Viser treff 41-60 av 861

    • Are There Gender Differences in Children’s Understanding of Hidden Emotions? 

      Kolve, Nora (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-01)
      This study investigated whether there are gender differences in children's understanding of hidden emotions. Additionally, it explored whether there are gender differences in hidden emotion understanding in different social contexts (peer vs. family) and for different emotion categories (submissive emotions vs. disharmonious emotions). Our sample included 27 children aged four to six years and 17 ...
    • The Use of Situational Cues When Thinking About Future Action: The Relevance of Visual Imagery and Relationship With Conscientiousness 

      Bjørkhaug Johansen, Kristin (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-01)
      Previous research has found a relationship between the habitual inclusion of situational cues in thoughts about future action, self-regulation success, and the personality trait conscientiousness. The present research aimed to replicate previous correlational findings from Martiny-Huenger et al., (2022) as well as presenting a new aspect that might influence the effectiveness of situational cue-thought ...
    • Adjusting the Instruction-Based Congruency Effect to an Explicit cue Requires Practise 

      Aasen, Steffen Rygg (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-01)
      Humans display an ability to rapidly adapt behaviour to novelly instructed relations. Instructions typically bind known stimuli and responses in novel ways that must be retained for future implementation, which can induce unintentional effects on a secondary task. This effect can be adjusted based on the degree of preparation for the retained instruction. Cues can be used to explicitly signal upcoming ...
    • AutoATES v2.0: Automated Avalanche Terrain Exposure Scale mapping 

      Toft, Håvard B.; Sykes, John; Schauer, Andrew; Hendrikx, Jordy; Hetland, Audun (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-21)
      Avalanche risk assessment is complex and challenging, with terrain assessment as one of the most fundamental factors. To aid people's terrain assessment, Parks Canada developed the Avalanche Terrain Exposure Scale (ATES), a system that classifies the severity of avalanche terrain into five classes from non-avalanche terrain to extreme terrain. Manual classification is laborious and dependent on ...
    • Default, time-pressured and incentivized deliberate reasoning 

      Abukar, Fozia Aweys (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-05-14)
      The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect time-pressure and incentives have on deliberate reasoning. A person’s tendency to engage in and enjoy processes that require reasoning, i.e., their need for cognition, and their algorithmic ability are factors that may moderate performance in reasoning tasks when they are under time-pressure or given monetary reward. Identifying how to increase ...
    • Mapping the Well-Being of Norwegian Mothers During the COVID-19 Pandemic 

      Kvalø, Marie (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-12)
      The COVID-19 pandemic has had negative effects on people’s well-being and quality of life. In order to extend existing research, we focused on Norwegian mothers with children in elementary schools, and investigated whether the pandemic influenced their well-being, stress, and worries. Our sample consisted of 231 mothers responding in the first data collection that took place June 2020, 97 mothers ...
    • The Effect of Singular Nonverbal Behaviours of Experimenters on Pain Reports 

      Daniali, Hojjat; Ruben, Mollie A.; Aslaksen, Per M; Fiskum, Charlotte; Kaptchuk, Ted J.; Flaten, Magne Arve (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-04-03)
      Introduction: Studies suggest facial expressions of caregivers may be important in placebo effects; however, this has not been systematically tested. This experiment investigated the effects of caregivers’ singular positive nonverbal behaviours (NBs) on pain reports.<p> <p>Methods: Fifty-one males and 53 females (total of 104) participants were randomized to four groups that were displayed positive ...
    • Examining predictors of communal occupational aspirations in middle childhood 

      Olsen, Marte (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-06)
      The development of occupational aspirations begins in early childhood, and gender differences in occupational aspirations has been observed in children as young as age 4. The present study aims to investigate the development of communal occupational aspirations in middle childhood over time, based on the developmental theory of occupational aspirations by Gottfredson (1981). The study uses data from ...
    • Kan imitasjon forklares av engasjement? En kvantitativ studie av imitativ atferd og engasjement hos barn ved 18 måneders alder. 

      Kristoffersen, Anne Lise (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2019-04-29)
      Hensikten med denne studien var å undersøke om imitasjon i løpet av de første leveårene kan forklares av engasjement. Dette ble undersøkt gjennom å kartlegge barnets blikk mot eksperimentet under demonstrasjonen av en objektrelatert handling, samt ved å kartlegge barnets håndteringer av objektet under eksperimentfasen. Deretter ble frekvens av imitative handlinger kartlagt basert på barnets håndteringer ...
    • Stort behov for psykehjelp 

      Sæle, Rannveig Grøm (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      Hos Psykhjelpen i Tromsø får ungdom hjelp av psykologistudenter til å takle problemer. Timelistene fylles raskt opp.
    • First trans-diagnostic experiences with a novel micro-choice based concentrated group rehabilitation for patients with low back pain, long COVID, and type 2 diabetes: a pilot study 

      Kvale, Gerd; Søfteland, Eirik; Jürgensen, Marte; Wilhelmsen-Langeland, Ane; Haugstvedt, Anne; Hystad, Sigurd William; Ødegaard-Olsen, Øystein Theodor; Aarli, Bernt Bøgvald; Rykken, Sidsel; Frisk, Bente (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-11)
      Background - The health care is likely to break down unless we are able to increase the level of functioning for the growing number of patients with complex, chronic illnesses. Hence, novel high-capacity and cost-effective treatments with trans-diagnostic effects are warranted. In accordance with the protocol paper, we aimed to examine the acceptability, satisfaction, and effectiveness of an ...
    • Relational rehabilitation: Reducing harmful effects of bullying 

      Finne, Johannes Nilsson; Roland, Erling Georg; Svartdal, Frode (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2018-12-10)
      Bullying causes pain and harm to the victims and creates wounds that often remain even if the bullying stops. Additionally, the social dynamics of the classroom community, where most bullying takes place, may remain after the termination of the active bullying of a pupil. This combination of personal trauma and contextual conditions in the classroom community creates a high risk of negative development. ...
    • CaMKIIa+ neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis modulate pace of natural reward seeking depending on internal state 

      Huijgens, Patty Thalia; Heijkoop, Roy; Vanderschuren, Louk; Lesscher, Heidi; Snoeren, Eelke Mirthe Simone (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-24)
      This study aims to investigate the underlying neurobiological mechanisms that regulate natural reward seeking behaviors, specifically in the context of sexual behavior and sucrose self-administration. The role of CaMKIIa+neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) was explored using chemogenetic silencing and -stimulation. Additionally, the study examined how these effects ...
    • Poorer self-reported mental health and general health among first year upper secondary school students do not predict school dropout: a five-year prospective study 

      Goll, Charlotte Bjørnskov; Sørlie, Tore; Friborg, Oddgeir; Ottosen, Karl-Ottar; Sæle, Rannveig Grøm (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-08)
      Introduction: Education is important for socioeconomic, work and health status; thus, dropping out of secondary school is of major concern. In Norway, 1 out of 5 is dropping out from upper secondary education. Academic performance is a known predictor for dropout, but the role of mental and general health status is studied less.<p> <p>Methods: By use of student data collected during the first ...
    • Rapport - Workshop om fremtidens skredopplæring 

      Dassler, Tim; Skille, Tarjei Tveito; Pfuhl, Gerit; Fjellaksel, Richard (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2023)
      2. november 2023 gjennomførte Norskred i samarbeid med Nortind, Den norske turistforeningen (DNT), Norsk fjellsportforum (NF) og UiT CARE – senter for snøskredforskning en workshop om fremtidens skredopplæring i Norge. Workshopen ble arrangert dagen før den nordiske skredkonferansen 2023 på Oppdal.<p> <p>Dagens modell for skredopplæring inneholder mange læringsmål og en kursstige som virker å ...
    • Medial Temporal Lobe Atrophy in Predementia Alzheimer's Disease: A Longitudinal Multi-Site Study Comparing Staging and A/T/N in a Clinical Research Cohort 

      Jarholm, Jonas Alexander; Bjørnerud, Atle; Dalaker, Turi Olene; Akhavi, Mehdi Sadat; Kirsebom, Bjørn-Eivind; Pålhaugen, Lene; Nordengen, Kaja; Grøntvedt, Gøril Rolfseng; Nakling, Arne Exner; Kalheim, Lisa Flem; Almdahl, Ina Selseth; Teceläo, Sandra Raquel Ramos; Fladby, Tormod; Selnes, Per (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-27)
      Background: Atrophy of the medial temporal lobe (MTL) is a biological characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and can be measured by segmentation of magnetic resonance images (MRI). Objective: To assess the clinical utility of automated volumetry in a cognitively well-defined and biomarker-classified multi-center longitudinal predementia cohort. <p>Methods: We used Automatic Segmentation of ...
    • Because sex matters: The case of female sexual response 

      Ventura-Aquino, Elisa; Ågmo, Anders j (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-05-17)
      In recent years, the Food and Drug Administration approved two drugs for the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder in premenopausal women which have been tested in preclinical tests with positive effects on some appetitive sexual behavior in female rats. Some years after their commercial release, the effectiveness of both drugs in women is not clear. In the present chapter, we present some ...
    • Disrupting the Social and Time Vacuum: A Systemic and Lifespan Perspective on Job Insecurity 

      Debus, Maike E.; Unger, Dana (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023)
      In their lead article, Klug et al. conceptualize job insecurity as a multilevel construct whereby individuals are situated in meso- and macro-level contexts. Their resulting model highlights that the experience of job insecurity, as well as reactions to job insecurity, are not only affected by factors emanating from individuals' direct environment (i.e., at the individual level) but also from different ...
    • Seksuelle overgrep begått av voksne eller jevnaldrende: risikofaktorer, psykisk helse og livskvalitet i et representativt ungdomsutvalg 

      Schaathun, Iris Linnea; Nenseth, Ian Revhaug (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-02-15)
      Bakgrunn: Rundt halvparten av seksuelle overgrep mot barn og unge begås av jevnaldrende, likevel vet vi lite om forskjeller i risikofaktorer og helsekonsekvenser relatert til om overgriperen har vært voksen eller jevnaldrende. Formål: Studien undersøker risikofaktorer, psykisk helse og livskvalitet relatert til seksuelle overgrep, og forskjeller relatert til om overgrepet ble begått av voksne eller ...
    • Evaluation of Sexual Behavior in Laboratory vs Seminatural Conditions 

      Chu, Xi; Ågmo, Anders j (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-05-17)
      Sexual behavior is, by necessity, sexually dimorphic. Males transfer sperm to females, whereas females receive sperm from males. Discussions of sex differences in copulatory behavior are consequently trivial. However, the behaviors associated with copulation, for example mate choice or postcopulatory reactions, may well be similar in males and females. Such differences, even subtle, are far easier ...