Viser treff 721-740 av 1362

    • Imaginary Landscapes: Sublime and Saturated Phenomena in "Kubla Khan" and the Arab Dream 

      Falke, Cassandra (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-08-06)
      This article considers “Kubla Khan” and the the Arab dream section from the fifth book <i>The Prelude</i> as precursors to the recently theorized concept of saturated phenomenality. Both Coleridge and Wordsworth insist on the limitedness of their dream subjects even as they magnify their dreamt of landscapes to heights of sublimity. Falke describes the implications that this insistence on smallness ...
    • Outsider Art? Herleik Kristiansens kunstneriske prosesser 

      Federhofer, Marie-Theres; Høvik, Ingeborg (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-09)
      Denne artikkelen utfordrer anvendeligheten av konseptet <i>Outsider Art</i> gjennom en analyse av Herleik Kristiansens kunstneriske prosesser. Kristiansen er psykisk utviklingshemmet, og i perioden 1963–93 var han beboer ved institusjonen Trastad Gård. Prosessene som diskuteres er: Kristiansens utvikling som kunstner, hans særegne måte å skape kunst på og til sist transformasjonen av natur til kultur ...
    • Nordic Word Order Database: Motivations, methods, material and infrastructure 

      Lundquist, Bjørn; Larsson, Ida; Westendorp, Maud; Tengesdal, Eirik; Nøklestad, Anders (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-19)
      In this article, we present the Nordic Word Order Database (NWD), with a focus on the rationale behind it, the methods used in data elicitation, data analysis and the empirical scope of the database. NWD is an online database with a user-friendly search interface, hosted by The Text Laboratory at the University of Oslo, launched in April 2019 ( It contains elicited ...
    • On augment-less NPs in Xhosa and de NPs in French 

      Taraldsen, Knut Tarald (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Augment-less NPs in Xhosa and de NPs like <i>de chevaux</i> ‘of horses’ have strikingly similar properties. It seems that the properties of <i>de</i> NPs reflect the absence of the definite article <i>les</i> which combines with <i>de</i> to form the so-called partitive article <i>des chevaux</i> ‘some horses’. Taking the Xhosa augment to be similar (though not identical) to the French definite ...
    • Mörkrets hav. Lyrisk impressionism i Josefine Klougarts Om mørke 

      Johnsson, Henrik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-23)
      Artikeln bedriver en litteraturhistoriskt orienterad läsning av Josefine Klougarts <i>Om mørke</i> (2013). Artikeln argumenterar för att Klougarts roman stilistiskt och strukturellt är inspirerad av Virginia Woolfs författarskap, och att Klougart skriver in sig i en tradition av litterär impressionism. Även romanens bruk av stream of consciousness-teknik och dess fragmentestetik sätts i relation ...
    • Mikkjel Fønhus og dyreskildringen 

      Wærp, Henning Howlid (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-19)
      In his novels, from his debut in 1917 and unto his last novel in 1973, the Norwegian author Mikkjel Fønhus writes about what is in the periphery of our attention: the wilderness and the wild animals. Technology has done that a direct contact with nature is no longer necessary for us: what we relate to is more and more social and cultural practices. Fønhus investigates non-human perception and shows ...
    • Majdan Nezalezjnosti: symbolikk og funksjon 

      Hansen, Arve (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Much has been said and written about the Ukrainian revolution of 2013–14, yet research on Maidan Nezalezhnosti, the protests’ most iconic location, has thus far been rather limited. This article analyses the history, attributes and symbolism of this particular city space. What function does Maidan have in the Ukrainian society? In the cause of my fieldwork in Kyiv 2013–15 on the recent revolution, ...
    • Being a participant matters: Event related potentials show that markedness modulates person agreement in Spanish 

      Alemán Bañón, Jose; Rothman, Jason (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-04-24)
      The present study uses event-related potentials to examine subject–verb person agreement in Spanish, with a focus on how markedness with respect to the speech participant status of the subject modulates processing. Morphological theory proposes a markedness distinction between first and second person, on the one hand, and third person on the other. The claim is that both the first and second persons ...
    • Эрик Краг: студенческие годы в советской России 

      Lønngren, Tamara (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-18)
      Erik Krag was the first Norwegian professor of Slavic literatures. The artic­­le <i>Erik Krag: his student years in Soviet Russia</i> presents earlier un­known and un­pub­lished facts about his stays, including the chronological frames, in Moscow and Leningrad as a young student. These facts are evident from archive material, deposited in Oslo, Moscow and St Peters­burg. The article also demonstrates ...
    • Periphrases in Spanish: properties, diagnostics and research questions 

      Fábregas, Antonio (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-10-24)
      This article provides an overview of the main facts and analytical problems that relate to verbal periphrases. The article is structured as follows. In §1 I provide an overview of the main criteria for being a periphrasis, and the constructions that it should be differentiated from. §2 is devoted to the nature of the auxiliary verb, and its limits with other types of verbs. In §3 I talk about the ...
    • When Russian is more Perfective than Spanish 

      Fábregas, Antonio; Janda, Laura Alexis (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      In this article we analyze cases in which Spanish imperfective aspect is equivalent to Russian perfective forms, a topic that has received very little attention in the literature. We argue that a crucial difference between perfectives in both languages is the relevance of the starting point of the event. Russian adopts an aspectual perspective from within an extended event, which gives access to the ...
    • Programs and strategies for community resilience in a metropolitan public library: A case study 

      Vårheim, Andreas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This paper reports a case study on community-oriented public library programs in a metropolitan Texan city. A main purpose of the paper is to report the findings from this explorative case study on the relationship of a public library system with its communities from a community resilience perspective. The study is a part of a research project aiming at creating empirically-based knowledge on the ...
    • Institutional convergence in the LAM sector: a contribution towards a conceptual framework 

      Vårheim, Andreas; Skare, Roswitha; Lenstra, Noah (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-12)
      Introduction. This paper presents and discusses a historical institutional framework for studying institutional change processes in library, archives & museum institutions. A limited application of this framework is applied to the case of modern public libraries in Norway and Sweden, for illustrative purposes. Method. We conducted a literature review on institutional and organizational convergence ...
    • I begynnelsen. Noen betraktninger om språk, landskap og poetologi 

      Greve, Anniken (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-20)
      Artikkelen undersøker muligheten for å la Nord-Norge og Sápmi være utgangspunktet for poetologiske refleksjoner. Med utgangspunkt i kongrastenmellom skaperkraften i Guds ord og menneskespråket knytter den an til den sere Wittgesteins forestilling om hvordan vi blir språklige. Gjennom en modifisering av visse tolkninger av Wittgenstein argumenterer artikkelen for et nært, men komplekst forhold mellom ...
    • Improving observational blends research: regression modeling in the study of experimentally-elicited blends 

      Wulff, Stefanie; Gries, Stefan Th. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-16)
      In this paper, we discuss the results of a blend production experiment and how it relates to previous research that was nearly exclusively based on observational data. Specifically, we study three different findings from published research, namely that (i) the shorter source word contributes more of itself to the blend than the longer source word, (ii) source word2 determines blend stress (more than ...
    • Så fjernt det nære: Nasjonalmuseet og samisk kunst 

      Grini, Monica (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-10-14)
      I mesteparten av Nasjonalmuseets nærmere tohundreårige historie har samiske forhold spilt en fraværende rolle. I 2018 sendte museet ut en pressemelding om at «Nasjonalmuseet styrker samlingen av samisk kunst», noe som kan ses som uttrykk for en vending i museets samlingshistorie og representasjonspraksis. Artikkelen forsøker å kontekstualisere utsagnene i pressemeldingen gjennom en undersøkelse av ...
    • "Jeg gjør nu ikke regning paa synderlig lang livsfrist". Unaturlig narrativ og håp i Henrik Wergelands dødsleiedikt 

      Nesby, Linda Hamrin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-19)
      Studies within oncology show that patients suffering from cancer report having a stronger feeling of hope than the general population. Such findings correspond to the pivotal role hope has in Henrik Wergeland’s (1808–1845) six so-called deathbed poems. Writing of illness the way Wergeland does is a part of the tradition of autobiographical literature called pathography. However, also having a dead ...
    • A Tale of Two Versions: I Am Legend and the Political Economy of Cultural Production 

      Pötzsch, Holger (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-11)
      Based on a comparative reading of the officially released version and the director’s cut of Francis Lawrence’s movie <i>I Am Legend</i> (2007a; 2007b), the present contribution interrogates possible connections between the political economy of film production and aesthetic form. Drawing upon theoretical frameworks such as Herman and Chomsky’s propaganda model and Artz’ critical study of global ...
    • Akademiske skrivesentres rolle i høyere utdanning – en kartlegging av behovet for opplæring i akademisk skriving blant studenter ved en høyere utdanningsinstitusjon i Norge 

      Dahl Hambro, Cathinka; Tessem Strøm, Janine; Skillingstad, Torhild (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-09-20)
      Stadig større fokus rettes mot skriving og tekstkyndighet i norsk utdanning, ettersom forskning gjennomført de senere år har vist at studenter i høyere utdanning finner akademisk skriving utfordrende og ønsker bedre opplæring og oppfølging i dette aspektet av utdanningen. I denne artikkelen presenterer vi funn fra en studentundersøkelse gjort i forbindelse med kurs i akademisk skriving i regi av et ...
    • Uwe Krüger: Warum wir den Medien nicht mehr trauen 

      Pötzsch, Holger (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-11)
      <i>Mainstream: Warum wir den Medien nicht mehr trauen</i> viser hvorfor en voksende avstand mellom borgere og elitene er problematisk for et demokratisk samfunn. En journalistikk som viser seg ute av stand til å kritisk følge elitedrevne prosesser og praksiser mister den sentrale vaktbikkjefunksjonen som man ofte uten videre ettertanke tildeler store medieaktører. <i>Krügers bok</i> kan sees som et ...