Now showing items 201-220 of 276

    • Behandling av utagerende ungdommer på barnevernsinstitusjoner 2 år etter inntak – evaluering av behandlingsmodellen MultifunC 

      Fossum, Sturla; Babaii, Aida; Handegård, Bjørn Helge (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2018)
      Studien viser at MultifunC-behandling er kortere enn andre behandlingstiltak på barnevernsinstitusjoner og at flere av ungdommene var hjemme igjen ett år etter inntak på institusjonene. Tross forskjellen i behandlingstid var det ingen forskjeller i bruk av rusmidler, utagerende og regelbrytende atferd. Det var gunstige reduksjoner i denne typen atferd i begge behandlingstypene som ble sammenlignet. ...
    • The Influence of Military Identity on Work Engagement and Burnout in the Norwegian Army Rapid Reaction Force 

      Johansen, Rino Bandlitz; Martinussen, Monica; Kvilvang, Nils (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      The present study examined the influence of military identity on work engagement and burnout among members in the Norwegian Army Rapid Reaction Forces (RRF). Hierarchical regression analyses found work engagement to be predicted by military identity (positively so by professionalism, and negatively by individualism), with individualism also predicting burnout. This is the first study to examine the ...
    • Identification of and Support for Children of Mentally Ill Parents: A 5 Year Follow-Up Study of Adult Mental Health Services 

      Lauritzen, Camilla; Reedtz, Charlotte; Rognmo, Kamilla; Nilsen, Miriam Adele; Walstad, Anja (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-10-16)
      Background: <br>Children of parents with mental disorders are more likely to develop mental difficulties during their childhood and adulthood. Based on this knowledge, the Norwegian health legislation has been amended to better identify and protect children of parents with a mental illness. In this project, two interventions were implemented in a regional clinic for adult mental health services. ...
    • Do frequency of visits with birth parents impact children’s mental health and parental stress in stable foster care settings 

      Fossum, Sturla; Vis, Svein Arild Myhra; Holtan, Amy (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-01-13)
      This article explores whether the number of visits by birth parents influence perceptions of attachment, children’s competence and mental health, and stress levels in foster parents. Foster parents acted as informants regarding 203 children living in kinship and non-kinship foster care. The children were young when placed in foster care, on average 2.3 years old (SD = 1.0) and had been living in the ...
    • Måleegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av Sense of Coherence [SOC-13] 

      Kaiser, Sabine; Strøm, Henriette Kyrrestad (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-01-24)
      Sense of Coherence (SOC)/Opplevelse av sammenheng ble utviklet av Antonovsky (1987) og består i originalversjonene av 29 spørsmål (SOC-29) og i en forkortet versjon av 13 spørsmål (SOC-13). SOC-13 er oversatt til norsk og alderstilpasset til barn og unge av Torsheim og Wold i 1998. Det foreligger ikke en norsk versjon av SOC-29 og denne artikkelen handler derfor kun om SOC-13. Det finnes rettighetshavere ...
    • Støtte og utvikling i jobben som ny lærerutdanner i Norge 

      Langørgen, Ketil; Smith, Kari (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-09-20)
      <ul> <li>Denne mixed methods-studien bygger på datamateriale fra en nasjonal spørreundersøkelse med 220 respondenter om ulike aspekter ved det å være nyansatt i lærerutdanningen i Norge. Artikkelen viser at nye lærerutdannere i liten grad har opplevd støtte og oppfølging i de første årene i jobben. Videre drøfter artikkelen hvilke aspekter nye lærerutdannere selv foreslår av støtte og oppfølging ...
    • The Factor Structure of MASC Youth Report in Norwegian School Children 

      Martinsen, Kristin Dagmar; Holen, Solveig; Neumer, Simon-Peter; Waaktaar, Trine; Rasmussen, Lene-Mari Potulski; Kendall, Philip C; Patras, Joshua (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-03-29)
      Identifying children with symptoms of anxiety before they develop clinical disorders is important. The objective of our study was to examine the latent factor structure of the MASC (youth report version) in a large self-selected sample of school children in 4th to 6th grade, and examine if the measure had a comparable factor structure for gender and age. Gender and age differences in anxiety symptoms ...
    • Måleegenskaper ved de norske versjonene av Ravens matriser [Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM)/Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM)] 

      Helland-Riise, Fredrik; Martinussen, Monica (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-12-18)
      <p>Ravens matriser består av flere varianter der Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM) (5–11 år) og Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (8–65 år) kan anvendes for barn og unge. Testen ble utviklet av John C. Raven, og SPM ble først publisert i 1938, mens CPM-versjonen ble publisert i 1998. Testen er ment å måle non-verbal intelligens eller evne til abstrakt resonnering ved at barnet skal finne systemet ...
    • Community violence exposure and substance use: cross‑cultural and gender perspectives 

      Löfving‑Gupta, Sandra; Willebrand, Mimmie; Koposov, Roman A; Blatný, Marek; Hrdlička, Michal; Schwab‑Stone, Mary; Ruchkin, Vladislav (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-12-20)
      The negative effects of community violence exposure on child and adolescent mental health are well documented and exposure to community violence has been linked both to a number of internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Our aim was, therefore, to investigate cross-cultural and gender differences in the relationship between community violence exposure and substance abuse. A self-report survey was ...
    • Family assessment conversations as a tool to support families affected by parental mental illness: a retrospective review of electronic patient journals 

      Lauritzen, Camilla; Kolmannsskog, Anne Berit; Iversen, Anette Christine (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-04-24)
      <p><i>Background</i>: Previous research has shown a link between parental mental illness and adverse development in their offspring. In Norway, it is mandatory for health professionals to identify if patients in adult mental health services have children, and subsequently to provide support for the children. An important tool to detect if families are affected by parental mental illness and to ...
    • The meaning and making of childhoods in kinship care – young adults' narratives 

      Skoglund, Jeanette; Holtan, Amy; Thørnblad, Renee (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-01-09)
      This article draws on interviews with 26 young adults (15 women and 11 men, aged 19–29) who grew up in long-term kinship care in Norway, and explore how they portray their childhoods. Our starting point is that the foster child status provide cultural and public narratives, images and positions for the young adults to employ when interpreting childhood experiences. The question we ask is how this ...
    • Kinship care or upbringing by relatives? The need for ‘new’ understandings in research 

      Skoglund, Jeanette; Thørnblad, Renee (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-08-13)
      This article addresses knowledge production on formal kinship foster care. In spite of growing interest in this phenomenon, little attention has been paid to how kinship care should be understood in research – as a service under child protective services or as upbringing by relatives. Each of these understandings leads to different research questions and creates guidelines for what falls into or ...
    • Mellom entusiasme og anvendelse - Barnevernsarbeideres oppfatninger og erfaringer med familieråd 

      Saus, Merete; Jenssen, Toril Synnøve; Strandbu, Astrid (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Familieråd er en familiebasert beslutningsmodell som brukes i barnevernet. Familierådsmodellen sees i lys av fremveksten av demokratisering og myndiggjørende perspektiver i barnevernet med stadig nye og endrede arbeidsoppgaver og rutiner. Familieråd brukes relativt lite i barnevernsarbeid selv om både private og offentlige aktører jevnt over er begeistret. Hensikten med denne undersøkelsen er å ...
    • Måleegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av Brief Problem Monitor (BPM) 

      Backer-Grøndahl, Agathe; Martinussen, Monica (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-06-25)
      Brief Problem Monitor (BPM) er en kortversjon av kartleggingssystemet Achenbach System of Empirical Based Assessment (ASEBA). Instrumentet er utviklet for at man enkelt skal kunne følge med på barnets/ungdommens utvikling på eksternaliserende problemer, internaliserende problemer og oppmerksomhetsproblemer, inkludert eventuell endring etter en intervensjon. Det finnes tre versjoner; én for foreldre ...
    • Parenting stress among Norwegian kinship and non-kinship foster parents 

      Vis, Svein Arild; Lauritzen, Camilla; Fossum, Sturla; Holtan, Amy (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-05-14)
      There are several studies conducted on parenting stress, and the conclusion in the parenting stress research literature is generally that parenting stress decreases the quality of the parent-child relationship. There are however few studies on parenting stress comparing kinship homes to ordinary types of foster homes. The aims of this study were to measure parenting stress in kinship and non-kinship ...
    • The Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management Programme in Kindergartens: Effects of a Universal Preventive Effort 

      Fossum, Sturla; Handegård, Bjørn Helge; Drugli, May Britt (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-04-21)
      The purpose of this study was to identify preventive effects of the Incredible Years (IY) teacher classroom management (TCM) programme, which is employed in Norwegian kindergartens for 3-year-old to 6-year-old children. IY TCM is a universal preventive intervention intended to reduce the frequency of inappropriate types of behaviour and support children’s social- and emotional competence in kindergartens ...
    • Reorganisation of healthcare services for children and families: Improving collaboration, service quality, and worker well-being 

      Martinussen, Monica; Kaiser, Sabine; Adolfsen, Frode; Patras, Joshua; Richardsen, Astrid Marie (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-05-08)
      This study is an evaluation of a reorganization of different services for children and their families in a Norwegian municipality. The main aim of the reorganization was to improve interprofessional collaboration through integrating different social services for children and their parents. The evaluation was guided by the Job Demands-Resources Model with a focus on social- and health care workers' ...
    • Hvordan helsesøstre bruker kunnskapskilder 

      Weum, Maren; Bragstad, Line Kildal; Glavin, Kari (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-11-24)
      Bakgrunn: <br>Helsesøsteryrket er i stadig utvikling og må tilpasses nye satsingsområder, nye faglige krav, nye oppgaver og mer ansvar.<br> Hensikt:<br> Hensikten med studien var å kartlegge 1) hvilke kunnskapskilder helsesøstre benytter i praksis, 2) hvilke ferdigheter helsesøstre har i å nne og vurdere forskning og nasjonale retningslinjer, 3) hvilke hindre helsesøstre møter når de skal ...
    • Indigenous Values and Health Systems Stewardship in Circumpolar Countries 

      Chatwood, Susan; Paulette, Francois; Baker, Greg; Eriksen, Astrid M.A.; Hansen, Ketil Lenert; Eriksen, Heidi; Hiratsuka, Vanessa; Lavoie, Josée Gabrielle; Lou, Wendy; Mauro, Ian; Orbinski, James; Pambrun, Nathalie; Retallack, Hanna; Brown, Adalsteinn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-11-27)
      Circumpolar regions, and the nations within which they reside, have recently gained international attention because of shared and pressing public policy issues such as climate change, resource development, endangered wildlife and sovereignty disputes. In a call for national and circumpolar action on shared areas of concern, the Arctic states health ministers recently met and signed a declaration ...
    • Predicting Basic Military Performance for Conscripts in the Norwegian Armed Forces 

      Køber, Petter Kristian; Lang-Ree, Ole Christian; Stubberud, Kari Vangsgraven; Martinussen, Monica (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-03-20)
      The Norwegian Armed Forces have made major changes to the enlistment and selection system for conscripts in recent years. In this paper, the predictive validity of various selection criteria for Military Performance is examined. The sample consisted of 3,276 conscripts, of whom 18 percent were female. The predictors in the analysis were General Mental Ability, Self-Perceived Physical Fitness, ...