyses why timber concessions failed to make a ...
  • A large-scale meeting of Nordic and Russian historians, philologists and archaeologists in the Arctic Norway 

    Tevlina, Victoria V.; Soleim, Marianne Neerland (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
    The history of Russia and Norway and their areas in the Arctic and Russian-Norwegian relations are traditionally important for the residents of both states. Opportunities to present new documents and materials, to discuss the significance of centuries-old ties between Russia and Norway, especially in the North, are not provided so often. In early April 2019, a large-scale scientific seminar of Russian ...
  • A great scientific tour in the North of Russia 

    Tevlina, Victoria V.; Nielsen, Jens Petter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018)
    Освещение различных вопросов, связанных с российско-норвежскими отношениями, традиционно является важным для жителей обоих государств. Возможности представить новые документы и материалы, обсудить значимость многовековых добрососедских связей между Россией и Норвегией, особенно на Севере, предоставляются нечасто. И вот в конце апреля 2018 г. состоялись масштабные научные мероприятия в Никеле и в ...
  • Russian timber industry in the 1920s: on the short history of Russnorvegoles 

    Lundesgaard, Jon; Tevlina, Victoria V. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-05-03)
    After the Russian Revolution, with civil war and interventions, war communism (1918–1921) led to a period of great economic difficulties in Russia. The New Economic Policy was the solution, and concessions offered to Western business interests were a part of it. In the timber industry of the 1920s, the jointly Western and Soviet controlled company Russnorvegoles was an important concession. The ...
  • Russian Space Meets Western Business Practices - Understanding the Law in the Petroleum Sector in Russia 

    Goes, Sander Bernardus (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017)
    This article discusses the relationship between the private international oil company (IOC) Royal Dutch Shell and Russia as an oil producing and oil exporting state during a period when oil prices were moving towards unforeseen heights (2005-2007). By examining this dynamic relationship, this study aims to contribute to an understanding of Russia’s discursive and culturally produced history. The ...
  • Contested Methaphors in the European North 

    Wråkberg, Urban (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2013)
  • Futures of Northern Cross-Border Collaboration 

    Wråkberg, Urban (Book; Bok, 2013)
    The Barents Institute of the University of Tromsø and the Centre for North European and Baltic Studies of the Moscow State Institute of Foreign Relations (MGIMO) jointly launched, in 2011, the so-called Futures of Northern Cross-Border Collaboration Project. It brought together academic researchers and public and business managers with different specialities into a multidisciplinary network. This ...
  • Vetenskaplig expertis och nordområdets naturresurser 

    Wråkberg, Urban (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2012)
    The essay reflects on political pressures exerted by and on scientists and technologists acting as advisors on political and economic matters of the high north.It uses two case studies to do this. One consists in the group of scientists from several nations who engaged as advisors to their foreign offices in the process leading up tothe ratification of the Spitsbergen/Svalbard treaty in 1920. The ...