Viser treff 481-500 av 1579

    • Biokjemisk sammensetning og bioaktivitet i hydrolysert sjøpølse, mikroalger og mesopelagiske organismer 

      Killingmo, Signy Antonette Linge (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      Havet utgjør mer enn 70 % av overflaten til jordkloden, men står bare for 7 % av alt protein konsumert i verden. For å utnytte havet i større grad kan man høste på et lavere trofisk nivå i næringskjeden. Hele 90 % av energien tapes mellom hvert trofiske nivå og lite utnyttede arter i de lavere nivåene er derfor en stor potensiell ressurs. Disse artene kan muligens utnyttes til humant konsum, eller ...
    • Restråstoffer fra videreforedling av sløyd laks (Salmo salar L.). Ernæringsmessige egenskaper med vekt på fett 

      Aarthun, Maren Lootz (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      Omtrent 20% av laksen som blir slaktet i Norge videreforedles til filetprodukter før de eksporteres eller selges innenlands. Buklister, rygger, hoder, kjøttavskjær («Bits and pieces») og mørk muskel (brunkjøtt) fra skinn etter dypskinning er restråstoffer fra sekundær prosessering av oppdrettslaks egnet til menneskemat. Produktene anvendes gjerne i supper og farseprodukter. Formålet med denne oppgaven ...
    • Lipider i silderogn: Ekstraksjon med "grønn teknologi" 

      Stabell, Rikke (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      Omega-3 fettsyrer er i større grad bundet til fosfolipider (PL) enn triacylglyserol (TAG) i umoden silderogn. Fettsyrene EPA (C20:5 n-3) og DHA (C22:6 n-3) er i hovedsak bare å finne i sjømat og disse fettsyrene har flere positive helseeffekter, som kan bidra til å redusere hjerte og karsykdommer. Umoden silderogn har et høyt innhold av celler og inneholder relativt sett lite depotfett og derav ...
    • Fisheries collective action in theory and practice. A study of the Dutch brown shrimp fishery 

      Visser, Noor Mercedes (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-17)
      Inspired by Ostrom’s Governing the Commons (1990), this thesis examines fisheries collective action in the Dutch brown shrimp fishery. The study was conducted as a qualitative case study, with semi-structured interviews and an analysis of literature and secondary sources as the main research methods. Taking the perspective of the appropriators, the main collective action problem turned out to be ...
    • Chemical and Enzyme-Assisted Extraction of Fucoidan from two Species of Brown Macroalgae (Ascophyllum nodosum and Saccharina latissima) 

      Maribu, Ingrid (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      Marine environments contain half of the global biodiversity and are a major source of bioactive compounds. Macroalgae are vital species in marine ecosystems and are known to produce several bioactive compounds and polysaccharides that possesses several bioactivities. These molecules are traditionally extracted using methods that heavily rely on hazardous solvents and heat, that more importantly ...
    • Reklamasjoner i norsk lakseeksport: Betydningen av gode kunderelasjoner 

      Knox, Kristian (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-04-09)
      Eksplorerende oppgavedesign om reklamasjonsordninger, kunderelasjoner og kostnader
    • Genetic drivers for resistance and susceptibility traits in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) towards salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) 

      James Abraham, Jeff (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-16)
      Salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis), a common parasite on salmonids is one of the biggest problem the aquaculture industry faces today. The current methods used to combat salmon lice in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) industry are often considered to affect the ecosystem negatively; and inefficient in a long run long run due to development of resistance in the parasite. The potential of ...
    • Bioactivity evaluation of underutilized marine raw materials for the management of metabolic syndrome 

      Rauø, Njål (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-15)
      Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is the medical term for a cluster of risk factors including obesity, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar, which increases the risk of developing stroke, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Marine raw materials have been described to exert various bioactive properties beneficial to human health, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antidiabetic abilities. In ...
    • Antibiotic resistance profiles and polystyrene biofilm formation capabilities of bacteria isolated from wastewater in Tromsø 

      Imani, Sharifa Buchana (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      Pollution of plastic in itself has become a growing focus in the last 15 years. In addition, the impact of plastic as a reservoir for pathogenic bacteria and transfer of antibiotic resistance genes has become a global concern, for individuals, organizations, policymakers and health organizations. It is important to document the relationship of microbiota associated to different types of plastic ...
    • Resource tax, Quality of Fishing Rights, and Economic Performance A comparative study of the fishing sectors in Iceland and Norway 

      Ólafsdóttir, Hallveig (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-16)
      Property rights and economic performance have been highly linked concepts, where the former influence the latter. In this thesis, we seek to explore property rights as fishing rights in two large fishing nations, Norway and Iceland, and the economic performance of the fishing sectors. However, there is a fundamental difference between the fishing sector in Iceland and Norway. In Iceland, the government ...
    • Green movements below the surface 

      Myrset, Eirik Jølbo (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      Macroalgae can benefit society in a variety of ways, and there is a lot of potential for cultivation of macroalgae in Norway. A sustainable development of this industry is needed to make use of these benefits, today and in the future. Hence, it is asked which opportunities and barriers exist in developing the industry and how the barriers are affecting this development. Inspired by a Grounded Theory ...
    • Genomic characterization and insights of local adaptation in Norwegian juvenile lumpfish populations 

      Granviken, Emilie Østby (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      The lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus Linnaeus, 1758) has for many years been an attractive target for the roe fisheries in Norway and has more recently become an important cleanerfish in the salmonid farming industry for the control of salmon lice (Copepoda: Caligidae). Despite this, there is a lack of knowledge about several life aspects of the species and studies on its genetic structure have been ...
    • A Comparison of Biochemical Composition and Bioactivity of Abalone (Haliotis spp) Subjected to Different Diets and Treatments 

      Opara, Uchenna Ben (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-03-01)
      The fast growth of the aquaculture sector has led to an unsustainable harvest of wild fish species used in the production of aquaculture feed. Integrated Multi-trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) promises ecological and socio-economic advantages that include the provision of sustainable aquaculture feed. However, the promotion of IMTA requires that the stakeholders have sufficient quantitative information ...
    • Blue Bioeconomy in the Arctic region 

      Bjornsdottir, Bryndis; Reykdal, Olafur; Þórðarson, Gunnar; Valsdóttir, Þóra; Jonsdottir, Rosa; Kvalvik, Ingrid; Svorken, Marianne; Pleym, Ingelinn Eskildsen; Natcher, David; Dalton, Michael (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2021)
      The blue bioeconomy is important to many Arctic communities, providing food and other valuable bioresources, generating value and employment, and supporting rural regions. This report looks at the Arctic blue bioeconomy by analyzing regional challenges, opportunities, best practices and success stories from Iceland, Norway and Northern Canada. In addition, information on the status of the blue ...
    • Kunnskapsgrunnlag for mulig påvirkning fra oppdrettstorsk og levendelagret torsk på villtorsk 

      Bjørn, Pål Arne; Glover, Kevin Alan; Grefsrud, Ellen Sofie; Espeland, Sigurd Heiberg; Karlsbakk, Egil Erlingsson; Karlsen, Ørjan; van der Meeren, Terje; Moland, Even; Sandlund, Nina; Sæther, Bjørn-Steinar; Sætra, Ingeborg Mathisen; Svåsand, Terje (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2021-05-26)
      Det er igjen økende interesse for torskeoppdrett, denne gang med en domestisert oppdrettstorsk som vil ha egenskaper som skiller seg fra vill torsk. Det er behov for et oppdatert kunnskapsgrunnlag om risiko for påvirkning på viltlevende torsk, spesielt genetiske og økologiske interaksjoner og lokalisering i forhold til gyte- og oppvekstområder. Denne rapporten som er bestilt av Fiskeridirektoratet ...
    • Should traceability systems in the food industry be based on blockchain technology? 

      Olsen, Petter (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2021-02-18)
    • Effects of six codend meshes on the size selection of juvenile white croaker (Pennahia argentata) in demersal trawl fishery of the South China Sea 

      Yang, Bingzhong; Herrmann, Bent; Yan, Lei; Li, Jie; Wang, Teng (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-07-16)
      White croaker (Pennahia argentata) is a commercially important but overexploited species that is often caught in trawl fishery of the South China Sea (SCS). The codend size selectivity for this species in the local commercial trawl fishery is of concern when considering the established minimum landing size (MLS). This study investigated the size selectivity of white croaker for six different ...
    • Salmon farming in the North – Regulating societal and environmental impacts 

      Solås, Ann-Magnhild; Kvalvik, Ingrid; Simonsen, Knud; Thorarinsdottir, Ragnheidur Inga; Young, Nathan; Johnsen, Jahn Petter; Sønvinsen, Signe A.; Robertsen, Roy (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2020-12-31)
      Salmon farming is a rapidly growing industry in the North and its sustainable development depends on adequate governance. We have assessed the governance systems for salmon farming in four northern countries, Canada, the Faroe Islands, Iceland, and Norway. In all the countries, the industry is marked by controversies, linked to the environmental and societal impacts of its activities. The question ...
    • Salmon farming in the North: How do we regulate growth? 

      Solås, Ann-Magnhild; Kvalvik, Ingrid; Robertsen, Roy; Young, Nathan; Thorarinsdottir, Ragnheidur Inga; Simonsen, Knud; Sønvisen, Signe Annie; Johnsen, Jahn Petter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2021)
      Aquaculture has become a major part of global food production, and according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, it is now the fastest growing animal food-producing industry. In the North, further growth in salmon farming is expected. What mechanisms are in place to regulate this growth?
    • Measuring capacity utilization in fisheries using physical or economic variables: A data envelope analysis of a Vietnamese purse seine fishery 

      Cao, Thi Hong Nga; Eide, Arne; Armstrong, Claire W.; Long, Le Kim (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-07-26)
      Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) studies of fisheries usually apply output oriented capacity utilization based on physical measures. Although physical measures capture important input factors employed in fishing activities (such as boat size, engine power), economic measures directly reflect the cost of inputs employed. This case study investigates whether economic measures are vital or whether ...