Viser treff 61-80 av 861

    • Changes in reward-induced neural activity upon Cafeteria Diet consumption 

      Heijkoop, Roy; Ferrer Lalanza, Jaume; Solanas, Montserrat; Álvarez-Monell, Adam; Subias-Gusils, Alex; Escorihuela, Rosa; Snoeren, Eelke Mirthe Simone (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-01)
      Excessive consumption of highly palatable foods rich in sugar and fat, often referred to as “junk” or “fast” foods, plays a central role in the development of obesity. The highly palatable characteristics of these foods activate hedonic and motivational mechanisms to promote food-seeking behavior and overeating, which is largely regulated by the brain reward system. Excessive junk food consumption ...
    • From serial reproduction to serial communication: transmission of the focus of comparison in lay communication about gender inequality 

      Braun, Maike; Martiny, Sarah E.; Bruckmüller, Susanne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-21)
      We introduce and explore the potential of the serial communication method, a modification of the serial reproduction paradigm in which participants communicate their own thoughts. It affords participants more agency, more closely simulating real communication. We specifically examined the transmission of the focus of comparison in explanations of gender inequality, a consequential form of equivalency ...
    • Kunnskapsoppsummering og klassifisering av tiltaket: Flyt 

      Sagatun, Åse; Sæle, Rannveig Grøm (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-12)
      Bakgrunn: Flyt er et livsmestringsprogram for elever på 10. trinn som har til hensikt å gjøre deltakere bedre rustet til å gjennomføre videregående skole. Programmet er et styrkebasert gruppetiltak for ungdom i risiko for å droppe ut fra videregående, men ungdom uten kjent risiko inkluderes også. For elever omfatter tiltaket totalt 80 timer med organiserte aktiviteter fordelt på helg- og kveldssamlinger ...
    • Echoes from Intrinsic Connectivity Networks in the Subcortex 

      Groot, Josephine Maria; Miletic, Steven; Isherwood, Scott J.S.; Tse, Desmond H.Y.; Habli, Sarah; Håberg, Asta; Forstmann, Birte U.; Bazin, Pierre-Louis; Mittner, Matthias Bodo (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-27)
      Decades of research have greatly improved our understanding of intrinsic human brain organization in terms of functional networks and the transmodal hubs within the cortex at which they converge. However, substrates of multinetwork integration in the human subcortex are relatively uncharted. Here, we leveraged recent advances in subcortical atlasing and ultra-high field (7 T) imaging optimized for ...
    • Sexual Incentive Motivation 

      Huijgens, Patty; Heijkoop, Roy; Snoeren, Eelke (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-05-17)
      Motivation can be described as the processes that activate, direct, and determine the persistence of goal-directed behavior. A certain level of sexual motivation is required to activate approach behavior which could potentially lead to copulation and reproduction. Here, we discuss the use of the sexual incentive motivation test to assess the magnitude of sexual motivation in rodents in response to ...
    • Impact of active placebo controls on estimated drug effects in randomised trials: a systematic review of trials with both active placebo and standard placebo 

      Laursen, David RT; Nejstgaard, Camilla Hansen; Bjørkedal, Espen; Dreyer Frost, Anders; Rix Hansen, Morten; Paludan-Müller, Asger S; Prosenz, Julian; Werner, Christoph Patrick; Hrjóbjartsson, Asbjørn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-06)
      Background - An estimated 60% of pharmacological randomised trials use placebo control interventions to blind (i.e. mask) participants. However, standard placebos do not control for perceptible non‐therapeutic effects (i.e. side effects) of the experimental drug, which may unblind participants. Trials rarely use active placebo controls, which contain pharmacological compounds designed to mimic the ...
    • Aktigrafi som supplerende mål på fysisk funksjon hos personer med CFS/ME sett i sammenheng med fatigue, psykisk helse og livskvalitet 

      Gulden, Ylva Sivsdatter (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-09)
      Det er flere utfordringer knyttet til selvrapporterte mål på symptomer og funksjonsnivå ved kronisk utmattelsessyndrom. Et objektivt mål som kan supplere slike subjektive vurderinger av tilstanden er etterspurt for bedre å kunne fange opp endring etter tiltak. Den overordnede hensikten med denne studien var å undersøke hvorvidt variabler fra en aktigraf kan fungere som et mål på fysisk funksjon. En ...
    • Echoes from Intrinsic Connectivity Networks in the Subcortex 

      Miletic, Steven; Isherwood, Scott J.S.; Tse, Desmond H.Y.; Habli, Sarah; Håberg, Asta Kristine; Forstmann, Birte U.; Bazin, Pierre-Louis; Mittner, Matthias Bodo; Groot, Josephine M. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-27)
      Decades of research have greatly improved our understanding of intrinsic human brain organization in terms of functional networks and the transmodal hubs within the cortex at which they converge. However, substrates of multinetwork integration in the human subcortex are relatively uncharted. Here, we leveraged recent advances in subcortical atlasing and ultra-high field (7 T) imaging optimized for ...
    • The elusive concept of sexual motivation: can it be anchored in the nervous system? 

      Ventura-Aquino, Elisa; Ågmo, Anders j (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-17)
      Sexual motivation is an abstract concept referring to the mechanisms determining the responsivity to sexually relevant stimuli. This responsivity determines the likelihood of producing a sexual response and the intensity of that response. Both responsivity to stimuli and the likelihood of making a response as well as the intensity of response are characteristics of an individual. Therefore, we need ...
    • Kunnskapsoppsummering og klassifisering av tiltaket: Cool Kids (1. utg.) 

      Kaasbøll, Jannike; Brøndbo, Per Håkan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-09)
      Bakgrunn: Denne artikkelen er en kunnskapsoppsummering og klassifisering av tiltaket Cool Kids, et program med hovedmålsetting å hjelpe barn og unge i alderen 6-18 år å håndtere angst og relaterte vansker. Programmet kan tilbys både individuelt og i gruppeformat, med ca. 10 møter. Cool Kids -programmet er teoretisk forankret i kognitiv adferdsterapi. Sentrale metoder i programmet omfatter psykoedukasjon, ...
    • Cerebrospinal fluid neurofilament light chain mediates age-associated lower learning and memory in healthy adults 

      Hemminghyth, Mathilde Suhr; Chwiszczuk, Luiza; Breitve, Monica Haraldseid; Gisladottir, Berglind; Grøntvedt, Gøril Rolfseng; Nakling, Arne Exner; Rongve, Arvid; Fladby, Tormod; Kirsebom, Bjørn-Eivind Seljelid (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-27)
      Multiple cognitive domains, including learning, memory, and psychomotor speed, show significant reductions with age. Likewise, several cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) neurodegenerative biomarkers, including total tau (t-tau, a marker of neuronal body injury) and neurofilament light chain (NfL, a marker of axonal injury) show age-related increases in normal aging. In the current study, we aimed to investigate ...
    • Risk factors for sexual harassment and abuse victimization among adolescent athletes and non-athletes: A one-year follow-up study 

      Sølvberg, Nina; Torstveit, Monica Klungland; Solstad, Bård Erlend; Mountjoy, Margo; Rosenvinge, Jan Harald; Pettersen, Gunn; Sundgot-Borgen, Jorunn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-18)
      Background: The association between SHA and negative mental health increases the need to understand risk factors for SHA victimization, which is important for future development of prevention programs.<p> <p>Objective: To examine which combinations of demographic- and mental health factors were associated with subsequent SHA victimization, and the prevalence of elite athletes, recreational athletes, ...
    • Post-traumatic stress disorder among heart disease patients: a clinical follow-up of individuals with myocardial infarction in the Tromsø Study 

      Lorem, Geir Fagerjord; Næss, Eva Therese; Løchen, Maja-Lisa; Lillevoll, Kjersti Rønningen; Molund, Else-Marie; Rösner, Assami; Lindkvist, Sigmund; Schirmer, Henrik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-12)
      Background Myocardial infarction is likely to be experienced as a life-threatening and potentially traumatic event. Approximately one-third of patients with myocardial infarction experience clinically significant symptoms of anxiety/ depression. However, it is unclear how many of these patients experience these symptoms because of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We conducted a clinical screening ...
    • Longitudinal cerebrospinal fluid measurements show glial hypo- and hyperactivation in predementia Alzheimer’s disease 

      Nordengen, Kaja; Kirsebom, Bjørn-Eivind Seljelid; Richter, Grit; Pålhaugen, Lene; Gisladottir, Berglind; Siafarikas, Nikias Ioannis; Nakling, Arne Exner; Rongve, Arvid; Bråthen, Geir; Grøntvedt, Gøril Rolfseng; Gonzalez, Fernando; Waterloo, Knut; Sharma, Kulbhushan; Karikari, Thomas; Vromen, Eleonora M.; Tijms, Betty M.; Visser, Pieter J.; Selnes, Per; Kramberger, Milicia G.; Winblad, Bengt; Blennow, Kaj; Fladby, Tormod (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-13)
      Background - Brain innate immune activation is associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), but degrees of activation may vary between disease stages. Thus, brain innate immune activation must be assessed in longitudinal clinical studies that include biomarker negative healthy controls and cases with established AD pathology. Here, we employ longitudinally sampled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) core AD, ...
    • Demographically adjusted Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure Test norms in a Swedish and Norwegian cohort aged 49–77 years and comparison with North American norms 

      Öhman, Fredrik; Eckerström, Marie; Hessen, Erik; Espenes, Johan Jacob; Eliassen, Ingvild Vøllo; Lorentzen, Ingrid Myrvoll; Stålhammar, Jacob; Kettunen, Petronella; Schöll, Michael; Fladby, Tormod; Wallin, Anders; Kirsebom, Bjørn-Eivind Seljelid (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-18)
      Introduction The Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (RCFT) is one of the most commonly used neuropsychological tests in Sweden and Norway. However, no publications provide normative data for this population. The objective of this study was to present demographically adjusted norms for a Swedish and Norwegian population and to evaluate these in an independent comparison group.<p> <p>Methods The ...
    • Too different to be equal: Lack of public respect is associated with reduced self‐respect for stigmatized individuals 

      Martiny, Sarah Elisabeth; Josten, Jonas; Renger, Daniela (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-25)
      Individuals with physical and mental disabilities can be stigmatized and perceived in terms of their disabilities in the public domain. This is less pervasive in the private domain, because of the presence of individuating information. We argue that disabilities decrease individuals’ everyday opportunities to receive basic equality-based respect experiences in the public domain and thus makes it ...
    • Ubevisst aktivering av betinget smerteresponser og spatiale frekvenser 

      Jakobsen, Karoline Sofie Berg; Ahlquist, Elisabeth (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-12-14)
      Bakgrunn: Kroniske smerte har de siste årene blitt mer utbredt, men kunnskapen om kroniske smerter er fortsatt lav. Sentralnervesystemet (SNS) sees på som viktig i forhold til forståelse av slike smerter. SNS bruker endogen smertemodulering for å redusere eller forsterke smerten et individ opplever. Nyere forskning viser at endogen smertemodulering kan påvirkes av ubevisste mekanismer, men hvordan ...
    • Intravenøs ketamin for behandlingsresistent depresjon: Et scoping review 

      Lilleng, Tora; Forfang, Marie Charlotte (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-12-12)
      Bakgrunn: Depresjon er blant de mest prevalente sykdommene i vestlige land. Flere av pasienter med depressive lidelser opplever ikke bedring av tilgjengelige behandlinger, og betegnes som behandlingsresistente. Lave doser intravenøs ketamin har vist å gi rask antidepressiv effekt kort tid etter infusjon, og det publiseres et stigende antall studier om ketamins virkning. Vi gjennomførte et scoping ...
    • Stressful life events and resilience in individuals with and without a history of eating disorders: a latent class analysis 

      Lie, Selma; Wisting, Line Norøm; Stedal, Kristin; Rø, Øyvind; Friborg, Oddgeir (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-16)
      Background - Eating disorders (EDs) are associated with a range of stressful life events, but few have investigated protective factors that may affect these associations. The current study used mixture modelling to describe typologies in life stress exposure and availability of protective resources in individuals with and without eating disorders (EDs).<p> <p>Methods - A case – control sample ...
    • Regression-based normative data for the D-KEFS Color-Word Interference Test in Norwegian adults ages 20–85 

      Espenes, Johan Jacob; Lorentzen, Ingrid Myrvoll; Eliassen, Ingvild Vøllo; Hessen, Erik; Waterloo, Knut K; Timón, Santiago; Fladby, Tormod; Walhovd, Kristine Beate; Fjell, Anders Martin; Kirsebom, Bjørn-Eivind Seljelid (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-11-16)
      <p><i>Objective:</i> The Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System (D-KEFS) Color-Word-Interference Test (CWIT; AKA Stroop test) is a widely used measure of processing speed and executive function. While test materials and instructions have been translated to Norwegian, only American age-adjusted norms from D-KEFS are available in Norway. We here develop norms in a sample of 1011 Norwegians between 20 ...