Now showing items 2541-2560 of 10429

    • Success and failure in eHealth 

      Janssen, Wouter (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2017-05-14)
      Introduction In the field of eHealth, there seems to be a gap between promising research and clinical reality. This master thesis aims to give insight in patterns that can be found regarding the possible outcome in terms of success and/or failure. An in-depth review of workflow will be done, to get an understanding of the implications of eHealth on workflow. Methods Using a systematic article ...
    • Expression and characterization of recombinant murine integrin β3 modified to express the human platelet antigen-1a epitope 

      Rasmussen, Trude Victoria (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2017-05-14)
      Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) is a condition where the mother produces alloantibodies against fetal platelets during pregnancy most commonly due to an incompatibility in the human platelet antigen (HPA)-1 system; a single amino acid polymorphism located on integrin β3 with two common variants, HPA-1a and HPA-1b. Antibody responses against HPA-1a can be formed in women who ...
    • Optimising breast reconstruction. A clinical study on autologous breast reconstruction 

      Sjöberg, Thomas K. (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2022-06-03)
      Denne avhandlingen omhandler metoder for å optimalisere utfallet av brystrekonstruksjon ved bruk av kroppseget vev. Det første delarbeidet beskriver en kirurgisk teknikk som kombinerer to lapper fra henholdsvis buken (DIEP og TRAM lapper) og ytre deler av brystkassen (LICAP lapp) for å oppnå større volum og penere fasong på det rekonstruerte brystet hos kvinner med lite overskuddsvev på buken. LICAP ...
    • Måleegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av The Children’s Communication Checklist - Second Edition (CCC-2) 

      Reindal, Lise; Brøndbo, Per Håkan; Jozefiak, Thomas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-03)
      <p><b>Beskrivelse. </b>The Children’s Communication Checklist-Second Edition (CCC-2; Bishop, 2003) kartlegger muntlig og pragmatisk språk hos barn i aldersgruppen 4:0–16:11 år. Norsk og internasjonal rettighetshaver er Pearson Assessment. Den norske oversettelsen er utført av Wenche Andersen Helland og Lillian Hollund-Møllerhaug med hjelp fra klinisk ekspertise, og ble ferdigstilt i 2011. ...
    • Disability pension dynamics in early adulthood: A two-decade longitudinal study of educational, work and welfare-state trajectories in Norway 

      Wittlund, Sina Marion; Mykletun, Arnstein; Lorentzen, Thomas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-31)
      Background: Since the 1990’s, structural transformations in the Norwegian economy have decreased employment opportunities for low-skilled young people lacking formal education credentials. In parallel with these economic changes, there has been a strong increase in the proportion of young disability pensioners. Preventing labour market exit requires a thorough understanding of the disability ...
    • The relative spatial positions of tryptophan and cationic residues in helical membrane-active peptides determines their cytotoxicity 

      Rekdal, Øystein; Haug, Bengt Erik; Kalaaji, manar; Hunter, Howard N.; Lindin, Inger; Israelsson, Ingrid; Solstad, Terese; Yang, Nannan; Brandl, Martin; Mantzilas, Dimitrios; Vogel, Hans J. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2011-11-04)
      Background: Tryptophan side chains can influence the binding of amphipathic peptides to biological membranes. <p>Results: The cytotoxic activity of model helical amphipathic peptides was markedly influenced by the positions of tryptophan residues in the sequence. <p>Conclusion: Tryptophan residues located adjacent to a hydrophobic helical portion created the most potent cytotoxic peptides. <p> ...
    • Fitness costs of various mobile genetic elements in Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus faecalis 

      Starikova, Irina; Al-Haroni, Mohammed; Werner, Guido; Roberts, Adam P.; Nielsen, Kåre M.; Johnsen, Pål Jarle (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013-07-05)
      Objectives: To determine the fitness effects of various mobile genetic elements (MGEs) in Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus faecalis when newly acquired. We also tested the hypothesis that the biological cost of vancomycin resistance plasmids could be mitigated during continuous growth in the laboratory.<p> <p>Methods: Different MGEs, including two conjugative transposons (CTns) of the Tn916 ...
    • Importation of roughage to Norway - Implications for plant and animal health, zoonoses, and biodiversity. Opinion of the scientific committee of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Enviroment 

      Nesbakken, Truls; Steinshamn, Håvard; Thomsen, Iben Margrete; Basic, Dean; Klem, Thea B. Blystad; Gifstad, Tron Øystein; Kausrud, Kyrre Linné; Melby, Kjetil Klaveness; Kirkendall, Lawrence Richard; Magnusson, Christer; Måren, Inger Elisabeth; Nicolaisen, Mogens; Randby, Åshild Taksdal; Stokstad, Maria; Yazdankhah, Siamak Pour; Wendell, Per Hans Micael; Agdestein, Angelika; de Boer, Hugo; Godfroid, Jacques Xavier Leon; Jore, Solveig; Krokene, Paal; Nesse, Live Lingaas; Madslien, Knut; Møretrø, Trond; Velle, Gaute (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2022-02-18)
      Det er stor usikkerhet om import av grovfôr til Norge kan føre med seg planteskadegjørere, invaderende planter og smittestoff som kan forårsake sykdom hos dyr og mennesker.
    • Single use negative-pressure wound therapy compared to standard care in patients after carbon dioxide laser surgery for hidradenitis suppurativa 

      Grimstad, Øystein (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-03)
      Negative pressure wound therapy is a commonly used treatment modality for surgi-cal wounds healing by secondary intention. In an open, split side study with12 patients, we compared low negative pressure wound therapy to conventionalfoam dressing the first postoperative week after carbon dioxide laser vaporization ofhidradenitis suppurativa lesions. The primary outcome was time to complete woundhealing, ...
    • Past Negative Consequences of Unnecessary Delay as a Marker of Procrastination 

      Svartdal, Frode; Nemtcan, Efim (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-02-21)
      Standard definitions of procrastination underscore the irrational nature of this habit, a critical criterion being that the procrastinating individual delays despite expecting to be worse off for the delay. However, an examination of more than 175 items in 18 procrastination scales reveals that they do not address such a forward-looking criterion. Consequently, scales run the risk of not separating ...
    • Crosstalk between p38 MAPK and GR Signaling 

      Zeyen Øyås, Lisa; Seternes, Ole Morten; Mikkola, Ingvild (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-19)
      The p38 MAPK is a signaling pathway important for cells to respond to environmental and intracellular stress. Upon activation, the p38 kinase phosphorylates downstream effectors, which control the inflammatory response and coordinate fundamental cellular processes such as proliferation, apoptosis, and differentiation. Dysregulation of this signaling pathway has been linked to inflammatory diseases ...
    • Vedvarende bruk av opioider og samtidig bruk av andre vanedannende legemidler 

      Odsbu, Ingvild; Handal, Marte; Hjellvik, Vidar; Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.; Clausen, Thomas; Nesvåg, Ragnar; Skurtveit, Svetlana Ondrasova (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-02-14)
      BAKGRUNN<p> Vedvarende bruk av opioider kan ha uheldige konsekvenser. Vi har undersøkt vedvarende opioidbruk i pasientgruppersom fikk forskrevet opioider på ulike indikasjoner(langvarig smerte, palliativ behandling, andre (hvitresept)),samt gruppenessamtidige bruk av enkelte andre vanedannende legemidler.<p> MATERIALE OG METODE<p> <p>Personer med minst én utlevering av et opioid i Reseptregisteret ...
    • NT-ProBNP and high-sensitivity troponin T as screening tests for subclinical chronic heart failure in a general population 

      Averina, Maria; Stylidis, Michael; Brox, Jan; Schirmer, Henrik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-23)
      Aims The aim of this study was to establish age-specific and sex-specific cut-off values for N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) and high-sensitivity troponin T (hs-troponin T) in healthy subjects and assess cardiac biomarkers as screening tools for subclinical heart failure (HF) in a general population.<p> <p>Methods and results Altogether, 1936 participants were randomly selected ...
    • Physical performance, physical and perceived health, and the use of healthcare services in a population of adults with intellectual disability 

      Olsen, Monica Isabel (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2022-06-07)
      <p><i>Bakgrunn:</i> Voksne med utviklingshemming har dårligere fysisk og selvrapportert helse, og mindre tilgang til helsetjenester sammenlignet med generell befolkning. Dette har vært lite undersøkt i Norge. <p><i>Formål:</i> Øke kunnskap om helse og fysisk funksjon hos voksne med utviklingshemming. Undersøke faktorer assosiert med gjennomføring av fysiske funksjonstester, samt fysisk og selvopplevd ...
    • Cardiac troponin I and T for ruling out coronary artery disease in suspected chronic coronary syndrome 

      Tveit, Sjur Hansen; Myhre, Peder Langeland; Hanssen, Tove Aminda; Forsdahl, Signe Helene; Iqbal, Amjid; Omland, Torbjørn; Schirmer, Henrik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-18)
      To compare the performance of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I and T (hs-cTnI; hs-cTnT) in diagnosing obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD<sub>50</sub>) in patients with suspected chronic coronary syndrome (CCS). A total of 706 patients with suspected CCS, referred for Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography, were included. cTn concentrations were measured using the Singulex hs-cTnI ...
    • A comparison between healthcare workers and non-healthcare workers’ anxiety, depression and PTSD during the initial COVID -19 lockdown 

      Bredal, Inger Schou; Bonsaksen, Tore; Ekeberg, Øivind; Skogstad, Laila; Grimholt, Tine Kristin; Heir, Trond (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-05-05)
      Objective: Several studies have found that Healthcare workers are vulnerable to mental health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, few studies have made comparisons of healthcare workers (HCWs) and nonHCWs. The current study aimed to compare mental health problems among HCWs with non-HCWs during the initial lockdown of COVID 19.<p> <p>Study design: A population-based cross-sectional ...
    • Identification of Children of Mentally Ill Patients and Provision of Support According to the Norwegian Health Legislation: A 11-Year Review 

      Reedtz, Charlotte; Jensaas, Eva; Storjord, Trine; Kristensen, Kjersti Bergum; Lauritzen, Camilla (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-14)
      Background: According to amended legislation implemented in Norway in 2010, personnel in healthcare services for adults are obligated to identify patients’ minor children and to assess the family situation. Health personnel is also obligated to contribute to adequate support to families affected by parental mental illness or substance use disorders. The intention behind the amendment was to ...
    • Do the child welfare and protection services involve children in cases with parental mental health problems? A Norwegian case-file study. 

      Vis, Svein Arild; Lauritzen, Camilla; Christiansen, Øivin; Reedtz, Charlotte (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-07)
      Background: Parental mental health problems is a common source of concern reported to child welfare and protection services (CWPS). In this study we explored to what extent the child was invited to participate in the investigation process. We aimed to study: (a) what was the current practice in the child protection service in Norway when the CWPS received a report of concern about children whose ...
    • Hvilke erfaringer har operasjonssykepleiere med skriftlig elektronisk rapport ved kirurgiske inngrep? 

      Vasshaug, Gunn Anita (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-05)
      <p>Bakgrunn: Florence Nightingale har, siden hennes nitidige arbeid med systematisering av både sykepleie og generelle helse- og samfunnsproblemer startet, preget sykepleiefagets dokumentasjon og satt standard for nøyaktighet. Forsker har latt seg overraske over den store variasjonen i operasjonssykepleieres skriftlige dokumentasjon og stiller seg undrende til om sykepleiedokumentasjonen påvirkes i ...
    • Cancer survivors' experiences of humour while navigating through challenging landscapes - a socio-narrative approach 

      Roaldsen, Bente Lisbet; Sørlie, Tore; Lorem, Geir F (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-03-10)
      Aim: Humour is seen as a health-promoting coping strategy when dealing with life stress. The aim is to elucidate how adult cancer survivors experience and evaluate the significance of humour in daily life, from diagnosis through their entire illness trajectory, and to gain a broader understanding of humour as part of stress-coping processes during the experience of cancer as a life-threatening ...