Artikler, rapporter og annet (lærerutdanning og pedagogikk): Nye registreringer
Viser treff 261-280 av 608
Refugees' Encounters With Nordic Rural Areas - Darkness, Wind and "Hygge"!
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-03-15)The paper investigates how refugees settled in rural Norway and Denmark experience and interact with their new rural places of residence. Theoretically, the paper finds inspiration in “phenomenology of practices” (Simonsen, Prog. Hum. Geogr., 2012, 37, 10–26), which emphasizes the bodily and sensory experiences of daily life that spur feelings of, for example, “orientation” or “disorientation”. The ... -
Flerstemmighet i veiledningssamtaler? En kasusstudie om triadisk FoU-veiledning i grunnskolelærerutdanningen
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-05)FoU-veiledning er en veiledningssituasjon i norsk grunnskolelærerutdanning (GLU) som er viet liten oppmerksomhet i forskning. Formålet med studien er å få innsikt i samhandlingen der studenter, praksislærer og universitetslærer deltar i triadisk FoU-veiledning. Det er økende behov for triadisk samhandling i norsk lærerutdanning, og FoU-veiledning har potensial til å imøtekomme dette. Veiledningssamtaler ... -
Introduction: Multilingual encounters in Northern Norway
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-03)Norway has always been a multilingual society; Sámi languages have been spoken in vast geographical areas since prehistoric times, the Kven and other historical minority groups settled in the country, the Norwegian language has a great variety of dialects and the long coastline has eased mobility and enabled multiple multilingual encounters lasting short or long periods of time. In recent years, ... -
Meaning making in a sixth-grade mathematics classroom through touch screen technology
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-05)This paper presents a case study of two sixth-grade students’ use of an iPad as an instructional tool for mathematics. Based on their written and oral responses, we investigated and analyzed their meaning making process with mathematical content in a classroom where the iPad was a central tool for teaching practices. The analyses were based on Steinbring’s [(2005). The construction of new mathematical ... -
‘The teachers do not see us.’ The challenges of teacher education in rural areas
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-28)The northernmost region of Norway has difficulties in recruiting qualified teachers, in 2019 9.5 % of the teachers in Finnmark were unskilled. To ensure education for people who, for various reasons, are unable to move to education centres to study, UiT the Arctic University of Norway offers a flexible teacher education model from campus Alta. This is a model which alternates between teaching on ... -
Vikings and iPads: how iPads may influence historical thinking in the classroom
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-28)The last few years have seen the introduction of technology in Norwegian classrooms without much research data on how this affects learning. This article discusses whether the introduction of iPads in a Norwegian classroom influences how history is taught and what the pupils learn. One could imagine that when iPads with its learning applications and unlimited access to the internet replaces textbooks ... -
Recognition and equal educational opportunities
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-29)This article discusses how recognition may contribute towards giving underprivileged groups and students, a voice in education. Traditional measures aimed at forwarding equal opportunities for all, like redistributing resources and improving objective conditions have had limited success. The inequality gap between privileged and underprivileged, rural and urban, indigenous and descendants of ... -
Spilt kunnskap på lektorutdanninga. Førsteårsstudentenes erfaringer med «Kunnskapsspillet»
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-16)Forskning viser at læringsmetoder som engasjerer studentene kan bidra til økt læringslyst og læringsutbytte. Et eksempel er bruk av spill som pedagogisk virkemiddel. Ved lektorutdanninga 8-13 ved UiT har Kunnskapsspillet stått sentralt i kvalitetsutviklingen av et førstesemesteremne i pedagogikk hvor formålet var å styrke profesjonsrelevans og økte studentenes trivsel og trygghet. I artikkelen ... -
Virtual reality and naturalistic developmental behavioral interventions for children with autism spectrum disorder
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-03)<p>Background: Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions (NDBI) have been evaluated as the most promising interventions for children with autism spectrum disorder. In recent years, a growing body of literature suggests that technological advancements such as Virtual Reality (VR) are promising intervention tools. However, to the best of our knowledge no studies have combined evidence-based ... -
Pre-service Science Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge Integration of Students’ Understanding in Science and Instructional Strategies
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-27)In the current study, we address calls for research on the complex nature of integrations of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) components. This is a multiple case study of six middle-school pre-service teachers (PSTs) as they taught science in their school practicum. We investigated the nature of PSTs’ integration between knowledge of students’ understanding (KSU) and instructional strategies ... -
Are Teacher Students’ Deep Learning and Critical Thinking at Risk of Being Limited in Digital Learning Environments?
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021-03-04)The 21st century is quite different from the 20th in regard to the skills people need for work, citizenship, and self-actualisation. Proficiency in the 21st century differs primarily due to the emergence of sophisticated information and communication technologies. In this chapter, we will discuss whether teaching students are sufficiently prepared regarding the need for 21st century skills and ... -
Forandringsspil: Om tangram, kalejdoskop og gådespil i H.C. Andersens “Sneedronningen”
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021)Denne artikel er en intertekstuelt og intermedialt orienteret læsning af “Sneedronningen”, hvor to af eventyrets kendetegn - dets modulære opbygning og dets spil med variationer - bliver set i lyset af samtidens debat om legetøjet tangram og kalejdoskop. Via sin tematisering af forestillinger om tom, uorganisk forandring placerer eventyret sig i den debat. Denne tilgang til teksten lægger vægt på ... -
Holdninger blant studenter i barnehagelærerutdanningen til barn med særskilte behov
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-12-14)Artikkelen belyser holdninger til barn med særskilte behov blant studenter i barnehagelærerutdanningen. Ved hjelp av et eksperimentelt design er det undersøkt om studentene utvikler mer positive holdninger til barn med særskilte behov fra de starter studiet til de avslutter studiet. Resultatene viser en signifikant økning i positiv holdning i løpet av studiet. Denne økningen er uavhengig av studentenes ... -
Bullying Victimization and Trauma
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-01-14)Bullying victimization and trauma research traditions operate quite separately. Hence, it is unclear from the literature whether bullying victimization should be considered as a form of interpersonal trauma. We review studies that connect bullying victimization with symptoms of PTSD, and in doing so, demonstrate that a conceptual understanding of the consequences of childhood bullying needs to be ... -
Use of touchscreen technology by 0–3-year-old children: Parents’ practices and perspectives in Norway, Portugal and Japan
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-05)This paper discusses findings from online surveys completed by parents of 0–3-year-old children in Norway, Portugal and Japan concerning their young children’s use of touchscreen technology. The study investigated parental practices, views and perspectives related to children’s digital practices and explored these in relation to wider cultural discourses around early childhood in the participant ... -
Pedagogical Translanguaging to Create Sustainable Minority Language Practices in Kindergarten
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-03-24)The coastal areas of Finnmark have deep Sámi roots. With the Norwegian assimilation policy—Norwegianization—the transition to the Norwegian language has been extensive here, placing the region outside Sámi core areas. Nevertheless, indigenous Sea Sámi identity still exists, and language vitalization and raising awareness of culture are shown in Sámi institution building. Within these frames, ... -
Functional Outcomes of Children Identified Early in the Developmental Period as at Risk for ASD Utilizing the The Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa)
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-18)Early identification of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is regarded as crucial for swift access to early intervention and, subsequently, better outcomes later in life. However, current instruments miss large proportions of children who later go on to be diagnosed with ASD, raising a question of what these instruments measure. The present study utilized data from the Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child ... -
A cross-cultural exploration of early childhood educators’ beliefs and experiences around the use of touchscreen technologies with children under 3 years of age
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-11)This paper will discuss the beliefs and experiences of early childhood educators across three countries, England, Norway and Greece, in relation to the use of touchscreen technology with the youngest children in their settings. Building on previous research which explored parents’ perspectives, this study now extends the investigation to early childhood educators who play a key role in children’s ... -
Technology integrated pedagogical practices: A look into Evidence-based teaching and coherent learning for young children
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-20)In the last decade, in particular, understanding technology use within children’s play-based experiences has been an important concern for early childhood education researchers and practitioners (Danby et al. 2018; Stephen and Edwards 2018). The World Economic Forum (2019) has highlighted the pressing issue of the twenty-first-century skills gap related to the digital revolution and ways that educators ... -
The integration of the Internet of Toys in early childhood education: A platform for multi-layered interactions
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-03)This paper presents findings from an on-going international study of early childhood educators’ and children’s use of new digital technologies, such as the Internet of Toys (IoToys) and the pedagogic interactions which occur when these artefacts are integrated into classrooms. Based on qualitative methodology, data have been collected in four countries: Australia, Norway, Scotland and England. ...