Now showing items 661-680 of 1361

    • The role of orthotactics in language switching: An ERP investigation using masked language priming 

      Casaponsa, Aina; Thierry, Guillaume; Dunabeitia Landaburu, Jon Andoni (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-31)
      It is commonly accepted that bilinguals access lexical representations from their two languages during language comprehension, even when they operate in a single language context. Language detection mechanisms are, thus, hypothesized to operate after the stage of lexical access during visual word recognition. However, recent studies showed reduced cross-language activation when sub-lexical properties ...
    • Businessmen and Ballerinas Take Different Forms: A Strategic Resource for Acquiring Russian Vocabulary and Morphology 

      Janda, Laura Alexis (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Included in the tasks facing a language learner is the acquisition of a lexicon and a grammar. However, when the target language has inflectional morphology, these two parts of the language-learning task intersect in the paradigms of grammatical word forms because each open-class lexeme has a number of forms that allow it to express various combinations of grammatical categories. Among major world ...
    • The Slavic Field in Norway 

      Janda, Laura Alexis (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Slavic studies in Norway have been shaped by specific facts that facilitated the development of the field, described in Section 1. Section 2 approaches the current state of our field in Norway from the perspectives of language teach- ing, linguistics, literature and culture, as well as publication venues and spe- cial resources for Slavists. I conclude in Section 3 with comments on current trends ...
    • Acceptable Ungrammatical Sentences, Unacceptable Grammatical Sentences, and the Role of the Cognitive Parser 

      Leivada, Evelina; Westergaard, Marit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-10)
      A search for the terms “acceptability judgment tasks” and “language” and “grammaticality judgment tasks” and “language” produces results which report findings that are based on the exact same elicitation technique. Although certain scholars have argued that acceptability and grammaticality are two separable notions that refer to different concepts, there are contexts in which the two terms are used ...
    • Introducing Svalbard Studies 

      Chekin, Leonid S.; Rogatchevski, Andrei (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-02-01)
      Svalbard, or “cool edge” in Old Norse, is an archipelago in the Arctic Ocean. It has no indigenous population and some 60% of its landmass is covered by ice. Yet its rich wildlife and mineral resources, as well as spectacular sights, have been attracting a great deal of commercial interest ever since Willem Barentsz discovered the archipelago in 1596 and named it Spitsbergen (“peaked mountains”). ...
    • Svalbard on the (Post-) Soviet Screen 

      Rogatchevski, Andrei (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-02-01)
      A selection of Soviet/Russian and Norwegian documentary and feature films about Svalbard is analysed to account for the recurrent issues raised in cinematic representations of the archipelago. Such issues primarily include Svalbard’s ownership and demilitarization, as well as the role that women – and Russia – play in the region. The subject of these representations’ verisimilitude is also discussed. ...
    • At the sources of the Kola expedition: Fridtjof Nansen and Olaf Broch 

      Lønngren, Tamara (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-02-28)
      Легендарный норвежский исследователь Фритьоф Нансен, будучи человеком одаренным и всесторонне образованным, прекрасно знал историю и культуру северных народов российских окраин. Об этих его качествах упоминается практически во всех работах, посвященных его несостоявшейся в 1926 году экспедиции на Кольский полуостров. Однако о том, что овладение глубокими познаниями в области истории и материальной ...
    • Alf Nilsen-Børsskog — The Author Chosen by the Language 

      Viinikka-Kallinen, Anitta (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This article discusses Alf Nilsen-Børsskog’s four-volume series of novels <i>Elämän jatko</i> [Continuation of life, 2004–2015], seen as the first literary works treating the Kven culture from a native perspective. Nilsen-Børsskog’s novels are analysed as constituting a “counterstory”, a term coined in the postcolonial cultural research paradigm to refer to self-representation. The Kvens have been ...
    • On the phantom-like appearance of bilingualism effects on cognition: (How) should we proceed? 

      Leivada, Evelina; Dunabeitia, Jon Andoni; Westergaard, Marit; Rothman, Jason (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Numerous studies have argued that bilingualism has effects on cognitive functions. Recently, in light of increasingly mixed empirical results, this claim has been challenged. One might ponder if there is enough evidence to justify a cessation to future research on the topic or, alternatively, how the field could proceed to better understand the phantom-like appearance of bilingual effects. Herein, ...
    • Kva bruker vi minoritetsspråksordbøker til? Ein studie av brukarloggane for tolv tospråklege ordbøker 

      Trosterud, Trond (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-27)
      The article analyses the user logs of twelve different bilingual mi- nority language dictionaries. The logs show that the dictionaries are in frequent use, with lookup in the direction towards the minor- ity language (production use) dominating by approximately 60% of the total queries. Query recall is high, around 90%, despite the dictionaries being medium-size to small, and most failed queries are ...
    • New methodologies in the Nordic Syntax Database: word order variation in Norwegian wh-questions 

      Westendorp, Maud (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-10-31)
      Across Norwegian dialects, <i>wh</i>-questions show variation concerning word order possibilities, with many dialects allowing non-V2 word order. The acceptance of this order differs across dialects and depends on the complexity and function of the <i>wh</i>-element. This study examines data from 409 informants across 105 sites in the Nordic Syntax Database (NSD). Throughout the study, new ...
    • Documentation Studies at the University of Tromsø: A new way to educate librarians? 

      Skare, Roswitha (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-05)
      The article presents an overview of the history of Documentation Studies at the University of Tromsø in Norway, a study programme founded in 1996. The article starts with a brief historical background to the degree’s foundation before the main ideas behind the choice of the concept are described. The last part of the article is devoted to the alterations made to the programme over the last 15 years ...
    • Redefining bilingualism as a spectrum of experiences that differentially affects brain structure and function 

      Deluca, Vincent; Rothman, Jason; Bialystok, Ellen; Pliatsikas, Christos (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-03-26)
      Learning and using an additional language is shown to have an impact on the structure and function of the brain, including in regions involved in cognitive control and the connections between them. However, the available evidence remains variable in terms of the localization, extent, and trajectory of these effects. Variability likely stems from the fact that bilingualism has been routinely ...
    • Pain and epiphany: Julian of Norwich' Revelations of Divine Love as Pathography 

      Dahl Hambro, Cathinka (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-10-31)
      This article discusses the medieval English mystic Julian of Norwich’s autobiographical text <i>Revelations of Divine Love</i> and the significance of physical pain in Julian’s holy visions. Applying Anne H. Hawkins’ idea of the ‘myth of rebirth’, the article argues that although Julian’s work is not a narrative about illness as such, it may nevertheless be read as a medieval pathography or as a ...
    • Indigenous elders' perspective and position 

      Gaski, Harald (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Inspired by a great deal of work on Indigenous methodologies, I feel it natural to start this essay by positioning myself. I will ponder the more or less institutionalized concept of an ‘Indigenous Elders’ approach.’ I will do this from a combined perspective of a Sámi Elder (at least one who is approaching the age of becoming an Elder) and from an academic vantage point in which Indigenous scholarship ...
    • The two Norwegian official written standards, bokmål and nynorsk. Linguistic and ideological implications of national bilingualism and biliteracy. 

      Bull, Tove (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-09)
      The long-lasting Norwegian history of official biliteracy with two equal written standards has attracted the interest of many scholars, both nationally and internationally. The present paper gives an overview of the historical development more or less similar to what is found in most Norwegian language histories, though with a different perspective. The paper discusses and seeks to answer the following ...
    • « ... oткладывается до более благоприятного времени»: О Кольской экспедиции Фритьофа Нансена 

      Lønngren, Tamara (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-19)
      In spring 1926 the Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture in Norway appointed Fridtjof Nansen as project leader of a scientific expedition to the Kola Peninsula for comparative study of its indigenous population. Nansen himself worked out the plan of the expedition. According to the plan, it was a Norwegian expedition with international participants: Four Norwegians, two Finns, two ...
    • Albert Lange Fliflet. Biografi 

      Viinikka-Kallinen, Anitta (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2019-06-14)
      Filologen, dikteren og oversetteren Albert Lange Fliflet hadde usedvanlige ferdigheter i fremmedspråk. Han kunne over ti språk og oversatte klassisk skjønnlitteratur fra fem ulike språk. Fliflet ga også ut en samling egne aforismer på finsk og foreleste på ungarsk i Ungarn om metrikken i finsk poesi. Verkene han oversatte, var gjerne eldre klassisk litteratur i diktform. Hans største og mest kjente ...
    • Resitasjon og musikk utdyper teksttolkningen. Litt om boka, CDen og teaterstykket Beaivi, áhcázan 

      Gaski, Harald (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2019)
      <p>Verket <i>Beaivi, áhčážan (Solen min far)</i> utgjør på sett og vis en egen trilogi. Trilogien består av ei bok med dikt som er nummerert og to CD-sett. Den ene CD’en (CD 4) er musikk som Nils-Aslak Valkeapää og Esa Kotilainen laget til Dalvadis-teaterets oppsetning Beaivi, áhčážan, basert på et utvalg tekster fra boka. Dalvadis-teateret var lokalisert i Karesuando i Nord-Sverige. De turnerte med ...