Viser treff 1021-1040 av 7378

    • Student teachers’ experience of participating in a research and development project in Norway 

      Blomsø, Sindre Øyan; Jakhelln, Rachel Elise; Postholm, May Britt (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-05)
      This study investigates student teachers’ experience of participating in a research and development project named Learning, Assessment and Boundary-crossing in Teacher Education (LAB-TEd). LAB-TEd is a tripartite collaboration project between student teachers, practice teachers and university teachers from two universities in Norway. Framed by cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT), participatory ...
    • Forever Foreigners: The Temporality of Immigrant Indebtedness 

      Rathe, Kaja Jenssen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-27)
      In this article, I offer a critical phenomenological investigation of immigrant indebtedness, with special focus on its temporality. I understand immigrant indebtedness as a relation of debt where what is owed is gratitude, and which takes on a special meaning when the debtor in question is racially construed as immigrant. Understood as such, immigrant indebtedness has the power to function as a ...
    • Krigsmotstand og uavhengig journalistikk: Russiske journalister i eksil 

      Myklebost, Kari Aga (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-29)
      Et av de tydeligste uttrykkene for krigsmotstand i det russiske samfunnet finner vi hos russiske journalistmiljø i eksil. En akutt hardere sensurpolitikk og represjoner fra myndighetene etter 24. februar 2022 har provosert fram en bølge av emigrasjon og aktivisme blant russiske journalister. Denne artikkelen drøfter konsekvensene av den fullskala invasjonen av Ukraina og intensivert russisk statlig ...
    • Turisme med omsorg for sted: en studie av reiselivs- og stedsutvikling i Lofoten og Ilulissat 

      Cabrera, Astrid Maria (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2023-08-25)
      Turisme er en av verdens hurtigst voksende næringer og en betydelig drivkraft i lokale endringsprosesser. I Arktis har reiselivet vokst betraktelig de siste ti årene, og i takt med veksten, har også utfordringene blitt flere. Denne avhandlinga går inn i konflikter og paradokser i reiselivs-og stedsutviklinga i Ilulissat på vestkysten av Grønland, og i Lofoten nordvest i Norge. Dette er små lokalsamfunn ...
    • Multi-grade Teaching in a Small Rural School in Northern Norway 

      Bjøru, Anne Mette (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-01-10)
      This chapter investigates multi-grade teaching in a small rural school in Northern Norway. The aims of the chapter are to show what characterizes the teaching practices in a multi-grade school in a small rural community, and how these practices enable inclusion and adapted education. The chapter gives a brief insight into parts of the Norwegian framework for education; the Education Act and the Core- ...
    • Graves of the ‘Other’: Norway and the commemoration of soviet prisoners of war 

      Soleim, Marianne Neerland (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-10)
      The memory of other nationalities and their wartime suffering on Norwegian soil are mainly part of a local narrative. While the subject of Soviet prisoners of war is common knowledge in local historical studies, both oral and written, there is virtually no space for a living memory about the Soviet POWs on a national level. Despite forming the largest group of casualties on Norwegian soil during the ...
    • Hvordan endrer urbaniseringen det norske samfunnet? 

      Stein, Jonas (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2023)
      Norge har opplevd en betydelig urbanisering de siste tiårene. Dette endrer samfunnet politisk, sosialt og kulturelt. Dersom Oslo-eliten ikke forstår hvordan dette ser ut fra landsbygda, vil de få store utfordringer fremover.
    • Talking Back to Art Museum Practices: Seeing Public Art Museums in Norway Through the Lens of Institutional Critique, Feminism and Decoloniality 

      Gullickson, Charis Ann (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2023-08-24)
      The aim of this dissertation is to question art museum practices and the predisposition to regard state-funded art museums in Norway as "neutral" institutions. Neutrality is notoriously difficult to define, one possible definition could be “not being engaged, or decided, on either side of an issue” (Evans et al. 2020, 19). The question surrounding neutrality in museums is a complex one. Museum ...
    • Decolonizing the Museum: Unhighlighting Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum’s Iconic Laestadius Teaching Laplanders (1840) 

      Gullickson, Charis (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-03-08)
      This essay presents a decolonial analysis of the French painter François-Auguste Biard’s <i>Le Pasteur Laestadius instruisant des Lapons</i> (1840). A highlight at Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum (Northern Norway Art Museum) in Romsa/Tromsø, Biard’s work represents the pastor Lars Levi Laestadius (1800–1861) preaching to a group of Sámi people outside their <i>goahtis</i> in winter. Exhibited in 1841 at the ...
    • The importance of a complementary approach when working with historical documents 

      Skare, Roswitha (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Purpose - The purpose of this study is to show that the neo-documentary – or complimentary – approach in Library and Information Science by no means is conservative, but highly necessary also in today’s digitized media landscape. An example from a digitized photo archive is chosen to demonstrate the importance of a complimentary analysis that considers both material aspects as well as social and ...
    • When Innovative Ideas Encounter Institutions: An Analytical Model 

      Holmen, Ann-Karin Tennås; Ringholm, Toril Merete (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-20)
      This paper presents an analytical model for studying “encounters” that take place when ideas for innovation meet institutions (The IIE-model). Our model aims to expand the dichotomous barriers/driver approach in innovation research. Building on the theoretical contributions of studies on institutional logics and change, this model presents a dynamic, institution-based understanding of what happens ...
    • Lektorstudenters oppfatninger av induktive arbeidsformer i matematikk og fremmedspråk 

      Fyhn, Anne Birgitte; Jensen, Tove Beate (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-13)
      Artikkelen redegjør først for induktive arbeidsformer i de to fagfeltene matematikk og fremmedspråk. Deretter presenterer forfatterne lektorstudenters oppfatning av induktive arbeidsformer i sitt fagfelt. Dagens norske læreplaner vektlegger elevenes evne til å stille spørsmål, utforske og eksperimentere. Utforsking er en form for induktivt arbeid, og forfatterne ser induktivt arbeid som svært relevant ...
    • Augustine and Heidegger on Verticality and Everydayness 

      Dahl, Espen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-27)
      The first part of the article examines how Augustine’s notion of the everyday is mediated by his mystical ascensions, which give him the sense of height against which everydayness appears as oriented downward or fallen. These are the coordinates that make up the fundamental verticality of Augustine’s view. Heidegger’s understanding of everydayness was influenced by Augustine, particularly its ...
    • North Sámi language revitalization: Shifting from passive language carrier to active language user. A case study of individuals who have successfully become new speakers of Sámi in the Márka Sámi areas 

      Marakat, Lea O. Nilsen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-13)
      Language is for many a significant part of one’s identity, culture and livelihood. The strict assimilation-policy that the Norwegian state conducted against the Sámi people for over a hundred years led to a severe loss of the Sámi language in many areas. This thesis is about indigenous language revitalization in a Sámi area that suffered a great language loss because of the policy. By analyzing the ...
    • Endringsledelse i kommunal sektor i et systeminspirert ledelse-perspektiv. Hvordan kan man lede endringsprosesser i offentlig sektor effektivt? Kan systeminspirert ledelse bidra til å nå effektivitet i endringsprosesser i Tromsø Kommune? 

      Eira, Sanna (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2019-11-27)
      Tema for denne oppgaven er endringsledelse i kommunal sektor i et systeminspirert ledelses-perspektiv. Formålet med oppgaven er å undersøke om det er mulig å lede endringsprosesser i kommunal sektor effektivt ved bruk av systeminspirert ledelse. Det er en kvalitativ casestudie av systeminspirert ledelse som kan bidra til å nå effektivitet i endringsprosesser. Dette leder frem til følgende problemstilling: ...
    • Preliminary Results from Norway, Slovenia, Portugal, Turkey, Ukraine, and Jordan: Investigating Pre-Service Teachers’ Expected Use of Digital Technology When Becoming Teachers 

      Janeš, Aleksander; Madsen, Siri Sollied; Saure, Heidi Iren; Lie, Marit Helene; Gjesdal, Beate Eltarvåg; Thorvaldsen, Steinar; Brito, Rita; Krasin, Serhii; Jwaifell, Mustafa; Sami Konca, Ahmed; Klančar, Andreja (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-08-01)
      Digital technology has become an important part of society and deserves attention and in-depth research, which is still lacking. The study presented in this paper includes international perspectives from six countries and examines which factors influence the use of digital technologies in future pedagogical work in primary schools. Specifically, we investigated how pre-service teachers assess their ...
    • Støres floke i nord 

      Stein, Jonas (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2023-05-21)
      Problemene i nord forteller oss mye om både Arbeiderpartiets problemer generelt og i Nord-Norge spesielt. Jonas Gahr Støre er sannsynligvis den norske statsministeren i moderne tid som har hatt sterkest engasjement for Nord-Norge. Likevel styrer han nå mot nok et historisk svakt valgresultat i landsdelen. Hans floker i nord forteller oss mye om både Arbeiderpartiets problemer generelt og i Nord-Norge ...
    • Estimating the information content of genetic sequence data 

      Thorvaldsen, Steinar; Hössjer, Ola (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-07-25)
      A prominent problem in analysing genetic information has been a lack of mathematical frameworks for doing so. This article offers some new statistical methods to model and analyse information content in proteins, protein families, and their sequences. We discuss how to understand the qualitative aspects of genetic information, how to estimate the quantitative aspects of it, and implement a statistical ...
    • Ettpartidominans i et flerpartisystem: Norske Samers Riksforbund i Sametinget 

      Selle, Per (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-06-16)
      Norske Samers Riksforbund (NSR) har dominert Sametinget siden Sametinget ble etablert med et flerpartisystem i 1989. Ved hvert valg har NSR vunnet flest representanter, de har for det meste vært hovedaktøren i dannelsen av sametingsråd og de har formet den samepolitiske dagsordenen. Artikkelen analyserer ved hjelp av teoriretningen historisk institusjonalisme hvorfor NSR fikk sin dominerende posisjon ...
    • When Innovative Ideas Encounter Institutions: An Analytical Model 

      Holmen, Ann-Karin Tennås; Ringholm, Toril Merete (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-06-20)
      This paper presents an analytical model for studying “encounters” that take place when ideas for innovation meet institutions (The IIE-model). Our model aims to expand the dichotomous barriers/driver approach in innovation research. Building on the theoretical contributions of studies on institutional logics and change, this model presents a dynamic, institution-based understanding of what happens ...