Viser treff 681-700 av 7375

    • The diachrony of ditransitives in Vedic Sanskrit 

      Dahl, Eystein (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      Indo-Iranian in general and Old Indo-Aryan in particular is usually regarded as a morphosyntactically rather conservative branch of the Indo-European linguistic family. However, recent work (e.g. Cotticelli and Dahl Forthcoming) demonstrates that Early Vedic, the oldest attested variety of Old Indo-Aryan, shows a number of important innovations in its alignment system, including the establishing of ...
    • Menneskets "her" 

      Greve, Anniken (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      Refleksjonen over stedet slik vi møter den hos Christian Norberg-Schulz, er nært knyttet til en refleksjon over mennesket. Denne filosofisk-antropologiske dimensjonen kan være litt skjult i mye av det andre han snakker om: sted, arkitekturhistorie, byggeskikker, stilhistorie. Så kan man spørre: Hvorfor er forståelsen av mennesket så vesentlig for forståelsen av byggekunsten og arkitektens virksomhet? ...
    • On the View of 'the Other' - Abroad and At Home: The Geography and Peoples of the Far North, According to Historia Norwegie 

      Hansen, Lars Ivar (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      In this discussion I want to focus the spotlight on what Historia Norwegiae (hereafter H.N.) reports on relations in the Far North, on the Sámi and on the interaction between Norwegians and Sámi, as well as additional peoples further to the east in the North Calotte.2 I shall concentrate on a summary of the peoples who were perceived, to a greater or lesser extent, as standing outside the Norse, ...
    • Imagination and Reality in Sami Fantasy 

      Fredriksen, Lill Tove (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      What is imagined and what is real? These are relevant questions in the fantasy novel Ilmmiid gaskkas (2013), written by Sami author Máret Ánne Sara and translated into English by Laura A. Janda as In Between Worlds (2016). The narrative depicts parallel stories, set above and below ground, and highlights an imbalance between our world on earth and that of our neighbours, the ulda-people in the ...
    • Læringsledelse gjennom strukturering av tid 

      Olsen, Mirjam Harkestad (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      En sentral oppgave for en lærer er å legge til rette for at elevene skal lære, også kalt læringsledelse. Å lede læring kan beskrives med utgangspunkt i tre momenter, ifølge Rasmussen (2005): 1) etablere og holde fast på fokus på undervisningens tema og oppgaver, 2) tilrettelegge undervisningen slik at den fremstår aktiverende og målrettet og 3) fremholde klare, eksplisitte standarder for elevenes ...
    • Læringsledelse 

      Buli-Holmberg, Jorun; Olsen, Mirjam Harkestad (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      Dette kapitlet gir en introduksjon til begrepet læringsledelse og veien frem mot en begrepsavklaring. Vi har gjennomført en analyse av hvordan læringsledelse og tilnærmede begreper omtales i utdanningspolitiske dokumenter relatert til faglitteratur og forskning, og anvender dette som utgangspunkt for å definere læringsledelse. Det har vært en utfordrende prosess å finne en tydelig og avgrenset ...
    • Samarbeidende læringsledelse i integrert spesialundervisning 

      Danielsen, Fredrik; Olsen, Mirjam Harkestad (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      Dette kapitlet bygger på en casestudie av et utviklingsarbeid der en skole skulle endre organisering fra segregert til integrert spesialundervisning. En slik form for spesialundervisning er både fysisk og faglig integrert i ordinær opplæring. For å lykkes med dette måtte lærerne endre sin læringsledelse. Fra å ha ledet elevenes læringsprosesser hver for seg skulle klasse- og spesiallærerne1 nå utvikle ...
    • Tilpasset opplæring når elever har stort læringspotensial 

      Olsen, Mirjam Harkestad (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      Prinsippet om tilpasset opplæring dreier seg om å møte mangfoldet i elevflokken (jf. kapittel 1 i denne boken). Et mangfold vil i skolesammenheng innebære den store variasjonen som er mellom elevene. En av disse variasjonene er knyttet til hvilket læringspotensial elevene har.
    • Communication between Mentor and Mentee Using Videoconferencing in Surgical Training 

      Warth, Line Lundvoll (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      In surgical training, mentors and mentees communicate to expand mentees’ technical skills. However, access to mentors for education in surgical subspecialties is a challenge in many hospitals. Videoconferencing (VC), which enables real-time communication between mentors and mentees in different geographical locations, can overcome this challenge. This study examines a practice in Norway in which VC ...
    • The Trading Networks of the High North during the Sixteenth Century 

      Hansen, Lars Ivar (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      The aim of this article is to sketch the main features of the trading networks that dominated northern Fennoscandia and part of northwestern Russia during the period when the Reformation was introduced in the North, and the following century. By drawing a broad picture of the various actors that were engaged in these interactions in the borderless region in the North, I hope to highlight some of the ...
    • What is the Arctic to the Kingdom of Denmark and the Russian Federation? 

      Bertelsen, Rasmus Gjedssø (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      This paper seeks to examine and discuss to what extent the Kingdom of Denmark (Denmark, Faroe Islands and Greenland) and the Russia Federation have different perceptions of the Arctic, and the needs and values of a common understanding of the Arctic between them.
    • Arctic Security in International Security 

      Bertelsen, Rasmus Gjedssø (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      Peace and war in the Arctic security is driven by international systemic forces of great power conflict. Since the Seven Years’ War (1756-1763) the geostrategic role of and thinking about the North Atlantic Arctic has been stable. The Napoleonic Wars, Crimean War, World War I and II and the Cold War affected the Arctic for geostrategic reasons. Current and future Arctic security reflects the postCold ...
    • Science diplomacy and the Arctic 

      Bertelsen, Rasmus Gjedssø (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      Arctic science diplomacy historically and today illustrates the potential of science for diplomacy to maintain track two dialogue during the Russian-West crisis and for regional governance to adapt to global change of power transition from West to East with the rise of China. Arctic international politics and security reflect the international system historically and today. The region is characterized ...
    • Digital Natives and Educational Traditions. What Changes When Exchanging Textbook Content with Internet Search? 

      Rønningsbakk, Lisbet (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      Use of technology challenge traditional concepts of learning in school. But what is actually changing? The paper shows result from a study that finds that the shift from textbook to internet content implicates significant changes. Textbooks present qualified content that is well adapted to the cognitive development of students of certain ages. Using internet content gives no such guarantees. The ...
    • The Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Kremlin's Policy of Remembrance 

      Nielsen, Jens Petter (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      The first time I visited the Lenin Mausoleum was on an autumn day in 1971. Leaves blew over Red Square, and down in the sarcophagus Lenin was lying in dim illumination, immaculately dressed in a dark suit, white shirt and a red necktie. Despite his attire he made a dismal impression with his yellow, parchment-like skin. 20 years later Soviet society dissolved, without Lenin being offered a decent ...
    • Nils-Aslak Valkeapää. A Powerful Poetic Manifestation 

      Gaski, Harald (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      Nils-Aslak Valkeapää (1943–2001), or Áillohaš as he used as his artist name for a period of time, was the greatest Sámi multimedia artist. He made his debut as an author in 1971 with a book of essays, and is so far the only Sámi who has been awarded the prestigious Nordic Council’s literature prize, for his book of poetry and photographs Beaivi, áhčážan, 1989 (The Sun, My Father, 1997).
    • Soviet Prisoners of War in Norway and Finland –treatment, mortality and forgotten memories 

      Soleim, Marianne Neerland (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      The article describes German and Finnish treatment of Soviet prisoners of war in Norway and Finland, the death rates among Soviet prisoners of war in the two countries and why these prisoners can be described as a forgotten part of the national collective memory in Norway and Finland.
    • The war in the North - everyday life, Soviet prisoners of war and Norwegians´ memories 

      Soleim, Marianne Neerland (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      The paper dwells upon everyday life, Soviet prisoners of war and Norwegians' memories during the Second World War in northern Norway. Characteristics of the ideological war against the Soviet Union, mistreatment of Soviet prisoners of war, civilian forced labour in northern Norway, Norwegians memories and contact with the Soviet prisoners, the politics of memory and repatriation are demonstrated. ...
    • Juan del Valle y Caviedes 

      Cabanillas Cardenas, Carlos Fernando (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      La obra poética más conocida de Juan del Valle y Caviedes1 (Porcuna, Jaén, 1645-Lima, 1698) es la que corresponde a sus composiciones satírico burlescas. Estas se caracterizan por su relación con personajes históricos, acontecimientos y hechos circunstanciales de la vida en Lima en las últimas dos décadas del siglo xvii. Si bien problemas de transmisión textual no permiten todavía definir la ...
    • From the Origins of Government and Binding to the Current State of Minimalism 

      Alexiadou, Artemis; Lohndal, Terje (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
      This chapter provides a review of the current Chomskyan approach to the study of human language, known as the Minimalist Program. It offers an overview of the central ideas that were central in shaping the program, in particular Government and Binding Theory. It presents an outline of what the essential ideas of the program are, focusing in particular on how the Minimalist Program is seen as a natural ...