Artikler, rapporter og annet (lærerutdanning og pedagogikk): Nye registreringer
Viser treff 161-180 av 608
Border Rioting and Crossings Between Disciplines and Professions, Countries and Cultures, Science and Society: An Assemblage of Autoethnographic Stories From the High North
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-12-24)We are seven experienced academics and researchers from the high north. All within the field of education. We represent different disciplines, countries, and cultures. What we have in common is a wish to cross borders, collaborate, and learn: make space for storied experiences. Our stories are open ended—we start and end in complexities, and embedded in some sort of post- or trans- perspective be ... -
Hva stimulerer utforskende undervisning i naturfag? Et studium av rollen for læreboken i noen norske ungdomsskoler.
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-30)Inquiry-based science education is highly emphasized in recent curricula. Our paper aims to find out more about the connections between science teachers’ orientation toward the textbook and the enabling of inquiry-based teaching. It will be important to map this connection better in improving how to facilitate inquiry-based education. The textbook has a strong position in the Norwegian school ... -
Lytte fram forundringsøyeblikk
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-05)I denne artikkelen reflekterer vi over hvordan den lyttende pedagogen i gjensidig dialog med barn, ved hjelp av pedagogisk dokumentasjon, kan fange barns forundringsøyeblikk under tilegnelsen av trinn i lytteprosessen. Med utgangspunkt i en praksisfortelling med sang- og lytteaktiviteter, beskriver vi lyttetrinnene hos barn og reflekterer over deres forundringsresponser når de møter noe nytt. ... -
Competence in Digital Interaction and Communication—A Study of First-Year Preservice Teachers’ Competence in Digital Interaction and Communication at the Start of Their Teacher Education
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-17)This article explores the variation in first-year preservice teachers’ professional competence in digital sharing and communication tools (software) by applying social constructivist learning theory and relevant concepts. The data were obtained from questionnaires distributed to 395 preservice teachers at two Norwegian universities in the first semester of 2019. Correlation and multiple regression ... -
“Terror victims are probably not the easiest to follow up”: students’ perception of learning and teaching in the aftermath of trauma
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-23)In August 2011, Norwegian schools welcomed survivors of the Utøya massacre to a new school year. Based on interviews with 135 students who went back to school weeks after experiencing extreme trauma, this study investigates their perception of schooling and learning. Sixty percent of the students reported a variety of reduced academic functioning, and they were not prepared for the learning ... -
Communicating mathematics
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)This article presents a case study of communication in mathematics in a seventh-grade classroom of a Norwegian primary school. The main aim of this study is to investigate characteristics of student communication in mathematics in the context of their realities. Video recordings of conversations were analyzed using a framework of various speech acts and interaction patterns that may indicate students` ... -
Use of health and dental care services in adults with intellectual disability in relation to age and intellectual disability levels
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-18)Background - This study investigates the use of health and dental care services in adults with intellectual disability in the last 12 months according to Norwegian recommendations and in relation to age and intellectual disability levels.<p> <p>Method - A cross-sectional community-based survey including 214 participants (56% men). POMONA health indicators were used for data collection.<p> <p>Results ... -
Omvendt undervisning som talesjanger i veilederutdanningen- Studenters perspektiv på forhold som har betydning for læreprosesser
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-15)Formålet med artikkelen er å få innsikt i forhold som har betydning for studentenes læringsprosesser når veilederutdanningen er designet som omvendt undervisning. Forskning på omvendt undervisning i veilederutdanning for lærere i barnehage og skole er viet lite oppmerksomhet. Denne studien har en kvalitativ tilnærming og undersøker følgende: Hvordan fremme gode læringsprosesser når omvendt undervisning ... -
Nøkkelkompetanse i utdanningen
(Chronicle; Kronikk, 2022)Debatt: - Det må stilles større formelle krav til høyere kompetanse i barnehagen, mener sentrale personer i barnehagelærerutdanningen. -
Om fargelegging, relasjoner og etikk i barnehage og skole
(Chronicle; Kronikk, 2022-11-01)Lærer Ketil Stokkan løfter i et innlegg i Nordlys fram sin bekymring knyttet til et skjema som skal kartlegge relasjonen mellom lærer og elev. Skjemaet angir fargekoder som gir karakteristikker av elever som for eksempel "lett å elske", "får det til å koke" eller "vanskelig å forstå". Læreren skal så gi eleven fargekoder ut fra sitt forhold til eleven. -
Lovverket for barnehagene må endres
(Chronicle; Kronikk, 2022-11-07)Undersøkelser viser at få barnehager har gjennomført tiltak for å rekruttere barnehagelærere med masterutdanning, skriver sju ansatte ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet. -
Negotiating Terrains: Stories from the Making of "Siida"
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013-01-01)In this article we develop some arguments from a research project where the researchers were also participants in the making of a multiplayer online game. The “Siida” project emerged as a challenge to the static and monolithic vision of Indigenous Saami culture and history. It seeks to create an arena for learning founded on new approaches to research-based historical pedagogy. This involvement ... -
A mathematics teacher’s respectful listening in a culturally diverse class
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-08-04)Respect and listening are two issues that are complicated to research. This paper presents how respectful listening may constitute one aspect of a teacher’s role in child-centered learning. The analysis focus on a teacher’s reflections about events that took place after she and a colleague carried out a mathematics teaching unit on culturally diverse children’s understanding of ‘pattern’. The teacher ... -
Teachers' decicion-making processes during situated teamwork
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-24)Structured teacher collaboration has considerable potential to support teachers’ professional learning. The current article focuses on what characterises teachers’ decision-making processes during teamwork. Video recordings of teacher team meetings form the empirical basis for the research. Interaction analysis is employed to analyse under what circumstances decisions are taken and to examine how ... -
Competence in Digital Interaction and Communication—A Study of First-Year Preservice Teachers’ Competence in Digital Interaction and Communication at the Start of Their Teacher Education
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-17)This article explores the variation in first-year preservice teachers’ professional competence in digital sharing and communication tools (software) by applying social constructivist learning theory and relevant concepts. The data were obtained from questionnaires distributed to 395 preservice teachers at two Norwegian universities in the first semester of 2019. Correlation and multiple regression ... -
Texture and (Arts) Education -Encouraging Attention, Awareness and Sensitivity
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-05-10)In this article, the complexities of the concept of texture and its relationship to (arts) education, here with a specific focus on attention, awareness and sensitivity, are explored and elaborated upon. Texture can be described simply as the visual and tactile character of surfaces, which covers both nature and culture and, indeed, much of life itself. The overall aim of the article is to explore ... -
Fagfornyelsen, profesjonsfellesskap og partssamarbeid
(Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2022)Prosjektet gir innsikt i hvordan profesjonsfelleskap i grunnskoler og videregående skoler jobber for at elevene skal oppleve Fagfornyelsens intensjoner, og hvordan lokale skolemyndigheter, skoleledelse, lærere og tillitsvalgte kan bidra til å styrke profesjonsfellesskapet i dette arbeidet. -
Maggots and Language in Paul Muldoon's Maggot
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020-01-13)‘Like the whorl of an out-of-this-world ear…,’ (74) run the first words of the one-sentence, four-stanza sign-centered sonnet ‘@.’ The most fluorescent language poem in Maggot appears as a very apposite sign of what can be termed Muldoonian ‘p@stmodernism.’ The term signals mainly post-Madoc poems in Muldoon’s poetry, from e.g. ‘Crossing the Line’ and ‘The Plot’ to several in this volume, which ... -
Sammenheng: Om et diskursivt knutepunkt i Læreplanverket for Kunnskapsløftet 2020
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-21)Denne artikkelen er en diskursanalytisk orientert undersøkelse av noen trekk ved språkbruken i tekster rundt innføringen av den norske læreplanreformen, LK20. Artikkelen argumenterer for at sammenheng (med Laclau og Mouffes uttrykk) er et diskursivt knutepunkt i tekstene, og for at språket i tekster som «Overordnet del – verdier og prinsipper for grunnopplæringen» preges av ekvivalenskjeder der ... -
Universitetsskoler som arena for nye partnerskap og profesjonskvalifisering
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2017)Samarbeid mellom universitet/høgskole og skole om lærerutdanning har som ideell målsetting å utvikle studentenes lærerprofesjonalitet. En forutsetning for slik profesjonalitet er å kunne forholde seg til og bruke ulike kunnskapsformer, som akademias teoretiske og skolenes erfaringsbaserte kunnskap, for å fremme elevens læring. For å lykkes kreves et tett samarbeid mellom institusjonene. I dette ...